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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • Unknown
    edited June 2008

    Nikki, did you know that youtube film clip (Little Old Lady from Pasadena) is from the movie, Waking Ned Devine?  I own it!!  It's hilarious and the end where the old witch gets bumped from here to kingdom come is Sooooooo satisfying.

    All is well with the world.  LOL

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2008

    Nicki - What a nice video to start the day with!  Just what I needed today - thanks!

    Diane - Still sending good thoughts your way.  My aunt sends me the "Daily Word" and today's  is "United in Spirit".  That seemed a good thing to share.

    Sue - No shovels today - thank goodness, because I'm not sure I could lift one if I needed to!  That third day fatigue is coming on...

    Can't really complain about it, because I think, all in all, I'm doing better than the last round at this time.  Glad to see there's not much suckiness happening (or maybe just not being posted) today. 

  • danix5
    danix5 Member Posts: 141
    edited June 2008

    Otter- I think you should do the boat thing!!!  I hope you are feeling better, post chemo blahs have to be realy hard!  I hope you get back to normal soon!!!  Thinking of you!

    Diane- You have always been so good and helped me and sooo many others.  All you girls do!  I am so sad to hear you are having such a time of it all!  I will send an XL sandwich your way!!!  LOL!  REST up, I know you probably hate that, I am so sick of resting!!!!  But better days have to be ahead for you, you are to special to be feeling so low!!!

    Thinking of you all always!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2008

    Hi all!  Well, it's now officially Sunday and I should be in bed.  Just wanted to check in.    

    Diane, I've been thinking about you today.  Hope you're feeling better.  You've been in my prayers.    

    I agree, Miss S, Myrtle Beach is way too crowed.  However, I've never gone their to sit on the beach.  I've been shopping there several times, but not in a long time.    

    Otter, isn't nice to know you're "normal."  We can only be as normal as normal lets us be...that doesn't make sense!  LOL  What the heck IS normal?    

    Oh my gosh, Debbie...flexing and popping?  That would be wierd!  Is anyone near you, and can they hear all that noise?  

    Cristine, oh shoot!  I thought you were about done with chemo.  It'll go by rather swiftly.  All I know is I think I could have done the jig when it was over.    

    ICanDo/Sue, thank you.  That was so sweet.    

    Tina, since your review of Waking Ned Devine was a      I rented it from Netflix.  I'm looking for some funny movies.     

    Here some UNSUCKY dh started painting the spindles around our balcony.  It's been about a year and a half since he started.  I may have mentioned it already or mentioned it on the "Can't get my act..."  We have 47 spindles.  He had 18 left to paint.  He finally painted 8 today!  And will finish the other 10 tomorrow!  YAY!!!  Now I can brag on him.  Now if he'll just replace the stupid window pane he broke on the back door while I was in San Antonio many years ago taking care of my mom.  He locked himself out.  I think I have finally shamed him into doing SOMETHING!!!  But, getting those spindles done is great!  Think I can talk him into painting cabinets and paneling?  It would be a big job for us to do.  However, I've told him we can take our time.  And I'd clean all the cabinets and paneling, etc.  I guess I better be happy with what he's done so far.  Oh, I also want new counter tops and floor in my kitchen.  Is that too much to ask?  Yep!   Good nite, gals.  Hope everyone sleeps well.  I plan to. Shirley      

  • Miss_Lolli
    Miss_Lolli Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2008 seems that "THAT SUCKS" doesn't even cover it these days. Not nearly strong enough. I think I have to add HARD at the end this time. And it bites as well. blah

    Shirley, you always make me smile, either with your empathy or your sense of humor. Even better than a root beer float is a cream soda float. mmmmmm try it some time!

    Cat glad the surgery is over, and hooray for good pathology. But will that make you not worry? Of course not. Just keep venting here honey.

    I realized I'm almost at the top of the page, so can't read back, but especially wanted to add my prayers to you Diane. The whole thing stinks and I wish I could do something for you. I'm just going to throw a suggestion out, don't know if it's feasible but all I could think of. Is there any way someone could throw a fundraiser to possibly save your home?

    Now, I know last time I posted I cheated by not adding my own suckiness. Tonight, even though my stuff isn't big, I'm going to rectify that.  I feel quite emotional (tamoxifen maybe?)  I know it will pass but I need get it out anyway. For starters, I can handle the small hot flashes (just remember it means it's working) and weight gain (I guess....unless I have to buy new clothes), but if I'm going to start having "emotional wreckage"  from these stupid pills I'm gonna be one unhappy camper. (Yes, grateful that I can take the stupid pill). Next, I can't even whine w/o feeling guilty or trying to find a positive ...I want to throw a pity party darn it! lol  Next, I got into an argument with my sister tonight. Next, feeling pretty disappointed in my bf, and don't know if I should be, if I'm justified, if it can even work out, and even though he loves me and treats me great, if I even want it to. phew .... Next, I feel like practically everyone I love is hell bent on self-destruction.  And finally, I just feel very alone tonight and I have no clue why. The silly thing is...I'm not, at all. I never feel like that, does anyone else ever have those feelings even though you don't live alone? Sheesh, except for my two amazing wonderful grown kids (who never have time for me these days LOL), I'm just having trouble finding a bit of brightness tonight.

    Okay....I guess all that excuses me from past cheating and I should be good for many many posts to come if I only say "that sucks" and don't have my own moan. (emulating the great poetess RTB). I have to say, Rock, that at least I can't help but smile when I read your root beer suck float. I actually chuckled the first time and startled my puppy. hehe

    Thanks so much for letting me vent girls. I'm going to crash, and I know things will look brighter in the morning. I just feel like a load has been lifted by getting it out, and knowing that I have the support of you wonderful sisters.


  • CatMcK
    CatMcK Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2008

    Unsucky Sunday to all! I have joined the ranks of those on this site who have composed a nice long note...only to lose it by not doing the "save" thing. I was so annoyed with myself that I had to sign off and unhand the  laptop before I dropped it off of my deck in a fit of anger.

    Nicki...I am thinking about the MaiTai's of Taste of Chicago's gone by and roller-blading by the lake, and concerts at Ravinia, and BB at Wrigley Field. It seems like an eternity ago...but what an outstanding city. The downside is that your winters are nearly as miserable as the winters in Minnesota are!

    Shirley...I am thinking I need to ask my pcp for little emergency stash of Xanax. I have experienced that "I'm choking, my throat is closing off...and I am going to die" feeling a couple of times in the last few days. It comes without warning and passes just about the same way but I am pretty convinced it is a plain old Panic/Anxiety Attack. I can add that to my "diagnosis list" on the computerized version of myChart on my clinic website...right below Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I never had a single on my "medical problem" list until all of this.

    RTB...Crocs rock! I wear them at work...being on my feet for 8-12 hours on those hard operating room floors. They are like walking on marshmallows. The problem is that I think my feet have gotten wider and maybe nearly 1/2 a size bigger. (that SUCKS) I am trying to balance out the comfort of the Crocs with the support of good solid leather shoe on a rotating basis  I have a bunch of little decorative Jibitz buttons on my work crocs...tropical fish and stuff. I LOVE wearing them. Prancing is a perfect word!

    Diane..your sucky day just sucks. I got my Irish rosary out for you...and that only comes out for super special occasions. I hope it helps.

    Sue...I will be getting more info about chemo after the onco-type test comes back. It sounds like they recommend some chemo for tumors over 1cm and mine was 1.9cm. That oncotype takes 10-14 days. Not because the test takes that long to run but because it takes the insurance company that long to discuss whether they will pay for it or not. It needs separate approval.

    I hate having to wait for all of these answers, but no choice in that matter either. I DID NOT get my complete Path report on the tumor and node Friday either. That has efficiently SUCKED up my weekend. I should have gotten the results no later than Friday though and I did speak with the breast center nurse, who of course tried to put my mind at ease. It is exactly what happened when they did the core biopsy...the day the results were due they told me well "we had to do a couple of more stains on the specimen" so it will take an extra day. That was a dead giveaway....because as a medical person I know they don't do "extra" stains on negative slides. They do extra stains when they see cancer, to help identify how rotten it is.

    My dd is cleaning up my messy townhouse today and getting the laundry done. She is 30 and lives with me again after all these years. She actually moved in with me before this whole bc thing. I have a big place with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms...and just me and my 5 cats. She is trying to finish college, so it helps out her financial status to have an inexpensive (free) place to stay. She also works full time so we don't even see each other every day when both of us are busy with our normal schedules. I am so thankful to have her with me now. What sucks about it is she has had to put up with my labile moods up close and personal. I feel so bad sometimes for lashing out like a complete-crazy-nut-woman. Mostly she lets it roll off her back, but I know it is hard for her too.

    I am taking my grandsons to see the Kung-fu Panda movie this afternoon. It looks silly enough to make me laugh...and it certainly feels good to laugh.

    Wish me luck going back to work tomorrow. Even though the incisions are tender and my boob is pretty firm and purple I think it will do my head the most good to go in and be productive...not to mention it will help to be able to keep paying my bills. I'm still a long ways away from being able to retire and being widowed means that I have to handle all of this matter how the battle goes. My kids are great, but I feel pretty alone with the responsibility of all of this. It won't take long to clean out the savings account.Surprised

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2008

    Miss Lolli/Lori, I can't remember where you live.  But speaking of Root Beer Floats...I was born and raised in San Antonio.  There is a soft drink called "Big Red."  My girls love/loves it.  However, you cannot find it here.  A friend of mine found it at Camp Lejeune, but they stopped carrying it.  Anyway, it's like a cream soda.  So, so good with ice cream.  When my friend would bring it to me and if my girls come to visit they'd go nuts over it.  Also, when we'd go to S.A. for a visit we'd ALWAYS bring some back.  And that reminds brother and his wife will be coming down next month.  They live in Ohio.  They have it there or used to..Oh, I've GOT to call them and ask them to bring some.  My girls will be excited..especially one of my dds.  Thanks for reminding me, Lori!

    Lori, let me tell you're sucks are just a BIG as anyone else's sucks.  No one else will understand what it means to take THE pill unless they had to.  Just like they don't know what it's like to have bc and the SEs afterward.  I mean, we're supposed to BOUNCE right back to where we were prior to bc.  That's why is great to have this place to complain even if our SUCKS aren't as SUCKY as other's SUCKS.   

    Well, Cat, I can say that Xanax will take the edge off.  However, if you're not used to it you may want to start with a very low dose depending on how "nutty" (LOL) you feel.  A lot of women here take Ativan when needed.  When I had chemo I was given Ativan for nausea along with other drugs that combat nausea.

    I know you're anxiously waiting to make that decision on chemo.  I think that getting back to work will really be good for you.  How do I know?  I don't.  I don't work outside the home.  I did feel like an uneducated nurse when my FIL was ill and my BIL, DH and I took turns taking him food and "dressing" the bottom of his foot for an ulcer (remember, I'm an uneducated whatever that thing was called).  He had diabetes.  After he went into a nursing home that had an assisted wing I was dxd with bc.  He was really trying to figure out how he could live with us.  I knew I could not take care of him.  It's a good thing because having bc...nope, never could then.  And, my dh and he often butt heads.

    It is nice to have your dd living with you in a time like this.  One of my dds lived with us about 8 years after she got her undergraduate degree.  But she moved when she went to Law School.  It was time for a move! LOL

    My suck....I've got to clean the kitchen!  See, Lori, that's a small suck.  But it sucks anyway!

    Have a nice afternoon.


  • Miss_Lolli
    Miss_Lolli Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2008

    Shirley, well cleaning is more like a medium suck. LOL Thanks for validating my feelings and letting me know it was okay to feel...well..sucky. I sometimes feel like I have to be just happy and grateful to be alive every minute. For the most part I do, but that's a lot of pressure to put on myself isn't it? lol  Anyway, your words really helped. It was the first time (since my post-chemo/pre-radiation deep dark can't crawl out of it depression) that I wasn't feeling in a good place mentally, and it freaked me out a bit. Funny you should mention ativan. I still had some of mine from chemo (last winter) and I popped one and went to bed. It did help me feel more calm and sleepy.

    It's such a small world, regarding the Big Red...I had a bf from Texas (he was actually a PA who lived in Cat's suburb) he'd go nuts to find that soda here. I'm in Minnesota, and I have seen Big Red occasionally, but now that I hear it's good with ice cream I'll be searching it out. I never used to like sweets until I found out I should limit sugar because of my dx. *rolling eyes* it's that nasty human nature, always wanting what I can't/shouldn't have. Luckily ice cream season is pretty short here...I'm freezing most of the time. lol

    Cat, I had panic attacks when I first started college (probably before they had a name) and they suck big-time. It helps just to know that's what they are, but it took me awhile to figure out nothing was "physically" horribly wrong, and I wish I'd had some xanax back then. Sorry about the misunderstanding on your path.....Since you said you had one node removed I just made an assumption, but I guess we know that's not a guarantee. So instead I'm correcting my statement to "good vibes for good pathology". Did they have an explanation for the delay? That sucks mighty to have to worry through a weekend. UGH...the worst.

    My goal for the week....a big red suck float. Um..that doesn't sound so nice does it?

    My suck for to do housework with Shirley.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2008

    Oh, you all are having a really sucky time at the moment, so sorry to hear all your troubles.

    I hate that I haven't been able to join in for a few days, but I haven't had any troubles. I'll say that again, I haven't had any troubles.... that is, until today...just knew it couldn't last !!

    I just decided this afternoon to nip out to the supermarket, things running a bit low (once again.) Got to the car park, which is a multi storey one, I love to zoom up to the top floor, because I love to drive, love to drive fast, and love to listen to my cars engine!!  (bit of a car nut!!)  Up two floors, and caught up with some teens in an old jalopy, they thought it was a bit of fun to keep stopping dead in front of me, then waving at me. They did this 5 times, I was losing patience with them, then.... right on the ramp to the 4th floor, they did it again, my car stalled, I re- started, and followed them up onto the last ramp, they then twice stopped absolutely dead on the ramp, stalling my car twice, with each of the last 2 quick stop/ starts, and then my bl**dy car would not start up again.

    There I was, stuck on the ramp, no-one could get off of the top floor, and no-one could follow me up, I tried again, and again to start my car, but must have been flooding it, I was completely disabled, if I had rolled back down the ramp, to clear the way, my wheels would have locked, and I'd have run into the ramp barrier, so, the only way was up!!!.

    Then, as if from no-where, a young couple came over, I couldn't even run my window down to talk to them, all electrics dead!  They pushed me up the rest of the ramp, and into a space....I was SO relieved, I couldn't thank them enough!! I just sat there in my car shaking. At one time I would have got out of the car and shoved at it myself 'til I had it shifted, but all my strength has gone now so I was stuck.

    This wasn't the end. I got my 'phone out of my bag to call my SIL who has a garage, and realised I really didn't know how to use it. I have fought against a mobile phone for years, but to keep my kids quiet I keep one in my bag when I am out alone, but I just looked at all the numbers and realised I just didn't know where to start, not even how to turn the phone on !!! Thats how out of date I am, I just HATE phones, I will not answer my land line. Unless someone puts a message on my machine for me to ring back I can cheerfully ignore the phone, even when it rings on and off all day. My kids have a system of coded rings, and if they don't use this they get ignored too !

    I must have looked a pathetic sight, as before long the store manager appeared at the side of my car and I was taken to his office and my SIL and DD were rung and came and rescued me, I felt really pathetic, especially as my car started first time for SIL. I hate being a nuisance to anyone else, but this has left me a bit panicky now, will it happen again? I know the logical answer is no, as in 24 years of using this carpark this is the first time I have encountered trouble, I shall avoid it, no doubt, for a while.......'til I go and forget!

    DH is now telling me to sell my sports car and get a mini !!  There is just no chance of this , I love my car and have had sports cars now over 35 years, so I am not about to buy a small car because of some stupid kids, but it has shown me how vulnerable I am now out alone, My plantar fasciitis and my carpal tunnel seem to have gone mad since this episode, I have been on the white wine and whisky since I got back home (well thats my excuse for downing nearly two thirds of a bottle tonight. 'Trying to shift the pain brought on by shock', is my official excuse !!!!!) I bet I will sleep tonight!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2008

    Yes, Lori, whether it's a SUCK from bc or some other suck, a suck is a suck. I have a STRANGE friend.  Yes I do.  My very good friend who is not strange lost her BF who she just accepted his "hand in marriage."  She fianlly found a terrific guy after 20+ years of divorce.  Anyway, I won't go into great detail, but she had gone to his high school and family reunions in Indiana.  They were sitting outside talking and she turned around and he was GONE.  He died of a massive heart attack.  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about what she went through.  Then, the next day she had to fly home ALL BY HERSELF.  My STRANGE friend said, She should be glad it wasn't one of her children.  Is that empathy?  And this STRANGE friend can come up with some doozies for answers why one should feel better about whatever.  Now, that example was a big SUCK.  But, for some reason we think because we are survivors that we have no right to complain.  And, all the while many of us are waiting for the next shoe to fall.  We know it can happen.  And, if we express these fears guess what!  We hypochondriacs.  We read too much.  We shouldn't be on this board because we hear bad news...gotta think positive, ya know.  Okay, I'm making MYSELF angry!  So, Lori, never apologize for feeling sucky.  You can always complain here.  What I usually do is try to skip over the subject of bc with most people.  BTW, I didn't do any housework.  Instead I took a nap.

    Isabella, bless your heart.  That sounds like a very scary adventure you went on.  Darn kids!

    I have this picture in my head of you speeding through the parking garage (that's what we Americans call them).  Oh, I wish we had a picture of you in your car with your engine revved up.   Would you get dh to go with you and take a video and put it on YouTube.  LOL

    I'm glad you didn't try to punch those kid's lights out.  Kids can be really mean these days.  Heck, I'm almost afraid to honk at anyone anymore.  Never know if they have ROAD RAGE! 


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited June 2008

    OHMYGOODNESS, so much suckiness! THAT SUCKS, y'all!

    Thank you all so much for the prayers. Today has been a little better, although not completely without IOS. The good news is I have a new script for pain that hasn't made me throw up (yet...LOL!)  I imagine that I might start babbling incoherently, considering it's quite a heavy-duty narcotic. If I start making less sense than usual, just ignore me...

    I absolutely, truly, deeply, honestly love each and every one of you and am so glad to "know" you!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2008

    happymonday.jpg picture by chemosabi1

    Yep its Monday.  Thats my bitch for the day. 

    Tina:  I had no idea that video was from a movie.  When I went on youtube it just cracked me up.  LIke Shirley, I didnt understand the ending.  I need a good laugh, so Im definitely going out to get that movie.

    Cristine:  "United in Spirit."  I like that!  Sorry about the fatigue.  One symptom I didnt expect and couldnt believe how tired I was during chemo.  I remember getting series of movies to watch on those bad days.  Fatigue sucks!  Hope your feeling better today.

    Shirley:  Root Beer Floats?  Its early in the morning and now Im craving one.  Good news on your husband painting the spindles.  When he is done there, would you send him here.  My DH doesnt have an ounce of fixer up in him.

    Miss:  Ah ya - when the emotions come and bite you in the bite.  That sucks.  For me part of the lonliness is that people around me just dont understand.  They think all is well and I should just put this whole journey in my past.  Like its that easy! 

    Cat:  Come Winter, you will find me bitching and whining alot here.  Our Winters in Chicago are awful.  It sort of hits home when you read your own path report.  I too have IDC!  I think I stared at my path report for hours - in a dream world.  I cant believe your going back to work already.  Good luck your first day back.  I will admit that once I went back to work it did help me get my mind off things - but it was hard.  Hope you get the final path report today.  Dont worry too much about your daughter and your emotions.  Just remind her there are a bunch of crazed women here carrying shovels!

    Isabella:  OH goodness, of course the car started right away once your family came to pick you up!  I did giggle a bit picturing you in that sporty car though!

    Diane:  It was good to hear from you.  I prayed for you all week-end, hoping the symptoms would get better.  Good to hear you found a pain medication that works without nausea.  Im hoping today is better.  All these side effects from chemo sucks!

    Well, time to hit the showers.  Im chanting 4 more days.  If I can get through this week, I will have the next 10 days off - and loving every minute of it.


  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited June 2008

    Hello everyone,

    Happy Monday, if that's possible. I had chemo on Thursday, and basically slept until yesterday afternoon, (except for that small shopping trip on Saturday). But, yesterday my dh, my SIL and I decided we would try a new thing here--a movie tavern. We went and saw "Get Smart" in a place with really comfy chairs and tables and burgers and salads and beer and wine--and I don't think I will ever go to the regular movies again!!!

    Nicki--I'm chanting 4 more days with you--you'll make it to that wonderful 10 days off--are you going anywhere?

    Isabella--glad you had no suckiness going on for a while, but I missed you!! Sorry to hear about the scare and the feelings of powerlessness--take on that phone, learn how to use it, it is your friend and gives you some of your power back. Ask your kids, they know how to teach you without making you feel stupid. I could also visualize you pushing your little sporty car into a space...

    Cristine--fatigue. Me, too. Love ya, sister. I figure it's got to get better. I expected fatigue, but I didn't expect---I gained 9 1/2 pounds in three weeks!!!  My onc says its fluid and bloating from the chemo drugs...I went from feeling like chemobabe to feeling like chemoblob. Just have this big muffin top that sits there in front of me and jiggles....and I'm not a small woman, anyway, I am a size 14 and okay about it, I am fit, I do walk, and I look pretty good--without this stupid belly!! WTF?!?!?

    Diane--glad you found a pain pill that will stay down. I did pray for you and I won't stop until you tell me to--hope this new week brings you NO IOS. NONE. ZERO. You deserve it!!!

    Cat--Hope your first day back at work went well and nobody said anything too stupid to you.

    Shirley--Thank you so much for being here and being such an encouragement--even when you're encouraging someone else, it rubs off on me. Thanks. You are really a lovely person.

    Lori--Lots of little suckinesses can easily equal a big that sucks. If it sucks to you, it sucks here too.

    I guess I already gave you my bitch--the weight gain. THAT SUCKS!!

    Love you guys, and sorry if I left anybody out,


  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2008

    oh my - I feel so selfish all of a sudden! So much suckiness and I'm only caught up to page 83! Not sure I'll be able to catch up on break so I just wanted to give a shout out to the newbie Cat...welcome, you're in good hands... and say hi to all the rest of you. I'm sorry to hear the crap. I feel guilty my 2nd round went so good I actually got back to some normal semblance of a life playing golf and riding my bike (13 miles yesterday!). I was so freaked about the nerve damage to my arm keeping me from being able to play golf that its a wonderful relief to know I still can.

    Lisa, love the pug! We are trying to find a resue to adopt a baby one ourselves and I so hope we can find a fawn...of course, a pet in need is a pet in need but I love the fawns.

    I hope you all have quiet weeks with low ISO's...and no unwanted guests lurking in your presence...XOXO


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2008

    Sueper.... I am so jealous!! Love the 'movie tavern' atmosphere. A friend and I used to go to one here. It was the only thing that worked for us, because otherwise, we both fell asleep at the movie and wasted our money! Our's showed movies that were a bit older (which didn't bother me), but it closed down! Wah!!! I miss going to movies! Did you like Get Smart?

    Nicki, glad you have a huge vacation coming. I need to put in for one. I'm going to turn around twice and the summer will be over!

    Diane, glad you're feeling a little better anyway. Keeping my fingers crossed about the new pain killers. If they're not making you sick yet, I think thats a good sign. here's to an unsucky day, too!

    Shirley, I am so sad about your friend. That is sooo terrible. After 20 years, such happiness, then wiped out in such a horrific fashion. :(  You're a good friend, Shirley. I'm glad she has you to care and be there for her.

    Isabella, you're a great story teller. I felt like I was right there in the car with you. I am so sorry that happened and you couldn't use the phone. I'm sure you were so rattled and then everything just spiraled from there. I think you should stick to your guns on the sports cars, too! I love sports cars!!! Vroom! Let's go!

    Hanna, so sorry about your gall bladder. I'm glad you're back... we were missing you! Hopefully, things will be back to the normal level of suck soon.

    Anyway, sorry for all the ones I missed, I'm reading along and praying for all of you. Happy Monday and a low suck week to all.

    Miss S

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited June 2008 that I caught up, here it is in no particular order - I'll apologize in advance if I missed anything or anyone...

    Sue - roid rage is a beautiful thing...especially when you use your energy to put hoity toity people in the proper place...

    Otter and Rock - ouch. funny delivery but, ouch. Sorry about that, can't imagine - um, probably don't want to huh?

    Diane - glad to read you were doing better - I'm sorry you had such a crappy time...

    Dani - glad to hear you're better and trying not to blush or visualize the rest of your post. Again, ouch?

    Tracy and Felicia - I'm so sorry about your friend...ditto what Debc said. It so sucks!!!!

    Shout out to unfamiliar names I missed earlier...newvicki, guitargrl, jerseymaria and abbadoodles - I'm sorry you had to find us and glad you did. You'll find laughter in this most unsuspecting place...

    Rock - seperate kudos on the poem - loved it...your brain amazes me. love the new pic!

    and finally Abbadoodles - YES, flip away - we all have Laughing

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2008

    I'm gonna start of with a SUCK!  My gypsy children are leaving July 9 for New Mexico.  Then on to Colorado, and who knows where else.  I think they'll be looking for grizzly bears and lions and whatever creature they can find.  She just told me today they were leaving.  My STRANGE friend acted as if I was crazy because I'm a bit upset about them leaving ALTHOUGH I complain about them coming over to see me (out of guilt) and eat.  LOL  And, my dd's dh just found out he has this parasite that I cannot remember the name of.  And you wouldn't know what it was anyway.  The CDC was in Africa around the Nile river when my gypsy children were there.  My SIL and dd rafted there, but SIL did more of it.  Anyway, the CDC asked them if they'd do a study to see if the Nile had these parasites because someone's dd from the CDC had them and she had been in the river quite often.  So, my kids did.  The first blood test was negative.  However, the parasites may not have matured yet.  So, when they got home they had to do another test at the Health Department.  My sil tested positive.  These parasites feasts on your organs.  If one doesn't know they have it, there's no symptoms, and find out in about 10 years after symptoms begin it's too late.  And the African people bath and wash their clothes there where it's calm.  Anyway, the pill can make you VERY sick and sometimes causes hallucinations..doesn't mean he'll have them.  I told my sil that I wanted him to de-worm himself here at my house because I wanted to video him while he had hallucinations.  I know he would like to see this.  And, I told him his mom will not be able to handle how sick he MAY become...that I could. LOL  Yes, I know they'll be in the states, but I don't know when they'll come home for another visit and that SUCKS!  At least I'll have all my girls together on the 5th and we're cooking a big meal.

    Diane, I'm so glad you found a pain pill that doesn't make you sick.  You need a break.  I hope you're feeling a bit better each day.

    Nicki, loved your graphic.  I can only imagine how happy you'll be with 10 days off!  That doesn't NOT SUCK!  As far as the spindles..he's only got four more to go!  He used to be a great fixer-upper, but not lately.  He's always hated to paint.  And, he was always a perfectionist.  When we'd go to San Antonio to visit my mom and family he'd take his tool box with him to fix things at Mom's.  Then, Mom would yell at Dad because Dad wasn't a fixer-upper..that SUCKED!

    Sue, so you were hibernating, huh?  I could not sleep after chemo until it was almost time for the next round.  Used to make me so ill!  I'm glad you can.  I've never heard of those kind of movie places.  Sounds really neat.

    Bonnie, you road 13 miles on your bike!?  Wow!  I couldn't do that without chemo.  And, how wonderful you can still play golf.  I was not a "sporty" person.  The sportiest think I ever did was roller skating every weekend..that was fun.  Riding a bike wasn't fun as I got older. LOL  You go, girl!  I gave up the treadmill after three weeks of chemo.  I'm a wimp!  As far as my not strange friend, she has oodles of friends.  So many people were there to help her.  That's because she's a fantastic person, and always there first to give help.  She's a very busy woman, and every week she'd bring dh and me food while I was doing chemo.  She's a great person.

    Sue, I don't consider a size 14 as a large woman.  It's only large according to the skinny, anorexic models.  I sure wouldn't want to look like them.  I believe somewhere over in Europe they're cracking down on models that are too skinny...unhealthy.  You're just healthy. LOL  And, you'll lose the fluid when you get through with chemo.  I won't tell you what size I wear.  I gained five pounds in six months.  Plus I had gained a few pounds BACK after chemo that I had managed to lose and I wasn't through losing yet.  Why is it so easy to put on weight, but hard to take off.  It's not fair and it SUCKS!

    Well, I'm going to try to do something constructive.  Tomorrow morning my gypsy dd is taking me out to breakfast down at the beach...a really nice place to eat.  Like I need to eat!

    Take care and no suckiness allowed.


  • lemonjake
    lemonjake Member Posts: 342
    edited June 2008

    Shirley -- Hurray on spindles being painted but that fantastic news is offset by

    "MY SON IN LAW HAS A PARASITE THAT FEASTS ON HIS ORGANS"???????? I gotta say, I'm gob-smacked.

    Sue:  Traffic court?  How'd it go with the judge?

    Isabella: Teenagers nowadays. Don't they have a gang to join? Shoplifting to do? Some marijuana to smoke? What is the world coming to... 

    I know I have suckiness. Just give me a sec.  Okay. A few minutes ago, I came home on this hot day just as this guy (who I don't recognize) was getting on the elevator. I, in my bald glory, asked the guy, "Would you please hold the elevator a second while I get my mail?" (A common courtesy that people in the building extend to each other routinely because the elevator is so slow and it takes 10 seconds max to retrieve one's mail.) 

    He looks me straight in my eyelash-deprived eyes, loudly exhales in an exasperated voice, says "No" and then starts to pull the door closed.  I couldn't believe it.  If I had had my wits about me, I would have shoved the door open and then proceeded to push every button on every floor and then jumped out again.  Instead, I just loudly said "You, sir, are a gigantic asshat" and went to get my mail.

    But I am not feeling the suckiness, to be honest. I look forward to seeing him again (maybe when I'm in the lobby and he's outside the building  trying to find his keys while juggling a bunch of groceries in a torrential downpour or a hailstorm) and getting my revenge. I am VERY patient (and a lot more mannerly than this post might lead one to believe.)

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2008

    Wow ladies...I have no IOS to report other than being tired....but you guys all need a big THAT SUCKS!  Hopefully it is all out of our systems early in the week and things will be better from here....

     Deb C

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2008

    Well, I was glad to see I have only missed one page of suckiness - I think that's good! 

    Shirley - A parasite?!  WTH?!?  I don't think I want to go to Africa anymore, because surely I would come home with one. 

    Isabella - You should have thrown your useless phone at them!!  I think I feel a shovel incident coming on...

    Sue - I think my fatigue is a little better today, but it was definitely more intense yesterday than I remembered the first time.  I guess I'm feeling better if I'm talking about  I also hear you about the belly thing - WTH indeed!!  So much for any of the anxiety weight I lost before starting chemo.  Drat.  I guess it didn't help that all I wanted to eat yesterday were salty corn chips and Taco Bell! 

    Rock - Asshat absolutely!!  I like that you spoke up to him anyway!  I also would have loved to see you jump in the elevator and push every button - ha ha ha ha!!

    Diane - So glad there's something slightly less sucky for you...{{{hugs}}} again.

    Cat - I hate waiting and I've had my share with bc.  Hope you got some news today.  I have taking Xanax nearly every night since I found the lump (that was March 1).  I take a very low dose, but it does help and I also took one the morning of my first chemo, at the physician assistant's suggestion.  My PCP told me it only lasts around 4 hours, so it should not leave you too groggy. 

    Sorry if I missed anyone - my only suck today was walking nearly a mile to get back and forth from my car to my office and back again at work.  But that's over with now and I'm home talking to you all!!  Hope the evening brings no IOS's!!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008


    Your SIL has a PARASITE??  WTH is right!!  That really SUCKS! 

    Rock, that neighbor of yours needs a bit*h slap!!  HOW RUDE!! 


    Being tired from chemo is definitely VERY SUCKY indeed!! 

    I called about jury duty and they won't let me get out of it... the woman said that I need to write them a letter...  Maybe I'll call to see if they have a FAX number, because even if I mail them a letter, they won't get it in time...   So perhaps I can fax it to them, and hand carry MY original copy when I go to 'jury duty' on July 21st, stating that I have an ONC appt., and will not be able to attend on July 22nd...   They mentioned me getting it 'deferred'... if I do that, it will re schedule me in SIX months, which will be just in time for....  my SIX month ONC appt....   Will they EVER get a clue?? 

    I was hoping for a little sympathy from the woman, but she just said... well, you will need to send a letter to the court explaining your situation.... 

    Oh, and TODAY, I had to go back to the dentist... if some of you may remember, I had a black tooth a month ago, and had to go to the dentist, but I no longer have dental insurance...  well, I went for my 'cleaning' today.  YIKES!!  after x-rays and cleaning, it cost... $169!  AND I STILL had TWO cavities that need to be filled, so now I have another dentist appt. in two weeks to fix these two boo boos!  I really HATE going to the dentist!!  WHY do they have to drill a HUGE hole in your tooth, in order to fix a 'VERY SMALL cavity"? 

    Hope everyone has a less sucky day tomorrow!

  • beergirl
    beergirl Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2008

    Shirley, I bought some Big Red at WalMart in Katy, TX yesterday/

  • flyrzfan
    flyrzfan Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2008

    shirley ~ I am aghast at the thought of the parasites. Its like a creature double feature story line...I'm sorry your wanderlust dd is taking off to places unknown again - maybe you should make her promise to stay out of rivers and other such places - no need to have the CDC involved in your family life any more than they already are!

    harley ~ you ask a very good question...I suspect the answer has to do with milking for money. Dentists suck big time...I know they are important but's never a fun visit is it?

    Isabella ~ I only read your post now, somehow I missed it earlier. Seems  to me you did just fine not hunting them down and bi*%! slapping some sense into them. I don't think I could have let it go at that point...sue's roid rage would have taken over. I applaud your decompression exercise later that night. very effective tools.

    Somewhere along the line my steriods took over today and I am now wide awake again at 1am on a work night. I think this might be a problem come tomorrow. But for tonight at least, I get to do some more catching up...

    have  a good night / great day you all...low ISO for everyone!!


  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited July 2008


    GOB SMACKED!?!?!?!?!


    BWAHHH HA HA  HA HA HA HA HA.............. I"M CHOKING TO DEATH ON A ROOT BEER FLOAT somebody do the Heimlich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LisaSDCA
    LisaSDCA Member Posts: 178
    edited July 2008

    Sueper - we don't have 'movie taverns' either. What a wonderful atmosphere - drinks, food and comfy chairs! I can understand that you are spoiled now for a regular theater.Try not to worry too much about the chemo belly - I think 90% of us get one. You are normally so active, I'm sure it will come right off once the decadron and the Taxotere aren't screwing with your system I gained 15+ lbs. and it all went away in the first 8 weeks after I stopped being poisoned.

    Isabella, I'm so glad you survived your misadventure in the car park. One ought to be able to blast around in one's little sports car unmolested!

    Shirley, I'm sorry to hear your DD is soon to be taking off for points west - and that your SIL ended up testing positive for a wee beastie. Too bad it won't keep them from further risky adventures. It seems the CDC should have a really good cure for this parasite if they've gone all the way to Africa recruiting study participants.

    Rock - what a fool that guy in the elevator was. I am a huge fan of your patient revenge approach. Reminds me of a snippet from Tomcat in Love  (Tim O'Brien - highly recommended!) "There can be little on this earth more fundamentally satisfying than a piece of intelligently conceived, impeccably executed vengeance."  I've practiced the same myself. Oh, I know, I'm bad. But it was soooo good!  Innocent

    Bonnie - it may be the steroids, but hey, it's good to hear your sounding so chipper tonight!

    I'm hoping your new pain meds work out for you, Diane. You have been in my prayers.

    No major suckitude.I can fussbudget over other than that I actually turned to narcotics myself today. I try to convince myself the burning, stabbing pain in my axilla areas is just nerves regenerating and that someday my foobs won't HURT. I'm ready any day now.

    To everyone - I read and commiserate with your suck-age. I'd love to sweep all our SUCKiness away, never to be suffered again. But I gotta go to bed.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    Hello everyone - and a big that sucks to all.

    Im chanting 3 more days today!  My bitch is small.  Got home late, woke up late - and no computer time.  Oh and why is it so hard to get prescriptions refilled?  I hate when I have to beg for my cholesterol or blood pressure medication.  Seems like doctors offices are just way too busy these days.

    Sue:  The movie theatre sounded great.  Love the idea of comfortable chairs and the atmosphere also.  Im not going anywhere on my vacation.  Its just gonna be a relaxing time off.  Swim in the pool, BBQm sleep late, ya know all that kind of stuff.  I must say that the fatigue was the hardest thing for me during chemo.

    Miss:  It doesnt even seem like summer has started, the weather has been so crazy.  And come Friday it will be July 4th.  It always seems like summer just flies by afterwards.  So if I were you I would definitely put in some vacation time.

    Bonnie:  Glad to hear your chemo is going well.

    Shirley:  A parasite that eats your organs?  Now that sucks!  Although you have my curiosity up now as to what it is.  Sure wish the kids would stay with you for a while longer.

    Rock:  Im standing in line waiting for that elevator guy to get his!  What comes around goes around.  It might not be today or tomorrow, but some day!! 

    DebC:  A big howdy do to you.

    Cristine:  All that walking during chemo sucks.  My onc gave me a temporary handicapped parking sticker, which helped me alot.  I know walking is supposed to be healthy but during chemo it was very hard for me to walk long distances.

    Harley:  Jury duty and the dentist.  That combination seems pretty sucky to me.

    Nico:  I dont think we have met, but you sure talk like someone I know from another site.  You sure bumpity bump alot.  You even keep her same hours.

    Lisa:  It still amazes me that from day to day, when I wake up - I dont know if it will be a good or bad day.  Now today seems to be a good day for me.  I dont go anywhere without my Darvocet! 

    Well - this was a quick popin, time to hit the showers and head off to work.  Oh yes, driving through Chicago rush hour sucks.  


  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2008


    I am sitting here waiting for "the guy" to arrive who will try to fix the garage door I backed into last week to unload groceries from the back hatch.  Well, as I said somewhere - those mirrors don't lie when they say "objects in the mirror are closer than they appear".  WELL why in heck don't they FIX that defect in the mirrors?!   I don't know who to blame here.  Those mirrors, the obvious flimsiness of the vinyl derivative material of the garage door, or the fact my groceries were in the back hatch therefore "egging" me on to believe it would be better to back up into the driveway to unload. 

    Well - someONE or someTHING is at fault here and it is not me.  True, I was the one behind the wheel who going in reverse went a tad too far and hit the garage door - but - there was absolutely no sensation of impact whatsoever and NO damage to my van.  I barely thought a thing of it till I got out to lift the hatch and took a look at the door which now looked like a place where an elephant had tried to sit.  That is an honest assessment of the impact site.  It looks like an elephant butt has left an imprint in the door. For all I know, an elephant was loose in the neighborhood and did try to sit on my garage door.  I didn't look at the elephant damage prior to backing into the garage door.

    Well call me "in denial" - another way too overused phrase frequently spouted by some of my over-analyzed relatives who know nothing about psychology.   They piss me off because what in fact do they actually KNOW about true denial?  I know WAY more about denial. 

    So, anyone here know whom I'm to approach in a circumstance like this?   I drove with my own insured vehicle into my own homeowner's insured garage door.  Do I call the car insurance (which has a lower deductable) or the homeowners insurance with the higher deductible?   Unfortunately, they are both under the same fongool "umbrella".  I suppose I need a quote.  Or do I call no one so as not to have my coverage messed with or the deductible's increased?   I called to report it to my "h" who was conveniently out of town at the time and his quote is unprintable. 

     I am quoting the living daylights out of my words here.  Everything is appearing in quotes.  "Sh*t".    I also don't like having to be up and at em to "hurry up and wait" for "the guy" this morning.  Why is it "the guys" who come to fix things are always on such a non-human type schedule?  They are like birds.  They wake up far too early, fly by whenever they feel like it, don't have to alert you about when to expect them - we only know that we must make no other plans for the day because "the guy" will flit in at any point in time from dawn to dusk completely out of our control.  And at the end of their fixing - you get doo-doo dropped on your head.

    I was once at the beach many years ago laying on my beach towel with my arms outstretched soaking up the sun when "PLOP" out of nowhere a blob of seagull poop landed smack on my upper arm.  Seems to me it was same side that I now need to buy a NO BP sleeve for. 

    Shirley you want your SIL who may be harboring organ feasting parasites to be dewormed in your own house just to video him potentially having anti-worming hallucinations?  Ahhhh.....what if one "gets out" so to speak?  A worm or parasite.  During this upcoming de-worming?   Me - I would be having him do this de-worming as far from my house as possible!    

    Haven't you seen the episode of "The X Files" where that mutant giant parasite that lived in the sewer system under a major metropolitan city which grew to enormous proportions with it's huge suction cup orifice feasting on random sewer workers who had to climb down the slimy ladder to the dank and spooky sewer nether regions to make a repair but never to return above ground?  Even though that cool and competent FBI X-files couple investigated the sewer thoroughly, the giant underwater parasite was never captured.  That episode ended with the giant parasite's suction cup mouth zooming into a surprise slam suck onto my TV screen!  OMG.  I will never forget that surprise ending.  

    BTW, you must have done your mothering very well because they always say a mother should teach her children to fly!  I would saying having "gypsy children" means you did good Shirley - parasite infested SIL's notwithstanding.  At least your own daughter didn't get infested so she ovbiously has good sense.  Good job Shirley! 

    OH well.  "The guy" has not yet arrived but I can't just keep on typing or bore you all into oblivion until he gets here so I will say I hope nothing sucks for you all today....especially parasites.   

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2008
  • collector
    collector Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2008

    Traci - it's perfect!

    My early morning suckiness is that 2 lengthy replies on my favorite threads that I typed out were lost when I moved up on the screen to check something in a previous post!  I have two many steroids in me and the rest of the chemo poison from yesterday's infusion to even remember what I wrote on what thread!  I think it's going to be a SUCKY day.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2008

    Just where IS a sea lion's a$$???