The power of prayer...



  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    There are so many needs of those seeking healing, guidance, and others needing peace and comfort in their last months here on Earth. They need help with fatigue, low blood counts, neuropathy, and needing more help from others in their lives, as their bodies demand more rest.

    Please give them Your comfort, Your peace, and Your presence as they seek You. Please incline Your ear to their voices. This season can be lonely for those alone, or even for those that are in families with strife. This is Your holy season of peace, joy, and outward expressions of love. May You provide for them so that they have the funds to share and cherish the season, which is honoring Your precious birth, Jesus.


    In Jesus' name, amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    May this prayer be for all needing Your divine intervention. May you bless Micmel, Diana, Joanne, Therapygirl, Astrid, Footprintsangel, Micmel's father, Bcincolorado, so many, ❤️❤️❤️, all who have reached out on these spiritual threads for each other, read and prayed along for their spiritual needs, as well as myself and sick brother.

    This powerful prayer warrior in the video is so skilled in approaching You, Lord, on behalf of the sick, praising You and giving You glory and thanksgiving. May we pray along for our friends and our own healing.

    In Jesus' name, amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Lord, although through earthly perception, the birth of our Lord Jesus appeared fraught with haphazard difficulties, it was to be perfectly as You planned it. Mary rode a donkey a long distance heavy with child, with no room to stay at an inn for the birth, and traveling far for a census to register their family in the House of David in Bethlehem. All difficult circumstances of our Lord's birth fulfilled all prophesies written hundreds of years before His birth.


    Micah is of the Old Testament, written 700 years before our Lord's birth.

    To avoid the infanticide Herod ordered in the town of Bethlehem, the holy family was warned to take Jesus to Egypt until it was safe to return.


    This prophesy is in Hosiah 11:1. Hosiah began his prophesying under the reign of Jeroboam II (786 - 746 bc), about 750 years before the birth of Christ.


    Many prophesies were made and fulfilled regarding the entire life of our Lord Jesus Christ, written by the prophets in the ancient of days. These are but a few.

    May we glory in Your perfect plans, for You knew us before You formed us in our mothers' wombs. Jeremiah 1:5 All that you have begun in us will be finished through Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6.

    May our trust in You be fortified by Your holy, living word.

    In Jesus' name, amen ❤️🙏

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Your great gift to mankind, Your son Jesus Christ, gave us deeply meaningful wisdom to live our lives with when He gave us the Beatitudes during the Sermon on the Mount.


    Lord Jesus, many of us mourn, for those we lost, and for losing our former healthy condition. We mourn because we know one day we will leave our loved ones behind. You promise to comfort us. Please fill our hearts with peace and confidence.

    Facing a life threatening illness has made us poor in spirit, and we are meek in our weakness. Please have mercy on us, and lift us up by Your rightous right hand. Your strength is made perfect in our weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

    Through our tribulations, we have sought You out, and You have used this process to purify our hearts. You have promised that those pure of heart will see God.

    We praise Your good works, and we thank you for answering our prayers: for healing, comfort, peace, and love.

    In Jesus' name, amen❤️🙏

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Thank you for this beautiful day today.  May we keep our eyes fixed on you during the journey.  We know that only you can meet our deepest needs.

    Please be with the healthcare professionals - doctors, nurses - who are in charge of our treatment.  Although the technical stuff is important and the cancer itself is the easier part for the professionals to address, the emotional side is even more important.  Give the doctors and nurses an extra measure of compassion and empathy for the ladies. Help them to be sensitive, ask questions, and spend unhurried time being present with the ladies.  Give the ladies courage to communicate if they need something more from their doctors and nurses (e.g., a hug, a shoulder to cry on, their hand held).

    In your powerful name, Amen

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060
    edited December 2018

    god bless the sweet sisters here on BCO. Miss Bianca and footprints have opened my eyes to you and allowing you into my heart and my everyday. Seeing little hints of you letting me know no matter what. Things will somehow be ok. God bless you all. In Jesus name amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited December 2018

    Thank you for your prayers Therapygirl and Micmel! 🙏❤️❤️ It is a beautiful thing to watch someone blossom under the care and love of Jesus.

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    The sermon yesterday at church was on how to pray in the dark. How do we pray to You when you have turned off the lights?

    We are only in the dark when our faith is based on circumstances and feelings. We are not in complete darkness when our faith is based on the sovereignty of You, Lord.

    I have known about treasures in darkness. The Holy Spirit taught me a deeper meaning of this in Colossians 2:2-3 tonight. There are often double meanings, metaphors, and parables in Your teaching. I found another kind of treasure we find in our darkness. It is you, Jesus.

    Thank you Journey Church for your teaching. Thank you, Lord, for this blessing in knowledge.



  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Some of us are worn down from the treatments, surgeries, follow-up appointments, additional diagnoses this year.  We may not be in the mood to celebrate or even feel joy this holiday season.

    Nevertheless, we will not allow cancer to distract us from experiencing your Son's immeasurable love for us.  We can find true joy, hope, and peace through your Son, Jesus Christ, no matter what time of the year.  Your Son gave us the greatest and most perfect gift - the free gift of salvation. He came into this world to be our Lord and Savior. Hallelujah!!

    Isaiah 9:6 - For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Let us cling to Him and glorify His name no matter what our circumstances are in life.

    In your precious name, Amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited December 2018

    May All Have A Merry Christmas!

    Much love,





    Flight Into Egypt to save the Christ child from infanticide in Bethlehem ordered by Herod: another Old Testament prophesy fulfilled.

    Hosea 11:1

    When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt, I called Him.

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060
    edited December 2018

    Merry Christmas Miss Bianca! Love you. May god bless you !

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited December 2018

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Be with all the beautiful ladies today. May they experience who you really are. James 4:8 - Come near to God and her will come near to you.

    We may be unsure of what will happen in 2019. We all want good stuff to happen - be done with treatment, appointments, to be able to get on with life, to feel normal, to feel in control and in charge. Nevertheless, we can take comfort in the fact that you will never leave us nor forsake us even when we feel hopeless, helpless, lonely, lost, despair, sadness, and pain. Help us to see and understand reality through your eyes. Holy Spirit strengthen our resolve in any battles that we may be facing this year.

    2 Corinthians 12:9 - My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

    Thank you for the inspirational words from one of my dearest friends. She wrote: Faith does not mean God meets our expectations. It means we cling to God's character, knowing that God will always accomplish His purposes. God wants to forge in us a faith that is far greater than our circumstances. Faith means knowing God can, believing God will, but clinging to him even if He doesn't. Faith is not an assurance that everything is going to be okay; it is the assurance that God is in control. That's the only way to live, knowing that some of the pains and confusion of life will remain mysteries even to our graves.

    In your beautiful name, Amen

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited December 2018


  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Micmel! I love you, sunshine girl!!! You bring

    such warmth to do many!Heart

    I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas. Thank you for your deeply appreciated prayers, Therapygirl. Welcome Lucy55 ! Thank you for your blessing for the new year.

    Dear Heavenly Father,


    Please bless these women in the new year, with healing, hope, joy, peace, and love. _


  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Posts: 412
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Ms Bianca how appropriate (for me) at the beginning of a new Year

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2019

    Thank you Nanette! I hope this New Year will be very blessed for you. BTW, I visited your city for my son's fourth grade field trip. The school rented a tour bus, and we traveled from the Orlando area to St. Augustine. It is so beautiful, interesting, and historic!

    Dear Lord,

    King David was the apple of Your eye, not because he was a flawless, sinless human being, but because he was a man after Your heart. He was a fierce warrior, but showed great character in dealing with his adversaries, particularly King Saul. Although Saul sought to kill King David, and relentlessly pursued him, King David would not kill King Saul because the prophet Samuel had annointed him King, and David would not kill one of God's annointed. He organized music worship, and directed the Levites, the priestly ones, to give thanks and give praise to God twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening.

    These two elements, thankfulness and worshipful praise, are so often missing in our petitions and prayers to You, Lord. We are so caught up in our desperation for You to intervene and draw near to us, that we forget to thank you for all Your blessing, for even a new day is a blessing. We forget to thank you for things that go well, great and small, and Your answered prayers. You are deserving of all praise Jesus. You are the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, yet our gentle Shepherd. We love you, Lord. Please send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to those who come here seeking reprieve from heartache and hardship. Please keep our eyes always on You, One day, we will sing our praises to You in heaven.



  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Thank you for another day.  Thank you Miss Bianca for the reminder of being thankful and worshipful whether our day is going well or not.  Thank you God that you are in control, that you are sovereign. We give you all the glory and honor even in the midst of our suffering.  Help us keep our eyes fixed on you, not on the problem or end result,  Continue to grow our faith no matter what the circumstances are.  God you know what you are doing even when things don't make sense.  Help us to see life from your perfect eyes.

    Please be with those ladies who are not only dealing with breast cancer but also anxiety, depression, personal strife, additional medical issues. etc.  May they lay these burdens at your feet and experience your rest.  Thank you Lord Jesus for bearing our burdens that we don't have to deal with whatever we are going through alone.  (Matthew 11:28-30)

    Joshua 1:9 - Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,

    In His precious name, Amen

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Please give the ladies' caregivers - family, friends, medical professionals - abundant patience, understanding, compassion, and empathy,  a shoulder to cry on, a ear to listen attentively.  Remind the caregivers that they also need to take care of themselves.  Strengthen them each day. Guide them to helpful resources so they can continue to effectively provide for their loved one.

    In your precious name, Amen

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    May you bless these women with your peace and comfort today.  Strengthen us in the midst of our pain and suffering.

    Thank you for your servant David who went through many trials in his life.  No matter how hard, fearful, and troublesome the situation, he remained committed and faithful to you.

    Thank you for David's words in Psalm 62:5-8 - Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress.  I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

    In your precious name, Amen

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060
    edited January 2019

    please Bless therapy girl and Miss Bianca...

    I am watching the decline of my father and it's wearing me out because my strength isn't what it used to be. I'm doing my best to visit when I can, but it's not that easy. I need to pace myself and when I look at him it hurts my heart. Please help my father pass peacefully, please let him know that I do love him. Please allow him to fall asleep one night and pass away into your heavenabove. Amen.

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Posts: 412
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father

    Bless all the women who are newly diagnosed and full of confusion and fear...touch them and lessen their fears.

    Bless all the women who are in treatment Lord and give them the strength to finish stronger than when they started.

    Lord Bless all the surivors who have fought the good fight and are examples every day of your unending love.

    Warriors we are but with You by our side Father we are Stronger and wiser.

    Thank you Father for never leaving or forsaking us in our battles against breast cancer.

    Father thank you for the wisdom you have granted to those scientists who have made our cures and for those who have yet to find better ones.


  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Be with Micmel and her father. Give her an extra measure of courage, comfort, and strength as she deals with the her father's declining health.  Lord if it's in your will at this time please take away her father's suffering so he can be with you in heaven to experience eternal peace and comfort.

    I lift up all the ladies dealing with breast cancer especially the ones who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. May your make yourself known to them that you understand where they are at as you have endured suffering for us even to death on the cross. Thank you Father for giving up your Son, for the free gift of salvation, so we can experience forgiveness and healing in our lives.

    In your powerful name, Amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2019

    Hello all the beautiful ladies here, the priceless children of God.Heart

    Your prayers, inspiration, love, compassion, and expressions of grief for the suffering, as well as the encouragement for the warriors, deeply touch my soul. You are all vessels of God's love, messengers of His hope, teachers of His Word, and are truly what the Lord calls the Body of Christ, the true Church distributed without walls, as this site reaches throughout the world.

    Thank you so much for your devotion, for you are the deliverers of messages of hope, salvation, peace, joy, and love.❤️🙏

    Dear Heavenly father,

    May Your plan for us all be made manifest in the refinement of our souls, like the precious metals of silver and gold, through our trials. May we walk through the fire and not get burned.

    May Your love and Your presence be made known to us by the Holy Spirit, who makes your holy scripture breathe life, as it is the Living word. Jesus, as You promised the apostles the Father would send the gift of the Holy Spirit as the Comforter, may You send us the same as well, so we may experience heavenly peace in spite of our circumstances.

    In the name of Jesus, amen

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Be our comforter, provider, and sustenance for our days.  You alone are enough.  You meet our every need.  May we rest in your loving arms. May we put our hope and trust only in you. 

    Psalm 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

    Romans 8:38-39 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    In your powerful name, Amen

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Thank you for foots, Micmel, Miss Bianca, bcincolorado, nanette7fl, and others who have offered heartfelt prayers for the ladies in this community. Thank you for writing your words on their hearts to communicate their caring, compassion, and those who need an extra measure of support. Thank you for their faithful and humble hearts.

    Encourage other ladies to pray for themselves or on the behalf of others is this community.

    In your precious name, Amen

  • micmel
    micmel Posts: 10,060
    edited January 2019

    Thank you ladies. May you all be blessed this year and every year. Therapy girl....Miss Bianca...Nanette... I’m struggling with watching my father. Fade away. It’s so sad.

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2019

    Dear Lord,

    My sweet dear friend is in pain. She suffers watching her dying father, getting ready to leave this world. May she be free and bold to share her faith with her father, for there are only two destinations for eternity.

    Jesus forgives all. Even the thief on the cross knew Jesus was innocent. He was crucified for being a thief, and most likely lived an entire life full of iniquity. But Jesus is so forgiving. The faith and grace of the thief toward Jesus won over his heart, and Jesus promised the thief eternal salvation.

    Please give Micmel the boldness to proclaim the salvation of Christ to her father. May the Holy Spirit give her the words to speak, the love to share, the appreciation that she was not raised fatherless, although with difficulty, counting every good deed of her father's, with forgiveness and honor, for this is Your will, Lord. May You comfort her in her grief, for her spirit is so beautiful and tender, and wipe away all her tears.


    Micmel's suffering parallels my suffering knowing my 55 year old brother, although he is being treated, is slowly dying with COPD, as a terrible consequence of family neglect in CA that I didn't know the extent of. I pray for his healing, Lord Jesus. He has lived a life apart from you, although he has known you since a small child. He is a prodigal son. Please leave the 99 sheep to go after the one, because he is not ready to meet You and account for his life. My sisters and brothers in Christ, please pray for his healing and salvation.

    What a blessed family in Christ that is growing here. May the Lord meet your needs, be they physical, spiritual, emotional, or help with other life challenges. Please never take your eyes off of the cross. Let it always be your compass.

    In Jesus' name, amen

  • nanette7fl
    nanette7fl Posts: 412
    edited January 2019


  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Be with Micmel and comfort her in her suffering as her father is dying. You are her refuge and fortress. Give her the peace that passes understanding. Be with her father also. May he also experience your peace.

    Wrap your arms around Miss Bianca. Give her the comfort and peace that she also needs. Make yourself known to her brother that he will reach out to you in his time of need. May he experience your healing. May he choose your Son as His Lord and Savior

    In your precious name, Amen

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2019

    Thank you my sweet sister in Christ Therapygirl! Heart

    You are so diligent and faithful. You are dearly appreciated.

    Dear Lord,

    May you be with us, when our hearts are troubled, may you grant us rest. Please be with Micmel's Dad and his precious daughter, such a blessing to us all. Please grant them peace, an open line of communication, and bless this time for them together.

    My brother has checked out again against medical advice after six days of treatment. He has severe COPD, but responded well to the treatment he did receive.

    He needs cardiac treatment asap. It is causing his liver and kidneys to fail to remove liquids. He has mental illness and is unable to make sound decisions.

    Dear Lord, please order my steps so that I may organize an intervention, stemming from neglect, that this case may be handled by social services that investigate elder and dependent neglect and abuse. I am willing to be my brother's caretaker here in Florida. If this be Your will, let it be so. Please, my family in Christ, pray for us.

    In Jesus' name, amen


    May we be granted sleep from our sorrows. Amen.

  • therapygirl18
    therapygirl18 Posts: 32
    edited January 2019

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Be with the ladies who are going to their appointments this week.  May they experience your peace and comfort.

    Be with the medical professionals who will be taking care of the these ladies.  Grant them an extra measure of compassion and empathy.  Help them to see the ladies as people not just another patient to attend to.

    Be with the ladies who are not only dealing with cancer but also juggling various situations and personal responsibilities. Give them clear thinking so they can make healthy decisions.  Help them to manage their jobs and families.  Give them patience, strength, and endurance. 

    In your powerful name, Amen