Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Great post, Hortense. I agree with all of your sentiments.
I have been doing a lot of reading on and On both there is a lot of information that work is being done to educate the public about atheism and our presence in the population. Also American Secular Humanism. All of these sites are on FB and, I think, worth looking at.
I made an "Out of the Closet Atheist" poster. Some will be used for the sides of buses, billboards, etc.Just FYI.
This is not as clear as the original. I had to take a picture of a print.
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Wow! What a great poster.OTOH,,, how sucky that your teacher did that!!!! Grrrrrrr!
I love that Epicurus quote,, that really sums it up.
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It astonishes me that that sort of thing happens in the US. I mean, I know it happens, but it's still mindblowing to hear of the brutal way atheists are treated. Switzerland is a very religious country but it is an entirely personal matter and nobody would ever question your right not to be religious.
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Thank you all for your very thoughtful comments. I was born, bred and raised atheist. I do not know what it is to tangle with guilt for reasoning. it is an important reminder for me to hear what it is to tangle with religion at a personal level and reject it. I understand what it is at both the social and political levels, and that is itself a major challenge. Those of you that must do it at a deep personal level have my utter respect, particularly in the context of our personal struggles with cancer and mortality. There have been times in my life when I envied people who could believe in god, for the comfort they got. Of course, in the end, I am ever so grateful for the comfort I get from self-actualization that I get as I travel through my life. Peace and cheers to all of you-Claire
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As always, Claire, insightful and beautifully written.
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Happy Halloween! Hope everyone is doing well.0 -
happy Samhain to all!
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Happy Samhain back.
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Thought I'd wake up this thread with a link. Thought I'd wake up this thread with a link to the skeptics periodic table. -
Love that link, ananda. I have had to ignore well-meaning woo-ful friends lately. That link was cathartic.
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Fun link, ananda!
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happy winter solstice.
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I hope this year has brought joy and peace to all of you amidst the challenges. And that the next brings fulfillment, happiness and even fun!
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Happy Solstice. Hoping the returning light brings good things to all.
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Wrenn, That's hysterical!
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wrenn,That video is so spot on. It made me feel so spiritual!
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Christmas has always been important to me, even if I have a secular view of it. I simply associate it with being together with the people I love most. I wish all of you a very merry christmas, and hope you are all staying warm and feeling good, and get to spend it exactly how you wish.
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JWoo...a happy happy holiday to you too. And to all!! May the coming year bring joy and peace and fulfillment and, let's not!
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End of the year celebrations are part of almost every culture. I love the lights, music and ceremony of Christmas and New Years. Perhaps it is our nature to want to celebrate transition points of all kinds. Christmas is one of my favorites.
Merry Christmas to all.
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Me too, love the lights, music and gatherings of the season. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays of your choosing to all.
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DS told me today how much he likes the Christmas service at the church. He said belief in God didn't need to be involved. Some of us are going. GS#2 said he has never been in a church (raised Buddhist).
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It's a little late, but this is a nice sentiment for non-believers at Christmas:
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I think I got BC because I posted on FB that I don't believe in God
I moved to texas and there are very little atheists here. Huge mega churches
I found a little UU church
Trying to find out what I believe in. Ive been too tired to go last few months. They probably think I'm dead
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Hi Fredntan - please tell us you are joking? I hope? about posting on FB saying you don't believe in God gave you cancer?
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just don't tell people you are a non believer, then they won't pray for you so they can feel better about themselves
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solacetea- i love TM! this song makes me cry every time!
fredntan- there are plenty of non-believers here in Texas, we just are not as loud as the devout.
Wren44- sometimes, if i can find an old-school catholic mass, i go. It isnt about the content really, it is about the ritual. I do find it comforting, even if it doesn't mean the same thing to me as the others there.
Sppokers- agreed. sometimes, in some situations, i just don't bring it up.
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yes I was being sarcastic
I did post on FB about my non belief
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I prefer services in languages I can't understand. That way I can enjoy the ritual and music without thinking how absurd it sounds. We attended a children's mass at the Episcopal Church in their town. DH and I both attended Episcopal Churches in high school and college. I just sat there thinking, however could I have believed any of this? We took our kids to the UU church in Houston to counter the Baptist stuff they were getting elsewhere. We went once here but it was too theistic. DD and her younger son were with us at the Christmas service. He kept saying he was worried about bursting into flames (his girlfriend is Ukrainian Pentecostal). He said he had never been to a church service before.
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I went to our local UU for a while but the more I attended, the more I noticed that atheists weren't really welcome, just tolerated.0 -
I love religious art, music, and buildings, but the actual services ( such as the UU one you describe) is something I don't miss at all! Give me the trappings without the people, lol.