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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited December 2008


    I had Aranesp.  No se's that I could detect.  You're tired because your red cells are low. Drink lots of fluid and rest if you can---you may also have shortness of breath from low hemoglobin, so don't let that scare you if it happens.

    BIG THAT SUCKS and great big squishy, caring hugs to Fumi, Diane, everyone.

    My son got married Saturday, that's where I've been....

    More later

    Love you guys


  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2008

    P.S. speaking of Rock -- Rock dahling, if you only have time to read a few posts before you take off on your sabbatical, I wish you a safe & joyful & productive journey.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Sue,  my dd and I were shopping the other day and I tried on a hat like yours.  She wouldn't let me buy it because she said it made me look like a gangster.

  • PSK07
    PSK07 Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2008

    Selfish children. I have only myself to blame.  Snowed in since Friday, I have to go out and pick up a couple of things at the mall and get the family photo for my mom (we had one done for her birthday). Kids want to go, but only for the very specific amount of time they need. Then it's time to go. If I'm not done, it does not matter. they have Things To Do.

    The house is a mess, they expect the kitchen fairies to clean up after them.

    If Alaska Airlines cancels my husband's flight home tomorrow, there may not be any of us around to celebrate Christmas.

    I need a drink.

    Hugs to those who need it.


  • sbmolee
    sbmolee Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2008

    Hugs Fumi - hope today is a better day for you or at least you can cope easier.

    Sitting here wishing it would quit snowing and get above zero!  It has been so cold I can't even shovel the S**T already on the ground and now forcast calls for more. I can tell you the silicone girls are so much colder than the rest of me - feels like I have icepacks for boobs. 

    SOI - Got the EOB's for recent nipple reconstruction and colonoscopy and I have met my deductible for the year and both have a zero out of pocket expense for me - Yeah!!

  • revkat
    revkat Member Posts: 122
    edited December 2008

    I haven't had many IOS for a while, so I just read yours and try to send good wishes your way. But today. Was quite a day. So a big THAT SUCKS and here's my stuff --

    First the transmission went out on the old car we have been letting my 21 yr old D use as she tries to get a toehold on the working world. Car is worth $1000 maybe. Repair would be $1800. She has no money, just started working after a year of chronic illness.

    Then, the heating fan went out on the van we use to take the whole family places. Van is worth $2000. Repair would be $1000 according to dealer (we will try a cheaper fix). We can still drive it, but no defrost is an issue.

    And I lost my job the first of December (not unexpected, but still. . .) So, it will all work out in the end, but what a mess. I tried to save up a bunch since I knew my job was ending, and it looks like that was a good idea, but I sure wish we'd gotten past the first month before needing it!

    I am sooooooooo looking forward to the end of 2008! Not my favorite year.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2008

    Marking my spot.  Hugs to all. Nancy

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2008

    Yikes girls, been offline since page 195 (Deb 18)!

    A big that sucks to all!

    I'm back at the grocery store stories, which is funny, because I was spitting mad when I left the grocery store yesterday at the rude clerk. What is up with that?

    wish - "cool beans" made me smile, that's a New Jersey expression!

    I'm off to the neuro-oncologist today (nothing says Christmas like an appt with a neuro-oncologist) because they re-scheduled my appt from last week due to the storm. Apparently, it's critical that I be seen right away, unless of course the doc is on vacation for a week or there is a snow storm, in which case it can wait. But when I asked to just reschedule for after the holidays, I was told no. Sheesh!

    Again, a big that sucks to all and I'm looking forward to catching back up with you all...

  • shari1232
    shari1232 Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2008

    HAHA made me laugh out loud "nothing says Christmas like an appt with a neruo-oncologist" -- too funny... in a sad kind of silly BC way.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2008

    I get my "appt" as an after Christmas gift.  Surgical follow up on Friday...   Good thing is there is no mall nearby or the traffic could be horrible.   

    I want to know who sent this COLD ??  Brrrr.   almost 9 am and only 19 degrees. Good thing is no snow and none forecast.   I do not mind a non white christmas, even if it is pretty to look at.    

    My mouse got into my trash last night --- grrr.  I can't even vacuum yet, let alone scrub the carpet where it dragged stuff.    Stupid me, should have taken it out to the dumpster instead of letting it sit till this morning...   I set 4 traps w/peanut butter, as suggested, but it evaded them.   Some clever mouse.    oh well, another IOS to add to the list.   

    Anyone ever hear of the Yule log tradition?  I think we should all write our IOS on paper and have a bon fire for New years.  

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2008


    Like you, I have trouble getting a call back from my drs' office, so I went in person.  There was NO ONE sitting in the waiting room, but the nasty receptionist told me that she could not fit me in yesterday.  But, she gave me an appt. for Dec 26th at 9:50  and I asked if she would give a message to my dr...  ask him to please just call in a refill for another round of the antibiotics.  She said that she would, but again... no one has called from my dr office OR from the CVS to tell me that yep, the Rx has been filled... 

    Felicia,  thanks for the HUGS!

    I just took the last pill and am not sure whether to try to see if the Rx is filled or just wait it out til Friday. 

    Hope everyone has a very HAPPY HOLIDAY!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2008

    Lots of suckage to report, but I'm too tired to type it out! Hoping everyone had a better day than I did...

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited December 2008

    Here is my mouse story from September 2007 (pre-bc). Background: I had a mouse that taunted me for weeks.

    I woke up around 2 am to hear "SNAP!" in the kitchen, a good sign that I had finally caught the mouse in my new, "ergonomic" wedge-shaped trap. I doze back off, planning to deal w/ it in the morning. I wake to hear a clattering sound. "Just the sounds of a mouse in its final throes. Ignore it. Poor thing." I turn on the TV and watch a documentary about MotoCross cycle racing ("Faster" -highly recommended). Perfect cover noise, right? I doze off again, but wake later to hear lots of clattering and it sounds like it is RIGHT OUTSIDE MY BEDROOM DOOR. I turn on the light, open the bedroom door, and I see a bleeding hook holding a head moaning. . . no, no. That's not it.

    Okay, so I get up, put on jeans & boots & go out to check. (I didn't want a mouse attacking my barefeet or scrambling up my legs. NYC mice do that sometimes, you know.) The mouse HAS gotten trapped (by the tail), and has managed to traverse - in Mouse of the Undead Fashion - the kitchen and the living room and has tried to go into a hallway closet, whereby the trap got wedged under the door, ergo the racket. After a moment of awe at the little champ's endurance, I realize I have to deal w/ it.

    I think, "Boy, I really wish Dad were here." [My dad at the time was recovering from an emergency craniotomy.] And then I think: "Dad would tell you to suck it up. (For that matter, so would Mom). You're 42 years old. You grew up on a farm. You have a PhD. Cope, woman!" So I pried the still-alive mouse out from under the closet door at 2:30 am in a process involving a kitchen spatula, a trash can, a piano bench and a very long and shaky trip to the basement to dispose of things. 

    At the time it happened, I felt like I was the bravest woman in the world. But that was before I got cancer and met you all.

    * * * * * * * * * 

    Today, I observed the holidays by having an "Up Periscope" procedure (colonoscopy).  Everything went, er, smoothly.  On my way home, I swung by an emergency room because I needed to use a bathroom.  The "old" me would have been too embarrassed to go into an ER and say, "Listen, folks, I need to use your bathroom."  The "new" me doesn't give a toss.  I've walked these streets bald, sweaty, and with no eyebrows, I can handle anything.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited December 2008

     Poor mouse but it was a funny story.  How warped am I?  Glad the colonoscopy is over with.  Hugs.

    Edit to say "piano bench" ????

  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited December 2008

    I needed the piano bench because at 2:30 in the morning, I developed this irrational fear that the mouse would -- upon being liberated from under the door -- somehow manage to scale my legs and torso and get caught in my hair (I had hair back then).  So I freed the mouse while crouching in fetal position on the piano bench (it was a very empowered fetal position, I might add) while intermittently wielding combos of a spatula and some tongs and a trashcan.

    But the piano bench was... instrumental.

    PS the pose on Felicia's avatar is a pretty good approximation of how I pressed the buttons on the elevator on my way to the basement (I freed the mouse in the alley behind the building.)

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited December 2008


  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2008

    Oh, rock, LOL on the mouse story!!  And I'm glad you were able to take the colonoscopy, er, lying down, as it were.

    Another mouse story.  About 10 years ago, 1998, I'm living in my former rented house.  It's a Saturday morning, and I turn on the oven to preheat it in order to make biscuits or something (yes, I can actually make very good biscuits, even tho' I am a Yankee & an East Coast city girl).  So, the oven starts warming up & I start to smell this faint but rather ghastly smell -- which was NOT what you think it was -- so I open the oven cautiously, with my cat at my side whom I had to drag out of a nap in my laundry basket, & I do not see anything.  I yank out the racks & shine the big flashlight in there, and I still do not see anything.  Meanwhile, I turn off the oven & open the windows because the smell is starting to gag me.  So, as I'm turning back to the stove to ponder my next move, a mouse pokes it's head up from one of the stovetop burners.  Once again, like in my washing machine incident, I go "Eeeek!" like a helpless girl, at which the mouse leaps out of the burner, over the back, behind the stove & into some crack in the exterior wall.  Then, with great trepidation, plus the application of some thick rubber gloves & a spatula in hand (spatulas being, for some reason, the all-purpose mouse implement on the East Coast), I remove all the burner racks & lift up the stove top to find -- no, no, it's STILL not what you think -- a bunch of now-lightly-toasted mouse turds.

    So, I flee to my small local hardware store for various fumigation & de-mousing supplies & entertain all the guys there plus a few customers with the story.  I spend a good couple hours back in my kitchen scrubbing, spraying & plugging holes along the baseboards, while my cat lies on the floor in front of the oven, getting in my way & swishing his tail back & forth.  The mouse never returned.  At least not to the kitchen.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2008
    BTW, you know what has gotten up to 1,300 smackers.
  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    SOIs today - My niece delivered a 7 lb 4 ounce, 20 1/2 inch long baby girl named Grace Lyn via c-section around 8:30 this morning.  Her IOS was that she was in labor 26 hours before they did the c-section. But, Gracie has beautiful, dimpled little cheeks that her "great-aunt Jane" can't wait to get her hands on.

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited December 2008

    My stomach muscles hurt from laughing.

    Jane, congrats on the little one, although you didn't have much to do with it, right?

    Rock ... oh, rock ... when I first read the mouse story, I put 2+2 together, remembered your farm background, imagined what could be accomplished with a spatula, a piano bench, and a trash can ... and I naturally assumed the worst (from the mouse's perspective).  And, I was thinking, brave rock, sensible rock ... poor mouse almost made it to freedom.  But, you've gotta be practical about these things...

    Then I read your follow-up post and understood that you did what I would have done, under similar circumstances.  To h*ll with practicality.  What can it hurt to let him go outside?  Feel good about it.

    Glad to hear the "up periscope" was uneventful.  I think there've been enough "What next???" surprises for one year.  Maybe for a lifetime. 

    Lots of suckiness going on.  I'm worried about Felicia and Fumi, who haven't been able to describe theirs but it's bad.  Hugs to everybody, 'cause nobody should have to deal with suckiness during the holidays.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2008

    I'm ok - just need a day to soak it all in, realize it could be a hell of a whole lot worse and move on. Today ain't that day, though...

    Thanks for making me laugh - really loudly - at the mouse stories. The only one I've got pales in comparison, but here goes:

    When I lived in Philly (a year out of college in my first apartment), I noticed one day that my cat was facinated by something behind the fridge. She did not leave the kitchen all day. Odd. I was just gonna buy a trap the next day and be done with it...

    I'd hurt my back in a car accident (I was rear-ended) and was sleeping on the living room floor as a result. I rolled over that night (as best I could) and felt something furry and kind of wet by my head. I opened my eyes to find my cat sitting there GRINNING at me (I swear she was!) in that "Look what I just did for you!" kind of way. I slowly turned my head (start spooky horror movie music now) to see the furry criter that used to live behind/under my fridge dead and bleeding on my pillow. I think I woke everyone on the block with the scream...

    Wait! I have another! After Philly and in my former, married life with the idiot who is now my ex husband, we rented a house in what is as close to the country as can be without actually being IN the country. Sydney (same cat from the previous mouse-capade) now had a buddy - LC (stood for Little Cat, which was funny because she was the size of a small tiger - but I digress). One night, I kept hearing this sliding noise followed by a WHACK! sound. WTH? I opened the bedroom door and saw the two cats having a sliding catch with a terrified little field mouse! The cats were about 10 feet apart whacking the mouse back and forth to each other. The sliding sound was the mouse trying to stop the madness by gripping the hardwood floors. It was funny but in a creepy kind of way, y'know? Of course the ex idiot slept through all of it (he was worthless even then, lol)...

    Ok - I'm feeling better now. Writing the mouse tales helped - as did the image of Rock at the elevator pushing the "down" button with a sidekick, lol. Kiai... 

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited December 2008

    Okay, I have a mouse story.  When we lived in Georgia, we  had a house in the woods that we built.  Our car needed a new transmission, so my husband, being the oh so manly mechanical man that he is, removed the transmission and sent it out to be rebuilt.  This meant that the car sat in the driveway for a few days without a transmission,,,,,(those of you who can visualize this know where it is going--for those of you who can't, the gearshift and everything was gone, so there was a big hole in the car).  After the transmission came back and was installed, and I started driving the car again, for a couple of days I kept thinking I saw something out of the corner of my eye...but I didn't really think that much about it.   On the third day, I was driving home from work and just happened to look and see a little black field mouse run across the passenger floorboard.  I started praying--please God, don't let the mouse run up my pant leg.  I can handle it if he runs across my foot, but if he runs up my pant leg, I am going to die.  (He didn't).  When I got home I just left the car door open and he was gone the next day.

    rock, glad the coloscopy went, well, smoothly.  (The piano bench was intrumental! Perfect!)Sorry for everyone's suckiness.  Felicia, you are beautiful and strong (read the NYT article)!!!!!!!


  • crazydaisy
    crazydaisy Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2008


    BLAH and BAH HUMBUGS to all that SUCKS

    That sucks bad Diane, so sorry for all that crappola. If I had a million dollars there would be no shortage of what to do with it!

    Luanne, ((((BIG HUGS)))),

    All the rest.......That Sucks!

    My IOS...........DH got handed his layoff notice on friday........makes me feel ill, I don't know if I want to celebrate New Years at all! I'd like to skip it altogether!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2008

    Hugs everyone..  It is 4:30 am and the snapping noise of a mouse trap woke me.  One mouse is history and here's hoping there are no more.  I had to laugh at the mouse stories -  I am woman, hear me squeel... lol...!!!   I will never look at a spatula the same way after reading the above.   

    So sorry for the work lay offs and other suckiness going on.  Does it every end?   Can we declare a NO SUCKIES day - maybe a week or even a month ???   Would that be too cool?   I think I have all my gifts purchased and if not, what I have will have to do.   My son is picking me up later and we will exchange gifts w/his new bride then go out to dinner.   He is going to surprise me at to where.   They are flying to Floriday in the morning to be with the dil parents.  

    Merry Christmas to everyone.   LOVE,  Nancy 

  • sarahsewer
    sarahsewer Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2008

    Ok, I have a good mouse story for you. We live in an old farm house and we will never be rid of all the mice. We learned you MUST put away all food and clean the counter tops well each night. Those ergonomic traps are nice and have a low ick factor (except for the day I found a tiny skinny mouse arm in one) and we use lots of them.

    One day I turned on the oven to bake something and soon after smoke started billowing out the sides of the stove. I turned off the gas and peeked inside. Smoke and flames were lapping out from within the walls of the oven. I quickly closed the door and opened windows and doors. A few shots of the handy fire extinquisher did little, but the flames did stop and the smoke died down.

    A mouse had built a nest in the insulation of the oven and the heat of the oven had warmed it enough to ignite the bedding material he/she had hauled in. I had heard of this happening before and I thought the person was crazy but it is something that can happen.

    Now we have a new stove.

    As if I need another reason to HATE mice! I will not complain about our bats and the stench of the house on hot humid days, but mice are so darn germy and disrespectul. And is there anything more bothersome than mousetraps disappearing by morning? When they hauled out the old stove there was a trap wedged up behind it with a mouse skeleton in it. I looked very old.

    The joys of rural living and nature.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2008

    Lay-offs SUCK!  There is definitely WAY too much suckiness going on around here lately.  My IOS, my sinus infection... well, I just finished the antibiotics yesterday, and I seem to be feeling better today.  Usually, by the evening, the sinus headache and pressure are back, so, fingers crossed, it will not be back today. 

    Also I have two funny animal stories, and I hope to make you laugh.

    First, this week, we are watching some pets for our friends who have a pet sitting business, and they are away this week visiting family in PA.  So, we have three houses with cats, and they are ok.  You scoop the litter box, change the water, and add more food.  But, the one house have TWO dogs.  One is an old yellow lab, and he has arthritis.  But, the other one was a stray who showed up one day on their porch.  Every once in awhile, she decides to bolt, and she runs through the neighborhood, taunting you, because you can't catch her.  Well, on Monday (day #1 of our pet sitting assignment), she ran off when I was trying to get her in the house.  We waited for TWO hours for her to come back, and my dh went out numerous times, to try to 'herd' her back into the house.  One problem... you can't 'herd' dogs!  Finally, he agreed to leave and go to the next house, to take care of the cats.  I lay on the sofa, in the sitting room, in the back of the house, with the yellow Lab.  About 5 minutes later, I heard the distinct clicking of dogs hoof's on the wood floor.  I snuck around the corner, and there she was...  under the table!  Since then, she waits for me to put her leash on, and she only wants ME to walk her!  It was very comical, watching her run around the neighborhood, because the entire time, I swear she was LAUGHING at us!! 

    Ok... my mouse story.  I don't remember if I told you this story, but it is funny.  When I lived in Maryland, we used to get field mice in the house in the Fall.  Once, the mouse was hiding under our entertainment center, and we were watching TV.  The mouse came running out from under the entertainment center, and scurried across in front of us!  My dh jumped about 5 feet in the air!  I pulled my feet up in the chair where I was sitting.... petrified!  (So much for my 'knight in shining armor' rescuing me!  LOL)   So my clever dh designed a trap, to try to catch our unwanted visitor.  He took a Mason jar, and 'baited it with pieces of blueberry muffin, and attached a spring-loaded lid, so that the mouse would go in, and then.... SNAP!  It would close. 

    Well nothing happened for a few days.  Then, one morning, when dh was leaving for work, he came to give me a kiss goodbye. I was still in bed, because he had to leave VERY early for work.  He told me that the mouse had taken the bait.  But, no worries, because he re-baited the trap, and all was good...   Suddenly, I jumped out of bed, in  my nightgown, and crept into the garage, where dh was getting ready to leave.  I said  "If you keep FEEDING him, he'll NEVER leave!"  

    So we got a cat.  We never saw a mouse in the house again after we got Axel...

    I hope I could make someone laugh today.


  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited December 2008

    I am lovin' the animal stories. I just am.

    Wanna see something REALLY SUPREMELY COOL?  This was on the front page of yesterday's New York Times. Uh-huh. I got the biggest kick out of it (no pun intended). (I got permission to post it first which is why I didn't mention it yesterday.)

    Crazydaisy and anyone else getting crap news:  That just sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks.  And I want you to know I feel your suckiness, even as I laugh at the animal stories and smile my a** off at the picture that was in yesterday's Times.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited December 2008

    Felicia, that article in the NYT is so cool!!! I love it!

    Miss S

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited December 2008

    Just a quick note.... yesterday my daughters were in my room when they youngest looked in at my Willow tree collectio (5 of them) snatched one and ran out to the livingroom.  Then I heard my husband in the livingroom SIGH.  I looked at my daughter and said, you didnt go and buy an angel without checking out the collection and she looked sooooooo guilty.  Theres no time to exchange it til after christmas..... tee  heee

  • PSK07
    PSK07 Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2008

    The husband made it home from his business trip last night. Looks like he won't have to go back til after #1 daughter's 18th birthday. Huzzahs all around. in-laws 'postponed' the usual Christmas Eve gathering. They don't think it is safe for their grown children to drive the 6 miles to their house. FIL, the one with the fractured vertebrae, did go to the grocery store. Sure. Fall and break a hip, back, whatever. At least you are keeping your GROWN children safe... FTLOG.  My mom has to choose between happy and miserable. She chose miserable.  Had to force her to give me a grocery list. Yes, I know she hasn't been able to drive due to snow, but pick up the phone and CALL.  A 4WD pickup goes just about anywhere.

    I am choosing happy. My husband is home, we have food and drink in the house, the hot tub is hot, and all will be well.

    To those of you who celebrate...Merry Christmas.  A happy season to all.