Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
[a woman in Brooklyn will prepare your placenta so you can consume it in pill form. ]
This brings a whole new dimension to the phrase "Let them eat cake."
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Good Grief,
The eucalyptus trees look horrible. Is Balboa Park losing its lovely trees?
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I don't know, but I don't think so NS..I will have to take inventory when I head up that way soon
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Love the Ceiling Cat vid, explains why I have always had a strong connection to felines. My favourite feline at the moment is "Maru," and whenever I feel a bit off, I look him up on Google and he lifts my spirits straight away.
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Just "met" Maru. A delight. LOVE the cardboard box funny! thanks sheila
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Lisa .. I wish I was at the zoo today .. it's so freakin' hot and muggy here.
Thinking about Kitty and hoping for good results today.
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Good morning all!
Kitty, I hope you get good news today.
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GOOD LUCK Kitty on results and op tomorrow....
Otter & CSunflower, Thanks for introducing me to abalones, of which I'd never heard.. how big are they? Are they similar to oysters in taste? Do you eat them raw? They look a bit yeuccky in the photos I found, but so do all shell fish I suppose..not to speak of placentas... would it not be too much to ask to 'have one's placenta and eat it'?
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Maria -- only if you translate it all into Latin! I bet there are some attorneys who would enjoy using that phrase in the courtroom, addicted as they are to so many other Latin phrases!
Now I'm going to work at translating it (although it's been many, many years since my last latin class!)
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"Habere placenta atque consumere nimium"
(which is as close as I could come -- corrections welcome!)
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There had to be another word for cake besides placenta. Google found it for me. Here is a recipe for a sacred cake or pancake of ancient Rome.
For those who don't know how we got on this topic, I was trying to translate 'beef cake' into Latin. [Why is another matter entirely.] I came up with Bovis Placenta. Ugh! Bovis Libum sounds much better. So how about "Habere libum atque consumere nimium." - Have your cake and eat it, too.
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Thanks Lindasa, now I have to find the right context in which to use hte Latin version to dazzle friends and foes
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notself, thanks...glad that's settled then!!!
(unfortunately libum is uncomfortably similar to a rather rude word in Maltese, but since I imagine there a very few Maltese speakers on this forum it doesn't matter)
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Long live Maru!
Every time I try on a new language, I manage to mispronounce a word and it always seems to be a rude one. It's a curse.
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Kitty on the CT this morning was good, no new masses seen. Makes me feel 100% better and ready to break open a can of whoop arse on this BC. Getting my rest today and drinking my water. Daughter-in-law is making supper and Son is finishing a few house chores. Don't you just love a supportive family! Thanks everyone and I'll get back to you ASAP after tomorrow. Kitty
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Good news!
After surgery, you should not lift more than 5 pounds with that arm for several weeks. Five pounds isn't much, just a couple of dinner plates. My surgeon didn't mention this but my ever vigilant GP did. I have no lymph edema even though I lost 8 lymph nodes. Be sure to get complete instructions for the care of your drain (if you have one) and when you can shower and if you can get the drain wet, etc. It is better to be super careful.
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Yeah, Kitty! I LOVE to hear good news!
Maria -
Part of the 'story" of abalone is, when otters eat them, at least when I was watching them eat them in kelp field off the coast of southern CA,they dive down to the bottom to get an abalone, have a flat rock on their stomach, wrap there belovedly wonderful furry little feet around a large stem of kelp, and proceed to WHACK the abalone of the rock until it breaks open. Now, I can't swear theotter smiles, but I do belive they do, munch, munch, munch. When I was in CA, so many years ago, there were spear fisherman diving for abalone. They didn't do nearly as well as the otters
I think they can be people food too. Don't know?
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Kitty .. fabulous news on the scan .. we'll all be with you tomorrow. Just remember to rest, don't lift anything and don't vacuum! I'm so happy you have all the wonderful help at home!
Best of everything to you,
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Congrats Kitty! Thats great news! Onwards and upwards!!!
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Yay!! Nice hearing good news. Kitty, you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow.
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On abalone, my boys would go camping with the boy scouts out to San Clemente Island for a week. They were allowed to hunt for the abalone and then they and to pound the meat before they cooked it.
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Thanks everyone for your good wishes and courage. Just had a wonderful dinner cooked by my daughter-in-law and a bonfire tonight, that's if the mosquitos don't carry us off! Then it's off to bed. Up early tomorrow, antibiotic soap shower, and to the hospital. I'll keep all your good wishes tucked in my gown and pull them out as needed. See you on the other side! Kitty
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Sending my thoughts your way, Kitty.
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I had a healing stone I kept in my pocket for the heck of it..feels good to rub it during
not to pleasant procedures...
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Best of luck Kitty, thinking of you too! I found a small pretty fossil of a shell during a walk by the sea while I was waiting for my diagnosis, and now keep it on my bedside table...silly superstition perhaps but I find it comforting like Lisa's healing stone.
C Sunflowers, thanks for abalone info..will try to look up otters catching and preparing them for dinner, sounds wonderful. It's obvious from what others have written that people eat them too.
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Hi, Maria
OH, yes, people eat abalone - but definitely not as cutely as the otters
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Thinking of Kitty and hoping all is going well for her.