Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
My Dad was cremated on June 18. His ashes were buried at a VA cemetery in mid August. No one else wanted the urn for those 8 weeks in between but me. They said it "bothered" them. WTF! So I kept his ashes in my living room, putting fresh flowers beside him every day. On the morning we left for the VA cemetery, I took his urn outside, opened it with a screwdriver, and took a tiny scoop of his remains out and put them in a tiny corked bottle. Now I feel like I have a bit of Dad forever. Nobody knows but me! And you guys, don't tell! My "lutheran" family would flip if they know!
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I rode my bike to Lyons yesterday from north Boulder. Do you get out here very often?
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Reading this thread makes me feel like telling stories...
When I was a kid my dad sent me to Sunday School, as we lived in the south and he felt he needed to belong to a church as he was running for a local political office. He told me to behave myself, do what the instructor wanted me to, but not to believe a thing they said to me. At one point, when I was discussing this experience with my dad, he said that the minister at the church was an agnostic. He felt the more you studied religion the less you believed in it. No wonder I am a cynic.
When my mom died, my sister remembered that she had mentioned wanting a traditional Jewish funeral. As my mom an athesist, and did not be long to a temple, my sister was at a loss. But my sister is resourceful - she called around and found a rent-a-rabbi who agreed to officiate at my mom's funeral. The service wound up being a mixture of a traditional funeral and a political rally, which if you knew my family and my mom's interests was appropriate. My sisters talked about how they were dedicating their participation in anti-war protests to my mom (this was during the lead up to the Iraq War), my stepdad led us in singing old union songs - Joe Hill, Union Maid, etc. The rabbi didn't even blink an eye.
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Love this thread - I'm a lurker. I was bought up a Methodist but when my mum was killed (when I was 10 - drunk driver killed her) I lost all faith. Now 47 and have my own faith now. Don't believe in organised religion, it scares the bejesus out of me ...he he he
Any cat lovers ... so totally off topic ... watch these ... another lady posted these on another thread ... sorry not religion related but a hoot!!!
Love the cat pictures Dawn.
soft hugs
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Where are all my heathens? I got a date for recon/reduction & it is October 28th!
BTW, ladies....Meet Nugget, he was a sweet rooster as well, he is just about two hours old in this pic with my oldest daughter. Peta used this pic for a "I am not a Nugget" poster & he was dubbed Nugget
I had 200 chickens, turkeys & ducks, they all had names....JibJib & JabJab bred and had one chick....can you guess? That's right; JibJab
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Yikes! You'd a thunk they could have found a bigger box! <grin> My husband's head is enormous (his hat size is 8) so remind me not to do a traditional Japanese cremation for him!
Helena, I love the Simon's Cat animations. He has done several and I think my favorite involves the kitty trying to catch a fly.
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I just learned that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is from Richard Dawkins.
" mce_src="" alt="FSM-Adam" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
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Great illustration. I wondered what it looked like. (Said with a grin.)
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Well, it's only an artist's rendition, don't forget. No one *really* knows what FSM looks like.
(Also said with a grin)
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LOL! Of course He has BALLS!!!
Couldn't we get a FSM with a vagina?
Edited***Yes, FSM is a trademarked owned God.....photobucket will continue to delete images not approved for use by Dawkins. I know they are meatballs, BUT it still makes him a him...which I still find a story written by a man. Women would make it a Goddess.
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chumfrey, wow... my dad has a huge head and I didn't think it could be any bigger... his is 7-7/8 I think. I had to find a special store online that sold big hats.
All the better to house those massive brains!
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Hi ladies,
I've lurked off and on in this thread - I'm an athiest too, although not militant about it. You believe what you want, doesn't hurt me any. I read some article years ago that says man was hard-wired to believe in God, something about brain chemistry - we are just a bit more evolved.
Or, lacking in brain chemistry as the religious types would no doubt attest.
People who say they pray for me are appreciated. People who tell me what is happening to me is God's will - not so much.
I love the pushing daisies idea. I figured since 4th of July is my favorite holiday, I'd like to be cremated and then put in a firework. Wouldnt it be lovely to have my family look in the night sky and see me sparkle down?
Of course, with my lock, the damn thing would be a dud.
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Breast cancer is a curable ailment now a days if diagnosed early. Please go through the website and click on cancer types menu. Go through the breast cancer details, they are qite simple to understand. You can ask the experts on the website via contact us link.
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I am. Mother is deeply religious and superstitious. Enough to turn me into a non believer
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YO! kundan. That is spam, there is no cure for cancer you twit & I have reported your post.
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So how was the Blessing of the Pets yesterday? I performed my own pagan blessing on my darling cats. Not that they cared for it much.
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Well, I had to attend a function at a church this past Sunday...and guess what, it didn't fall down...I was expecting it to...
Missed everyone...
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As a past Catholic I laughed at your questions too! All the rituals felt so normal back then, not so much now. And to a visitor they must seem ridiculous.
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Your story reminds me of when my eldest daughter started kindergarten. One day she comes home from school and tells me and my DH that a "king" came to her school to talk to all the students. I was confused as to why a king would go to my daughter's elementary school. I questioned her about what the "king" said and did, and I realized she meant a bishop had gone to the school. I laugh every time I think of her telling me about the "king" going to her school. She had obviously never seen a priest or a bishop, so she assumed that any man in a long robe with a funny hat was a king.
I lived in a predominantly Catholic area at the time, and most parents had no problem with priests, bishops, etc going to the school and "blessing" the children, the teachers, the school, etc.
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Hi there Madalyn-
thanks for the invite- good to be amongst like minded people! I have to say that so far these boards have been my saving is everyone doing today?
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Hello everyone,
I saw this topic yesterday but work was such a mad house it was hard to get in and read much. I work at a hospital and EVERYONE is extremely religious and here I am on my own lil lonesome as I believe the only athiest. Man at times do I feel like the odd man out.
Everyone very sweetly offers prayers and rather then offend them or hurt their feelings I graciously accept telling myself they are sending all that good possitive energy my way. My fiance (of ten years lol) is christian as well and prays for me nightly. I have never been offended by that unless they say it in a way that says "I'm praying you change your wicked ways and come into the light blah blah blah" lol Good thoughts are just that good thoughts and I will take them all and be thankfull.
It is good to connect with others of a like mind when I'm so completely surrounded by those that have no idea why I believe the way I do. We are all in this battle together and I'm sending all my good thoughts and best wishes out to all of you.
Thank you for starting this topic.
Well wishes to everyone
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Hey Cathicam, I know whatcha mean. I'll take what I can get, so if someone prays for me that's fine. But if someone says they're sending me positive energy, I think that's probably more powerful, since they are sending it to me directly and not just shooting up a request to some outside force and hoping that it will boomerang back down and get to me. I like the direct approach! Taking responsibility for our power and intentions!
What are you going to be for Halloween, Madalyn?
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Looking forward to bumping brooms with you then, out there!
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will share our favorite costume from years back--we won first prize. Hubby wore overalls and carried a trowel. I wore red sweats and he decorated a large box with red paper, hole for my head, and drew lines on the box to represent bricks. I was a brick wall and he was the brick layer.
Halloween is also hubby's birthday, so usually torn between birthday party or dressing up and having fun with the kids who are trick-or-treating. It sure isn't the same, though, as when we were younger.
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Silly 5 posts in 24 hours rule
Ok lol I can't wait to see some of your costumes, when I get home later today I will be sure to put up a picture of me last year. It was great since I'm just a big kid at heart and love to go out trick or treating.
It isn't like it used to be when I was younger, we were all over town all night with no parents tagging along. Once we were about 12 or so (been so long I can't remember lol) we were on our own for trick or treating. Now everyone takes their kids to the downtown area and they trick or treat the stores or go to houses for a party. Just not safe to do it any other way.
For those that don't know I work in IT at a hospital, well the week of my surgery (next Friday) is the week we go live with our software hospital wide. Now as a rule Dr's and Nurses don't mix well with computers. So I was being my usual smart alic self and said in the department meeting today that they would have it all worked out and everyone happy by friday right? LOL Oh well one can only hope that the nurse that gives me my IV either doesn't know I'm in IT or likes the new software they are being forced to now chart on. LOL Keep your fingers crossed for me, the last time I was in for the lumpectomy I happened to get a nurse that knew me and hated computers. It was the only time my IV hurt from start to finish, I thought she was going to jab that thing all the way past the needle to the tubing. Did teach me a lesson though, dont' tell them I'm with IT. lol
I gotta laugh if I did gripe and complain it would just stress me out way too much.
Thank you Madalyn and Calysto for the warm welcome!
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Hi Cathi! Yep, I'm with Madalyn -- not having grown up with computers, I knew that the best friends I could make in the workplace (also a hospital!) was with the IT folks!
Good luck with your surgery, and keep us posted (I know, 5 a day sux, but soon you'll be posting all over the place)
Cheers, Linda
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Do you still have the one d ten t error?
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Yes, the IT people have a special power they can hold over everyone's head. Mouhouhahhaahaaha!! They better be nice!!
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LOL you guys are great. Problem being here at a hospital its not the IT people that have power its the Docs. If they aren't happy then its our hineys in the sling, most are pretty good and I can understand the frustration. Their goal is to care for the patient so their minds work differently then us IT people.
Now and then we have the occasional unhappy customer but its our job and its been well established that we bend over backwards to make sure things are running as smoothly as possible. So the power that most IT folks have well we dont lol
Its all good though I have a pretty good relationship with everyone and have been smart not to make people unhappy with me most of the time.
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Heck, I appreciated our IT guy so much, I went and married him! LOLOLOLOLOL