Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2011

    so pleased for you barbe

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614
    edited August 2011

    Barbe ~ you make me laugh!!!  Glad you got GAS, but not the kind I first imagined!  And you'll have clean clothes too!

  • TooManyCocktails
    TooManyCocktails Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2011
    For once, It's good to be in another kind of hot waterTongue out Good for you!
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2011

    Barbe - That's the best news I've heard in a long time!  Wonderful.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited August 2011

    Awesome News Barbe!!!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited August 2011

    I'd be in there using the 1st batch of hot water on a looooong relaxing bath!!!!  You certainly deserve it after all your troubles.

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited August 2011

    Barbe, are you  cookin with gas yet?!?

    Have appointments scheduled with a new onco for a second opinion for treatment of this met, and a cardio-thoracic surgeon to see if he thinks it can/should be removed.....

    Trying to get a copy of my path report long-distance  (I'm on vacation):  Dr. says, sure, we will email it to you, it should be there shortly.  No email.  Next day, call and leave message on nurse's line.  Nurse called me back:  "We are not allowed to email path results, it's against company policy." It's not because I don't already know the results, it's just "against company policy,"  So I said, "Could someone please tell the DOCTOR that?!?"


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2011

    New washer and dryer in RED will be delivered tomorrow!!!! About to have my FIRST shower!! Didn't want to have it last night until the sheets were clean, so bought new sheets too but was too tired when I got home to stand in a shower. Can't do the bath thing as I can't get up-and-out of a bath....sigh.

  • bedo
    bedo Member Posts: 1,431
    edited August 2011

    Sueper. What a self-important a$$

    My radiologist looked at my US, did a core biopsy and announced that It was a garden variety cancer and that I would need a lumpectomy and chemo. ALL before sending it to the path lab. She then went to the waiting room and told my daughter "I'm a little uncomfortable telling you this with HIPPA and all, but your mom has a garden variety cancer" She also told me that she was telling me this to "help me along with the process" EXcuuuuse ME? I will never see her again!

    I reported her to my surgeon. I had a note put in my chart that she was not to be involved with my care again. My doc spoke to the radiology dept.  She is not a pathologist, RO, MO, surgeon or therapist.and I do not need chemo btw.  She was instructed not to give information outside her scope of practice and to advise patients that she will have to review the films more closely later, but not to discuss treatments etc, as she is not qualified.

    I guess I could sue for HIPPA,violation  but I'm not a sue-type person and I think she learned her lesson

  • StillKicking
    StillKicking Member Posts: 29
    edited August 2011

    Bedo - Talk about crossing the line!

    Barbe - I'm jealous.  Red.

    Me, no real crap, just have no get-up-and-go.  I've worked maybe 10 hours in the last 2 weeks.  After taking a shower, can't make myself get up and get dressed.  Hoping it is just the Arimidex fatigue hitting.

  • navygirl
    navygirl Member Posts: 369
    edited August 2011

    YAY for Barbe!!! Now, if only Irene stays far far away from you so that you have a few days to enjoy it :)

    I'm trying to catch up girls...for the way they are talking, I probably won't be on for a few days...they are sending out alert text messages to people here to store water, stock up on batteries and candles and to expect the power to be out for days, if not a week or more. Really? Sever storms that brought a huge tree branch down on our house, an earthquake, and now a hurricane that's going to wipe out the power for an extended period of time.

    I'm ready for 2011 to be done :(

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2011

    Navygirl..........................I'm right thee with ya.........................stay safe..........I'm fighting the battle with my shore home in Cape May, and my home in Pa.............................for me its gonna be a double whammy .....................Hey no one ever said it was going to be easy, but we have fought worse battles then this one........................luck to you, and prayers.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2011

    bedo:  What an awful thing for your radiologist to do!  Sorry you had to experience such pain from her.  Glad you proved her wrong about chemo.

    Thinking of everyone in the path of Irene and praying for your safety. 

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited August 2011

    Navy girl, when Hugo came through NC in 1989, it roared onshore at Charleston late at night and headed across country. We had alerts prior that we may experince some wind from the storm. When it got to Charlotte about 5 am, it was still a weak hurricane but the power was out in Charlotte and we got no warning from the news channels. The power went out here about 6:30. We saw the winds change directions indicating the eye crossed over Lenoir, some people went without power for 2 weeks. we were fortunate we had power back on within a week. This time Irene is staying on the coast and we have beautiful weather today with some breezes and fluffy clouds.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    edited August 2011

    I think I'm coming down off my all clear pathology report high. I'm having a bitchy, cranky, hate everyone and everything day. I still have one drain in, I'm retaining tons of fluid, my incision is very tender and a little red so have to take antibiotics and worst of all, I still have to wear the f+++ing binder... If someone looks at me cross eyed, there could be a major crime commited. It's a good thing I live alone.

  • StillKicking
    StillKicking Member Posts: 29
    edited August 2011

    Hautie - You described me to a "T" and my drains have been out 3 years!  My family knows to leave me alone. I feel sorry for them. They never know what will come out of my mouth. Pi**ed off all the time.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    edited August 2011

    Stillkicking - I'm pretty sure my moodiness/bitchiness is related to my battle with depression as much as the surgery. I have my hills and valleys and seem to be sliding into a valley. Have you looked into this possiblity as an explanation? Meds help, but sometimes I just feel a downward slide coming on.

  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210
    edited August 2011

    I had a great vacation and came home to suckage, which I won't go into right now as I would like to eventually go to bed!  But Sue - so sucky!  And I could understand if you had asked or hinted you were anxious to know the results, but to just blurt it out?!  AAhole.  I know you don't care right now - but you asked where my gallery is - it's at 1317 Madeline Place - it's a home turned gallery right off Camp Bowie just west of the Cultural District.  We're debuting on Fall Gallery Night, September 10.  I'm a bit stressed.  I'm not ready and neither is the gallery.  Yikes!  Of course, I have to be at my day job gallery at the FW Community Arts Center that night, which is a bit disappointing.

    Barbe - I also went straight to the OTHER kind of gas.  My mind is truly warped.  I'm so glad you're back on the grid, so to speak.  I have been there, done that.  It sucks!

  • miasanta2007
    miasanta2007 Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2011

    Insomnia...does it suck or what?

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited August 2011

    Yes it does suck... insomnia that is. Hi everyone. So sorry for the suckage!

    Sue - so sorry for another dx. I was hoping it was just scar tissue. We will be here to help you face this head on. yet again. I'm so sorry. And glad you ratted out the tech-no-dummy. 

    BIG YAY for Barbe getting the Gas turned back on. YAYAY ... I was trying to think of a way to take up a collection to get your gas back. Thank God for the little things. Hot water, waht a relief!!

    I'm doing better, I think. Now that I think about it. I'm staying away from mothers house, good for me!!!  And thanks for asking! My son is settling down here and has a job. A night job, but a job. I'm going to call and write to pull some strings and see if we can get him employed at the college where I worked for 18 years and he graduated from. He would be the ideal candidate for a job in the industrial design shop. DD#3, with the baby and another one due in January has settled down a bit too, I think she's finally learned that she doesn't have to do anything she's uncomfortable with in regards to the baby daddy of the 2 year old. They were together a long time and he knows how to pull her strings. He doesn't pay any child support, but has enough $$ to buy another POS car AND a cell phone. ARRGH. He wants the child to call him "Daddy" (and she does), but she calls the new man in their life "Big Daddy" hahahaha. So now, instead of calling the SOB an SOB or "the jerk" or "meathead" we refer to him as little daddy cause hes a teeny excuse for a man and he does little for his own daughter. the jerk. Same DD just graduated a 2 yr. program in accounting and cannot find employment. Nobody is likely to hire a pregnant gal. Our DD#1 is working hard, waiting tables and tending bar, attending all of her AA meetings and Recovery program meetings so she is not stressed right now. And we're good with her downtown apt. too.

    What a relief. When the kids are calm, mom's life is much calmer.Still broke, but calmer. Maybe it's the heat. It's just so hot. This was a hot, hot summer and I'm glad to see it go. My grandmother called these Dog Days, the spent shortening days of summer, still hot. Wildfires still burning and the heat drags on.

    OH for the energy to do some desperate spring/summer cleaning.  WOW! That's totally great compared to the suckage of others. Specially those in Vermont where that hurricane tore up towns and lives.

    I will check back in more often.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited August 2011

    Good to hear everything is status quo Connie!!

    Bookart, what kind of art do you do? I'm an artist too!!

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited August 2011


    I was just in the area yesterday!!!  Had to pick up art supplies (for dd who is taking an intro art class at TCC northeast) from Asel Art Supplies - checked out the brochure online for the Fall Gallery Night.   I didn't see a website for your gallery.  Would love to see the type of art you do.  I hope to swing by and see your and your fellow artists' work.  Not sure on my schedule though. 

    Sorry to hear of suckage after vacation.

    Hugs to all.


  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    edited August 2011


    I thought the last drain not coming out today was bad. I thought the blurry vision in my right eye that turned into intense burning and sent me to an emergency appointment at the opthamology clinic was bad. Even worse, when they told me I had a chemical burn on my right cornea and even though I didn't have any symptoms - there was also a less severe burn on my left cornea  - probably from some saline solution I used for my contact lenses.

    No, the really terrible news came from my PCP, when she called me, this evening, with the results of all the labs she ran earlier  today to try and figure out why I'm retaining so much fluid post surgery. All the tests came back fine, except one that may indicate something going on with my heart. She didn't understand why this might be until she talked to my BS who reminded her about my chemo. My PCP was on maternity leave during that time.

    I remember having the MUGA scan. I don't remember whether it was the adriamycin or cytoxin that had the potential to damage my heart. I could go on line now and look up what damage it may have caused, but I won't. Not until I know that I need to know. An echocardiogram is being scheduled for Thursday.

    When I got the all clear pathology report on the PMX, I thought I beat the bastard. Turns out he may have still come back to bite me in the ass.

    Prayers please, that all is ok.. I'm scared.

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614
    edited August 2011

    Oh Hauntie, so sorry to hear about your BAD day!  {{((BIG HUGS!!!!!!))}} 

    I hope you did you get something to sooth and heal the cornea burns?  And...Switch saline solution or wear glasses until it heals?

    An echo is a great diagnostic test.  Glad they could get you in as early as Thursday, even though that probably seems like a long time away, right now.

    You hang in there!! Hugs and Prayers for You!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited August 2011

    You are in my prayers too Hauntie.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    edited August 2011

    Thanks - the cornea burns are being treated and will heal. I don't know how this happened. The solution was a bottle of all purpose solution, I had used before. The lenses had been soaking a couple of days, because I hadn't been wearing them. My MD and I can't tnink of anything else that could have caused this, since I was fine until I put them in this morning. I've had multiple painful surgeries, including hand surgery, known to be very painful due to the large number of nerves in the hand. But, this was by far the most physically painful thing I've ever experienced. I was literally screaming in the car on the way home. My vision is better, although my eyes are still very irritated. They should be much better in a few days.

    Re the heart thing - As long as I have the support of family, friends and BC friends I'll get

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited August 2011

    Hauntie:  I just want to add my support.  You will be in my prayers.  

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2011


    Hauntie... let us know your test results and may the force be with you! (((((((HUGS)))))))))))

    Problem;  I signed up for an internet marketing course. Feeling really stupid about it right now because they keep screwing with my head. I started the program July 1 and was quickly derailed from the program I signed up for and directed to another type of sales online, and not what I signed up for. I'm old enough to know and check things out before signing anything, and I did, but the promises have been broken and my patience with their customer service dept is not happy.Hope I don't have to get a lawyer to end the agreement since they already broke their end, but I'm not expecting passive compliance with my wanting to quit all together. Monday will be the telephone interaction with a honcho that can make it easy or make it hard. Praying for a reasonable compromise. Nagging me all weekend. I'm just trying to find a way to bring in some additional income. Things are at penny-pinching levels here for us now.

    You try to do a positive thing and get screwed over by some geeks. WHAT is this world coming to?


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited September 2011

                                                   SEPTEMBER 11, 2001.

    May we all remember the innocent who died, the couragous citizens who knew and faced their greatest fear in the air, and the Heros;  men, women and canines who braved the horrors of that day, forever.

    May God bless the spirit of character that unselfishly saved lives, compassionately tended the injured, generously gave food, water and refuge to shocked, fleeing victims, be the unwavering, indwelling spirit that is our backbone in all true Americans.

    Today and every day, let us remember those lost and honor the heroic deeds we witnessed amongst the chaos, but may all humanity vow to live with respect for one another.


  • tnbcRuth
    tnbcRuth Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2011

    I have done my fair share of bitching and complaining, but I have good news to share!  I finally, finally got a job!  I've been kinda looking since February but scared because my brain is still scrambled.  I was a loan processor in both mortgage and title, and this job is in mortgage as an ASSISTANT !  Yay!!!  That takes all the pressure off, whew.  Its 5 miles from home and in Orlando that's a very good thing.  Pay is excellent and from what I have read, I get benefits right away!!  I got hired directly from my resume, no interview!!  Amazing!  There are a few other things that need to fall into place...but as much as I have been hating my life for the last 4 years, maybe this is finally the turn.  I'm afraid to hope that things will actually ever be good again, but it sure feels nice to know I have somewhere to go in between bed and sofa.  

    9-11  I cried my eyes out during the memorials on tv this morning.  Thanks Connie for posting kind words.