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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited July 2008

    Snowy, my dh actually went for 6 months without talking to his adopted mom because she got mad that one year for her birthday we only gave her a nice birthday card without any gift. He was unemployed at the time and we were struggling to keep the house from foreclosure. Now his bio mom is totally different, at the time he was not talking to his a-mom, his truck broke down and his b-mom loaned us $1000 to get the truck fixed, she told us to repay her when we could afford to we are now paying it back. His b-dad is the same way, when my dh was laid off for the 4th time in 3 yrs and wanted to go to truck driving school, his b-dad (duck) gave us the money to help him with the out of pocket expenses - he did get federal financial aid to help, and Duck didn't even ask for us to pay him back. Duck even got him the job with the same trucking company he has worked for 15 yrs.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2008

    Ouch...sucky parents really suck.  Majorly and I won't even go there.  My stepfather was the biggest ass I know. 

    Wish I could give you all the parents you deserved but then again...maybe you wouldn't have turned out to be the wonderful, caring people that you are.  Who knows. 

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited July 2008

    Hmm...that sounded kinda stupid...NO child or adult deserves to have sucky parents...period...damnit! I feel better.

  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2008

    Tracy, I live just about 50 miles south of Nashville in the county. I am going to google Little Rive and see what there is. SWA flys to several places in CA. Thanks for the suggestion.

    AlaskaDeb, I could use some ritalin. Or some speed....didn't they used to prescribe that stuff in the 50's and 60's for tired housewives? That's tired and stressed housewife w/ BC.

    Sheila, good luck on the Aetna. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Pearl and Tracy, I've got a good mom, but one of my very good friends had a massive aneurism at age 46. She had moved home from England to take care of her parents. Her dad died leaving everything to her mom. Then her mom dies and leaves everything to her one son who had moved in with her and was living off her. He and his wife have very good jobs but spend beyond their means. Meanwhile, Lisa will never be able to work. She had a massive stroke and lost her speech and reasoning. (she is now doing much better). While she was recovering in rehab, that brother got power of attorney and gave her car to her mother who refused to give it back! They took her savings account and all her jewelry and sold it. She came out of rehab with nothing and only Social Security Disability to live on. She has asked for help in buying a car and they refused! Lisa is still really pissed about it and it has been 5 years since her mom died. She was able to save up some money and buy a car because she met a guy and moved in with him. So she did not have to pay rent or utilities. She would like to leave him, but cannot afford to live on her own. sorry to all those who have parents who do not think of them. I will give my mom an extra hug. She drives me crazy but she is very good.

    My husband has 1 daughter. He is leaving everything to me, and I have plans to give her 1/3 of the life insurance money. I may have to give it to her in installments because at 39, she does not know how to manage money and would have it spent in one year. I just don't want her to blow it and then have nothing. When I die, she will get 1/2 and my neices and nephews will get the other 1/2 since I don't have kids. We are not rich and no huge insurance policy so it won't be too much but I am sure it will help her out some.


  • Unknown
    edited January 2009
    Snowy, I know money can't buy happiness........................but.........I'm willing to sacrifice and give it a shot!Tongue out
  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2008

    Snowy, Sige and Tracie,

    that all sucks with your mom, mom and dad (respectively).  I know what you mean -- I share what I have with my son and I can't imagine not sharing.

    [My mom was seriously unhinged when I was little -- but in her case she really changed amazingly for the better after hysterectomy at the age of 42.  So the bad times were in my youth, but she has come with me to a shrink and acknowledged that she really hurt us when we were little -- that was really a blessing.  Although now that she is getting quite old, some of this seems to be recurring, with her snapping at grandchildren... So I understand something of what it's like to have mom be impersonated by a witch, and then seem to revert to mom... it can make you really insecure.  And often lonely...]

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2008

    The whole Mom thing can be such a hairball.  My Mom was married to an abusive alcoholic (my Dad) and she left him when I was 9--which I thought was so courageous and what does she do but go out and find an abusive alcoholic boyfriend?  I remember being 12 or so and thinking, when I grow up and choose a man, I am going to be much more wise!!!

    And I was! (And lucky, I know).

    My Mom and I finally made peace as she was dying of lung cancer.  I will miss her forever.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2008

    Hi again to all! Thanks for the welcome! Believe me I saw this thread and thought  "ooh, this is soo me and what I have been doing for the last year!" LOL ! I have actually been to the site before, but, it was last November just before my mast.  I am afraid I haven't been back much since then... I have hit the chat rooms a few times, but I guess, I am not very supportive.. I am just ANGRY. Needless to say, I have been extremely unhappy since... However,

    There is a great funny British film called "Blow Dry". In it, is a line about cancer treatment that made me laugh hysterically... Maybe you will, too.

    "Yes, I have tried chemotherapy, radiotherapy, holistic massage, bollicky potions from China and monkey's piss."

    I have to say I love that line!! I too have tried chemotherapy (still in it), radiotherapy (burned and hurt like hell), holistic massage (cried all the way thru it) bollicky potions from China ( I am sure that's what they are trying to give me now and the monkey's piss for dessert!!).

    I would also like to add to all of you ladies that I wish like hell that you didn't have to go thru this HELL!!

    A friend of mine told me the other day, that I needed to be an activist for Breast Cancer Survivors. I told her that, unfortunately, I am too irreverant and over the top for most audiences.

    Especially since some of the crap we are told about breast cancer research is just that CRAP! I am so sick of hearing from "professionals (and some were women oncologists) that we have made progress in research because the numbers of breast cancer dx's have dropped. These numbers that they refer to are the drop in incidence rates in post menopausal women that got cancer from HRT. Well. I am sorry. HRT was known to cause breast cancer in some women when they first started prescribing it. Now that they don't prescribe it anymore is correcting a mistake - NOT making breakthroughs in research 

    And as for prophylactic mastectomies, ( I Truly am sorry and feel deeply for all of you women who are having those).  I don't consider this progress. I consider this chauvinistic barbarism in the medical community. Let's see... to decrease the number of cancer dx in women that have a gene that may or may not cause cancer... let's go ahead and mutilate their bodies, BEFORE they get it.

     Well, HELL, we all know now, that ALL men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough. Hence, the testing of men over 50 for prostate cancer. Well, I can cure that cancer or at least stop the incidence rate of that. Let's just cut out all men's prostates by the age of 40! Then NO man will get prostate cancer! Oh wait, that means they might be impotent and need something stronger than viagra. That will never happen! 

    Meanwhile, I have even had women tell me - "honey, you don't need them now anyway. It isn't as though you are going to have children. " WHAT?!?!?!?!?!  So, like I said, let's just cut off men's prostates, they don't need them anymore after 40, either, do they? If we don't have to worry about having breasts because we aren't likely to have kids, why should they get to keep their prostates?

    Women! We need to stand up and say Hell NO! Why aren't we getting the support we need from those of our own sex?  Is this their way of comforting us in our battle for our lives and our bodies?

    I had a woman tell me "Connie, your breast has betrayed you, you need to get rid of it, before the rest of your body does the same." My breast betrayed me? No! The cancer in my breast is the enemy, not my breast! My poor breast fought as hard as it could against the cancer and everyone wanted me to cut my losses and have a mastectomy from day ONE! I fought the mastectomy to the very last and never felt it was acceptable to abandon my breast. I have never believed in  Acceptable Losses in a battle to win a war. You don't abandon your troops. (Sorry, my military experience is coming out now)!! You bring them home and you don't leave one man behind. But we are told to believe that our bodies are betraying us.

    My body is fighting hard to stay alive and I have the scars tro prove it. I wasn't betrayed I was invaded! And I have to say ladies that our oncologists are starting to look like pretty poor allies in this war... I hear a lot of excuses, accusations, and very little real progress... hmm... I would wonder if they were French... except that I actually think the French had the right idea about Iraq.. and at least they have UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE!!!!

    Just my humble opinion and another rant on the disease that is making my life HELL... 


  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2008

    I am giving my mom an extra hug for being the caring and outspoken activist that she was in our community.  I remember my mom taking in battered wives when it was unheard of to interfere in domestic disputes. She stood up to anyone that was violent or abusive. And extra hugs to my dad,  who has Alzheimer's now and probably will never know again how much I love him, for all of his love and patience - he yelled a lot, but never raised a hand to my rather unorthodox mom and her opinionated outbursts! LOL!  Hmmm ... reckon that's where I get my rants from? LOL!

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2008

    P.S. I honestly and sincerely hope that I do not offend anyone - it has been known to happen even when I didn't mean it.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2008

    And .. can I continue to rant? I obviously can't get to sleep tonight because I can't get comfortable anymore... For over a decade I have participated in the Relay for Life and supported the ACS. This year, I didn't participate in any of the fund raisers - too busy fighting this crap.. BUT, I was asked to come down to the local high school football field during the Relay for Life for the Survivor's walk. I agreed to go thinking , yes, I can still support those local cancer survivors by cheering them on... Silly me, I didn't think that people thught of me as a survivor and wanted me to walk in that parade!!!

    But there I was, donning a survivor t-shirt that had my former employer's name on it as well. I thought what irony, I didn't survive staying employed by this company that seemed to support cancer research...

    And when I told them that I couldn't walk 2 laps around the track I had folks telling me that walking wuld make me feel better. No, I have nerve damage, not muscle or joint damage - exercise does not help. GRRRRR!!! Then, of all people some of the older survivors looked askance at me when I climbed in a golf cart to ride my 2 laps.  I glared at them and responded that excuse me, I haven't survived this thing yet. I had chemo and rad the day before and rad that morning; I sure as Hell wasn't going to walk around that track! LOL 

    ah well, and so it goes, on and on 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    Hello and big thats sucks to everyone thats needs it.  Today is Friday, the last vacation day for me.  I will use the week-end to get myself geared up to going back to work.  I have enjoyed my time off, especially being able to come to the computer without being rushed.

    Snowyday:  Wow - two big sucky things at once.  I know you are upset about being HER2+ and needing herceptin now.  Not fair - throwing that at us when we least expect.  I had herceptin, didnt really have any side effects to it, was just a pain having to go to the oncs office for the infusions.  Mothers?  My mom is gone now, but she had a personality disorder - similar to your mom.  I lost my dad at 52 y/o.  He really kept things in order in our house.  Once he was gone, my mom changed forever.  Im sorry you had to hear such nastiness when you were going to her for comfort.  Thats sucks big time.  My mom was really good at making me feel guilty all the time! 

    Harley:  I went to a gyne onc for awhile.  This was about 15 years ago after my sister passed away at the age of 46 from ovarian cancer.  At the time they didnt have genetic testing so I thought it was a good idea to see him.  He told me from the beginning that I should have a prophylactic bil. mastectomy and hysterectomy because my sisters cancer was so aggressive.  But back then I was 44 y/o and thought he was being a little to persistent.  Sometimes I wish I could retrace those steps, since I ended up with breast cancer that snuck into my sentinel node.  Anyways, he was once doctor I really liked and he upped and moved to Boston!   Im finding more and more that doctors like taking care of healthy people, preventative medicine.  Once a person becomes sick everything changes.  I hate the fact that I have 6 doctors to see now.  Anyways, good luck with your visit to the PA today.  I hope she can get things moving quickly for you.  Its time you get a chance to move on.

    Sheila:  How awful a situation for you DH.  It must be very hard being adopted, although Im glad he was able to find his biological parents.  I had my son at the age of 17 and almost put him up for adoption.  Glad I didnt.

    Traci:  What can I say.  That sucks about what your dad did.  Especially that his friends didnt even know about you.  I was never in a position to get any financial help from my parents, but in a way Im glad.  It would have made me crazy.

    Sige:  Your post brought tears to my eyes.  But they turned into good tears when I saw your picture and read the beauty of a women.

    Vickie:  Sucks about your step father.  I do agree with you, no child deserves to have sucky parents - and we see way too much of it everywhere.

    Debbie:  What a sad story about your friend.  To be disabled like that at such a young age.  POA is supposed to help someone, not hurt them.  Sometimes one just has to walk away shaking their head saying that sucks for sure.

    Ann:  I really can relate to what you were saying about your mom.  My mom changed as she got older too.  I started feeling like maybe I would have a normal life again.  She was quite the character.  She developed vascular dementia and before she passed - she didnt even know us.

    Sue:  Awww, your post touched me.  I miss my mom too.

    Connie:  I do recognize your name and believe I have seen you in the chat before.  I dont go there very often anymore because like just got too busy.  The HRT thing!  I really agree with you.  I was on prepro for 5 years - was supposed to prevent heart disease.  Then the studies came out about breast cancer and how your risk was increase 5% for every year you were on the HRT.  In fact prempro is now considered a carcinogen!  The stuff about prostate cancer is another issue.  Yep, dont see men going out and getting proph prostatectomies.  I know this isnt the political thread, but yesterday I became very angered while watching television.  Apparently McCain voted for a bill that would make drug companies pay for men to take medication for impotence but not for women to take birth control  When he was challenged on it, he was speechless.  Insurance companies are not any better.  They will pay for PSA tess on men yearly and are hesitant to cover yearly mammograms.  This bothers me especially for the younger women who are being diagnosed at later stages because they dont fit the "protocol" for mammograms.  Grrrr!  A subject I could talk on and on about.  Regarding the way you were treated at that breast cancer walk.  That sucks.  What in the world is wrong - that even bc sisters would be rude and shun someone who is going through treatment.  I dont go to the walks just for the reasons you mentioned.  First and foremost, I would never make a lap myself.

    This is how I feel about money.  I have struggled all my life to make ends meet.  Put myself through school and have worked full time for almost 40 years.  There are so many things I want - like a bridge for the two teeth I had pulled 3 months ago.  Or a new pair of glasses cause I cant see in these glasses anymore.  I found myself going to a resale shop - and thought this is what bc has done to me.  All my extra money goes to paying off medical bill after medical bill.  I dont take certain medications because they are so expensive.  Should be taking Actonel for osteoporosis but cant afford it.  Then I think maybe if I would have taken it, I would have broken bones in my foot and ankle.  I had a friend who has lots of money.  I say had, because she really tried to buy my friendship.  She is a very unhappy person.  So when it comes to happiness, why do I think having money would help?  Well, it sure couldnt hurt! 

    I can see the sun is shining, and Im going to go outside and enjoy this beautiful day for what it is.  Worry about tomorrow, well tomorrow.


    PS:  Yes indeed, I did get to go to IHOP yesterday.  Blueberry french toast was delightful.

    If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Sucky world.....{{hugs}} to you all again as we begin another day!  FRIDAY!  THE DAY before the WEEKEND! I hope you all have this weekend off and can enjoy it! :D

     As for me! :(  I'll be powerwashing the inside of my house, b/c my dearst brother who got us ALL to come home for the 4th b/c he was coming from phoenix, then called after we all made arrangements to get home, to say he wasn't showing! UGH!!!!!!!!!  He called this morning and is bringing his new girlfriend for the week!  THey are due in midweek, NEXT WEEK!  :(  OH man!  Everyone is going to be upset, b/c they just spent hours on the road back and forth home and now he's coming?  Oh my!  A feel a family crisis in the works!  Can I come stay anywhere with one of you? Perferrable in another STATE? Way away from here?

    Geeprs,why oh why!  I've been working OUTSIDE playing catch-up, NOT inside!  UGH!

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2008


    You are welcome at the sanitarium anytime.  I am in Texas, is that far enough away?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008
    Illinois here - and I have a swimming pool too. Cool
  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2008

    I'm sad to read all the posts about sucky parents. I've been very blessed to have great parents who were very involved in our lives. My dad passed away when I was 18 and I still miss him terribly. Although Mom sometimes gets wrapped up in her own world, she would be there for me at the drop of a hat whether it was financial or emotional support I needed. I don't mean to rub anything in, your posts just made realize what I have and I felt the need to put it in writing, even though my Mom won't see it. Gotta call her today.

    Nicki -- Glad to hear you got to IHOP. I love that place but always eat too much.

    Thanks for all the good wishes over my crap. Looks like things may be looking up. I got an email from the woman at my employer who's been mediating with Aetna and, lo and behold, they are going to reprocess my claim! Amazing what happens when they're dealing with a company who spends tons of money paying premiums for thousands of employees and retirees! I'm not getting my hopes completely up yet because when I filed my first appeal they sent me a letter stating that they realized they had made errors in processing the claim and would reprocess it. Then they turned around and denied it again! Keep your fingers crossed.

    The keflex seems to be working on my infection and it's feeling a lot better. Hopefully on Monday she'll go ahead with the wound vac and I can get this thing closed.

    I saw Horton Hears a Who with my grandson a couple of weeks ago and there was a line in it that cracked me up and still sticks with me. It's from a little yellow furball named Katie and she says, "In my world everyone's a pony and they eat rainbows and poop butterflies." Think I'd like to escape to Katie's world sometimes.

    At least it's Friday. . .hopefully the beginning of a less than sucky weekend for everyone!

  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2008

    Wish - You're welcome in southern Indiana anytime! I just bought some chocolate martini mix yesterday and would love to share it with someone.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Although I've NEVER had a martini, I must admit, the chocolate anything is in the front running...Then there's the fact that Sue is the furthest away....then again...I just weedwhacked almost the entire 2 acres of that pool is sounding really good...of course a shower HAS to come first!  So many little time to plan :)  Thanks ladies, it wouldn't be an imposition to just drop in then, hey? :D

    Seriously...there's an old santanitarium on the other side of town they are talking about closing up.  Currenty it houses criminally insane.....the criminal part I don't think we fit into, YET...although the shovel discussion in the "I can't get my act together and I don't know why" could easily put a few us in line for probation at the least! :D

    Okay...shower time, b/c 1) I can't stand all this stuff stuck to me, and 2) I ran out of whacker string, so must buy more to finish the job and 3) dh thinks we need to pay the cell phone since he works on the road and likes to keep in touch.  Hey.....I could do without a phone and the cable is the internet, so no skin off my nose if I did NOT pay it! :D  Evil, I know...but think of the chocolate I could buy with that money! :D Chocolate moose tracks no less....with a chocolate base should fit the bill! :D

  • dhettish
    dhettish Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2008

    Sheila, great news! I know that is another headache you can now throw away (knock on wood!).

    Chemosabi, a swimming pool? I'm on my way! All I have is a river to swim in. Then my dog jumps in and tries to climb on me. I can't swim away from her because she can beat me in a race everytime even when I get a headstart. But the kids are taking over it right now so I just have my 3 ring inflatable.

    Wishiwere, if you are a chocolate fanatic, have you ever tried Merci? OMG they are the best. Walgreens sells them here. They are a little pricey $6.00 a box but when you want to indulge......I hate coming across that thread about sugar and cancer because I consider sugar one of my main food groups. My mom taught me to eat desert in the middle of your meal before you are full so you can really enjoy it. I am going to chow down on some FAMILY SIZE Crunch & Munch.

    I had my 2nd fill today (up to 200cc). They still don't even look like breasts. Not even an A cup. Hope I see some real filling next week. Of course they gave me the book with all the stuff to read about silicone implants and it is scary! I say Ignorance is many times bliss.


  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2008

    LMAO@ "whacker string"

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited July 2008

    Hi All,

    Gee, so much s**t... I am dreading going back to see my chemo onc and my PS. They are patronizing jerks anyway and I am very disheartened with this whole process.

    Chemosabi Yes, your name looks familiar also.  I can really rant on all those "dangerous" topics: religion, politics, money, parenting, etc. LOL  And the Relay for Life has pretty much finished it for me. I even had a former colleague ( another woman) call me after the walk and say:

    Oh, I saw you riding around the track at the Relay for Life. How come you are so disabled and M*** who was dx after you was walking around the track just fine?  What are you trying to pull?

    Another accusation of malingering... before dx I was working 60-80 hrs a week, without complaint or extra pay; do they really believe that I would lie about my inability to work and get doctors to lie as well?  


    I am so sick and tired and no one here seems to think it is serious. My yard hasn't been cut since Feb. My house hasn't been cleaned since Sept of last year. I barely get my cats fed and to the grocery these days. How in the heck did I put on so much weight? Oh yeah, those quick trips to fast food places in my pyjamas! LOL

    So Wish, if you want to come down here to hot and sunny Georgia and get away... Come on down! But bring your weed whacker, I have weed trees taller than me! But, I do have some chocolate straight from France. Since I didn't get to go to Paris, I was given chocolates. LOL

    Cancer sux and PINK irritates me... Any ideas on a color that would be good for the ribbons?  I already have brown earmarked for prostate cancer! LOL

  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2008

    Have to share a bit of non-suckiness!!!

    I just received a call from a lady at Aetna who was calling to personally apologize for the way my claim was handled. See what happens when the company that pays all the premiums steps in and says WTF? They wouldn't listen to me, but boy did they listen to them. I've been fighting this for over a year and now within a week, it's settled. Sure wish I'd contacted my company in the beginning! Oh well, hindsight is always 20/20.

    Anyway, they are going to pay everything and she agreed that Aetna did handle it wrong and there was just no excuse for what they put me through. She's also going to get the collections removed from my credit report.

    I was so relieved I cried and then did the happy dance!  WooHoo!!!

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2008

    AWESOME, Sheila!!!!!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008

    that is Great News, Sheila!! 


    I am so sorry to hear about your sister!  Hindsight is always 20/20, so there is really no sense in looking back, except to remember your sister, and all they happy times you had together.  Sending HUGS your way! 

    I saw my onc's P.A. today, and she didn't think there was anything to worry about, but she said that if this were HER, she would go see this gyn onc, the same one who was recommended to me by the gyn who I saw on Wednesday.  So she called and I have an appt. to see him on July 22nd!  I also have jury duty for that week, so she wrote a note, excusing me from jury duty, but she wrote it on a prescription pad, and I don't know if they will even accept it. 

    The good news is that I am getting a break from Tamoxifen, until after I see the gyn onc.  I hate having to wait so long, but I guess if she thought it was urgent that I see this dr. sooner, she would have asked to try to get me in sooner.  So I guess that is a good thing. 

    Good night, everyone, and I wish you all few issues of suckiness tomorrow!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited July 2008

    I think Im having a pretty good day.  Gonna dread going back to work, because I will miss my computer time. 

    Sam:  That was good news about your insurance.  Who would have thought.  Next time I get a denial on something, Im gonna bring it to HR department.  BTW that chocolate martini sounded pretty darn good.

    Wish:  Weed whacking sounds hard.  Really hard!  So you can come jump in my pool anytime you want.

    CMharris:  On that chat people used to know me and Nicki.nnn - I cant believe people went out of there way to call you and question your health status.  Thats sucks big time.

    Harley:  I always love it when a healthcare professional says "if it were me I would do this."  Sorta validates what your thinking.  I think the note on a prescription pad should be enough to get you off jury duty.  I hope so.  Still hate the fact you have to go through this - that part sucks - but at least things seem to be moving along.

    Having a nice morning thunderstorm, think I will go back to bed and listen to the rain drops falling, thunder in the distance.  Not so sucky?

    See ya later.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited July 2008


    I am still so very scared about the possibility of ca... yet again!  I sure don't want to have to get chemo again or rads!  If I knew it was just a matter of taking out all this extra 'stuff' that I don't need that never worked properly anyway, then I wouldn't be so worried.  And now I have to wait two more weeks, just to have the initial appt., and who knows how long until I will get the operation?  I just want this over yesterday!  It doesn't help that my u/s report said the lining was "complex".  I don't know much about all this, but I do know that is BAD! 


    It was SO good to see you again!!  The only thing I like about these onc appts. is getting to see you again!  You know, I never did get to see those pics of your dear grand daughter!  I hope she likes her new little 'backless' outfit!  Oh, and when I was little, I wanted to wear my new clothes right away and not have to wait til next year, or even til Fall!

    You are such a nice person!  Oh, and I meant to tell you that you were right about NOT getting a bilateral mast., because you are being checked so closely now, that if anything was ever there, it would be found really early!!  Me, I had such small breasts anyway, so by the time my surgeon took out the bc, he took about a third of my breast, and reconstruction would have been really nasty looking, and real lop sided!

    I have a sinus type 'weather' migraine today.  I was told that these weather headaches some of us get when the barometric pressure changes are also a type of migraine.  Maybe I'll just take my migraine medicine and go back to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, with no suckiness.


  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2008

    Harley - Having to see yet another doctor (and the waiting) is sucky, but getting out of jury duty is a good thing. Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for you.

    Nicki - The end of a vacation always sucks. Although when my kids were little, I sometimes looked forward to going back to work to get away from all the chaos. . .LOL!

    Debbie - I'll be looking for those chocolates the next time I'm in Walgreens, nothing like really good chocolate! The last time I was in Walgreens I bought a pint of the their store brand ice cream called Waffle Cone and it was wonderful. Of course none of this is going to help me lose that 20 lbs I need to get off, but I believe you gotta have a little something every once in a while.

    Here's to a day of no IOS for everyone!

    BTW, I already received an EOB from Aetna showing the payment made. Amazing how fast they can move when a big cash cow lights a fire under them!

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2008

    It's sure quiet here.  Must have been a good weekend, with little suckiness to report.

    otter (wiping the peach cobbler off my whiskers) 

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited July 2008

    Otter, you are so funny.

    Just wanted to check in on my sisters and see how everybody was doing.

    I finally got to plant some flowers. Not to bad; I've only been here 7 weeks. I admit, I'm starting to get homesick. But, I did enjoy spending the day in the yard even though, it surpassed 100 degrees here today. I actually got some sun on my face.

    Funny, (not) pre-BC, I would spend most summer weekends either at the beach, or by the pool. Not anymore. I miss that.

    Hugs, Traci

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited July 2008

    Debbie, thanks on the heads up on Merci', i'll look for it next time I need a chocolate fix! :)

    CMH, there's NO reason you need to give those idiots who question your actions or lack of them.  Ignoramus....I think that's how it's spelled.  Make up cards and hand them out next time! :) And thanks for the offer to Georgia! :)  Never been there either!

    Well....A big THAT SUCKS! to those in's my BITE OFF A HEAD DAY!

    Noticed this morning (little graphic here, so you might want to turn your head :)....I have a spot on the inside of the labia that is BLACK! IT's about 2 millimeters but not raised, and looks odd......It's NEW.  Not tender, or itchy, no secretion (for goodness knows I could use that! :(

    Still haven't heard from the gyn that was supposed to call back on the dryness/pain/bleeding problem 3 1/2 weeks ago!  Left a message with his nurse on the 1st, and no response again.  Called my PCP, and wanted to talk to his nurse to see if I should see a gyno, derm or him for this. It's $30 co-pay with each one, so I was hoping to eliminate ONE?  HA!  Receptionists says he'd want to see me first before referring!  So....I call the idiot gyno....get the MESSAGE machine! I was hot by this time. Left a not so nice message outlining the original problem and him/her not returning phone calls.  He was supposed to have been researching what I can take with ER/PR+ BC to reduce the problems.....he mentioned maybe premarin cream.

    So.....I left the message and ended with, 'IF Dr. J does not want to continue with me as a pt after my Onco, Dr. D referred him, then I need to know, so I can find someone else!  I'm VERY frustrated and left my name, number and BD. what?  Do I make an appt with the pcp, who will refer this I'm sure.  Call and get into the derm who removed a pre-can spot from my ear 2 months ago, or what? 

    BTW...I had a pap the end of March (pcp), a vag check June 5 (gyno), and a TVUS on june 13th which was all good.  So?  Where did this thing come from and WTF is it?????????  I'm ill thinking about the possibilities! :(