Bottle o Tamoxifen
bgirl how romantic!
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Just getting back onto the threads today in earnest - have been lurking a little while traveling and getting back to home schedule because I just didn't have time to think and write.
Jo, so glad you had a great time, and it sounds like the R&R did wonders for you! Welcome back.
Tink, so sorry about your daughter and all the drama you have gone through to get her taken care of this past couple of weeks (hope she is on the mend), that probably explains why you haven't been causing as much trouble as you usually do. I am sure you will be back at it soon, so see below for a first WHACK just for you! Luv ya!
bgirl, I am also moved by how romantic your DH is! Thiinking of you today, hoping your mammogram went well.
One of the thoughts that bothers me so much about this darned disease is that I will most likely get cheated out of a 50-year anniversary, and highly probably the 40th as well, but OMG, I am treasuring #30 and hoping for a few more. I finally got enough energy to plan our 30th trip, which we will take in November. Will keep you posted. For now, the Nawlins trip was wonderful, even though DH had to work several hours each day - we had great food, great music, even had a couple of Hurricanes (the boozy ones, of course!) - have to admit they were too sweet for my taste, but it was fun to try them. Met and chatted with several artists - some amazing works of art, one wanted to come home with me but I don't have a place large enough to display it, and it was a bit pricy.
nrp, I was on Effexor for a while, it didn't help all that much, I had some pretty bad SEs (depression much worse on it, bad dreams, bad thoughts, jitteriness, nausea, etc.) and was extremely difficult to come off of, even though I was on the lowest dose possible, 37.5 mg. It does help lots of women, and the SEs are very minimal and temporary for some, so it is definitely worth a try! Hope it helps you - quality of life is SO important!
Sherry, Odie, Paula, and all the rest of the tammi and ex-tammi sistas - sending you lots of love today, and will be in any pockets that need me this week. I will need you all on Friday as I see both BS and MO for recurrence issues. Saw my PCP today - I love her! - we discussed plans and expectations and I am very comfortable with her as my team captain. She is doing a great job helping me manage pain and fatigue, and I am so much more functional and hopeful than I was before with my previous PCP (just going to see the previous PCP raised my BP to hypertensive range, the new one my BP stays in the 100-110 systolic range!). So I fired the first PCP, and am demoting the BS and MO to Corporal.... DH gave me my first general star after BMX last year, I'm thinking I am earning my second star with this newest challenge.
And lest I forget, Tink, this one is for YOU! WHACCKK!!!
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Thanks everyone for the feedback. The hot flashes I can deal with, the depression I cannot, it is not me. Inside I feel so mad all the time, and that is NOT me. I don't open my mouth for what could come out most the time. I've never ever been this way, so am believing it's the I am not taking anything else.
I will take it for a while longer. 1/2 dose this week, whole dose split am/pm next week, then whole dose third week.
Will keep you posted. Worst SE to deal with (the mad feeling inside...can't shake it)...and I'm not mad about anything.
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nrp, I had the severe emotional issues with tamoxifen, a raging fury deep inside, said things I wish were unsaid, lashing out at DH for no good reason, slammed our garden gate so hard I broke the latch, had to get out of the house for fear I would throw something and break it, including myself. I am not, by nature, a violent person, either, and I did not like the person I was on the tammi. (I did try several drugs to help with the SEs, went off it for a while, then back on for a while, still had problems, so finally went off it). Effexor may help you with this, but it may take a little while to kick in. Hope you feel better soon, and in the meantime, just come over here and vent or ask for hugs or any other support you need. We are there for you!
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I'm another lurker ... and Linda ... you struck a chord ... I broke 2 things yesterday ... in a huff ... totally not the pre-tammi me. I've been on for 17 months ... the hot flashes come and go ... usually one or two bad nights a week.... I can deal with them, it's the sleepless (helped slightly by 10mg of melatonin/nite), the rage inside, hair thinning that make me crazy and now the newest and even worse side effect of has started ... loss of balance. I simply tipped over with no warning! I hope this shall pass & not progress.. it freaked me out.
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BlueLily, I have the balance problems too and I also just tipped over one day. My PCP attributed it to peripheral neuropathy from the Tamoxifen. He suggested touching counters, chair backs, walls etc. when possible. Also using a cane as the third reference point when walking. It helps a lot. Haven't fallen again except when I tried to stand when the power went out one evening. Fell back into my chair. Darkness and closed eyes can cause problems. I have to keep an elbow on the shower wall when I wash my hair.
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Things went ok today - now the wait for results from my MO. It was nice to know you were all with me. Linda & Sherry - back at you. Hope things go well for you.
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Linda glad you had a good trip to Nawlin's I love the food there. Don't think I could ever get tired of it. Did I miss something and you have a recurrance or am I just confused?
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Sherry, yes, I have recurrence, am seeing BS and MO tomorrow. They wanted to see me last week, but I thought NEw Orleans was a higher priority, and I was right! Had a wonderful time with DH, am taking every one of those I can get!
BTW, those of you who are having balance difficulty, it may or may not be the tamoxifen. I am currently off of it, but had really bad neuropathy from taxotere, which mostly affected my fingers, but I have noticed a lot of episodes when I seem off-balance over the past few months, and am having to touch things to keep from falling over - just a light touch - and I hadn't even really paid much attention to it until Chabba commented on what her doc advised her. Seems there are lots of things that were affected by the chemo-induced neuropathy, some of which are just now beginning to take their tole, others have improved minimally, some worse and compeletely aggravating & miserabe.
Today I am remembering to be grateful for many blessings. Beautiful day. Many loving friends. Wishing you all peace today.
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Just wanted to stop by and share some love! Enjoy!!!!
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Oooppps! DH just walked up behind me, wanted to know if I had a new boyfriend. Glad that I know that he knows me well enough to have no insecurities in that direction. Since the day we met neither of us has wanted to stray.
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Thats to funny!!!!!! Good thing he is cool with it!
Well I decided to go back on the Effexer. I was bummed about it, but am starting to relax about it. I was beating myself up in the head and chatted it out with the sistas and they helped me see that it is ok. I felt like I was taking a step back instead of going forward and was really having some inner turmoil over it. I just am so tired of feeling like I'm standing 2 inches from the sun and getting no break. There are days that I can have over 20 flashes and the night sweats are just as bad. They did back off for a time and I thought that they were gone. Well they decided to come back and enough was enough.
Have a great night all! Love and light to you all my sistas!
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Thats to funny!!!!!! Good thing he is cool with it!
Well I decided to go back on the Effexer. I was bummed about it, but am starting to relax about it. I was beating myself up in the head and chatted it out with the sistas and they helped me see that it is ok. I felt like I was taking a step back instead of going forward and was really having some inner turmoil over it. I just am so tired of feeling like I'm standing 2 inches from the sun and getting no break. There are days that I can have over 20 flashes and the night sweats are just as bad. They did back off for a time and I thought that they were gone. Well they decided to come back and enough was enough.
I got my daughter tested today for the BRCA gene and I hope and pray that it goes well and she doesn't have this nasty gene! We'll have the results in about 10 days. It's gonna be one of the longest waits I have to do for awhile and just wish it could go along faster!
Have a great night all! Love and light to you all my sistas!
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Linda - will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Paula - it must be harder to wait for you daughter's results than your own. Will think good thoughts for negative results. A quick story that might give you hope. Friend whose mom, gramma and 2 sisters, aunts etc. all had BC. She and her sisters were tested - her sisters with BC were positive, but their daughters were tested and they were negative, friend negative too and so has not passed it to her daughter either. Somehow they managed to break the cycle and not pass it on to the next generation.
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Paula - The eye candy sure got my attention. Thanks sweetie! I'm glad you stopped beating yourself up about the Effexor. It definitely is not a step backward - it is wanting to live without the damn hot flashes and night sweats. I hope the medicine gives you much relief. I bet it is hard waiting for your daugher's results. Keeping fingers crossed for negative results.
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Thanks Jane. That is a good thing to hear for sure. Thats what I keep holding out for is negative! This is the one time negative thoughts are in order for sure.
Thanks Jo!!! I guess I just needed some reassurance.
Linda will be praying for you!
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Linda... I will be thinking and praying for you! many hugs to you sista.... oh and I cant forget a nice big ol......... WHAACKADOODLE!!! a loving one of course love ya!
Paula... oh the wait is the worst, will be praying and anxious to hear what the results are sista....hugs! Go for the Effexor, you deserve to feel good and not suffer with this Tamoxifen, if you can get some relief go for it! love ya!
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Linda... I will be thinking and praying for you! many hugs to you sista.... oh and I cant forget a nice big ol......... WHAACKADOODLE!!! a loving one of course love ya!
Paula... oh the wait is the worst, will be praying and anxious to hear what the results are sista....hugs! Go for the Effexor, you deserve to feel good and not suffer with this Tamoxifen, if you can get some relief go for it! love ya!
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CONGRATS!!!!!Happy 25th!!!
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Hi EVERYONE!!! I promise I haven't been from here or FB, just not feeling great
Went the onco yesterday, went through the talks, the check up and the Vampire. Will see if anything has changed. I might have to have a spot looked at if I leave it alone and allow it grow back into something.... Yah right<<<PICKY PICKY PICKY!!!!! ( not the scrutinizing way either!! )
Counting down the days til total ANXIETY!!! Screwed up female surgery on Thurs. I sure hope they fix me and bring back some of my confidence!!
UP & UP<<< my daughter will be hm long enough to mess up her room (1 night...LOL) and then my son will be hm after that, he'll probably do more damage, 3 days!!! BUT I can't wait!!! It's DH's birthday and puppy Allee's 2yr b-wk(don't know the date)
Have a GREAT WEEKEND everyone!!! See you on FB.
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Linda so sorry about the recurrance and will be praying for you. Please keep us posted.
Paula I know the wait on your daughter must me agonizing for you. Will keep you in prayer sista. OH and thanks for the man candy.
Went to the PS yesterday and everything looks great. He is so very pleased with the progress I have made in the past month. He was actually suprised. So I don't have to sleep in bra's any longer and I don't have to go back for 6 months. Also he and his nurse have become my favs I think I will miss them.
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Hey all . I bought a groupon for blockbuster express and then they took the kiosk by me out. So I have 5 codes to redeem if anyone wants thems. You go online to blockbuster express you can if there is a kiosk close to you. If so PM me and I will send you a code to use. I hate for it to go to waste.
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Saw RO this morning. Mammo good and so was her physical check. Good to have first one down. Makes you feel like you are winning.
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Jane, this calls for a celebratory toast!
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Jane - Doing the happy dance with you. This does call for a celebration.
Saw my PS today for the last time. Another doctor I can mark off my list. The only BC related doctor is see now is my MO every 6 months. No more appt until MO on Dec 10th. It certainly has been a long 2 years. I've come a long way, baby!!! How cool is that??
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Jane that is good news for sure!!!
Alright Jo check that one done! It's been a long road and its nice that your at the end of it!
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Linda - oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear about the recurrence! I hope your doctors' appointments go well and they come up with something good for you. Before breast cancer, I never knew how insidious this disease was. Now I can't help but be fearful that it's lurking in every corner. Prayers going up for you!
Paula - I hope your daughter's test results come back FAST & GOOD! Waiting is the pits!
Jane - what a relief to hear good news, isn't it? Definitely time to celebrate!
Jo & Sherry - congratulations - so nice to be on the 6-month plan! I can't wait until I get there - right now it seems like these doctor's appointments own me.
My pharmacy FINALLY got some of my brand of Tamoxifen in - the Mylan brand. I wonder if some of you ladies with lots of hot flashes would get relief from trying a different brand. The ones I know of are Mylan, Teva and Watson. I didn't really notice a difference, but I only took about 4 or 5 of the Watson brand and interspersed them with extra Mylan I had so I wasn't able to test that for myself. But I don't feel like I have too many hot flashes with Mylan.
I guess Sandy is having quite an adventure in Dubai! Looking forward to hearing from you, Sandy!
I've been enjoying this nice football weather we've been having, and enjoying the football. My teams (Atlanta Falcons & Georgia Bulldogs) are both undefeated! Yay!
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Linda, Thanks. It was definitely time for some good news. Sorry I know things aren't as good for you. Wishing you the best
And a toast to you to Jo!
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Paula - Sherry and I have had quite a journey together. We talk on the phone on a regular basis. I think some of your eye candy would be nice right about now. PLEASE!
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Heres a piece of candy just for you Jo!!!