Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
,,,also, at first I feared that an afternoon nap would keep me awake at night. Ironically, I find that if I do not take an hour nap (I know you may not have that luxury), then I become overtired and can't sleep at night.
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I am so glad to see you here. When talking with my friends, I too say that I am a good person. Minimal sinning. No lying, cheating, stealing, etc. I don't think that covers the ten stipulations for being a good christen but close enough. Somehow I do want to be able to share the goodness they try to lay on me.
It's the biblical quotes that really get to me. I wonder, are they tring to prove their commitment. Does their knowledge make them better people? I say to them do we really know who wrote that book? Do we know what changes were made to it to keep up with sinning humans? It's my way of saying it is a load of c##p. They still don't get me, maybe it's for the better.
It seems to me that a crisis in their lives that brought them to the "lord". It worked. So I say good for them. I on the other hand choose to deal with crisis for what it is.
I must respect their beliefs because thats who they are. We've been close friends since jr hs. We are growing old together.
I have never really shared these fellings except with my adult children. So thanx for listening.
We are 'blessed'.....................................Maureen
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Hello Maureen -
I also have not shared these feelings with anyone except for my adult children and my EX significant other of 14 years who definitely did not understand. He is one of those people who was taught to fear the wrath of god since he was very young. He continuously warned me that I would be "punished" for my non-beliefs.....Oh well, hence the EX (not the only reason, of course). I was also taught to fear the wrath of a loving god - (how ironic is that?) I did, for many years. I suffered many losses and went through hell on Earth several times, in spite of attempt to appease the wrathful, but loving god.
I am also so glad to have this thread and appreciate all of you sharing your thoughts with me.
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I too grew up in a catholic family, and at the time I loved the church, the priests, the nuns the sense of community and of faith i suppose. Then, like a ton of bricks hit me.
It was ash wednesday, we all left school early to attend mass.GREAT. Then the priest, at his holy pulpit, screamed out at us and said "I know why all you young people are here. You got to leave your school and cut class." And I thought You know your right. I left and never went back. THANK YOU FATHER. As he was tryng to make us feel guilty, well he made me think. He was right. That was my awakening and it gave me peace.
Out of respect I do attend mass for weddings and funerals. Thats enough of that.
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Chef - I grew up in a Lutheran family. I attended Lutheran elementary school and cried when I had to go to a public Jr. High School. I loved communion classes, youth group, and choir. Noone ever had to make me go to my church. I truly loved in and was far more religious than my parents were. But, like you, a brick hit me....My first child died 20 mins after birth - no specific reason was ever determined - he just stopped breathing. This occurred before sonograms were widely used - it was suspected that I carried him too long and should have been induced. The pregnancy was planned, I had continuous pre-natal care, I did not smoke, or drink alcohol or caffeine. I ate healthy and exercised.
I now have three wonderful children - but the first one is still missing and always will be. I never set foot in church again.
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,,,,addition to my previous post....The "God works in mysterious ways" crap did not cut it for me that time!
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Anandagram ... I'm so very sorry about the loss of your child!
Yes, it's so many personal and public stories of loss that first made me say that I just couldn't buy into the story anymore that there was a God up there looking after his children.
Since then, I've got many more reasons for becoming a non-believer. Still, one of the hardest things for me to hear when someone leaves this earth is the old adage ... "God's will, blab, blab, blab".*sigh* It feels good to have a place to share these feelings. Thanks guys!
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Thanks, PlantLover, and thanks for sharing.
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I was looking over the information on ...I didnt even realize how much info they have and how well its organized into different subjects. Yes, I agree ladies,if you wanna share your religion with me get a bumper sticker like everyone else...LOL.. I have a lady at work who is pagan and at Christmas she gives us a happy Yule card..and there are a lot of folks who have Bibles on their desks but nobody really is offended by her beliefs..we just try to respect everyone. One thing we do agree on is BC is bad stuff and we want to rid the world of it. I told the biopsy for the 4th time nurse that I hope someday people will say...breast cancer? whats that? nobody gets that anymore,everyone has had the vaccination. Someday it will happen,just like polio and smallpox,this too shall pass. Yep thanx for the heads up,gotta get the new CD and get a global village mentality.
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I was raised Episcopalian by a not very religious mother who thought that the basic structure of religon was good socialization for children.
My problems probably started with my fellow 3d graders who were in a panic because I was unbaptised and if I were to be hit by a car on the way home from school, I would go straight to hell. (they were Missouri Synod Lutherans). I got baptized to make everyone happy but the experience started my brain working. Then there was the hypocracy issue ---all the people going to church and leaving and not giving a rat's ass about the poor and suffering or being fair and compassionate, etc etc etc onc ethey were beyond the door. Then I started thinking about the idea that there was God as Parental Figure and One Right Religion--If this god was a parent who created all children then how dare he love some children more than others (which is how I perceived the idea of hell for non-believers etc). And what kind of parent/god would say unbaptised babies/children couldn't be buried in sacred ground or that they would go to hell etc etc etc.
Clearly I was a most argumentative teen! but seriously, the whole thing got me thinking and the more I thought the angrier I got about the whole thing and the more god seemed to be a creature of man designed to establish one group's supremacy over another.
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Here is an interesting article about a study of religious v atheist knowledge of religion.
Here is the study itself. Take the quiz before you scroll down to the answers. I scored 93%
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notself - fun! I'll read it and take the ttest later and report back.
3monstmama - what an eloquent phrase that hit the nail on the head:
"... god seemed to be a creature of man designed to establish one group's supremacy over another..."
I recognize xmas as the birth of one of the worlds' great teachers and enlightenend beings - Jesus.But we all know the romans grafted it onto the winter solsctice in an effort to wipe out paganism - so, I love the pagan parts - the living tree or branches inside, allowing us to know there will be a renewal as the sun get highter in the sky - lights, candles, to light us and give us cheer at the darkest time of the year - the mystical qualities of holly and ivy - the recognition that ther are seasons for everything
I looked this year for happy solstice cards but of course was way too late but will do that in future - now that's what kindles my soul.
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You guys are all so cool!
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There is nothing I can say without sounding cliche' but, My heart is truly with you. Never been through such a life changing experience. but, you must be strong because you now have 3 wonderful children, so you did move on. My eyes are swelling........................ really.
My niece lost a 4 year old daughter, tragically in her own driveway, a few years back. She had 2 more children even though the drs told her she shouldn't due to Lupus. They were both born at 7 months. Great kids. She spends much of her time visiting Psychics, holding on to a memory and it works for her. Angels get her through. So beliefs do have their place. She is the love of my life. her"god" is with her. I cannot judge what she does.
stay STRONG.........................................................Maureen
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notself -- Thanks for the links! Yes, I scored 93% as well -- got the last one wrong.
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Welcome Chef to a great thread and hi to everyone else. I've been busy over this Winter Solstice season with retail shoppers for the holidays. I'm always amazed at how many shoppers are angry rather than happy to be giving their gifts. Why bother if it's such a pain? Then I see the deceit that happens when they return something and don't want the giver to know they did it. Very sad.
I too was raised in a catholic family and when I realized how power hungry the Church was and how much I disagreed with and questioned it, was when I "saw the light"! Agnostic me just kept asking the questions and the answers never made any sense to me. I do have good friends too that want to pray for me, so I just let them and don't say much either. I respect their beliefs and feel the same as others here that I don't need to share my non-beliefs except with my DH and adult children. They also have the same mind frame and it's enjoyable to discuss with them. Flannelette I do like the ideas of the seasons and the Wiccan idea of honoring nature. Now if only I could find cards for "Yule" and "Beltane" . That would work for me and be fun! Kitty
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Took the test and got 87%. Missed only 2. Thanks notself!0
3Monstmomma- I definitely relate to your post! When I was notified that my baby had not survived, one of the OB nurses thought she made me feel better by telling me that someone in the delivery room baptised my baby before he died. I did not say anything to her, but that was definitely the end of my Missouri Synod Lutheran beliefs! WTH? My baby, who only lived 20 minutes, would have gone to hell because he was not baptised? B.S.!
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Flann - have you ever tried Valerian Root to help you sleep??? It's herbal, ususally comes in the homeopathic sections of health food stores. A few drops under the tongue, or in water. It really helpd me when I couldn't sleep. Now on Arimidex - I just cort of accept those nights when I get a lot of reading done b4 sunrise ;-))))
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Hi and thanks Sunflowers - the reason I'm awake is - I 'm covered with a rash that's only gone on for about 6 months - ever since I had bunion surgery. Started on that leg and just keeps going, INSANE ITCHING. In spite of presciption antihistamine. I'm no so used t it I can take 3 doses at a time and not even egin to feel sleepy! I'm totally fed up, the antihistamine/steroid ointment treatment is nt working
I have an appointment with a classical homeopathist on Friday. Or I can wait 10 months to see a dermatologist. or go across the border to an american dermatologist, which iS what I think will happen if the homeopathist doesn't hit the nail on the head (I was once cured of a rash much like this,, almost instantly, by a homeopathic remedy.
At that time the wating time for a dermatologist was only 3 months! I love our health ccare but sheeeesh this is ridiculous
. Have you ever smelled valerian? cats love it, much like catnip, and it smells like really bad stinky feet! that's why I'd go for the homeopathic version - wonder what the remedy will be for this? if there is one? I'm thinking quick trip to maybe Syracuse or Watertown, NY.
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Try bromelain. It is wonderful for inflammation. You can also try olive leaf extract which is good for all viral conditions such as shingles. Do not take bromelain if you are on any blood thinners of Plavix. Check with your doctor and check each one for side effects before you take them.
You can also take baths with baking soda in the water. It might sooth your skin.
Best wishes for no more rash.
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thanks notself - I actually have some bromelain but not consistent - take once in a while - duh - will read the label and see if this will improve by taking it every day.
now, on to the test!
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ok, got 2 wrong, but - could not find the answers! and not fair, not fair, 2 questions about the US so I just had to guess and I've never in my life heard of the first Great Awakening??? what wa thAT?
Stands to reason that atheists/agnostics get higher scores as they would be the kind of people who most need to know answers for themselves and therefore read.
Which was what the protestant revolution was about, wasn't it? the printing press had been invented so there could be many more bibles thus allowing peope to read...of course the Catholic church was rigidly opposed
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I agree that when we first decide that what ever religion we were brought up in doesn't work for us any longer most of us go on a search. I know I did. My search included reading the bible as one would read a book, page by page, cover to cover. Very few Christians actually read their bible in this way. Reading the bible is often quoted by atheists as the reason they are no longer Christians or believe in a Christian concept of a god.
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Hello everyone
I just wanted to say that you are not alone in being an atheist. I have been one since I was at school and I truly believe that religion is the opium of the people. I do not get into discussions with people who have "faith", because they have been brainwashed and discussion is pointless. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2005 and am still in the clear and that was no thanks to prayers or a supposed god.Best wishes
Sylvia0 -
There has been a recent Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision that has been reported in the press as stating that religious organizations are not bound by anti discrimination laws. Well it appears that the case and the decision are bit more complex. In their unanimous decision, the Justices have taken time in defining the meaning of the First Amendment and have provided an interesting history going as far back as the Magna Carta of how the First Amendment came to be. Here is a link to a pdf. file.
I am just starting to read it and would love to hear other's opinions on it.
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Oh yes, flannelette - good ole Martin Luther and the Prot. Revolution. Since I grew up Lutheran, he was a household word in my house. He posted the 96 Theses, one of which the Catholic Church could stuff their practice of "indulgences", wherein people felt obligated to pay their way into heaven. He also believed that the confession part of the Cath. religion was BS.
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....can you imagine being an atheist/social studies teacher? Oh yeah - teaching world religions was a tough section for me to teach as I definitely had to hold my tongue! The THEORY of Evolution was also another one - It is part of NYS Social Studies Curriculum - but must be, of course, presented as a THEORY. Glad I'm a retired teacher!
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,,,just a little disclaimer about my last post - I would never inflict my beliefs (non-beliefs) on anyone- especially someone else's chiild. I did, however, advise my daughter in law, who shares my beliefs, that an over-zealous child in my grandson's class told him that he was going to hell because he did not go to church - he was only in first grade at the time - he was mortified! My DIL called the school and the over-zealous child's parents were contacted. The indoctrination soon stopped.
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Anadagram - I've got the shivers - and I want to give your grandson a BIG HUG. OOOoooohhh...isn't it amazing what damage parents & otheres can do to their kids - I'll bet the kid who said that really doesn't know how painful ( evil?) it is...
I have a Celtic calendar of all the holidays - on the wall - always something wonderul to celebrate..