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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2013

    Ok i should qualify that my hair did grow a little faster than many people's did and I did not have herceptin I had 4 tx of TC. It took 6 months before I could go topless cause I had a bald spot on my crown for a while. But once it all came in it was quick. But my hiar always grew pretty fast. I would think if your hair grew slow before that will be the norm for you.

    I agree with Lago I love morrocan oil. It makes hair shiny and it keeps away fly aways and frizz. I also love this amazing non toxic shampoo and conditioner from a company called Melaleuca. If you can't find it there is a member who sells it PM me for more info. I saw results immediately after using it and there are no parabens, sulfates or silicone in it.

    Hang in there ladies it only gets better as time goes on.

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    edited May 2013

    Does anyone use Nioxin shampoo?  Is it true it makes hair grow in faster?  It doesn't seem like a scientific possibility.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2013

    I used nioxin right after my last chemo it was a 3 step kit. I used it until it was gone and my hiar was gorwing in nicely then witched to a more moisurizing product. It has a nice tingly scalp conditioner that felt good on my head while the hair was growing. 

    I think the best thing i did to help my hair and nails was biotin. I wnet of it for a few weeks and I see a big difference.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Posts: 983
    edited May 2013

    I haven't posted here in quite a while.  'm of two minds right now. My hair is growing at a normal rate of 1/2 inch a month since Herceptin has finished in February.  I am so longing for my shoulder lenght bob that I've been reluctant to even get a trim. Had one trim only since the end of chemo a year ago.

    My hair is coming in the same texture which is wavy which is great but it's prone to curling up in humidity and it alway did prior anyway to BC TX.  Friends are saying I should cut it to make it a cool style but I can't help thinking if I don't cut it at all, it will eventually look like my old hair.

    It really looks like shit quite honestly but I'm still wearing hats. I look like Don King every morning LOL! Cut or don't cut?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2013

    Good evening ladies. I'm sure this may have been asked before but I'm awfully tired and couldnt make it through all 626 pages, so my apologies if I am being redundant. I had my last of 4 ac yesterday snd start taxol week after next. I lost most but not all of my hair between dsys 20 and 25. I cut about 2 inches long and can best describe that I look like a crazy baby bird. I think I have a bit of regrowth on my crown but not positive that it isnt just breakage from wearing wigs every day. I am wondering if it will fall out again when the taxol starts? I know it doesn't really matter I guess but having as much knowledge as possible has hellped so far. Had not great news at oncologist yesterday and did too much reading today so kinda depressed tonight. Feel like maybe hair concerns are silly right now but heck ive spent so much time and money on it over the years, why not?

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Myleftboob I've had my hair cut  and colored every 3 weeks since chemo ended over 2 years ago. I kept my short and passed on my old shoulder length bob. My recommendation to you is get it cut so it looks good letting your stylist know you want to grow your bob back. Get rid of the damaged hair.

    DeliriumPie I hopefully someone will answer soon. I wasn't on your cocktail but remember it's can be different for everyone. A lot of it depends on why your hair cycles into a growth period. If you are in a growth period when you get chemo it may fall out again.

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2013

    Iago, and here I felt extravagant for getting a haircut every 3 MONTHS! You made my day, lol.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Momine When you keep it short you have to. My stylist charges me 27% of what he charged me before. He uses much less product and really doesn't have to dry my hair for more than 5 minutes now. It used to be 20+ minutes to dry my hair. I used to have to cut/color every 5 weeks with the long bob.

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2013

    Iago, Mine seems to look OK even with 3 months in between, but I don't color, just cut. I guess that could be it. It is all new to me, because I always had long hair that I kep tin a bun or braid. As a result my visits to the dreaded hairdresser were very rare, usually every 3-4 years.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Before BC I would touch up the part every 3 weeks myself so I could wait the 6 weeks. Now it's too short and the hair does need the trim.

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2013

    I am trying to grow mine a little. I don't want it long at all, but I want to see if a short bob of some sort works. I don't think I have the patience (or the money) to go to the hair dresser every 3 weeks.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Posts: 983
    edited May 2013


    You're right, I should make the best of my short hair vs waiting.  I did have the crunchy bits clipped around Christmas so the hair I have is in good condition particularly since I really don't use any heat at all on it.  I've coloured it a few times as well to mask the gray. I suppose the top is going to take a while regardless to catch up to the back.  What cracks me up is I too was at the hairdresser every 6 - 8 weeks as well getting a trim and colour touch up for the roots.  I always figured my hair grew fast LOL!  Not as fast as I want now though. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    My hair does grow fast. Even through herceptin my hair was growing faster than those not on it.

  • LakeGirl2
    LakeGirl2 Posts: 22
    edited May 2013

    My hair didn't completely depart during chemo and I could never bear to shave it all of the way off which didn't matter because I wear a wig most of the time. Does anyone know if the hairs that I have left will grow or just fall out? I am wondering if I should cut these random hairs off so it grows in evenly or just leave them be and see if the rest fills in.

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Posts: 687
    edited May 2013

    I was totally bald through the end of Jul 2012.  I am getting my 7th haircut on Tuesday.  Like Lago, I am keeping it short.  It's driving me crazy now.  I should really get it cut every three weeks, but I try to stretch it to 4.  It needs to be colored too.  It's been 5 weeks and I can see the gray. 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2013

    Ok yeah I colored over some but not all of my grey I was getting washed out looking  but then decided that wasn't enough to make me feel young so I got hot pink hair extensions put in. Perhaps to feel young and hip, perhaps as an homage to all my breast cancer sistas, perhaps because I am also a Mary Kay consultant. I know I am nuts.

  • slv58
    slv58 Posts: 486
    edited May 2013

    Carrol2 I love it!! Can't wait till mine starts growing in. I am 2.5 weeks post chemo (yeah!) and had a healthy fuzz all through treatments, but am finding that my fuzz is starting to fall out. I dont care as this hair was pretty dry. Maybe this is the start of regrowth?

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    OMG Carrol you look so much better than before BC. Don't you ever, ever go blond again. You look fabulous.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2013

    thanks Lauren

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2013

    slv58 you are on your way now. It takes a while to get full coverage but one you do it seems to grow much quicker. In the next couple of months you will be really excited to see all the enw hari come in. Some of my old hairs that were left did break off as the new halthy stuff came in. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    Carrol, your hair looks great!  It's so hard for me to imagine my hair ever being somewhat long again.  Thanks for the encouragement in the form of photos that you've posted!

  • Sandra60
    Sandra60 Posts: 15
    edited May 2013

    Hi Lee, Lago , Carol et al !

    This is the firs time I've posted and will upload a new pic of my 1 " long salt and pepper cap of new growth soon . I HATE IT but am thankful for my health and that they have treatments for what we've all endured ( and are enduring ) .

    My question to the group is about the toxicity of hair dye . I texted my normal stylist about getting in for a color treatment ( light brown is what I am going for ) and asked her if they have any natural colors . She explained that even though products like Aveda have more natural ingredients u still need a chemical to carry the color into the hair shaft or it will not last - so there really are no natural colors per se except henna which we all know doea not last . She did say that she could us an ammonia free dye on my hair . There is also certified Aveda salon near my home . Are any of you concerned about the ingredient on hair dye ? Should I wait until it is a bit longer ( I am almost 13 weeks pfc ) .

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    sandra60 I colored my hair at 13 weeks PFC at the salon with the same stuff my hair dresser always uses. We did eventually have to change because the old stuff wasn't covering all the new gray. As far as toxicity. I live in Chicago between Lake Shore Drive and another major street with buses. I'm not moving.

    My point is it is impossible to live completely without toxins. Do your best to reduce them but you still have to live. This may be one of the toxins you choose to remove. I one the other hand will be cremated with my hair colored when that time comes. For me it's more about reducing stuff I ingest and breathe on a daily basis. So much crap in and on food.

    BTW my mom had been dying her hair since forever. She's 73 and never had breast cancer, or any kind of cancer. Also my oncologist and her NP both dye their hair. No way at their age is that their natural color.

    Seriously they still don't really know what causes breast cancer BUT the most important thing you can do to reduce your chances of recurrence is exercise at least 30 minutes a day. 2nd most important is healthy weight.

  • Sandra60
    Sandra60 Posts: 15
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for your post Lago ! You help so many women on is site - you are a saint !!!

    Yes I know there are no proven connections between breat cancer or cancer and some of those chemicals - I have been using paraben free etc facial and body lotions though - it just helps my psyche if anything which is important too !! Exercise has been my priority since the start of chemo really and now that I am almot recoverd (rads over 1 week ago ) I am working out every day - either walking for 45 mins. Or to the fitness center or on my road bike . I am in a women road bicycling group called the the Bodacious Biking Babe - the BBB's - we do a lot of charity rides and post rides were going to do daily on a yahoo group . It's really an awesome group of ladies and 3 of the 50 or so have had breslin cancer the the founder had thyroid cancer a few years ago - so needless to say thy have all helped me tremendously !!

    Well I guess I will try the amonia free hair dye this week just because I think it might be gentler on my scalp . I still think the Aveda products look very good and have great reviews .

    Hey - I grew up in the Chicago area - Downers Grove and went to U of I . I know right where u live - love lake short drive and concerts in the park etc . Thanks for your help !!!

  • Tr4c3y
    Tr4c3y Posts: 8
    edited May 2013

    I'm confused and hoping y'all can help me...  I have clippered down to stubble, but I have trouble sleeping with it, so I'm going to shave my head smooth tonight.  The question is this: is my head going to need regular maintenance to keep the irritating stubble from coming back, or is growth going to pretty much halt while I'm in chemo?  I'm trying to decide how much to invest in a shaver.  At the moment I'm on weekly Taxol, with antibodies every 3 weeks.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Tr4c3y if it does grew back while on chemo it probably will start off much softer so you may not have that issue. Also I found when my hair was falling out it hurt. That might be why it hurts not because it's so short. Funny but I didn't even know my hair products (shampoo/conditioner) were paraban free and I've been using them since the late 90s.

    Sandra60 good for you. Keep it up. Which U of I. My grad work I started downstate but transferred and finished at UIC. I kinda know where Downers Grove is. I'm originally from the Boston area and I'm a city gal. I don't get out of the city much Wink

  • Sandra60
    Sandra60 Posts: 15
    edited May 2013

    Graduated from campus I'm Champagne in 1982 - came out to CA because of a previous marriage that did not work out .

    Tracy I did not have much growth on TC so once you shave it u should be fine for a while . Stay strong - you will be through the chemo cave and on to a better life soon :)

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    Just missed you. Started in fall of '83

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Posts: 557
    edited May 2013

    Sandra, I'm with Iago: I'm NEVER giving up my hair dye. I tried semipermanent rinses and dyes after chemo but my hair wouldn't take the color. I had to find a new stylist anyway, and it took several tries to find a product that would cover the gray and approximate my 'old hair.' I had even saved my old hair in a bag and took it with me. I lived with the gray for 7 months but felt decades older. I'm trying other things to stay healthy, but I'm not going to worry about hair dye.

  • crazyride43
    crazyride43 Posts: 42
    edited May 2013

    Hello fellow hair regrowth warriors!  I am officially 13 months PFC today, and thought I would share my pics.  Just to add context, I have had 3 trims to the back which grew in so much faster than the top.  The "layers" at the top and sides are actually just how my hair has grown trims there yet!  I did get my hair highlighted and used a demi permanent color to cover a few grays about 2 months ago.  Overall, I am finally at the point where I don't obsess over my hair every day, and I am even looking forward to my next haircut to reintroduce a "style" that I actually choose.  I hope this provides some inspiration for those of you waiting for your hair to grow back.  I know I have scoured these boards over the past year looking for pictures to give me hope and a sense of the regrowth timeline!

    From the front

    From the side

    From the back (I did some contortion for this's actually more from the top!)