Bottle o Tamoxifen
Blulily-can you explain the hot flashes and sweating more to me? I am having severe sweating when I am at work. I stand all day and am around hair dryers as I am a hair colorist. It is embarrassing! As soon as I start styling someones hair I start sweating, so much that my hair is wet and I have to have a towel close by to mop up the sweat, it is so gross! Even if the salon is cooler, as soon as any heat is near me from the dryer it sets me off!
Now I am worried about the cholesterol after reading your posts! I already have high cholesterol and am on medication. I am only 3% er pos so I don't even know if all these se's are worth it for me!
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Scorchy I wish I could help you with this, but I'm not sure of how long it takes for it to start working. I know that there are some great stage IV boards that can help you with this.
I've found that the hot flashes are once agian getting to me. I did take the Effexer and it helped. I stopped because it seemed like it wasn't working anymore. Looks like I may have to break down an call the Onc and go back on it. Something I'm not crazy about doing, but the dang hf have never been my favorite thing to deal with.
Have a fun filled night my sistas! Love and light to you all!
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Paula66 and bak94,
Thanks for the info!!
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Hey Bak94 - I was 'fortunate' that mine are worse at night ...(I take the pill at 6am). My MO said that she tells her patients to take the meds at the same time of day that works best ... meaning if I preferred daytime sweats, take the pill in the evening. I didn't ask but I wonder if you can split the dose to 50/50 am/pm. The sweats eased up for me ... but I've also got the a/c blasting all of the time, plus a fan on my body with no blankets at night... (My poor hubby) ... I also have a fan on me at work and haven't worn a shirt with sleeves in a year, and my hair is always off my neck now. It seems that hf's come on when I think about them ... like please don't let me sweat on the new client or during a presentation which never fails to get those sweat glands working overtime. The cholesterol thing totally freaked me out ...and had me all over this site about a year ago but I can see cholesterol numbers under control with a higher dose of statins, diet and exercise ... hopefully in 4 yrs (after my 5 on tami) I can lower the statin dose. I hope the HF's ease up for you soon as well ...
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May I join you ladies?
Just took my first dosage of tamoxifen tonight. I'd been putting it off for over a month. lol I make my oncologist and his staff crazy.
So how soon should I expect weird things to happen? Or maybe I will be lucky and not have SEs?
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Stjude-my pcp ordered blood everything was great except my triglycerides they were high at 167. Last year before I was diagnose I had a blood test and they were in the 60's.
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Welcome to the new gals! Hope your problems with Tamoxifen are few or non-existent! I've been very lucky so far - 20 months in, 40 months to go. Boy, that sounds like forever but I try not to think about it.
I have pain here and there but don't know if that's the Tamoxifen, chemo or just getting older. Sometimes I wonder if you had a problem with something before (for me it's been knee pain) if the Tamoxifen magnifies it. Then sometimes your body eventually adjusts. Other times you need to take new or more medicine but only for a while. I don't know, just rambling here...can't sleep
Whatever the answer is, it will be different for each of us. So here's to all of us working our way through these problems!
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Welcome to all the new gals and hope your SEs are few and far between.
I am been on Tammi since Jan 2011 and the only SE I am really having to deal with is my cholesterol. My family doctor is always trying to help me keep it down. It was a bit high before all this. We have finally decided we will do the best we can until I get off this little white pill. I am on Pravastatin 40mg and also take Krill oil and I am able to keep it at a manageable level.
Bluelily. In answer to your question about splitting the dose? Yes you can. There are several that take it that way. In fact, that is the way I took it in the beginning. I had stomach issues with both Arimidex and Femara and thought Tammi would do the same thing. I know take the whole pill in the morning.
Good Morning to all my Tammi sistas. I know I have not been here much lately. Work is getting busy and I am trying to finish up some projects - leaving on Thurs for 2 weeks on vacation. DH and I are driving from deep south Texas to Tampa, Fl and will board a cruise ship for 7 wonderful days.
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Hi girls, I just did some speed reading to catch up. I was on the edge of my seat, praying for B9 results for all of you that were dealing with the FEAR of C.
So glad Heartnsoul and Linda are good. Paula you are good too right?
Sherry ~ glad your colonoscopy came back b9 ! Did you have your exchange yet, (darn can't page back while typing). The exchange wasn't too bad and I had 2 ! Hoping for smooth sailing with your exchange.
To all my sisters both Old and New ! Big hugs and may we all be well.
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I am going to switch to taking it in the mornong to see if that helps the day hotflashes! So thanks for the advice! I didn't even think of switching the time I took my pill. I don't have flashes at night, and I would rather have them at night than at work! (So I say now!)
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Welcome to the newbies and i really hope your SE's are minimul.
Paula bummer that your hotflashes are bad again. I don't think I can ever quit the effexor while taking tammi those darn hotflashes just got too hard to deal with.
Alicia yes I had my exchange on Tuesday and all went well. I am off pain meds and the new girls look great. Even with the radiaition damage my PS did a fantastic job.
Jo I hope you have a great time on vacation
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Glad to hear Sherry ! Yea !!
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I am not enjoying my break off of tamox as much as I thought I would. Thought I would be able to sleep again but I have been off of it since August 1 and still can't sleep without drugs. I haven't decided if I am going back on it when we get back from vacation. Very excited as we leave for Ireland tomorrow night. I have never traveled out of the country other then to cross the border into Canada and Mexico so this should be a great trip. Hope all do well while I am gone and everyones appointments turn out well.
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Peg I hope you have a really great time
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sherryc glad your exchange went well. That is great news.
Peg Hope you had a wonderful time. A short break from Tammi could not hurt
heartandsoul: I am having the same annoying joint pains when I wake up. Not to sure what to do for them. Let me know what works for you.
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Hello, Christina001 - I just took my first pill tonight too, have been avoiding the whole thing. I finished Taxol at the end of May and had my BMX with immediate reconstructions with implants with alloderm the end of June. Thing are going good except for pain in my hands and feet at night. When I get up in the morning I walk like a 90 year old until I get going. I am just tired of the whole thing, I already can't sleep at night and still have night sweats from the taxol and I just don't want to add more to the plate that is already full. I go back to work in a week and if this is the quality of life and I am going to have if the SE that everyone has suffered from, I don't think I could do it. I need to work, and take care of my family but can't do it if I feel broken and in pain all the time. I finally lost the weight I gain from Chemo, my back could barely handle it, and if I gain it back I am done! Maybe we can keep intouch with the SE, I am glad I am not the only one that has been avoiding the little white pill.
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Lezza - yes, the joint pains seem to hang around too much. My best solution to getting rid of them is sleeping - haha. Oblivious to pain then! But really, for me exercise seems to be the only thing that helps. And I think it only helps WHILE I'm exercising and then for a short time afterwards. Also, I seem to feel better when I drink LOTS of water. I can't help wondering what causes the pain - the treatment or having had cancer in the first place. I certainly didn't have this pain before BC!
I've been running hot and cold all day long, so I guess I've been having hot flashes again. I'll be cold so I turn off the fan or A/C and then 5 minutes later I'm hot. Turn them back on and 5 minutes later I'm cold again. Boy, we must be a joy to live with - lol!
Peg - hope you have a nice time on your trip
Jo - you're leaving soon, too! Hope you have a wonderful cruise!
Alicia - so glad to see you again - hope things are going well with you!
Wishing everyone a terrific week with no pain!
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DH and I head out on Thurs for our cruise. Thursday is also my 2 year cancerversary. What a way to celebrate - 2 week vacation and a cruise.
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hey everyone,
just wanna ask a question regarding side effects of tamoxifen, did anyone experience any loss of balance with tamoxifen. My mum has been on tamoxifen for a month now and is experiencing this almost everyday..
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bestfriend, I haven't had any issue's like that. Seems to me that I recall someone else asking if there were others who had balance issues. At may just be the tamoxifen then. I really can't say for sure. Maybe someone else will come along who knows more then me.
Happy cruising Jo, you derseve it!!
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bestfriend, yes I have balance issues diagnosed as due to peripheral neurology. Not long after started Tamoxifen I started losing sensitivity in my hands and feet. As that got worse the balance problems developed. PCP tested me, verified the neuropathy. He had me take a cranial MRI to be sure there was no tumor causing it, everything there was normal. He and ONC both agree Tamoxifen most likely cause.
I have learned to walk near things I can touch if I'm feeling rocky and to use a cane when walking in open areas or on slopes or ramps. That really helps and so far I haven't fallen (in well over a year).
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Hoping all our friends on the Gulf coast stay safe with Issac coming.
Jo - What a way to celebrate a cancerversary! I hope you have a wonderful vacation!!
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Odie - Thanks. I am looking forward to it.
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Jo - hope your vacation is terrific! You have definitely earned it.
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Hi Ladies, been MIA from here for a bit sorry! been nuts around here. Kids went back to school Lots of appts, my DD just starting Physical Therapy on her elboes and knees for muscle/joint issues and I just started PT for the beginning stage of Lymphedema,so between both of us we have PT 4-5 a week!!!. Hers is locally close to home so not too bad mone is at the hospital where I had my surgeries and that is almost an hour away.. trying to find someplace closer for me but I am surprised and dissapointed to see many PT places do not dpecialize or even do Lymp Therapy..
So much to catch up, started reading a little bit
Jane, I am so sorry about your dad! Glad you were able to be with him and help. Prayers for you and your family.
All new Tammy ladies welcome!
going to try and read some more to catch up!
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Bestfriend, I also had a lot of balance issues after being on the Tammi for a few months. I had a ct scan and everything was fine. Oddly enough, the longer I was on it, the better my balance got.
Congrats Jo and hope you have a fabulous time. Stupid cancerversary from when you are diagnosed or something else?
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Stjude some count the day they find out they have cancer, some when they have the cancer removed, and some count it when they finish chemo. It's a personal choice.
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stjude - I use the day my cancer was removed. I was actually diagnosed on Aug 20th. For me surgery date makes more sense, it was the day I was free of that sucker.
What a ride it has been the past two years. Can't believe it will be 2 years tomorrow. Just now feeling like I have my life back and am really able to move on past this cancer crap.
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Jo have fun hope the storm does not mess with your driving plans.
Had my post op with my PS and he was thrilled with how I am doing and thinks things look terrific. He was very pleased. I started back on tammi last night and also got to sleep in my bed last night woohoo. I am now taking the effexor 4 days a week. Before my tammi break that still seemed to keep the hot flashes in check. MO said the least I can take and get the job done he was all for. I go back to work next week and I have got to get my home office cleaned. Hopefully tomorrow nothing gets in the way.
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