Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Dawn don't leave! I didn't see what they removed, but "they" need to just butt out of this thread- they have the rest of the site for pete's sake (who is this pete guy anyway?) I really enjoy this thread and all the ideas posted. I don't have any answers- no one does, people who think they do are deluding themselves.
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Dawnn -- you have indeed brought lots of love and laughter to all of us -- on this thread and on others. We can easily do without the bigots and the "holier-than-thous" and the intolerants, but we cannot do without you.
My advice -- ignore the ignorant....
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Dawnn -- please don't go! Seems like some right-wing rib-women have some time on their hands! So much for freedom of thought, freedom of (and from) religion... Someone was stomped on for her thoughts on another thread too...
Please don't let a handful of ignorant women do this -- there are so many, many more that appreciate you!
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Totally, totally ridiculous and totally, totally uncalled for. There was NOTHING offensive about that picture--it made me laugh out loud. Maybe it was a group of people who hate cats in general--which I strongly doubt. I am seeing more and more "community" deletions at various threads, and that is disturbing to me. Granted, needs to be able to control the amount of spam/porn that automatically gravitates to sites like this, but the community should have NO say in deleting another's posts.
Dawnn, I, too, ask that you reconsider and stick around--I enjoy your humor and insight.
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I am also an athiest and it is hard when you want to pray, but you know no one is listening. That there are just people...wonderful people from your family and friends to people you don't even know who help us get through it all. Things just happen.
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All we want is just a tiny little space..
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I have a phrase for 99.9% of the people that think their organized religion and their god is the only god.
Convient Christians. They pull out their beliefs in order to judge others. Making them right and everybody else wrong.
If you don't like this thread don't read it. Nobody is making you click on the button.
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Dawnn, if atheists can't be irreverant, then who the heck can?
Please don't leave us,
P.S. I didn't see the pic either.
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Dawnn! Please please don't go! I didn't see the pic either! How very unfair. I feel discriminated against.
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Good grief ... the pic wasn't offensive .. it was irreverant! And funny too.
I don't read the Christian-based threads looking for faults or inconsistencies in the Bible or ways to denigrade their beliefs. Why would someone want to read here looking for things that may be offensive to them. Doesn't make sense. Besides, historical scholars know the Bible is a mythos text and not a logos text. It doesn't corrolate with history. The book is not meant to be a literal translation. Being an atheistic, agnostic or something else does not negate spirituality in any way.
Dawn .. I thoroughly enjoy your company. I sure hope you will reconsider.
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You're kidding. People took offense at that picture? It was a hoot!
It's censorship, folks, pure and simple. People who think they hold the moral high ground, when in actuality, all they hold is a pathetic bucket of intolerance.
We don't go to their thread and delete cutesy angels and prayer pictures. They're allowed them. We don't like them--we just don't read their thread.
What would Jesus do, indeed.
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I saw the pic and found it funny and totally harmless. I think some people would simply like to shut this thread down, as they straightforward can't, they do things like this with the hope of bothering us so much as to make us quit. Please, don't give them such a satisfaction.
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Dawn, I hope you reconsider. If you leave, I'll feel like *I'm* being penalized (because I won't get to read your posts anymore) for someone else's actions. (How's that for a guilt trip?) LOLOLOL
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Great picture Dawn! Don't go!
I once had a similar censorship attempt happen to me at an old job. I worked nights and shared a cubicle with a day person. It was a very dark time in my life and I posted a Matt Greoning cartoon from his "Life In Hell" series showing two identical characters, Akbar and Jeff. One says to the other, "Give me one good reason not to kill myself" and the other leaves. The frames show just one of them until the end when the other returns with an ice cream cone, and the original speaker says, "Oh! New flavor!" I liked the idea of sticking around because you never know when there will be a new flavor, but my cubicle-mate found it morbid and demanded that I take it down.
Some people will never understand the power of humor to heal, and their lives are much sadder fot it.
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So, I missed the hoopla over the cat picture. Was it religious trolls who reported and had it removed? Somebody 'splain, please.
I don't know why we can't be left in peace with our non-belief.
But then, I don't know how a thinking person could accept the dogma without questioning, either. So I'm the odd one out.
Sido, that sounds like a great cartoon.
I liked the Gary Larsen one many years ago, it was a picture of the devil ushering in the new new people to hell. On the wall was one of those motivational posters that read "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."
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I am so angry over this censorship by the so-called Christians that I can't see straight. I've been holding off on posting because I was hoping I would grow less angry, but that's not happening. And I didn't even get to see the picture before it was removed.
Does not Jesus say: JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED?
and how about
To all you "Christian" women, instead of censoring other people's statements, you would do better to take a good hard look at your own motivations. And if you really get upset by what is posted on this thread, why, there is a really easy and simple solution for that: DON'T READ IT.
So let's see how long it takes them to report this post and get it removed...
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Michael said it so well.......
They should listen to the words.
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Hi Blue ... that song is so beautiful.
love ya,
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Hey there Bren.
Luv u2
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Thank you all so much, I was so hurt. I have tried so hard to help girls here, I have answered text messages at all hours, sent photos of my breasts, told jokes when I felt like crying.
And the thing is, they like me, they will play games with me & laugh & email...until they find out I don't have the same faith as they treat Jewish girls that way? They don't believe in Jesus do they?
I think bluedahlia is right, if everyone took an honest look in the mirror, this world would be a better place. Love to you all, I am stunned at all of your support, thank you.
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Damn it!
You made me cry! Yay! I'll stay, I will be more careful about what I post though!
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YAY! Dawnn's back! Yay Atheist Thread! Yay atheist cats!
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Get a look fast....I give it 5 minutes or me getting banned.
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To my atheist, agnostic, whatever you believe or don't believe I respect friends, I am sorry that you have been censored. We are all in this together!! In sisterhood, xo
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Holy Smokes! I copied the lastest Noah's ark pic "right quick" (as they say in the south). It's hilarious!
I'm sending it to my sis and her hubby!
Off topic a bit ... I'm reading Karen Armstrong's book "The Battle for God, A History of Fundamentalism". Very interesting read. She goes into great detail about fundamentalism in the Christian, Jewish and Islam faiths. So far, I've only read about 3/4 of the way into the Jewish section. Here's an interesting tidbit. She writes about the Spanish Inquisition and how it came to be. Apparently, Isabel and Ferdinand "acquired" Granada, which at the time was mostly Jewish. They sent out a decree saying the Jewish people had to convert to Christian (Catholic) or leave the newly united Spain. About 70 to 80K left for Portugal. The remaining Jews (about 130,000) "converted." The inquisition began when Isabel/Ferdinand got word that some converts (Christians) were secretly practicing their Jewish faith. Thus, they began the Inquisition of the Christians (Jews) in Spain. The history following that of the Jews migration to Portugal and Poland is fascinating. I haven't reached the "fundamentalist" part yet.
Wow ... I thought the Spanish Inquisition was about persecuting Protestants. I guess I'm not too good with history.
edited: cause I spelled noah's "arc" wrong.
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Well, I guess I'm a real thorn in at least 5 people's sides -- just had my post urging Dawnn to return "removed by the community". Am wondering if the mods ever review these posts that have been removed -- I know for sure that I didn't break any rules.
Dawnn, so glad you're back!!!
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Linda and Dawn .. I thought if your post was deleted by the "community" an automatic ban happened. I'm glad you're still here. I rarely post on BCO anymore ... so I'm sure I'm not up to speed on the latest rules.
I'm still baffled by the fundamentalists reading a thread that has no place in their belief system.
I am a firm believer that science and spirituality can peacefully coexist.
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I read a book many moons ago, "The Infidel" which was very interesting. It took place during the time of El Cid. Interesting because it gives you the perspective of both the Spanish considered the Moors (North African Muslims) infidels, and how the Moors considered the Spanish infidels. What I remember being really gross, was that the christians considered it a sin to bathe. They were flea infested.....YUK.
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I don't know about others, but when I open up the discussion bds, my curser is always on the "report this post" button thingy. Always thought it was a bad place, 'cause it would be SOOOOO easy to hit that accidentally. Don't know if it is true for every one, but in my case I am always really aware of that. Really hope these reports are not hit accidentally (although having them reported on purpose is usually hard to understand why)
Good luck to all, Dawnn, glad you're still here.
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