Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
At the commune, I would like to be the resident wine maker. Making a barrel has been on my bucket list. So, we could grow the grapes, harvest them, stomp them with our not-so-virginal feet, and make something really tasty to go with our dark chocolate.
Other jobs up for grabs?
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HEY! My feet are virgins!
**edit**OH! And I started a thread over on TimTams site...just one pic, but I would love opinions before I go back into surgery next month, do you girls think I am making the right size choice
I am still Dawnbelle over there. Thanks so much!!
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Hi there,
I was given your name regarding the ability to see photos. I have my TEs and meeting with my PS to discuss my different options. He is pushing the gummies, but I am afraid of the discomfort and firmness. I have read all of the message boards regarding the different implants, but would love to see the actual pictures. Can you please help me? Thanks.
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To get access to TimTam's website (not a part of BCO), you must send her a private message and ask permission. Typically, you must have established a presence on this site for a while. She is very protective of our privacy on her site.
And, in my long recon experience, seeing pictures of someone else's outcome just isn't good enough. You won't be able to tell, really, the difference from gummies to silicone to saline without touching. Your surgeon should have pics if you can't get to TimTam's site yet. Or someone can maybe email you pics when they know you well enough.
Best of luck,
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Oh my, not only do I have virgin feet, I have virgin no swearing...hehe
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Now stop all of this virgin talk, I've got "Madonna's Like A Virgin" stuck in my head & I have a strange desire to roll around on the ground in a wedding dress!
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Wow!! I go away for 10 days and look what I missed...Dawn, glad your the LOLCats!!
Welcome to our new friends...I'll post a cool pic I took in the mountains later.
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In the book (and PBS series) Brideshead Revisited, the skeptical Charles Rider asks his friend Sebastian Flyte, a cradle Catholic, "How can you believe such humbug?"
Sebastian replies, "But it's such a lovely idea."
Works for me.
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What's a lovely idea?
Some giant God man living in the sky threatening you with spending eternity in Hell if you disobey him? Thanks, I already have a DH.
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Seems to me that the "lovely idea" meets a need that Sebastian has. I think we can draw some very interesting conclusions from that statement alone....
I do not intend to demean others who place value on religion in their lives--I'm talking about their right to make choices in their own lives and how that might give them comfort. But, I do take offense when others feel compelled to convince me that their "lovely ideas"--which at times appear to be fear/judgment provoking and not love/peace provoking--should guide my life, or my community's life, my society's life, our world.
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editing this one out -- doesn't make sense without dawn's posts here anymore
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Seems to me that the same old "need to save our souls" girls are opening new accounts so they can come in and spread the word. Demean other's religions/beliefs? Isn't that exactly what they are all doing when they come in here & tell us how damn dumb we are?
Not to my face they wouldn't. Mark my word, not to my face.
Sorry, girls....commune will have to have gated access.
LOL! Can't DH=both???
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I was raised Catholic, and was told that I had to obey god, my parents, the priests, men (my superiors) if I wanted to get to heaven. I decided long ago, that I would rather go to "hell" than constantly submit or deny who I am. I often tell my kids that I have "sinned" so much that there is a king-size bed waiting for me in hell! They laugh and say they'll see me there. So when people write religion is a "lovely idea," I see it as just that: an idea, a fantasy, a myth, a scary story to keep your children in line..
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I see religion as very dangerous. In this country it is used as a weapon, in many other countries, as well. I think that religion demeans women and makes them second class citizens. Most organized religions are extremely intolerant of other religions. Religions kill people and espouse violence against the non-believer.
I raised two wonderful children without religion. They are moral, good, kind, and really smart. Who needs it?
Now, lovely heathen (just kidding!) women, I have a question. Tomorrow is my last radiation tx. In the beginning, I thought, "Piece of cake." Now I have an armpit that looks like a burnt piece of toast and it hurts like hell. Aloe Vera gel used to make it feel better but now even the chilled aloe hurts to apply. Any tips to reduce the pain?
Much appreciated, Sheila
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Well, Sheila, you could try some of Anne's wine. As you may recall she is our resident winemaker. And I'm going to be her winetaster. It may not kill all the pain, but it'll put a smile on your face!
I quit being a Catholic when I realized that while women weren't allowed to be on the sacristy, but I'll bet she's allowed if she has a dust rag in her hands! Sometimes it just takes a click like that to see the clarity.
Once I asked my Unitarian minister how some people could believe such strange things. (We'd been discussing DH #2, the Jungian.) He said that in his experience he's found that people believe in what they NEED to believe in. Made perfect sense to me and always has since then. For example, some folks believe all the power is above and outside of them. Some people the power is inside.
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I swear that putting wheatgrass juice on my skin every day helped me. Sounds weird, but I swear. I used to drop by Jamba Juice on my way home from rads and order two shots: one to drink and one I took home (they'll give you a lid) and smeared on my boob with a cotton ball. Gets real green, but did the trick for me.
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I think your minister got it right. People believe in what they NEED to believe in.
We are all very much searchers and seekers. We look for validation of our own experiences through others. We read to gain insight and and understanding. Maybe that's why there are so darn many self-help books out there?
I know when it comes to religion, I seek to understand what makes others "tick" more than what makes ME tick. I am one who has a more internal locus of control. I don't feel a need to believe in much more than the goodness of people and their deeds. I don't need to believe in the salvation of my soul, either now or when I die.
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I like your explanation, Anne. I also believe that most people are more good than bad, and that helps me feel centered and peaceful. We're all just doing the best we can, and I've gotten (a little) better at being patient with the proselytizers. I don't think anyone can go wrong following the Golden Rule, which is central to most organized religions.
(I just don't need to be threatened with eternal damnation to follow it!)
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I agree...the Golden Rule, is just plain common sense..
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Have any of you ever seen the episode of South Park when they make fun of Mormons?
The whole golden plates that only John Smith could see & read? All while they sing "Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb".
Every time my Mormon BF says anything about drinking no coffee or tea...I sing "Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb". She laughs! WHY WHY WHY can't there be an acceptance and peace like that between all the religions?
And those of us who follow no religion or a peaceful Earth loving one, what threat do we pose?
Why the need to correct & convert us?
My Mom is Catholic & tried her hardest to keep me as such....she has a crucifix hanging on my dad's urn!!! I tell her all of the time, "Mommy! take that off of there, Daddy is gonna kick your A$$"!
Man!! I swear to GOD! If my kids pull that crap, I am coming back & haunting their butts! They say they are going to have me stuffed, sit me on the couch holding the laptop & everything would be the same!! Evil little heathens I have raised
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Dawn, just watch out if one of your offspring takes up taxidermy as a hobby
I read an interesting book last year called "Lives of the Saints", about the Mormons and particularly about the breakaway fundamentalist group that settled in parts of Utah (and when the going got a little tough) made their way up to British Columbia. After every few pages, I'd have to put it down, I was so dumbfounded......
Yes, I agree....people believe what they think (or worse, what they have been told) they need to believe. I'm currently re-reading another book called The Pagan Christ, by Rev. Tom Harpur (Anglican Church minister and theologian) who carefully traces the Christ story back to ancient Egyptian times -- fascinating!
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There are many instances of resurrection/redemption stories in early religions. Sorry I can't remember particulars, but I know there's an Egyptian god (maybe Horus) who gets chopped up into pieces and spread all over the place and his wife (or sister) gathers up the pieces and reassembles him. I even think that event ensures that the annual Nile flood will continue, resulting in the "rebirth" of vegetation in Spring after everything dies in Winter.
Sound familiar? maybe Easter?
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I just saw that karen Armstrong, who's written several thoughtful, objective books about religions, has a new one out, "The Case for God."
Here's the link at Amazon:
The reviews are mostly positive, but again it could be that people read what they seeking for validation. Me included often. I'll be looking for this one eventually
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Ohmygod, I cannot believe what you just said about your kids. My kids want to have me stuffed, too, and placed in my chair with one of my books. I told them I'd haunt them if they didn't give me a face lift first since I won't have one while living. But if I'm going to sit in a chair for eternity I'd better not look like a zombie.
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Thanks, Linda, I'll take that wine, if offered. Is Arvada anywhere near Lyons? My daughter lives in Lyons. Thanks again.
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Hey, thanks, Calypso. I just finished my rads today but my pit is still cooking. I'll try the wheat grass. When the aloe vera burned me I knew I was in trouble. And I like Jamba Juice. This helps. I appreciate it.
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Lyons is within an hour of me. Let me know if you ever come out to visit your daughter, Sheila!
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God = Invisible friend for grown-ups! Drop-dead-Fred anyone?
I told my kids I wanted my ashes mixed with some potting clay, shaped into vases (4) with two hands encircling the vase with fingers pointing towards the top. They were only allowed to use them for daisies and then when asked about the unusual vase, they were to say, "That's my mum, she's pushing up daisies."
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love it Sheila! I remember when we were kids (maybe 10-14), my mom mentioned that she wanted to be cremated when that time what was probably the biggest argument of our young lives, we all fought over who would get the head ashes. She decided to be buried.0