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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    {{[Barbie}}} That SUX, sorry you were involved at all.  Did the lady at least settle down when you explained? Whether she did or not, I know since my dx and tx, I've come to be a much more compassionate driver when dealing with people.  I always remind myself or family that it could be yet another stricken with news or events that are affecting their thoughts.  It works to keep me calmer about idiot drivers too. 

    That sux to whomever Suckiness I missed.  11 hours days and then finishing up laundry and such to get dh (and I don't mean dear this time) off for another week on the road :( Hate that he has to go, but I must say, it's easier to say good-bye when you aren't happy with the least at that moment..till the guilt breaks through :(

    Stay warm and beating those blues and keep on fighting  for those still involved in txs.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2009

    Oh, Barbe, you reminded me of an IOS I forgot to post here, which is that I was parked in a patient's driveway a week or so ago after finally getting my new car back from the body shop to fix the welding that had allowed the trunk to leak.  So, it was all fixed & I was parked about a foot from this patient's garage door, just pulling my things together so I could go in & do my visit.  And I thought I'd put the car in Park, but it was still in Drive, so I took my foot off the brake & the car rolled into his garage door, which happened to be metal, so I put a nice vertical dent in it.  My car was fine.  So, now I have to help him get his door replaced.  Oh my god, I didn't even have chemo, so I can't claim chemo brain, but I swear my brain still isn't working right from when this all started.

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    Hi ladies...I may end up permanantly banned as the group of women have deleted another post...since I only had one rant (and it was deleted at that) I know they didn't have anything to complain about. I guess some people to do not believe in kissing and making up. Too bad, I'm actually a good kisser I've been told! ;) I will pm my  true friends if and when I have to do it so you know who to look for when I get "reincarnated". It's a crying shame that I'm so dog arse tired that this is the only "sport" I'm playing these days!

    AnyWAY...Saint ~ 1st...OMG your chemo puppy is ADORABLE too...glad I'm not the only one who decided a pup would be the perfect remedy for all that ailed me. I totally understand having the little guy follows me around -even when I am up and down all night.

    Barbe ~ 1st...That the queen of fender benders (ok, I total mine...) I'm sorry you had to deal...although the lenght of the dent does say how fast they were going. You feel free to pull that cancer card as often as you need to! We don't get many benefits from this dang disease so take advantage of it if you need to! Personally, I don't think you were taking advantage as much as putting her back in her place! Well done.

    Miss S...well said. I am sorry Felicia left as well...things clearly got off track. Hopefully she will rejoin us one day soon.

    Kathi ~ THAT SUX too...sounds like something I would do. I did that at a stop sign one day...the onc accident put of 5 that was my fault and that's the story I had to tell the insurance company "I don't know why, I just took my foot off the break without thinking and rolled into the car in front of me in line". I can just imagine the lady on the other end of the phone rolling her eyes...

    I'm off to nap...I went to bed early...woke up 3 hours later, stayed up for 3 hours having "cocktails"...then slept for 3 hours up went to the diner for I'm sleepy again and I have to meet my "chemo" friends later today...I hope everyone has an IOS free day and everything is quiet for a change!

    C U later alligators...

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    Hey everybody,

    Did y'all hear about that poor Brazilon (sp?) model that had to have her hands and feet amputated??? I heard that on the news last night and I swear, I didn't sleep at all last night thinking about her. I just feel so horrible for that poor girl. That sucks so freaking bad.

    I mean, we've all been through and are going through some really crappy crap...but that poor girl....she's so young and beautiful.....oh my God....I'm just so sad about that.

    Somebody say something funny to make me laugh.....

    ((((Dream)))) you know what I first thought of when you mentioned the date rape drug....maybe I should take some of that when my OAOA gets here!!!!!!

    Barbe....welcome to the thread and I would like to know how she reacted too!!!

    Hugs everybody. Traci

  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited January 2009

    I just read that she died this morning. It would have been an awful way to live. They had removed her kidneys and part of her stomach, too.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    OMG.................she died??? OMG.....that is just too freaking sad.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2009

    I just found it online. Here's a link in case anybody wants to see it....

    So sad....

  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited January 2009

    OK, I meant to post my IOS/SOI.

    IOS: I came home a little early last night and dinner had not been started. My father was complaining since he had a meeting he wanted to go to at 6:30. My brother, who was supposed to cook, was caught up on the computer, so I said I would start the fish. We had three kinds brother had bought: swahi, dover sole, and swordfish. I felt like swordfish and father didn't care, so I was going to only do that when brother came screaming out of the den and said there wasn't enough for me to only have swordfish—we had to share all the fish. I said WTF? It would have been plenty for father and myself. But brother was insistent that I couldn't have just the swordfish. So I said, fine count me out. I'm going out to eat.

    SOI: I ended up dropping dd at work and going to the mall. Picked Chili's to eat. Had a very nice steak dinner, a friendly waitress and found out they have this great little dessert thing called Sweet Shots—different desserts made up in large shot glasses, just enough so you have a little something swee, but not enough to feel guilty. The Cinnamom Bun one is to die for.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Nancy - those shots are awesome!  Sometimes (usually) I have part of my dinner wrapped just so I have room for the shots.

    That's horrible about the Brazilian model.

    I'm probaby stupid, but it never occurred to me that animals could get breast cancer.

    This really isn't an IOS-but it is humorous.  My husband asked me to pop a big pimple on his back the other day (I know, gross, but), so I did and he whined because it hurt.  He looked at me and said, "how would you like it if I twisted your nipple?"  I just looked at him with this "here's your sign look" and said, "they twisted the damn thing right off."  He realized how stupid he just sounded and laughed.  

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    OMG {{JNE}}  I can just imagine that 'here's your sign stupid' look you gave him.. I swear EVERY dh or so must do that time and again.  ANd yes dear, that is gross! LOL

    {{Traci}} yes,it was sad what she went though.  But I have to admit, if it were me, and i lost my hands, then feet, then stomach and kidneys, please.....just let me way to live being so dependent at such a young age.  Just sad all around.

    Nancy....goodness but your brother sounds young, is he?  Or just hasn't matured yet?  And why didn't dad get HIM to start dinner earlier?  or do it himself even?  I'm surely missing something here?  Your dad drives but doesn't/can't cook I take it?  Glad you got a great meal and a tiny dessert to boot!   sounds like a great idea! Always hate it when I have no room for chocolate! ;D

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited January 2009

    Saint - I love it!  "Bitch is our name and venting is our game!"  May I quote you?  I remember loving your "dance in the rain" quote when I first came on the boards.  You are full of witties!


  • PSK07
    PSK07 Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2009

    I read yesterday about that poor woman in Brazil. How awful. husband's old boss ended up with MRSA in his ankle after surgery, travelled up to his knee. They found it when his knee swelled up. A month in a rehab place, massive antibiotics, and they thought (after 2mos) that it was all gone. So he's at work one day & his knee swells up again. Off to the doctor - he couldn't even go back to turn off his computer- immediately into the hospital. The MRSA was back. They ended up removing everything in his knee (1/2 replaced) and stuffing it full of antibiotics. As soon as it heals, they'll do a full knee replacement. It was thisclose to moving on & if it had made it to his hip, all would have been lost.  Good lesson to pay attention to our bodies -especially after surgery or a visit to the hospital.

    My pups drive me nuts, but I'd be lost w/o them. (and here comes one now...running leap onto the chair w/me)

    No IOS today. Big SOI - did the weekly long(er) run for my 1/2 marathon training today. 3 miles, ran 98% of the way, and did not finish last. And NO pain. At all. Ok, I did trip over my feet near the end, but I got up, brushed myself off, and finished up.

    Too funny - the TV is on & there's a commercial for something called "flirty girl fitness". Two DVD set to teach you to become a lap dancer. You can even try the "flirty girl pole" for only $1!  Flirting has obviously changed a lot since I was a girl. :)

    Thanks for the hate free zone!

  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    Hugs all

    Just a fly-by to mark my spot. Hope to catch up later.

    A big THAT SUX to all who need it!!

    Here's to an SOI filled weekend!

    Be well & stay strong 

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited January 2009

    Hi to all,

    It has ben awhile since I last posted on this site.  Let's say about 30 pages ago.  I will not be able to catch up so I will go forward.  My IOS is that I had to return to work last week after two weeks off for my exchange surgery.  Not that big of a deal.  Still tired and try to regain all of my strength. 

    A big That Sucks to all that need it.  Have a good weekend.


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2009

    Hi all...glad to see there's not too much IOS going on! I heard about the model also and it's just sad. I agree with wish though...there comes a point I'd just want to go into the light...

    would love to run on but I have a happy tummy from a wonderful meal at a Kabob Bazaar and I need some decent rest.

    Keep it IOS free and enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies...

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    Hey Chickies, whats up?  or should i say what sucks?  LOL

    I am doing great visiting here in texas with my son.  I am so happy he is home from Iraq, for anyone that hasn't seen a picture, here is my son seeing his son the day he returned.

    I have to admit they are some handsome dudes!  LOL

    Anyway, no IOS's here, they will be along next week when I return to the world of cancer and tons of doctors appt's as well as emergency surgery to fix my pain pump AGAIN......  I am really thinking of having it removed.  Considering I have needed surgery on it 3 times in six months I am starting to think it is more trouble than it is worth.

    I have to admit I couldn't go back and read the several pages worth of stuff I have missed so I will just have to try and keep up from here on out!  Please don't hold me to that because I will probably screw that up  LOL

  • Wink333
    Wink333 Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2009

    Okay, I have to admit that I don't know what IOS and SOI stand for. Any help on this?

    Great looking boys LuAnn!! Know you must be proud as you should be!

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    IOS - Issue of Suckage

    SOI - Opposite of Issue of Suckage basically a good story  Can't remember the exact meanings that someone made up

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    LuAnn - how awesome!!!! Love the pic!  Did you find yourself any nice GIs down there?  Was your son surprised to see his son?  I'm so happy for you!

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    I kind of spilled the secret but he was obviously thrilled to see him and they have been having a great time together this past week.  I will be here in tx until fri the 30th so they get lots of quality time together.  As for GI's, being here reminded me of why my husband and I wanted to get out of the military.  Don't think I could go back to this lifestyle where the posts are awful and the people running all the local businesses are crappy.

  • KAK
    KAK Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2009

    Oh, LuAnn!  What a cutie your son is.  You must be so delighted to see him.

    Nancy & Jane, I'm another big fan of those Sweet Shots.  What a great idea.  They should do this at more restaurants. 

    Don't want to spoil the good vibes but I do have an IOS today, which is that I have ANOTHER GOSHDARN COLD!  What is up with this?  I've gone years without getting a bad headcold & now, ever since my second week of rads when I came down with a whopper, I've had several.  I'm SICK & TIRED OF BEING SICK & TIRED!!!!

    Going to mak another cup of tea...

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2009

    Cyber hugs, Kak to keep the germs at bay.   Sorry you are having another cold.   Luann, great pic and so glad you got to do this for your son.  Bonnie, you liked the Kabob Bazaar???   Cheryl, sorry you had to go to work  Congrats pam on finishing your work out for the race.   Kak and barbe, sorry for the car accidents - glad no one was hurt.    For any others I missed:  THAT SUCKS.   

    I apologize for not mentioning specific names or IOS, but my brain has a hard time remembering.   I try to scroll up and then back again and it does not always cooperate.   Hugs, smiles and love,   Nancy 

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    LuAnn, sweet pics and so glad it's going well for you all down there, and I'm sure the warmer weather is great too?  Sorry to hear that danged pump is acting up again,darn it anyway!  Do you think maybe you're just overdoing it and need a jump up in amount of meds to compensate? I hope thats all it is an its not failing again:(

    Kathi, darn colds. I'm sure like chemo, those rads lower your resistance to everything.  It's amazing how many different cold viruses there!  Well over 200 if i remember right.....good thing we don't get them all in one year :(  Hope you're feeling better?

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited January 2009

    KAK, So sorry to hear you have yet another cold. I was just watching the show, "The Doctors," and they said an orgasm a day will keep colds and flu away. I'm just saying..... ;-)

    LuAnn, I absolutely love the pic of your boys!!! I'm so glad your son is finally home. A friend of mine has two sons just getting home from Iraq. One of them was forced to stay in the Army for a few extra months because he was over there. I'm very happy to know they are back stateside!

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Love to all,

    Miss S

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited January 2009

    Can I do my orgasm myself?   ahahahahahahhahaha I'ts better than a flu shot anyday.

    Isn't that like self-medicating? Do we have to let our doctors know? Or do they know we don't have an orgasm a day because we get sick?

    If I have a multiple orgasm, does that count for two days?

    Sorry if I offend anyone, I have a sick sense of humour!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2009

    Barbe, you only offend me 'cause I am jealous?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2009

    I am pi**ed today, spent all night sat with one of my dogs, she produced 7 puppies between 12.30am and 8am. I had no sleep, and was booked to go look around 5 nursing homes today, for my Aunt, she's about half way thru Alzheimers, and on and off for the past 3 months has been wandering around her neighbourhood at night. Shes ended up in hospital this time, broken arm, black eyes, cut face. She can no longer live alone. She has no kids. I am her eldest neice, so its fallen to me to sort this.

    Uuurrrgghh, all those homes stank, the smell was on my clothes and in my hair, it was disgusting. I won't put her in any of them, but the hospital where she is now getting over her latest fall want her bed. The hospital, I might add, is absolutely squeaky clean, no smells, lots of old ladies away with the fairies, yet they can keep the place clean.

    I am expected to come up with something by Wednesday, when we have a meeting with the hospital, her doctor and her social worker. I thought I would surely find something out of 5 homes today, but tonight I am back on the internet, looking for beds that don't exist. Everywhere is full, no room at the inn. I am so disgusted at how we treat our old people. My Aunt was once a very intellegent, bright, clothes loving, high heels wearing secretary, She worked all her life......for this?? She has money. She can pay for a better class of care, but there just isn't any, even what we term 'private' which means totaly paid for by the patient, and which I had expected to be a bit better than 'community care'  for those who have no money, is a big let down. 

    So, tonight I am pi**ed, WELL pi**ed.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2009

    Sorry, I had a comment on the previous subject, but forgot to mention it in all my whining!!

    Orgasm....what are you girls talking about, my last, very vague, memory of this would be about 5 years ago when I started Arimidex  !!!!


  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2009

    Okay, enough lurking.....does this mean we can't have orgasms once we start on hormone therapy?

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2009

    {{isabella}} so sorry you are having a difficult time finding a place for you aunt. Is it a possibility to find someone to room in with her till you find something suitable for human habitat?  I know some an be thoroughly nasty places, do they have checks on these places in the UK? I know the laws of the last few years have really changed for ours as well as the fact that the consumers families are better read as to what to watch for and expect in care.  We have a place across the street from us, that I often wonder about.  Occasionally someone gets out and wanders over for a visit (which I'd rather than have them wander towards town and the freeway:(  But overall, they seem nice to the people and at least, the people with their wherewithall, do seem happy with their care.  BIG that SUX that it has fallen on your shoulders alone.  A bigger THAT SUX in regards to your 5 years without the BIG O visitatioin. :(  Sometimes that all it takes to make the day seem brighter :)