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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited September 2009

    Cancer Shirts!  More Cancer SUX shirts at .

  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited September 2009
  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited September 2009

    At least one thing can be said, we all pretty much retained our sense of humor. They will never get mine!!!! That is what gets me thru the day.

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009

    Sheila, you have lots of sisters, near and farLaughing

    As predictable, Sessna1, you have me laughing and weeping at the same time. 

    Jane, I'm thinking about you

    Barbe1958, you work weekends, don't you?  Have a happy workweekend.

    (((Hugs))) Angel

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288
    edited September 2009

    If there are any football fans in the group you might understand how cool this is.  I cried like a baby.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited September 2009

    Good on ya, Renee, you would have made many people think twice when they saw those strapping big fellas taking time out to walk with you, giving their time to our cause. Nothing like a football player to grab the mens attention too.

    Way to go, girl,


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2009

    Ah Renee, it made ME cry too! A powerful message has been sent to the youth of America....

    Thanks for the weekend wishes ymb, yes I do work till Monday now!

  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2009

    Ok Renee, noiw I guess I have to root for the Ducks. Hard to do, but those guysare great!!!!

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009

    I guess I have to jump on the Ducks wagon too!!!  Renee, I cried my eyes out.  (((Hugs))) Angel

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2009

    Its wonderful to see that kids are getting credit for doing the good things (that they have been doing w/o notice)....the yr I was dxed w/stage 4 my dd was in High School, captain of the cheerleading squad, a competetive gymnast, honor student. Every yr the cheer squad would cheer as the walkers started off and then leave. That yr she decided to stay and walk, try to raise some money...inviting other team members to do the same, but doing it w or w/o them. She ended up raising more than $17,000 for ACS, and another $600 for Susan G (thru bake sales and pin sales-many of which she and I made ourselves). She repeated the event the following yr and is planning to do it again this yr @ college. With all the bad things we hear about--there is so much good being done by children and young adults, because its what they do and feel is right...not to get the publicity (my dd tried so hard to avoid reporters and any was just something she did because it was important to her).

    Renee- you know some lovely young men.

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009

    EWR, You are so right. I find that kids and young adults today, are more cognizant , educated, on world issues, then in prior years.

    O.k. O.k. I'd like to bitch & moan today. I have no will power. I try and try, but invariably end up F#$%king up. Last night I ate: A box of toffee crunch cookies, a big bag of ketchup chips, jelly belly jelly beans, 6 ice cream bars, and for dessert, 3 big slices of cheese cake. BY MYSELF. I went to bed with a dreadful stomach ache. I'm soooo good and then POW!! The inner cookie monster in me comes out. I think if anyone had put their hands in my way, I would have bitten their fingers off. At present I feel my hips increasing in size! aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww Angel

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited September 2009

    Angel -- don't be too hard on yourself -- every once in a while we need a good oink-out. It's like my vanilla ice cream slathered with ready-made chocolate icing binges.  For variety I add Sara Lee chocolate cake! 

    Look at it this way -- the cookies are made with flour and are brown in colour -- you just had healthy grain.  Toffee is made with sugar which comes from sugar cane which looks remarkably like tall celery.  Ketchup is made from tomatoes -- a veggie.  Beans are healthy legumes.  And jelly beans are colourful like fruit!  Ice cream -- can't get enough calcium.  Cheese is protein.  So it sounds like a well rounded meal to me!  I can rationalize anything, no matter how big the stretch!

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited September 2009
  • Sessna1
    Sessna1 Member Posts: 200
    edited September 2009

    Hey hey hey.  I saw this on another board, I am not abadoning this wonderful one, just looking for data.

    Topic: Has anyone started a forum for Chemo in Dec 2008?

    Tamoxifen Reported to Cause Aggressive Cancer Tumors

    Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism (Book Excerpt)

    New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent; cancer industry refuses to support cancer prevention

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited September 2009

    I just love my daughters new tshirt = I want to be Barbie, the b*tch has everything!

    She got one for her boyfriend - There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither works.

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009

    Dear Konakat;  The method you use, to deduce the most logical facts, is with out a qualm, ingenious! Obviously, I have to get with it. If at any time I ever get into a predicament with the law, I'm imploring you, please! please! Will you be my wing man & lawyer. With your ingeniousness & charm, I'd be out of jail in 5 minutes flat. And of course 10 minutes after that, I'd be home eating the 4 basic food groups: cookies, candies, Ice cream and last but not least a big bag of chips.  I've got it made in the shade!!!   (((hugs)))Angel

  • konakat
    konakat Member Posts: 499
    edited September 2009

    Any time Angel.  Don't forget the 5th food group -- cake! 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2009

    And some wine - from the grape, fruit group.

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009

    This is what I'm going to do.  I'm going to put on one of my saucy t-shirts, eat the five food groups, cake for dessert.  Then get sloshed from the fruit group, on wine.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited September 2009

    Dream LOVE the T-shirts! heheheheheeheh

    All you guys bitching about eating all the good stuff! Are you crazy? Good stuff. Good. G. O. O. D.

    Life is too short. We all know that!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2009

    ymb, what does your saucy t shirt have on it?   I used to have one with " Sugar and Spice and everything nice " on the front.  "Get Real"   on the back.   I wore it out...

    Today may be " I have issues".     

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited September 2009

    Good Morning All!!!!! So far I have had a good w/e. Tomorrow is back to work!!!

    Renee what a lovely news story. I agree with everyone, I cried, but it is so nice to see the good things kids do!!!!!

    I had Rum and Coke, I guess that could be the 6th food group. LOL

    Enjoy the holiday.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2009

    Good morning Warriors.

    Konacat - you are one clever woman - I don't know how you came up with that great rationalization.  I love it!

    Sessna1 - your love of God comes shining through everything you post.  Maybe you could start a new thread like "Putting God in your life."  I know He has done a lot for me and I truly want to turn my life over to Him but am having trouble doing so.  Just a thought.

    Every time I read about some woman who is told to "wait and see," "we'll watch it" or is the recepient of incompetence and isn't diagnosed until Stage IV makes me so sad and so angry.

    I cry at the thought of all the wonderful, generous, caring, loving women we lost prematurely because there is no cure.

    I looked at the bc cancer t-shirt site and although many are humorous, the one I liked the best because it says it all is:

    Supporting the fighters, Admiring the survivors, Honoring the taken.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2009

    I've thought about the binge eating and want to post a RANT - no answer is required.  There is no problem to be solved - just lived with.

    I am a diabetic.  For most of the time have been a noncompliant diabetic - in otherwords, ate like I didn't have diabetes.  I accept that my physical problems are a direct result of that (not bc).  Here's the rant coming up:

    I hate the fact that I can't eat anything I want - I mean really, really hate it.  Like everyone else in America - I grew up with food translating into comfort.  My comfort has now been removed and I don't like it one bit.  I used to watch TV and eat; read and eat; eat because I am sad, eat because I am nervous, eat because I was happy, eat because they showed one of my favorite episodes of one of my favorite series on TV - well, you get the picture.  I can't do that anymore and I HATE it.  I have diabetic neuropathy so bad I cannot feel my feet!  I have a diabetic ulcer I can't get to heal - its only been there a little over a year!  And even though I am compliant now and have lost a considerable amount of weight (close to 30 pounds), it isn't helping to heal the ulcer.  When they come up with a cure for breast cancer, can they find a cure for diabetes, too?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2009

    Kathleen I am so sorry about your diabetic problem, sounds a biggie.

    I don't know anything about diabetes. I know my MIL has it, she refuses to stop eating sugars/cakes/chocolate. DH and I get it in the neck from her GP, but we can't be with her to stop her 24 hrs a day, she thinks nothing of tucking into a whole cake herself.

    Don't know if I could give up my sweeties completely !


  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited September 2009

    Kathleen, I love my sweets too,a nd do not know if I could completely give them up. My aunt is diabetic and she too has bad neuropathy. i have never been a bin wait and believer in wait and see. That is what the drs. said to mom and she died.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2009

    Hey, Mary:  Diabetes is an insidious disease that kills nerves - that's the reason for neuropathy, blindness, kidney failure, and "silent" heart attacks (nerves are numb so you can't feel the pain).  A while back they discovered that it was not the sugar that you ate but rather the carbohydrates and the portion.  Each meal is not to have more than 45-60 carbohydrates.  IF you think that's a lot, everything but animal flesh has carbs!  I am a vegetarian so there's some good news.  Check the nutrition claimer on any box, bag, or can to see the carbs contained inside - you will be amazed.  The reason we diabetics should not eat sweets is the number of carbs - not sugar - although we can have some sweets - just limited and must adjust food plan for that day (in otherwords, cut back somewhere).  And it cannot be every day.  Diabetics who prefer to be diet non-compliant end up crppled, blind, awaiting a kidney transplant or dead.

    Each diabetic has a choice - not a great choice but a choice nonetheless.

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009

    Dear Kathleen;  It ‘s ghastly that you have to deal with the pressure of two diseases. Diabetes is awful. I don't know how I would persevere if I was diabetic. When you described your relationship with food, it could have been me talking. Food for me is a crutch, a celebration, a comfort, a pick me up,etc. Most of all, I associate it with love, from my adolescence. As a hobby, my Mom took courses and received Chef papers. Without exception, each day of my childhood, mom prepared large home cooked cuisine. She grew up on a horse farm, so meals had to be plentiful. Every second day of the week was baking day. Pies, cakes, cookies, pastries, muffins, rolls, tea biscuits, homemade bread, from scratch. I didn't have store baked bread until I was in my twenty's. Everything and anything you could imagine, in the way of food, she created. What wasn't devoured immediately, was dispensed to the neighbor hood. Baking & cooking in moderation was a foreign concept to Mom. She demonstrated her love to family and friends by baking. I've been contemplating hypnosis to break my correlation with food. What is your opinion? Everyone please feel free to chime in.   (((hugs))) Angel

  • capebretongirl
    capebretongirl Member Posts: 55
    edited September 2009
    OoopssEmbarassed I meant Kathleen, I submitted my post over 2 hours ago & it just showed on the page.  So I missed reading your most recent post, until now. I was vegan for 20 yrs, and I can tell you for certain, the only time I took in only 60 carbs, was when I was licking sauce off my fingers.   Crap I don't know how you do it.    (((hugs))) Angel
  • zachmomma
    zachmomma Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2009


    A little bit of history, I lost my paternal grandmother to breast cancer in 1980.  My mom and I were diagnosed 6 days apart in October 2008.  When I called my brother to tell him, he said, "Isn't October breast cancer awareness month?", "Yep" I told him.  His next comment was, "I'm about as aware of this shit as I want to be!" 

    Mom had breast cancer in both her breasts and had to do 6 weeks of chemo, bi-lateral mastectomy and 6 1/2 weeks of radiation.  I had it in my right breast and chose to have a bi-lateral mastectomy and now am on Tamoxifen for the next 5 years.  We both were tested for the breast cancer gene, mom was negative, I am BRCA1 positive...

    Well, I was called "cancer free" on November 20, 2008.  Mom was given a clean bill of health after a scan when her radiation was finished in June.  Well, 2 weeks ago things changed.  Mom had a routine blood test run and her liver enzymes were elevated.  She was also experiencing headaches, slurred speech and dizzyness.  Her oncologist ordered a CT scan of her abdomen and chest on Wednesday of last week.  As soon as they saw the films from that, they ordered a brain MRI on Thursday.  Turns out (as the radiology oncologist put it) the breast cancer "exploded inside her body".  The tumors in her brain are "too numerous to count" with the largest one being almost 3cm across.  This is the one that is causing the balance and speech issues.  Her radiology oncologist started treatments on Sunday, she has a total of 15.  On top of this, she has "lesions" (which is a fancy name for TUMORS) in her liver and lungs so now she also has to deal with more chemo.  They are doing a needle biopsy on her liver tomorrow morning to determine if the cancer in her liver is estrogen positive or negative so they can figure out how to treat it.

    I am not ready to lose my mom!!!  Yell  I am also scared to death that this is going to happen to me.  My emotions are all over the place right now.  I know that I need to be strong for my mom and dad but I also need to take care of myself.  Mom's motto through all of this has been, "If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it." but I'm really beginning to wonder...

    Sorry I have rambled so long but I needed to get all of this out there and off my chest (even though they're not real Cool) Thanks for reading and listening!!
