Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
You have it Maria...around here we just say SoCal for our small part of the world..
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Beautiful Lisa! Wish I was visiting the tidepools today. The humidity here today is so oppressive!
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Lovely...what's the weather like there now?
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Beautiful here Bren..what can I say...
here is a shot taken from the same spot but looking towards the North
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Oh ... just seeing that is refreshing!
I just went out on the deck and my glasses fogged over the minute I hit the outside air ... unbelievable
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Lisa, I love the photos! I moved away from Socal 4 years ago and really miss "home".
I myself am not religious at all. I am open minded and respectful of others beliefs. I believe in the earth. My husbands family are very religious Southern Baptists. When people offer to pray for me, I say "Thank you". Being a military wife for 18 years, I have come in contact with people of many different faiths and beliefs. I have learned to keep politics and religion out of most conversations. Ultimately, I think people should be more open minded in many ways. I wish some people would take the time to listen to others rather than waiting for a pause to talk, so they can try to understand different points of views. I don't think there is a right or wrong. Just what offers comfort to you in your time of need.
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Welcome Sublimis! I am also a transplanted Sandiegan! Love Lisa's pics cause they remind me of home too! I've only been to the east coast beach once in South Carolina, and much, much prefer the beaches of Southern Calif.
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Lisa, thanks. I love all the pics, but I actually gasped when I came to that pink rose.
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The beauty of those roses actually brought tears to my eyes.
The heat index in my corner of Minnesota is close to 110 degrees, which hardly seems fair since we have to deal with 40-below wind chills in the winter. (Yes, I'm whining.) But Lisa's photos are like a drink of cool, fresh water from an artesian spring.
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Lilies from my garden ...
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Oh, I have a lily plant like that; it's just about to bloom! It smells alot like Noxema!
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Plantlover .. your lilies are gorgeous! For some reason, this year the deer ate my lilies. They've never bothered them before .. they also ate my roses! arghh.
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what a beautiful color plantlover...and so healthy
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those are the rocky beaches, these are more typical
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and these guys share the beach with us
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Okay Lisa .. lovin' the Navy Seals!!
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Oh, what a nice bit of afternoon cheesecake (or beefcake, as the case may be!)
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heh heh.
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Plant Lover, I think that's a Star Gazer Lily, and if it is, Linda...really Noxema??? Oh, my I must've forgotten what Noxema smells like - cuz Start Gazer Lillies are deeeeeeeee-vine..such so sweet, and heavenly - can't have too many in a room, or you'd be overcome!!!!!
Love the pics - the scenery is so special. The "team" ain't bad either.
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I don't think these were the kinds of pics the mods were talking about.
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Well, I have been doing this since I came on five and a half years ago and noone has said a word to me...if they don't like them they can let me know...they are really condensed from being on line instead of copying from someones files in their computers...
btw, I love having the SEALS train here...
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rainbowpony ... speaking of pictures ... I like your new avatar!
Re your earlier comment. I agree ... I don't recall ever meeting a Jewish person who even questioned my religion let alone tried to preach to me.
It seems to be the animated pictures that cause problems. And some hosting sites with lots of pop-ups embedded.
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I agree with Bren, and Lisa doesn't put them up every day -we are blessed when we see one of her works of art. Still have the file of them to print
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And the pictures are Lisa's property...there are no copyright issues for BCO involved. We are very fortunate that she shares her artistry with us.
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The specific parts of the forum rules say you will not upload things that contain--or might contain--a trojan, or other virus. And you won't violate intellectual property rights.
Lisa owns the pictures so no problem with the IP stuff. Lisa owns the pictures so no problem with the viruses. . . .
easy peasey.
And now I must confess, Lisa, I thought you posted the Navy Seals for elizabeth--for a second there, I forgot. She would have liked that one, I think.
ps why on earth are so many people who aren't us attracted to this thread?????hmmmmmmmm.
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RBP: love the new avatar
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To all - First I want to apologize for my last post. It is a testament to the caution "Do not post after taking your Ambien"!!!
Second to SoCalLisa - One picture is worth a thousand words. Keep them coming.
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If I didn't have the husband I have, those Seals would look much better. ;-)
Yes, C-Sunflowers, they are Star Gazer's and they smell nothing like Noxema! LOL!
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Oops! Then I must have a lily that looks very much like the Star Gazer. Planted it a few years ago and do not remember its name.