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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • onvacation
    onvacation Posts: 521
    edited September 2012

    love the pictures!  It does give me hair hope!

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Posts: 557
    edited September 2012

    SpecialK, thanks for the reply. I think I'll try both Claritin and the G/C.

  • shore1
    shore1 Posts: 591
    edited September 2012

    SpecialK, you are gorgie girlfriend. Thanks for posting pic - im 8 months pfc & can't wait til I can I have that style!

  • shore1
    shore1 Posts: 591
    edited September 2012

    SpecialK, you are gorgie girlfriend. Thanks for posting pic - im 8 months pfc & can't wait til I can I have that style!

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Posts: 687
    edited September 2012

    I love all these pics!  

    SpecialK:  Your hair is beautiful! 

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited September 2012

    shore - Thanks!  Your hair will be longer soon - I always felt like I was waiting for any hair, then longer hair, then normal hair! 

    CAYH - I can't believe how much growth you had in such a short time!  It is funny about the bangs - They have not been cut at all until yesterday - it took them all that time to look like a style - I went through that phase of looking like a five year old who cut their own hair!

    Thanks everyone for the compliments - you are all too sweet! 

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited September 2012
    Special K, your hair looks so silky and straight.  Did it grow out that way?  I'm 10 months PFC and my bangs are belows my eyes (kinda in my eyes :-)).  Lots of wave, but nothing a flat iron can't control.  I was able to wear my hair sort of natural the other day without putting it behind my ears to look normal.  Still no haircut, just watching all the hair styles I have as it grows out and eventually I may pick a look and stay with it for a bit.  I don't know if I will go back to my long hair again although I did like it a lot.
  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Another question from a baldy -- I've finished AC and I still have quite a bit of stubble on my head.  Is this typical?  I thought I'd be a smooth cue-ball by now.  I'm hoping this means it will come back strong! 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited September 2012

    specialk and cayh you both look great!!

  • Marcia1111
    Marcia1111 Posts: 8
    edited September 2012

    Karen, I love your new photo!  You look beautiful.

  • mary625
    mary625 Posts: 154
    edited September 2012

    I never looked smooth and shiny like men who are bald or shave their head. On the other hand, I wouldn't say I had stubble at the end of A/C. More like peach fuzz. My hair has grown in very well, but turned curly lately. I decided to keep it short for awhile.

  • jpmomof3
    jpmomof3 Posts: 198
    edited September 2012

    I h ad about 5-10 percent or so of my hair left as stubble that lasted until the end of chemo. I get the feeling they are still there and don't grow or do anything and are slowly falling out. Hope some hair comes in behind them eventually though. My hair already seems finer and thinner and a lot more gray than previous to chemo..

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited September 2012

    Thanks everyone!  My hair did not grow in more gray, unfortunately it actually was that gray!  I had just never seen all that gray at once - I had only seen the roots.  For some whose hair was more gray at the beginning of the growing back, it did revert to their natural color.  Sometimes the chemo affected hair comes in kind of clear looking, kind of like fishing line.

    Rockym - when my hair first grew back and was about an inch long it made its own faux hawk.  A part where it used to part, slightly to the side, but another one in the same place on the other side.  I just went with it and spiked it straight up.  When it was long enough to kind of lay down I realized it was not going to come in curly, but pretty straight.  In the picture above where it is blond it was dried on the ends to turn them under.  If I let it dry naturally it looks the same but the ends will flip up more but still be just as straight.  This is consistent with how my hair was before - it was curled with a large barrel curling iron in my avatar pic.  The only difference I have noticed with my hair now is that the very top, which grew back last, seems a little more fine and limp.

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Posts: 265
    edited September 2012

    Ladies who have used Toppix - is it worth it?  Does it really work?  Or can you tell that you've "powdered" your scalp?

    My hair was thinning before I lost it again to chemo and while it is growing in (I am about 4 months PFC), my scalp is still showing through in many places.  And like some of the other ladies wrote, I am starting to feel as though my hair growth is slowing.  I had hoped to go with a very short trendy "do" by mid-October, but it's not looking like that's going to happen. 

    I know, I should be more patient; after all, I've been through this before and didn't lose my wig until 9 months PFC, but 19 years later I had hoped to be more mature and comfortable going out with a very short hair cut.  Help!

  • rn4babies
    rn4babies Posts: 72
    edited October 2012

    I decided to color my sideburns so they aren't gray when peeking out from my head coverings. Well, I didn't realize that I had peach fuzz on my face and now my sideburns look like Elvis's! Normally, what I get on my skin comes off but it colored the peach fuzz and I can't get it off! Fortunately, it's a temp color that washes out in about a

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Posts: 687
    edited October 2012

    Got a haircut yesterday.  Walked in Ulta and she trimmed my hair, especially around the ears and buzzed the nape of my neck.  It was refreshing to see 1/2" of hair on the cape after being cut.  Its' growing like a weed.

  • kayak2
    kayak2 Posts: 9,028
    edited October 2012

    Not sure if I read this on here or somewhere else, but in any case it won't hurt to repeat it.  For anyone who is ready for a haircut or even just a trim or cleanup around the neck, during the month of October, salons in JC Penney stores are offering free haircuts to women who have or had cancer.

  • JoanQuilts
    JoanQuilts Posts: 265
    edited October 2012

    Ladies who have used Toppix - is it worth it?  Does it really work?  Or can you tell that you've "powdered" your scalp?

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Posts: 427
    edited October 2012

    Sorry Joan I never even heard of Toppix. Maybe someone else can help you with that info.

  • CAYH
    CAYH Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    "Toppik" was a new one for me, Joan - kinda like makeup for hair? Getting the right shade would be key - are there samples available?  There's a thread here:

    Hair Restoration Network  

    rn4babies - oh dear!  Hope it fades quickly for you - thanks for the heads up ;-)

    kjiberty - Yay!  I've been looking into how the lunar phases can affect hair growth & the optimal cutting times to speed things up...every little bit helps - I hope!   

  • CAYH
    CAYH Posts: 56
    edited October 2012

    Here's another - have you seen this, Joan?

    Toppik Review 

    Interesting stuff! 

    I just noticed it advised "try avoiding situations such as roller coaster rides, strong wind storms, speeding along in a convertible, etc."  Be forewarned...

  • lisa2012
    lisa2012 Posts: 288
    edited October 2012

    Rockym, i can see why you liked your wig!! CAYH, I can't wait till my hair is that long. I am 14,weeks PFC ( even though I always feel like those first 3 weeks I was still in chemo, that is when my fingernails crashed, I had taxo tears like crazy, etc) anyway my hair is still shorter by far than yours. I don't wear a wig at home but do for work and outside still It is a very slow process. And my wig is not nearly as cute as Rockym's- of course she is also gorgeous!!!

  • ksmatthews
    ksmatthews Posts: 743
    edited October 2012

    I was looking through photos in my phone tonight of me from early summer and cannot believe how much my hair has grown in 3 months!  I really hadn't noticed much till I saw these.  I am so happy! It was Oct last year when I ditched the wig!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 126
    edited October 2012

    So now I have more than just fuzz.  Iti s actual hair but still a fraction of an inch and no toal coverage yet.  Nonetheless it is progress so that is good.  But I normally have curly hair that blows out great with lots of body (3a, 3b & 3c if you are familiar with those classificiations).  Now it is growing out straight.  What do I do with this hair?  I fear that it will just lay there.  I am hoping that it will begin to curl as it gets longer.  Right now it is actually sticking straight up for the most part or straight out to the side.

    Anyone else? or have suggestion if this is your hair type.


  • KittyWinnie
    KittyWinnie Posts: 11
    edited October 2012
    m4babies -Thanks for the warning! I also have peach fuzz on my face, I've never had it before in my life. It's white. I was thinking of coloring my sides also because of the gray peeking out. So I could absolutely see what happened to you happening to me.  I hope the fuzz on the face goes   away soon. I guess it's another benefit from chemo?  
  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited October 2012
    lisa2012, thanks for the compliment, but the picture I posted is the "model" with my wig on :-).  I'm kinda cute, but not like her and at almost 48 if I looked like her, it would be because it cost a ton in plastic surgery.  The wig did rock and I will probably get streaks like that when my hair is long again.
  • rn4babies
    rn4babies Posts: 72
    edited October 2012

    kitty.....I never had any hair on my face either. It is so light I didn't notice it until that happened. I hope it goes away soon!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906
    edited October 2012

    Many of us had the white fuzz on our faces. Some used Nair and some of us just gently shaved it off. I have had to do it twice and there were months in between. Hope it is done now...9 months PFC !

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited October 2012
    HVV I had kind of curly wavy hair pre chemo and at first when it was super short it was very straight but at about 4 months I could see the back getting wavy and now at almost 2 years PFC it's got about the same amount of curl as I did before only now it's healthier cause I am no longer coloring it and it's all in layers.
  • EmmaC
    EmmaC Posts: 125
    edited October 2012

    Finally got a haircut and color of choice.  She cut off 3 inches and colored it red. She could tell the difference between the chemo curl and my hair. I think I cried on the way out.