Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
we do have a Santa Day for family , but with all the drama this year over who goes to what house maybe next year we will have happy solstice instead .
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Hi Wren44 - I do remember you from your picture! 2 obits mentioned the election? yikes but geez it's a nightmare down there. I can't stop myself from following on Fb though I can no longer watch the CBS morning news at 7, as we always used to. I cannot imagine what sane Americans are going through.
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Flannelette, Good to see you again. The SNL skit was breath taking in its insight into what must be the mind of Trump. I watched it twice. Here's a link.
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hi Flannelette. good to see you .
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It will be at 11:44 today here in central Europe. The time for your zone is here:
This is a really big deal for animals who live outside. In about a week, my hens will notice the change and start laying more delicious eggs. I can't wait!
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Yes indeed, Happy Solstice to Everyone! The days will finally start getting longer.
Nothing like fresh eggs - way healthier for you too.
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This is really the end of the year for me, the start of the new.
I am happy to be alive. I am thankful for what I have.
I love my kids. I love my animals. I love my friends who could see beyond cancer and stick with me.
I am thankful for every one of you on this thread. Your minds are free, your hearts are open.
I wish you each of you a life full of joy.
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and for longer days
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Hernie, may your life be filled with Joy and Peace as well ).
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Happy Holidays! I hope you are all safe, warm, and enjoying some extra time off (pain-free, of course!)
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Jeff Sessions, the Trump nominee for Attorney General, just said the following as reported by Slate.
"In what seemed to be the only moment gobsmacking enough to bring the Senate chamber to almost complete silence, in the late afternoon Sessions had this terse exchange with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.
"Whitehouse suggested that lists were already circulating suggesting there might be purges or demotions of certain career appointees in the Justice Department. Whitehouse wondered whether Sessions would have a problem with career lawyers “with secular beliefs,” having in the past criticized department attorneys for being secular. Sessions replied that he has used that language about secular attorneys to differentiate between people who recognize objective “truth” and those who take positions “in which truth is not sufficiently respected.”
There are two Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who might be open to rejecting the Sessions nomination. They are Senator Lindsey Graham (R- SC) (202) 224-5972 and Senator Jeff Flake (R – AZ) (202) 224-5972. Please call their offices now and ask them to vote against the Sessions nomination. Calls a much more effective than emails. You will be talking to a staffer. The staffer will be polite and will make a note of your comments. Lindsey Graham is already uncomfortable with Sessions and is such a powerful Senator, he can afford to piss off Trump supporters. Jeff Flake is a moderate Republican and serves in the Senate along with John McCain.
Calling Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee will just be preaching to the choir.
It is vitally important for secular humanists and atheists to stop this nomination. No matter how uncomfortable you may be, make the calls now.
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I found out a couple of days ago that my mother has pancreatic cancer. My older sister called so we could console each other and discuss Mom.
She went on and on about how it's a good thing Mom has faith and how that will positively affect her survival, saying things like "I don't think she'd last long if she didn't believe." That didn't exactly console me, as I've had BC twice and hubby is in treatment for advanced malignant melanoma and both of us are atheists.
I love my sister and she meant nothing but good but that didn't stop me from having a serious urge to smack her.
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Lulu, I know what you mean. I have a friend with late stage ovarian cancer who is extremely religious. I'm glad it makes her feel better, but she posts religious stuff all the time that totally turns me off. I don't want to block her on Facebook, but I sure wish there's a filter to get rid of those posts. I think attitude may possibly influence outcomes, if only to not give up, but belief is totally irrelevant. You're sister's entitled to her beliefs, but she should have taken into account your beliefs as well. Good job on not smacking her.
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I'm an atheist as well. If someone says they will pray for me, I say thank you and leave it at that. It is the thought that counts, and I appreciate it. It is when some take it onto themselves to "save" me from my heathen views that they get cut off pretty damn quickly.
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If you want to stop seeing someone's post on your page, go to their page, click on following and then click on unfollow. You can go to their page at any time and still read their posts. You just won't get their posts on your page.
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someone please put the earth back into the correct universe. Every time I think things can't get more insane, something else even crazier happens.
Now I'm just wondering which country is going to attack us first.... because we've got an absolute lunatic at the reigns.
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I am making calls to Congress objecting to some of Trumps nominations. I am calling again on Monday to object to Jeff Sessions being Attorney General. He is a racist and has said that the KKK is a fine organization. I am objecting to Scott Pruitt who will further compromise our environment. We won't be able to undo the damage Pruitt can do to the environment.
I have joined an organization called, a grass roots organization that is identifying Congressional seats that can be won by Democrats.
Take Action even if it is only one phone call.
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What's he gonna do next? Tear down the Statue of Liberty because of the plaque that says "Give us your tired, your poor, your down trodden masses..."? Concentration camps, coming to a county near you.
People in California are seriously considering seceding because of this madness.
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Lita, he will probably replace it with a statue of himself
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Ladies, before someone reports to the Mods, there are 2 threads you may want to check out
I say YES, part deux is the liberal political thread
Mirror is the conservative thread.
They are not listed in active topics. Do a search and they will come up.
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Thanks everyone- I was just having a major panic attack (about my major religigulous/conservative family and how I love them but no longer am able to sit at the table with most them) in the middle of the night and wasn't sure where to turn, I figured most of you would understand where I was at (possibly, hopefully).
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Glad I found this thread as a place for all of us who do not rely on a hand from the heavens to get us through difficult, pleasant, neutral times. Although I am an atheist, I do practice meditation because I believe that my brain is an incredible structure and I can influence how I respond to thoughts. There was a great article in Lion's Roar (previously Shambhala Sun) a Buddhist magazine about how one can be both an atheist and a Buddhist. I try and let me emphasize TRY to live intentionally and compassionately though most days I want to post on the thread about what cheezed me. I am the only one in my immediate or extended family who is not a church going Christian, so finding this group as a place where reliance on religious affirmations will not be doled out as problem solutions is a refreshing change.
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JWoo, we understand!!
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I posted on Facebook that my oncologist considers me cancer free and a family member posted "Yay God!" Yay God? For what? For giving me cancer? Or for curing my cancer by making me go through deforming surgery, poison, radiation, and 10 years of crippling joint paint from AI? How about congratulating me for enduring it? Or the doctors for providing treatment?
So I'm posting here to avoid a family feud.
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Bagsharon...Here's to your courage, fortitude, stamina for all you have gone through. Hope this coming year brings some relief from joint pain and finding comfort where you can.
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So what do these people do? Go to funerals and boo God? I prefer to believe that things are random rather than a God who takes sides.
Congrats to achieving NED. I hope your joint pains improve. I'm close to the end of my AI and looking forward to less tendonitis (my reaction instead of joint pain).
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Is it weird that complete strangers are more comforting than family? Thank you.
And I'm just staring on the AI (typo of 19 years when it should be 10 - there was a sunflower seed stuck between the keys - god must have done it) so I'm hoping I find relief with some exercise and weight loss.
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bagsharon - thanks for the chuckle. I'm sure that god put that sunflower seed in your keyboard.