The Next Person Game



  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, it's sunny here in Virginia.

    So gugg has air blowing on her butt all night. Hee! I hope that cools you down, you hot mama, you! I hope you can adjust to the Arimidix quickly. Drugs that mess with you are no fun to take!

    Harley, sorry to hear you hate the job. If you're in pain there, it's hard not to! So your boss doesn't like the doctor appointments? She should know how tired WE are are going to DOCTORS! Anyway... I hope you find something more suitable soon. I was one of the ones who said I LOVE my job, although it's getting to be extremely stressful of late. Hopefully, it calms down so I can embrace and feel the love again.

    All you gals running make me jealous. After chemo got done with me, I can't even walk a mile anymore. It's kind of crazy. I'm so happy to be alive, but at the same time my limitations depress me. Women are fickle! :-)

    The next person likes opera.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False..not an opera fan.  I love the theater though.

    Luv...good info on shin splints.  I have been a runner for about 10 years or more.  Proper shoes are soooo important. Also when you run...heal to toe should not hear your feet hit the pavement. If you do hear your are putting too much stress on the shins.  Hope that helps. 

    Misshapen, just start out slowly...maybe you will be able to get back into a walking routine.  Give it some time.  I finished 8 rounds of tx last August, I tried to walk through most of my tx, I didn't start running until December.  Good luck.

    The next person loves popcorn!  I dooooooooooo!!


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Oh, I missed the whole thread!...

    Harley ~ I am sure that made you SO MissS said, like YOUR not upset about yet ANOTHER Dr.'s appt!???  You should just say...its for my meds so I don't go ape on someone else...again!

    Gug ~ that fan sounds should post that w/ a pic ( not of you and your hinney LOL....but post a pic/idea...there are SO many that are experiencing the "hot flashes" it would help!  

    Okay, I need a SonicCare TB...I have had only two cavities in my LIFE...but the gums are getting the best of me lately!

    my3 ~ good tips on the shoes....What if they are making a "dragging" noise...what does that mean!?? LOL..LOL 

    (joking aside...I didn't know that good tip!!!)

    True ~  LUV popcorn!  I even like the Carmel by Harry&David YUM!

    The next person has made jello popcorn balls at sometime ?

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False...jello popcorn balls?? Luv...I have never heard of tell!

    The next person is off to run errands....

    I am!

    Oh...and Luv...if you hear a dragging noise....PICK UP YOUR DARN FEET....HAHAH!!



  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    3 oz. box Jello (any flavor desired)
    1 c. popcorn, popped
    1 c. sugar
    1 c. light syrup
    10 miniature marshmallows

    Bring sugar, syrup and Jello to full rolling boil. Add marshmallows and dissolve. Pour syrup over popcorn. Butter hands and form into balls. (Hardens quickly

    ( Drop on waxed paper ) Use the no butter/salt popcorn ( lite is good)

    They are good...I make the balls small so they are easier to eat...I haven't made them in so long...I think I will p/u some for the girls today!

    You can try your favorite flavor like cherry/margarita flav/orange/grape etc.

    I remember I made them for Halloween and gave them out (w/address) to the kids they LOVED them...but NEVER again too much work!

    True ~ Gotta "run" myself...gotta remember to pick up the feet! LOL

    The next person has another good idea/easy recipe ?

    ( The Flower Pot Pudding/dirt is better though in my opinion )

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    DUH!  I just realized I never did "the next person" part of the post last time...  sorry, my brain is half dead!!

    Yes, I AM getting tired of all these dr. appts!!

    I already gave my recipe for the Cheerios muffins but that isn't as easy as the ones you just posted...

    The next person doesn't go to the movies much anymore.

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    True-I don't have to get up for work until 7:00AM, but was up at 5:30 I hate that!

    The next person's hair came back curlier after chemo-Mine did!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I had poker straight hair before wavy and pretty

    and sometimes curly.

    bedfan...gonna check it out on the web.

    I walked close to a mile today..come-on cheer me on!!!---I am trying!

    The next person had some fruit today...I did...I love fruit..had a banana,some cherries,dried cranberries so far.

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    HI, Candie How are you?, I just got back from tx#3

    true , I did eat lots of fruits, I always do anyway

    the next person loves vegetables

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    thanks for the info on shin splints, maybe i can start jogging, well ok, walking

    Harley, quit that job and cut out coupons - just kidding, wish you could though

    true, love veges we have been eating lots of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions.  All home grown and wonderful

    the next person is watching their weight ( I am, watching it baloon and grow and grow) 

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Candie:   Cheerleader 1Cheering you on!

    Harley:  Quit the job before you totally lose it.  There are other jobs - I love mine but I'm self employed and can set my own hours. 

    I started back swimming at my club today - everyone greeted me, happy to see me back and looking "so good" gal who works there and is really nice said "wow, so glad you're back, you look great and I see you put some weight on".  Uh - stopping at "you look great" would have been GREAT.  Now I have to try a little harder - or at least THINK about trying a little harder to lose this chemo weight. When is "chubby" going to come into vogue????

    I do love veggies and fruits - also love chocolate, ice cream and other fattening treats.

    The next person has some dr appts this week - I get my bone density tomorrow and see the BS for a follow up and I'm assuming a script for a mammo in the near future. 

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I have to see my cardiologist in the morning before work. He always fusses at me because he thinks I'm not trying to do his will. I probably could try harder, but I bet I'm trying a lot harder than he knows. I do want to live....

    I'm like you, gugg.... I love fruits and veggies, I just love everything else, too. I wish I had a personal chef. Then I would only eat healthy food!

    TC, I just cut and paste, as well, but come on over! We'll find something fun to get into.

    Irish, my hair came back in all fuzzy in the front. I look like a guinea pig. I need to bite the bullet and get a trim.

    The nest person has had a PET scan.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True ~ Pet/Bone/CT/Mammo/Ultra Sound/MRI/Colonoscopy/Echo Cardiogram...God only know's what else.  Prior to BC, my only scan was to scan groceries at the market! lol

    Okay MissS, I'm on my way over to help dish up some mischief! On a serious note, hoping all goes well with the cardiologist. 

    Oh, and before I forget, here's dear Gugg after using her hotflash fan... That's A Relief  Freezing  Smile .  Guggerty, you too...warm thoughts on the bone scan.  They are painless...just don't move!  I was fine until they gave me that taboo. lol

    Harley, there is a song about where you work entitled "Take That Job and Shove It".  Really, dear heart...give it up if it is making you this miserable.  You've got alot going on already.  You don't need the added pressure of a new job that you don't enjoy.  Big hugs!

    Angie, thinking of you as you hit your halfway point in chemo.  Ugh, it's awful I know, but think long-term...very, very long term.  It's kicking the heck out of those pesky cancer cells!  More hugs coming your way!

    Okay, it's your turn!  Kiss  I almost hit the two mile mark today, which is why it's taken me until 12:45 am to post!!! I will say, Bon Jovi's Lost Highway CD helped get me to the next level! My legs were limp noodles...but my passion soared! lol

    Candie, keep it up!  You can do it!  We all can!  Let's have a block party and run around carrying Margaritas in one hand and Dirt cake in the other! lol  If we pass out...we'll blame luv!

    Swimming is also a great form of excercise and lot's of fun too.  Gugg, hope getting back into the pool was the gold-star prize for all you've been through.  Now you've earned a few gummy bears and all the happy juice that comes with them! lol 

    The next person is up way past her bedtime.  That would be me.  I guess I need to invest in a personal fan of my own, as we already have a window and ceiling fan.  Sweet dreams everyone!    Dreaming 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, went to bed early last night.  Am thinking of investing in a bedfan, every little thing helps

    the next person has a busy day sceduled today. I do but will check in here every chance

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    true, I came to work day after chemo, all work pile up

    next person will buy a new car or a use one

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, hope to drive my car for 5 more years, my husband has been driving his truck (bought new in 1995) for 13 years.

    the next person will go camping this weekend (we are)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I don't really do camping anymore. I'm a more hotel friendly kinda gal these days.

    TC, things went okay at the cardiologist. I had another ECHO and my heart has not improved. Just briefly for those who may not know - Adriamycin and/or Herceptin knocked my heart for a loop. My ejection fraction started at 67% before chemo and after three months of Herceptin it was 33%. That was way back at the end of August 2007 when I found out my heart was so jacked up. I have had little improvement (the cardiologist always tells me there has been no change, but my oncologist told me the paperwork says my EF is 40%). Anyway, he doubled some of my meds and wants to see me in two weeks. Blech.

    The next person wears more than one ring.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I wear 2 rings, one on each hand.

    Hugs, Miss Shapen.

    The next person likes to do needlepoint.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i do like needlepoint just haven't done it in a while

    the next person has a hot tub outside and uses it all year long

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False...not something I ever tried.

    The next person needs to head to bed right now...

    I do!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on heading to bed

    the next person has to read some before they can go to sleep

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~  Sometimes depends on my day..but it does make me sleepy.

    yes, on the hot tub...but I don't use it all year long, too hot in Fla. but around "winter time" its a must

    Needlepoint takes lots of mother tried to teach me to crochet ..."tried" all her hard work.

    The next person uses green works all natural cleaners...I do now though they are more expensive!...but at least no more choking on fumes!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on the green works but when i run out of the stuff i'm using now am going to start mixing up my own vinager & water for cleaning, and using lemon juice and baking soda.  On kitchen counters though i feel like i need to use a germ killer.

    the next person does not have any debt

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False ~  Hospital bills...paying payments!!  HOUSE/CAR/a few CC ! '

    Uughh...need a job! LOL

    Thats a great idea on cleaning supplies! 

    The next person visits animal shelters...Oh I do..sometimes I can't walk away and sometimes I RUN! LOL...they are so adorable though!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, sometimes i do

    the next person feeds the birds and squirrals and enjoys watching them play daily

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Luv - What kind of job do you like???

    Harley - have you quit that job thats changing you yet???  What would you rather do????

    NBN - Do you work??? What kind of job

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True to bird feeding as we have a feeder.  Sadly, no squirrel's in the neighborhood. That will be another thing to look forward to in Colorado someday.

    MissS - Darn! I hate this disease and the blasted damage of side effects.  I faired okay with the Adriamycin but am not a candidate for Herceptin.  Are you still taking Herceptin in addition to the medication to control the damage to your dear heart?  I'm sorry to hear this and hope the change in medication helps.  (((hugs)))

    False to working, left last year due to too much stress!  HR/Accounting is my history...Desperately in need of a change.  Will look in a different direction when we get back from Hawaii.   I'd love to work with kids or animals!  A shelter might not be a bad place to start!

    The next person's teeth/gums have suffered greatly due to treatment.  Grrrr!!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Hi everyone,

    I think that I'll work tomorrow... YICK! and then next week, I'm slated to work (unless she has changed it, which she often does) Tuesday and Friday.  My boss is on vacation next week, so maybe when she gets back from vacation, I'll talk to her, and ask if I can work less hours, not the whole day. 

    I talked to my dh and he is ok with me quitting, but I may try to cut back my hours first.  My left leg is REALLY aching, from walking and standing ALL DAY LONG!!  I have a herniated disc, and this job isn't helping matters any.


    The next person likes to do crossword puzzles.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false on the crossword puzzles, don't have the patience for them but do like to fit together regular puzzles.

    the next person has never smoked a cigarette

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    I am not sure on the job...something FUN...BW's would have been ideal! LOL...

    True on the bird feeders we always have Blue Jays but now we are seeing the Cardinals!

    Yes, standing on your feet all day or sitting all day is not good...hmmm you and I both need to find a FUN job !???

    I haven't done a crossword in awhile though...I think is taking up my free time LOL....

    True/False ~ I have "tried" a cig...but I don't smoke

    The next person has broken a bone ? (knock on wood I never have)