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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited February 2009

    Yo, Traci -  I'm here. Not posting much, though.

    I'm proud of you for following your best instincts with your OAOA. It sounds like you had some good times with a good man, you just kept your panties on. You'll know when you're ready.

    I've been sulking a bit with an IOS with my re-scan MRI. But the longer I think about it, it's nearly an SOI.

    I had hoped my re-scan would show my tumor GONE. I had hoped my MRI would be clear of edema and mass effect. That unfortunately was not what the report said. The tumor is still there. It has had only a "subtle" change in size. The edema is still marked, the mass effect (what it's called when the tumor displaces normal brain tissue) is still present. I have to stay on the damned decadron. I'm still getting daily headaches and my aphasia gets embarrassing pretty regularly.


    Upon further contemplation, I have decided that it's a GOOD thing that not only is my tumor stable, but it's actually shrunk a tiny bit. There are no new lesions - YAY! I have even been able to cut my decadron dosage by 75% and still maintain reasonable function. I was able to travel across country to visit all sorts of relations (my sister called it my "Farewell Tour" - wise ass) and even survived the requisite 3-hour delay with the airlines. These are things to be thankful for, even if they were not my ideal outcome. I can do more treatments if needed. Heck, II've still got benefits to gain from this first treatment - it's just S L O W.

    So that's my "listen to my crap" contribution. Next?


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2009

    Hugs for everyone ((((((((((((((((((((( my online friends )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).  THAT SUCKS as needed.  Nothing much going on with me, for which I am grateful.   Have as good a day as possible.   Love, Nancy

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2009

    Hi everyone...I am so far behind I couldn't possibly catch up right now...but from what I saw so far...a big that SUCKS to everyone who needs it...I'm just doing a fly by to say I miss you cold is finally getting better and my mysterious pain is subsiding so things are looking like they are improving, Thank you Jesus!

    I'm so sorry for all the suckiness going on...I will join the party again soon...


  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2009

    Lisa- That is good news! Stable is good, shrinkage (of any amount) is going in the right direction, decreasing meds is good.  Sometimes it doesn't happen as fast as we want, but it does happen.  Keep the faith, go baby steps and celebrate!


  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited February 2009

     Quick fly-by---(wink to my reader-friend!)

    Hugs Lisa----it's like what my friend calls a "happy problem" if ya get my drift-----glad for your SOI portion!

    No IOS to report, but haven't gotten out of bed yet-----off to shower some love on the orphaned dogs & cats today-----have a good day all!

    Be well & stay strong 

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited February 2009

    Sue - I am so sorry about your grand-nephew.  I dont know what else to say.  ((((SUE))))))

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited February 2009

    I didnt want to add anything else to Sue's message.  I wanted it to stand alone. 

    I ended up with Grand Central when the phone rang at 9 with a new bed for me... trouble was I only ordered a new MATTRESS.  So I wait an hour, the nurse who ordered it showed up along with the new volunteer.  I told the nurse that they want to deliver a bed.... so she arranged one company to get the bed out and the other to deliver the new bed.  So right now..... I have NO bed and hopefully the new one comes this evening or my hubby gonna scream down the house.  As it is I piled my bedding and boxes in his room.  He not gonna like that either.  And while I could see the floor, I vaccuumed it. LOL

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited February 2009

    I'm just checking in to say hi.  Hugs to all who need 'em. 

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2009

    Lisa - You're absolutely right, stable IS good news, hugs my friend!

    Everyone else - sucks and hugs all around.

    Sharing my IOS in the hopes of giving you a giggle. This morning I brushed my teeth with Clean and Clear Acne Fighting Foaming Face Scrub. I'm not sure which is the IOS though, the fact that 10% benzoil peroxide is definitely not supposed to be in your mouth, or the fact that I'm 45 years old and I have acne.

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited February 2009

    cmb35 - Oh, thanks for sharing...Braaahaaahaaa!  Today hasn't been a treat, but your post was.  And just think,  toothpaste dries out zits, so maybe you discovered a new cavity fighter!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited February 2009

    OMG.....Colleen that freaking cracked me up!!!! LMAO!!!

    (((((((((((((((((Lisa)))))))))))))))))))) So happy to see you girl. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you. Seriously girl, you continue to amaze. I'm so happy for your nearly SOI! No new lesions is good. Thank God. Aren't sisters great!? lol....really though, that is good news on your scan Lisa. (((hugs))) Are they trying to find something to help with the headaches girl??? Thanks for taking the time to post. I was thinking 'bout you!

    Saint, is that you???? So awesome to put a face with a name! I love it! You look great girl!!!

    ((((((Bonnie)))))) Thanks for popping in! You've been missed!!!

    Dream, you also cracked me up with "my husband will scream down the house"! That is soooo funny!! Reminds me of my husband. One of the things I miss about him. He never screamed at me but he sure screamed at the neighbors dogs!

    My bitch today is that NOBODY IS BUYING ANYTHING!! Man, this is a freaking tough environment if you are selling something. Somethings gotta give! That stim pkg sure did a lot for the Dow today didn't it? Good grief.

    Hugs y'all.


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited February 2009

    Lisa, it is so good to hear from you and to hear your ugliness is shrinking! I'm sorry it wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear, but agree with you that it was probably good news after all. I think about you all the time and hold you in my heart and prayers. *Big hugs*

    Colleen, that was too funny. Actually, I think peroxide will probably whiten your teeth. Was your smile exceptionally pretty today? ;-)

    It reminded me of a story about my Mom. I took care of her at home for 6 years. She has Alzheimer's and we used to have some crazy days. Well, I could not keep her from gunking up her hair with too much product, so I removed everything from the bathroom, except the bathroom cleaner. We were getting ready to go out one day and I got dressed and when I went to fetch Mom, I smelled cleanser. I looked at her and the front of her hair was soaking wet. I said, "MOM! That was bathroom cleanser you put in your hair!" I'm sure I sounded frustrated.

    She popped back to me,"I don't guess it's going to kill anyone, is it?" Then we both cracked up laughing.

    Back to work....

    Love to all,

    Miss S

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited February 2009

    When I was about 11 or 12 I scraped my shin pretty badly. My one year older sister, so 12 or 13, offered to rub some cream in it to make if feel better. As she wanted to be a nurse (and became one) I let her do it. I moaned as she did it as it make it feel so much worse but she just said I was a baby. Then we found out she had rubbed A5-35 into it! Wowzie! 

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited February 2009

    Im sorry Barbie but that is funny.  I used to have to use rub A535 on my calves.  And my cat of the time (Smokey) used to lick it off, and then sit with his tongue hanging out because it was numb.  That was funny too.

    I got my new bed and had just cleared out hubby's room when he walked in the door.  All is good in the land of bed deliveries.  The mattress I ordered was not available so they moved me up to the next best.  This has egg carton mattress over a shaped mattress designed to lessen bed sores and heel friction. (See I did read the brochure.)  All in all, the bed I got was exactly like the one that went out the door.  What a rigamarole!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited February 2009

    Well, at least he didn't have to scream the house down.

    My husband was once chopping hot peppers and I warned him to wear gloves but he said he was fine. Later he said boy are those peppers hot and I said, did you touch your eye or something. He said no, I went pee.

    Now, picture hours later and we are fooling around making out on the couch. Guess where he touches me? Boy those peppers were hot.... 

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited February 2009

    Dream, I hope your sleep is sweeter on the new mattress.

    A cat with a numb tongue hanging out? ROTFLOL!

    Miss S

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited February 2009



  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited February 2009

    Oh Barb... which was worse the heat rub or the HEAT RUB?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited February 2009

    Actually (blush) the HEAT rub was pretty neat! I think that's why they started this new KY line...someone else thought so too. 

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2009

    And I thought I was going to post a funny for today...Colleen and Barbe have CLEARLY beat me to it...I'm going to vent anyway...because I am continuously (? NO COFFEE = NO SPELLING CHECKS) amazed at our medical people and their endless ability to be stupid...

    and this is the short version...I have had "issues" in the lower abdomen (it's early, I'm trying to spare anyone eating breakfast) since I started Herceptin alone. My doc wants me to have some tests...fine. I take my paperwork to the lab and the lady says -Oh, you need to register, put your paperwork here, we'll call you and you can go in (to the bathroom) and do what you need to do. I ask...I have to a) wait and b) do it "live"...yes, I am told. Fast forward 10 days because thanks to the amount of Dilauded I have been on, things seem to have um...slowed down? Now I'm off meds and things are haywire again...yesterday morning I pump myself with caffeine and smoke a cigarette ( I know, but nothing gets the constitutional going like a butt and coffee...) come to work...and about 10:15 decide I can not wait until lunch to run down to Georgetown and make a "deposit" I peel out early in order not to *&$! my pants. 10 minutes down the road - BAM..traffic jam. Squeeze, cross, think about Elvis...anything to get through it intact. Get to GUH...NO PARKING, LOTS FULL - VALET lanes FULL...yank out my (expired) handicap, slap it on my dash board...and run to check in. Sit. Sit. Sit some more. Finally go up and ask..WTF? Is there a problem, because you've taken EVERYONE but me? ..lady asks: Oh, did you put your paperwork in here? Resist urge to poke her eye out with pen sitting in front of me. Make a brew-ha-ha...they find it -make up a kit, hand it to me and say...bring this back when you can. WTF??? I was told I had to do this, no - someone was mistaken. At this point - I am so not going home without handing someone at GUH a full specimen cup. Go find a quiet bathroom up on the infusion good, waited to long. Too much pressure, can't do it. to find food - it does not matter what, all I have to do is eat these days and viola! Lunchroom, closed! Quickmart - out of sandwiches...go to food court - Taco Bell! PERFECT...$5.00 and one disgusting burrito later...mission back to bathroom...line up all my little vials (that I get to fill myself, with a spoon - GACK!) take off my jacket, bracelts...hang up my what I came to do - and when I am done I realize there is NO TOILET PAPER LEFT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Are you friggin kidding me???

    All this so they can rule out Giardia, C-diff and Salmonella... next time I am just living with it! Gotta lose some weight THAT way!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited February 2009

    Good Morning everyone.  Hugs and/or THAT SUCKS.  Nothing going on here, thank goodness.   

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2009

    Oh Navygirl. sometimes its just not worth it. You navy or related? My Dad was, and my sister is Navy, interesting life she has!

    Interesting stories to start my day, although I am not feeling well so I might just go back to bed.

    Hope today is a good day for all!

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2009

    I so wish I could join you Elaine...well, not literally - but I so don't want to be out of bed today either...unfortunately I have no choice today!

    I'm former navy actually...I did 8 years out of highschool...LOVED it...should have stayed...shoulda, coulda, oughta, woulda....

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2009

    My Dad and uncle did 4 yrs on a sub, my sister went to OCS in 1980, figured she'd do a few yrs and move on.  Fast forward to 2009 and she's still in (Capt), has had some really great assignments and has loved all of it (well I'm sure not all of it but you get the idea).

    Hope today is an easy day for you- is that your little one in the picture?


  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited February 2009

    Good morning all.

    My SOI is that we had some major storms here last night (were you rocking and rolling Sue & Traci?).  The "tornado" that hit in our area was only 4 1/2 miles from my house!  Luckily only some houses were damaged and no one was hurt.  Prayers for those in Oklahoma where there were lives lost.



  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited February 2009

    So glad to hear you are safe.  Add my prayers to those in need.

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2009

    Trish ~ so glad to hear you are OK ...I hate hearing about tornadoes out that way as I have friends who live in Checotah, OK.

    EWB - the four legged one is my little one...the other is one of two very adorable neices...

    SOI - it's such a beautiful day here...I wish I could play hookey :)

  • crazydaisy
    crazydaisy Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2009

    Navygirl.................LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahahahaaaaaaaa.........that story just cracked me up!'s the pearly whites today?

    Hey Dream......your sense of humour just livens a day........take a break from the cleaning, it's not spring yet!

    Have a beeeeeuuuuutiful day all!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited February 2009

    I asked my friend why 3 adults cannot pour coffee, milk, juice without dribbling on the floor.  She said that it was due to the hydromagnetic undersides of the tiles.  They attract liquids to the floor.  Now this friend teaches college, so this definition made me laugh - and you know that if you laugh at a situation - the situation becomes less of an issue.  So I point out which tiles have the greater magnets to my husband.  With his linear thinking, all the floor needs is mopping.  Which 3 adults cannot seem to accomplish.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited February 2009

    HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA, Navy!!!!!!!!!! I read your post at work and now have snot coming out my nose. Thanks for a belly full!