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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • honeygirl
    honeygirl Member Posts: 136
    edited April 2008

    Oh Deb , I wish I could be there with you right now. I can so feel your pain and how tired you really are. Nothing I can say right now will make you feel better. But I would give you a BIG hug and let you know I am here. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hope you wake up tomorrow and find things aren't so dark. I will go light a candle for you Deb , and I hope it will light a way to a brighter , stronger tomorrow. I love you Deb.xxxx

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2008

    DebC where are you?  You still here on this thread?

    I know you are a sweetheart and I think you must be feeling bad for someone else besides your own self.   I know you are feeling sick cause you just had a treatment the other day when that inept tech hurt you. Here she hurts you, but you end up feeling bad about her feelings.  Deb you are just the best kind of woman.  The kind we all should be. You are not feeling good and you just had a treatment.  I'm crying for you too here. I am praying Jesus wraps you in his arms tonight and soothes your body and soul. Whatever it is in your chemo must be annilating those bad cells.  Please have some juice and a little snack then go to sleep and rest.  Have a deep, long, healing sleep. Let the medicine work while you dream honey.

    <3 hanna 

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2008

    Hannah, I think that you are enjoying the martini experience! I went out for lunch today with two local BC friends and we had some drinks. It was fun, but sure made lunch expensive!

    Lisa, that is just unbelievable that you can't just go and get a freakin blood draw where ya need it. Perhaps you'll just need to learn to draw your own blood and take it to them. After all, you gave yourself shots all through chemo.  I am so sorry you have to wait to get the tests run.... and that you have to go through all this aggravation. You have hit SO  many obstacles during this journey, I know it is making you weary. *big hugs*

    DebC, you do need to take time to bawl your eyeballs out from time to time. Sheesh, chemo alone SUCKS the big one! Add in everything else and it's a requirement to have a melt down every now and then. We do care about you and I hope you feel our prayers. *big hugs*

    I found this pic..... we can all decide who the target is:

    Oh what the heck.... Hannah *big hugs* for you, too!!   Laughing

    Love to all,

    Miss S

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008

    ugh ughmm How do you clear your throat (sp?) Luanna, you can thrive and I know you mean well but, this is really our bitch thread where when a occasional hug is o.k. but most all the positive "praises" stay on all the other threads. Deb came here to bitch and moan and groan and didn't want to get cheered up right then. She needs a non-ramification vent and that is what we are here for!!!!!

    She bitches and we bitch and we moan and groan and that's about it, added in with a whole hell of alot of funny stuff and well wishes for crap coming up but NO it's gonna be hunky funky dorey on this thread! Just yours sucks and listen to how mine sucks too.

    This is a thread where you can tell people everything sucks and rather then them try to cheer you up, you either laugh or make your crap worse! Cuz EVERYTHING SUCKS!!!! In a way, I think this thread nullifies, "it could be worse" a term I would normally not like, but since meeting a few thousand cancer sisters really, is appropriate.

    Just like jdg family commenting on her hair----hello----it --- sucks!!

    ((Waves)) Sorry to say welcome....

    Lisa, my foobs hurt too. You are the first to say that I think....ouch.

    Marsha, skillet surprise in Arlington ! Woo Hoo ! Can I invite myself over for dinner? I'll be there the end of May!! Before that though, I gotta meet up with the girls in Wilmington! Hannah, if we meet there and Harley, Shirley and I make some martini's, you won't need sleeping pills! None of us will!!!

    Held--you and Wink married to the same man -- that was funny.

    Deb, I'm sorry you are tired girl. ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))

    Isabelle, don't you think that this thread is a potential good new book?? I'm talking NY times best seller. It would be like Erma Bombeck meets cancer. It would blow away wait......I can't say it, we need to patent it!!! More later.

    My bitch today is that I got to spend time with my 19 yr old nieces 6 month old baby Kailey today and all day all I could think about was how I missed out on being a mommy. She was totally reaching out for Great Aunt Traci to hold her....and hold her I did, all day long.

    Love you girls.


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008
    CoolYou must have posted that kittie shooting before I was done with my book long post! that was funny!!!Smile
  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    Traci, thank you for spelling out the bitch thread rules... Smile

  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2008


    held and wink, I think you've cloned my husband. He just spent 2 days at our lake house and came home complaining to me about his throat hurting. . .WTH, I'm 2 weeks post mast w/tram and he's whining to me???

    hanna, glad you're enjoying that martini. Last year my dd and I bought a cosmopolitan kit and some martini glasses and mixed it up. We weren't really crazy about the taste, but we felt so la-ti-da with our glasses rimmed in pink sugar.

    I love this thread. gsg, the birthday candle for filling in the tooth gap cracked me up!

    My bitch for today. . .because I can't wear a bra yet I've now developed a rash under my droopy "good" boob. I looked around the house for something to put on it and the only thing I could find was my dh's Gold Bond foot powder. . .OMG it burned like hell, but I think the rash actually looks better.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited April 2008

    (((DebC))) - I guess this isn't the time to tell you how WONDERFUL you look!  I had to go to a name day party yesterday and everyone kept telling me how good I looked - I pulled my lip down every chance I got to show my WAX tooth.  "Wonderful you say?  Why my damned teeth are falling wonderful is that?"

    Patrice :I laughed till I cried over the birthday candle sticking out of my mouth!  My first thought when the dentist said "wax" was the half burned cinammon/vanilla candle in the bathroom but decided the smell could knock me out so I bought some ear plug silicone putty and molded myself a damned fine tooth.  It really did work well so if anyone starts flipping teeth out by golly just get yerself some ear plug wax and go to town.

    Lisa:  I'd make sure your doctor gets the lowdown on the nurses AND the supervisor who couldn't take a draw from your foot/ankle.  Was this a nursing school?????? 

    Miss S - Remember it's not GUNS that kill, it's the bad kitties who kill!  So we should all stop trying to take away their rights to bear arms..

    May today suck a little less than yesterday......

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2008

    Deb...just thinking of you this morning, lots of hugs to you, you're going thru the mill right now, and have every right to feel bad.

    Get those girls of yours into gear, tell them their mom needs a bit of pampering, get 'em into the kitchen and let them cook YOU a meal,.

    Get a nice long shower, clean jammies on, and go be Queen for a day.

    So sorry about your stupid nurse, no wonder you are feeling shi**y when you have to cope with things like this.

    Hoping for some better days ahead for you.


  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited April 2008

    Deb, hope today is a better day for you.  i'm glad you didn't pretend to be anything but what you were feeling yesterday.  To do otherwise, is a waste..especially here.

    This disease and its treatment  seems to give more downs than ups and moving to stage iv takes those downs to a whole nuther level.  i've never been one to feel "grateful" for anything i've received from b.c.  it's a takes our energy, it takes up our days, it takes from our families, it takes our feelings of femininity, it takes over our lives.  it SUCKS...but you don't.   you are a gem.  <3

  • LorenaB
    LorenaB Member Posts: 91
    edited April 2008

    Traci, you are right, this thread could totally be a bestseller!  Hmm, how could we market this? 

    {{{HUGS}}} to Traci about the baby thing.  This is an old bitch -- I've gotten over it -- but at the very first meeting I had with a surgeon after my dx, she was rattling off all the stuff I needed to know, and suddenly she looked at me and said: "You're 41 and have one child right?  You don't want another, do you?"  I was like, "Um, I  don't know, probably not but maybe..." And she replied, "Because after these treatments you won't be able to have any more kids."  Just like that.  I had no idea until that point that chemo/tamoxifen would take away my fertility before I was ready.  And then it took her a good three minutes to realize that I needed a tissue!  Needless to say I never saw that surgeon again!

    More hugs going out to Deb in Alaska - -I hope today is better.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2008

    I cant believe how many posts there are since I last checked in.  And this is my favorite thread.

    OK, my first bitch is that I wrote a whole long post and lost the dang thing.  Wiggling my nose to keep this a bitchin thread. 

    pig-nose-wiggle.gif Sniffing Pig image by CDShep66

    My second bitch is that since breast cancer treatment, when I perspire its always my head!  I could spend 1 hour trying to create a hair style that will not make me look like chemohead - and with one hot flash its gone!  Dont perspire anywhere else now.  Just my head.  So I look in the mirror and see a fat lady who is not smoking a cigar, looks old, dark circles under her eyes, and unhappy wrinkles starting to develop on my face.  The only cure for me today is to go out and buy something!

    DebC:  First of all I hate roller coasters.  Never did enjoy the entertainment value at amusement parks.  So it pisses me off that we cant get off of this ride even though we want to.  And sometimes, this damn cancer likes to bite us in the butt when we least expect it.  I wish I could visualize it, then I would put a picture of it on my wall and throw darts at it.  Somehow that would make me feel better especially if I was able to hit it right between its eyes.  When it comes to breast cancer, sometimes I feel like I have this written all over my face!

    bite-me-blue-cube.gif bite-me-blue-cube.gif image by mydisabilitytalk

    Sam:  OMG!  Gold bond foot powder?  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  At least it seemed to work.

    Traci:  Loved the throat clearing.

    Isabella:  When I read your post, I had an urge to come over there and bitch slap your husband.  Geez!  Not only do we have to think about living with our own cancer, now we have to teach an 80 y/o to live with his?  Sorry, Im not being mean or anything, but give me a break.  If my husband did that to me, he would be in big big trouble.  Stupid men!

    GSG:  Hmmm why is it they didnt tell us the long lasting effects of some of the chemo we got.  I dont have taxol toes and fingers, but I still get neuropathy pain shooting down my legs.  Enough to say ouch out loud and everyone thinks Im crazy.  Well they are right.  Breast cancer did indeed make me into a crazy woman.

    Crazy_Cat_Lady.jpg crazy cat lady image by DocBarleycorn  

    And yes, I have the cats and one goofy dog to prove it.

    Shirley:  Passed out on the couch during social gatherings?  Yes that would be me. In fact when I enter the house I have to look around to find my spot.

    Well so many more to talk to, but time to make breakfast.  


  • Held
    Held Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2008

    My bitch of the day - this is the second time I had to try to type this.  My dh almost caught me the first time! LOL  - Now for the actual bitch.  My sinsus clog up when I sleep, so I have to roll from one side to the other during the night to relieve the pressure in my head.  I currently have a drain on my left side, making it impossible to roll on to my left and relieve the sinsus pressure on my right.  In the middle of the night last night, I spend several minutes propping and placing pillows just right so I could be on my left side just enough to let my sinuses drain and relieve the pressure.  This morning I told my dh about how I was able to sleep a little on my left and that my sinsus thanked me for it.  His response - "tell me about it".  I could have kicked him in his teeth.  So I did tell him about it.  Hello dumb jerk, I was physically unable to roll to my left because of a TUBE sticking out of my chest!!!  NOT something you can relate to even a little bit! 

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2008

    Hey guys -

     Thanks for all the support and the hearty THAT SUCKS!

    It is amazing how much better I feel after a few hours sleep and a good....well...a good crap!  How is that for TMI???

    On top of everything else my iron pills are turning me into a brick factory.  I finally took about 6 different stool softeners and laxatives yesterday and got things "going"....Now what do you want to bet I will be running to the toilet all day today?  LOL

    Deb C

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2008

    Miss S, loved the kitty picture.  I wonder how they got the kitty to pose long enough to take the picture?

    Traci, loved your post!  I like the way you tell it like it is!  However, you also educated the person about this thread.  And, I've been thinking the same thing...a book should be written.  Also, Patrice's thread.  Combine the two and it will #unno on the N.Y. Times (especially for women who have experienced this dd = damned disease, not dear daughter)!  Oh, and I could be the designated drive.  I don't drink because I'm already loopy enough!  Even one martini would do me in.  But my daughter loves making them and makes some good she says.  She could come here and make them for everybody!  And, I'm sorry about the you not having a baby.  You would make a wonderful mom.  Be an auntie to everyone's baby!

    Deb, hope you are feeling a little better today.  I don't know the time difference Alaska.  I also hope you released those toxins through some tears.

    Nicki, I love your cute little piggy nose.  I look like a pig!

    Held, you need a Neti Pot.  Saw it the Oprah Show with Dr. Oz.  Some people swear by it.  Here's what it looks like.  You wash your sinuses out with it.

    Okay, edited to show this Neti Pot instead of the other one that messed up the page.  This is REALLY neat. 

    I'll have to come back later for my gripe for the day.  My biggest gripe everyday is I'VE LOST MY BRAINS!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2008

    I need to find another pic of a Neti Pot.  This one has messed up the who page!

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    DebC, I'm so glad you're feeling better!

    So, someone else is likely to win the tropy for the suckiest day today, BUT...

    I think you deserve a special award for MOST LITERAL FULFILLMENT of the purpose of this thread, as defined by Traci in her initial post: 'bout we just use this as a sound off thread  and everytime everbody posts some CRAP going on in their lives, the replies will be "that sucks.....listen to my crap!"


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2008

    LOL Ann-

    Yep, my crap sounds like bb's hitting the john right now!  Just listen to MY crap....LOLOL....

  • Held
    Held Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2008

    In the stall right next to you Deb.  Narcs do so much to help your digestion.  I have a netipot (stupid of me not to have used it recently), what I need is a husband who doesn't think he can relate to the discomfort of having a tube hanging out my side (for the 7th friggin time) while I am trying to sleep!!!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008

    "I think you deserve a special award for MOST LITERAL FULFILLMENT of the purpose of this thread"

     LMAO!~!!!!!!! That was funny!!

    Cool Hope everybody's day isn't too crappy. (no pun intended!)


    Nicki --- Love the pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2008

    OMG!  Im working in the yard and just came in for a short break.  "listen to my crap?"  Hahaha!

    Thank you for my afternoon giggle.  We do have fun with our bitches at times dont we.

    disneyprincessescrazy.jpg picture by chemosabi1


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited April 2008

    I love the little piggy!!!!!!

    Miss S

  • chemo072
    chemo072 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2008


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2008

    Will someone enlighten me as to what exactly is a Martini????

    Little...well, not that little nowadays, ole me has no idea!!

    Of course I have heard of them, but do you MIX it, or do you buy it already mixed ???

    Being a wine drinker, I just never take any notice of other drinks!

     I haven't got a bitch for today, in fact I have had a most stupendous day, my little boy came to see his Mummy today, ALL ON HIS OWN, no DIL, no Grankids to stop me going ABSOLUTELY overboard because it was his birthday SmileSmileSmileSmile

    I made him his favorite chicken casserole, a lemon and raspberry panna cotta, and we shared a good bottle of wine.

    I was absolutely beside myself, my cup runeth over as the saying goes! or should that be raneth!! I really don't care, I could have thrown my knickers in the air with ecstasyEmbarassedEmbarassed

    Its just years since I had him all to myself on our special day, and, the icing on the cake , I was giving him a great big teddy bear hug at exactly the very minute I gave birth to him all those years ago....oh, how I love my little boy.

    Right, thats the opposite of a bitchy rant, and I really don't care!!!!

    This goes down as one of the very few extra special days in my life, so now I go to bed with a very big smile on my face ....can you tell how much I adore my little boy ?????..... Who was 44 TODAY !!!

    Bitching is on hold for me today.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2008

    I'm sorry, Held.  I say use the Neti Pot on him while he's sleeping.  Could that be considere "water bording?" LOL

    Oh, I hate those drains.  I had two on my right side after mast.  I lounged in the recliner for the first few nights.  Drains are the worst!  When they were taken out if felt like I got my wings back...FREEDOM!

    You really need to moan and groan loudly.  When dh asks what's the matter you complain about the drains.  You must do this throughout the day!

    Good luck and hope those sinuses clear up a bit.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2008

    Isabella, I know the feeling.  It's so nice to have your child around without having to share them.  When my dd and her hubby came home for a visit at Christmas he sometimes spent the night at his parent's house and she stayed here.  Or he sometimes had dinner with him and she had dinner with us. 

    I can tell you love your little 44 year old boy. Wink


  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited April 2008

    Happy birthday to your son, Isabella...your day sounds heavenly!  I can relate to how you feel about your 44-year-old baby.  I have a 29-year-old baby...unfortunately, he's thousands of miles away from me...I still miss the days when I was able to pull him onto my lap.

    Shirley:  When I read your "waterboarding" comment I snorted loudly.  You are HYSTERICAL!  LOL.

    my bitch for the day is not long after I woke up, allergies kicked into high gear and the only meds I had were the drowsy kind.  I took a pill and was knocked out until a little bit ago...lost the whole damn day.  i probably wouldn't have accomplished anything, but still, it's the principle. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 183
    edited April 2008

    Hello, fellow moaners. A hearty "That Sucks!" to all...

    I'm in deperate need of a hammer. I'd use it to nail my freaking ex's damn nuts to the wall.

    What an a$$ he is. He kept my son waiting for two whole days about how the transportation for the visit was going to happen. Made the freaking kid neurotic - he checked his phone every five minutes from the time he got home from school on Friday until today.

    A little background: my ex built a house and moved 40 miles away about two years ago. Since then, he's seen my son about five times. He's good for calling and saying he'll "try" to make time to see the kid then not calling back and then - get this - developing an attitude when my son calls him for some kind of explaination. My boy and I had a long talk this weekend about the meaning of "passive aggression."

    My son was pissed off all weekend - and rightfully so. But as soon as his stepmom called to say she was on her way to pick him up (she happened to be in town for a funeral), all was right with the world again. Dad immediately went back to his place as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Mind you, shithead was supposed to call Friday and my kid spent a whole lot of time by the phone. What the hell would they have done if we - GOD FORBID - weren't home or actually went out and enjoyed the sunshine or something? Guess it would have been MY FAULT. What the hell else is new?

    Before stepmom came and picked him up today, my son hadn't seen his dad since the day after Thanksgiving - five freaking months ago (who DOES that crap?!?). So my son left here today with a little luggage and two bags of Christmas gifts he spent his money on four months ago for dad and family.

    So, please, somebody find me a hammer... 

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    Oh, Felicia, that sucks HORRIBLY...

    Seeing your kid in pain is the worst pain.