Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
We just re-watched The Good Place. It's such a wonderful approach to the afterlife and moral evolution without deities per se. And I loved how the good souls became "that little voice that nudges you to do the right thing".
I also believe we have connections and resonances that can be felt regardless of distance or death. I've seen and done plenty of spooky stuff over the years. My husband and I like to joke that we have Serendipity on speed dial.
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Funny about your dad. When mine died, we had a tremendous thunderstorm. I joked he wasn’t happy about dieing. We had terrible weather up to and including the day of funeral. Was about 10 days, burial and cremation.
His burial date is Wednesday. Just when the Tropical Storm is supposed to hit here. Coincidence
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Even more reason to avoid Hobby Lobby. At least they're surrendering the pillaged items.
Ancient Gilgamesh tablet seized from Hobby Lobby by US authorities
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Miriandra, I would not buy anything from Hobby Lobby. Now, in addition to their position to deny women employees insurance coverage for contraceptives, it is now revealed that they are thieves, dealing in stolen antiquities. Wow! all in the name of their god. The supreme court granted Hobby Lobby and other corporations the same religious rights as real people. Not one single person at Hobby Lobby is going to jail for the theft, nor for denying women's rights. Wow! they are granted real people rights without real people penalties, no jail time for corporations. Corporations only to pay fines and rare jail time for theft of antiquities. Whereas, Timothy Jackson was sentenced to life in prison for stealing $159 jacket.
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magiclight, That is priceless.
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Hi all, I am newly diagnosed, and new to this forum. What does it say about me that the atheist thread is the one that jumped out at me? Thank you all for the laughs, much needed today.
I don't describe myself as atheist, but as a secular humanist. basically - be good to other people, good to the planet, good to yourself, good to animals. But not because a god said so - just because it's right. A lot of people in my life have the notion that without religion, there cannot be morality. I have found the opposite to be true - the most religious people I know are the ones who trample on others' rights to get what they want, who judge, gossip, cheat, lie.
Someone told me about my cancer to "put my faith in god". I don't know how to do that. I do have some doctors who I am trusting to cut me open and remove what doesn't belong.
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Welcome Tinkerbell65. I agree that people who do right just because its right often do more good than religious people. I can only name a few "Christians" who actually follow the teachings. Jimmy Carter is a good example of doing what they are supposed to do.
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Hey, wrenn? My neighbor, InaMae, was truly a "christian" in the most literal sense of the word. The most decent, kind, loving person I think I've ever known. She called us her favorite heathens, and she hated the talibangelicals as much as I do.
She died in June at 89. I will truly miss her light and love.
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Sorry to hear she's gone. Enjoy your memories.
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tinkerbel, welcome to this thread, yet sorry you have to be on this site. You mention surgery in the future, is that soon?
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I am having a lumpectomy august 9.
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tinkerbell6, best thoughts to you for your surgery. Lots of support to be found on this site.
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The waiting game is no fun for sure. Along with KId1919 'best thoughts' and keep us posted.
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Tinkerbell - I found it helpful to locate the group going through the same things I was at the same time. So take a look for the Chemo Summer 2021 - or some such. Or check the lumpectomy threads. Or rads. Good luck.
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Whoo-eee, I had to come in here for some fresh air because I just saw a post that said "blah blah God cured me! Blah blah!"
Okay, now maybe my head won't explode.
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I may have seen that same post, Alice. Urghhh. I want to tell them their imaginary sky daddy didn't save them. Modern medicine and science did. But it would do no good, so I don't.
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it was the word 'cured' that got me all huffy and puffy
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Saw that too, didn’t want BP to go up so didn’t bother to open it. What happens if she reoccurs in a few years. Snort.
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My thoughts exactly, Spookiesmom. Would that mean her God hates her?
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She wants to "share" her story about how god healed her. Any bets on whether said sharing involves money changing hands?
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Ugh, me too. I had to keep telling myself to be nice and let them live in their delusion.
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No sense changing peoples minds. My MIL often told me me and my kids were going to hell b/c we have not accepted Jesus. This while I was raising 3 kids and maintaining her house and ours. I guess he son was exempt. HA HA try to keep a 4 bedrm house in order for someone that keeps cat hair in old pill bottles. And doesn't mind cat shit every where. (her house not mine) But Jesus is taking care of everything. WTF
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IDK how to make a new topic but this coming week is meteor shower. 8/11 -8/14 is the best time , 12am til am. I have a telescope and Jupitor and Saturn are to the South if you live in hmmm WNY? Makes you feel awful small fry in this universe. But beautiful
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This all comes back to the thing I hate the most about some religious people: after a disaster, they'll say their god was the one who saved them. Never mind that other people died, including children, this smug shit thinks they're extra-special. Makes me wish for a lightning bolt to zap them right in the middle of the interview. Now THAT would be a god whose acquaintance I'd consider.
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That would be either Zeus or Thor, Alice. Both of who's (whom's?) believers were just as convinced of their omnipotence and omniscience. And who were just as mistaken as the current crop of god worshippers
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You are too funny Alice!
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I am so happy I found this thread. I obviously haven’t read 272 pages yet but I am glad I am not the only one there who cringes when people say they would pray for me.
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Welcome Ilikedogs. It is indeed an oasis for us.