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Chemo in Sept 08



  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited April 2009

    Genia - Promise you will always come to us when you are having a bad day. As you said, we all have bad days, and it helps to share and know we are all going through the same crappy days, and good days.

    Had my 2nd rad today.  2 down 26 more to go!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    Genia - Were here for you bad days and your good days...just share them all with us.

    My rad tech didn't want to do my tx today because my arm is so raw.  She made the onc come in and look at it and the onc said to go ahead with the tx.  My onc said it's going to get worse before it gets better. It is what it is and it will be what it will be.  How's that for profound?

    Oh, the tech also said that I could not wear a bra of any size, shape or form - even if it's on top of a camisole.  I don't know what she wants me to do with the boob I have left - tuck it in my pants waist?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Thanks Jane and Lisa.....

    Jane....that's what I hate about only having one breast.  Can't not wear a bra because ya sag....and if you do wear one you gotta try to match the missing breast with the one ya still have.  You should have seen me yesterday when I went to the Dr.  I got outta the car and was so lop sided.....I had to laugh.  Had to go in the bathroom and rearrange everything when I got in  

    Will be glad when they take the other one.......

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Oooops.....sorry Colleen.....thought your message was from Lisa.....still have chemo brain.  lol

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited April 2009


    Know what you mean, I can't remember anyone's names anymore.  My neighbor was just commenting about that they other day - you used to remember their names.... sigh....

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    Genia - shoulder pads work great

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    Genia, you crack me up. But I would eat dog poo as well if it would rid me of cancer for good!! LOL LOL....

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    Jane I just read the part about your boob. LOL. sorry. You girls. Jane, it did get worse, It got worse, and then it got better. Just Git 'er done and move on!!!!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi girls,

    Brandon mum, good luck with the rads, I hope it passes quickly for you without any pain.

    Jane, here hoping you will heal real fast. You could try a sling for the boob you have left Kiss

    Here is todays thought

    "I sprinkle positive affirmations throughout my day, and they keep my inner smile going"

    Have a good weekend everyone. Singapore Chris

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Genia -Then how do we counteract the munchies?? I have enough problems with gaining weight! LOL

    Chris - (I think it was you that asked on the last page) 10 rads down, 23 to go. No effects yet, but next week I get them at a different office (for the rest of tx). I asked one of the rad techs yesterday how long it will take to install the new machine at our office and she said 2 months. So I guess I really couldn't have put it off. I was originally told only 1 month.

    I'm off to watch a couple of soccer games (9 yr old boy and 12 yr old girl, I used to babysit them when they were babies till ages 2 & 5.)

    Have a relaxing weekend everyone! Hugs! Kiss

  • lynnmacd4
    lynnmacd4 Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2009

    no kidding juli!  i'm having enough trouble now, avoiding the brownies "for the kids" sitting on my counter right now.  ah, who am i kidding?  i've already eaten half of them.  i am a chocaholic, but i think it's because, like you genia, i'm fighting the blues.  after surgery, chemo, and rads, i'm trying to find that holy grail.  the thing i'm supposed to do,eat,smoke (genia) or not do,eat or smoke that will keep me from ever having to go thru this again.  just have to admit, it's not out there yet and i'll have to make peace with that.  reading the post from you ladies helps an awful lot.  thanks.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2009

    Howdy peepsSmileKiss

    It looks like this is the let's give our patients all the encouraging news week? My Oncologist and Neurologist had a sweet lil chat which she informed me of yesterday.My thoracic spine is abnormally thick with light?? ?whatever that means, and my R breast feels as if it has a lump--to my oncologist-- in it so she may order another mammogram in a week or two just to check.

    Listen I want to say to her "That is my lumpectomy breast thank you very much, and nobody's touching it...yet!"

    It also seems my Taxol has made me incontinent of urine or something did it:lol:lol:Lol.

    I forgot to tell her with all the pain I was in yesterday.  I should've written it down so I could've  let her in on that incontinent news. I am now thoroughly finished with this BC situation.

    Scheduling radiation therapy next week and other fun Breast Cancer things,

    luv to everyone,


    And listen you ain't lived until you've told most of your friends that your lymphs nodes were negative ands you could therefore never have mets. I HATE my FRIENDS...just a little... but tis good to have some RN reality hanging around in my life.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Juli.....we just munch oh HEALTHY stuff.  Veggies and right!!!  Give me the junk food....that's what I would be munching on.  Hey if I knew where to get can bet your sweet little bottom I'd smoke it.  If nothing else it would calm my nerves......what's the difference in that and taking an ativan or a valium?  I think none.........

    At least I would get the giggles......that's something I haven't had in a while!!!   lol

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Goodmorning Girls,

    On the healthy thoughts, I am struggeling, tried really hard, but yesterday I made some delicious raspberry crumble slices. They were really good, but full of fat and suger, and fresh raspberries of course. I will try hard today, I have carrots, and other fruit in the fridge.  Good luck to everyone. Mina you take care, I am sure the oncol found some lumpy scar tissue, my breast feels funny after the lumpectomy.

    Genia, we must find a way to have the giggles. 

    bye for now, Singapore Chris

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    I just made a box of butterscotch pudding and I am just waiting for it to cool enough to eat it.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    We are at the beach! However, I forgot my PC power cord. DUH! So will only have access while the battery lasts. I think my brain is not what it used to

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi Springie,

    Have a fantastic holiday by the beach, we will hear from you when you get back if not before. Don't get too much sun.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009
    Spring - Make sure the cabana boy brings you every thing you need or want! Wink
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Have fun deserve it!!!   You may be able to purchase a power cord.  That way you would always have a backup........not sure about it, but worth a check.


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited April 2009

    Spring- I hope you have a lovely time at the beach and come back all rested and relaxed. It is a tad cool here this weekend but I hope the sun shines for you at the Outer Banks.

    I am in a not so happy place. This tamoxifen (or menopause in general) has me in a constant state of aggitation and I am so fed up with all that is going on. We were trying to plan a trip to  PA in June and now half of my DH's family is jumping on the bandwagon to go as well. I found a house that will sleep 12 but right now the number keeps climbing. While I sooo long to go back and enjoy the beautiful countryside I have backe out of the planning and just decided that if it happens it does if not not. I am not going to drive myself crazy planning this one like I did years ago. I am depressed, angry and can say for sure that I do not see myself staying on the tamoxifen long term. Since the onco was less than interested in me this last visit i will see if the gyno will bend an ear. The last onco visit it was like treatments were over and the cash wasn't coming in and he was ready to see someone who was forking out the big bucks.....maybe just me but he really brushed me off this last time. I am beginning to have some joint pain but the worrying factor for me is that i am beginning to have some discomfort under BOTH of my armpits that comes and goes. Not sure if it is a hormonal thing or not. Just another worry to add to the list. I hate being a constant member of the B&M club. I want to feel good about something in my life and cannot find a bright spot right now. I am tired, ill and emotionally beaten down. I am tired of popping pills all day long for stuff, pills for pain, vits for neuropathy, pills for hormones, pills for blood pressure, pills for the nerves,pills to help me sleep,  pills for the pills...... oh well gotta runI think it's time for a PILL

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi girls,

    Bettysgirl you are having a hard time and I am very sorry for that. You have been though enough without all this stuff going on.  You are right not to try and do to much with the organisation of your holiday, sounds like a nightmare.  Just let someone else do it and turn up and have fun, probably like many people have done when you have been doing all the work. 

    Tamoxafine is a pain, I am managing pretty well, but I know what you mean about the joint pains, my are mainly in my knees and feet and I had more hot flashes yesterday then usual. Call a friend and go out for a walk or do something that will relax you. A vision board would be a good idea to as it will make you focus on the future.

    Sorry to hear that your oncol wasn't very attentive, I suppose he thinks he has more important things to do. Well thanks very much dr. I don't think anyone realises just how hard it has been for us to take this long and difficult journey. Sometime I think that the end is harder as everyone things we are fine now, but we still have to deal with all the pill and things you mentioned.

    Must go as I have a CT scan, a chest xray and a PET scan waiting for me, just to keep me busy in case I haven't go anything better to do.  It is just routine, so I am not expecting any problems, but I wish I didn't have to go.

    Take care girls, and keep you chin up as we say in England, we can do this.

    Singapore Chris xxx

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited April 2009

    Hi Ladies,   been busy with the grandkids at my house the last couple of days. 

    After reading the last page of posting I had to really stop and think about the cancer coming back. I am not sure what to feel or think.  I saw to rad. onc. to give me opinions of if I need rads.  The biggest problem I found is with all their statistics, none of us fits all the stats.  Lots of round holes and lots of square pegs.  The point is you just don't know what will happen.

    So after all the thinking I have decided, I can either let cancer rule my life or me rule my own life.  I choose to live my life as I want to.  I can't do anything to change what has happened, and I am doing all I can to make the future as good as I can but I can't control what will be.  This is all soooooo hard.  It's such a life changing event.  Part of me is glad (LOL not probably the right word) to have dealt with cancer.  It has made me so much more compasionate of what others are going thru or have been thru. I have several friends with really bad cancers, not even treatable, and I really feel a need to support them as much as I can. 

    Wow I am really long winded.  Genia, hang in there, we are all going to get thru this crap!!!  Find those things that make you happy ....and indulge.  You deserve it !!!! 

    Huggs to all.   Trude

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Chris - Hoping for good results on all your tests today.Laughing

    Hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi girls,

    Thanks Juli, I just got my results, and everything is clear, as far as I am concerned I am CURED!, my surgeon did say that I am high risk for a reoccurrance, but what a load of rubbish, after all the treatment I have had, there is no cancer cell that can survive that!!!! How are you feeling Juli are you getting stronger?

    Genia, where are you and are you alright?

    Trude, I am with you, lets rule our own lives.

    Take Care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Chris - YAY! YAY! YAY! That is the best news! NED is now your best friend!!! Laughing

    One of the probes on the heart monitor had come off before my 24 hrs were up, so I may have to repeat the test. I should hear something today.

    I have been feeling good though, I went to the new radiation office yesterday and it was chaos, combining 2 offices together. I had to wait about a half hour, but I ran into an old acquaintance who had brought her mother there for treatment, so we had a chance to catch up.

    Genia, Jane, Trude, Lisa, Collen, Mina, (and anyone else who hasn't been feeling well)- You girls ok?

    Hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    I wanted to just say Hi ladies!!!  We have walked on the beach at least 50 minutes every day!

    OK confession: I ate for breakfast one day - 5 pancakes with syrup and butter, 2 eggs and 3 bacon strips!!!! I am surprised I didn't explode! Didn't do it but that once. Otherwise I've been okay. What was I thinking????

    Spring (at the outer banks of NC!)

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited April 2009

    Chris, how awesome is that !!!!  No more cancer!  I feel pretty much the same way.  Just waiting to get past the surgery and late chemo effects

    Juli, I am doing well.  I still have some sutures....but healing well.  My surgeon went on vacation to Tahiti for two weeks ....  so I just have to be patient.  I am curious when this expander thing can be done with....but I guess that's going to be a while. 

    Did you all notice very dry and itchy skin after chemo?  I have never had this happen before and the radiologist said it's a late effect from the chemo.  My last treatment was the end of Jan !!!  I keep putting on tons of lotion.....hoping that will help.


  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2009

    Spring - I hope you have a FABULOUS time. You deserve it.  Hope it's not too cold there today. Snow flurries here in the foothills of NC. was 80 degrees Sunday.


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited April 2009

    Hey chicas!

    Just got back from my 11th rad and my appt with my surgeon who did the lumpectomy (and quite the hottie!), and we were putting things on the calendar for future things to be done. I'll get my port out sometime in December, after all of my major scans are done and after I've had two clear mammograms. We discussed the ooph and hysterectomy vs Tamoxifen, and he said that he has no problem doing the surgery, but he wanted me to be aware that I would probably still be put on Tamoxifen anyway. Boo! I'm not worried, though....The bulk of the Bullsheet is in the past! 

    Oh! I lost two pounds. I tell's WAY better than putting two pounds ON!!!

  • Karenp62
    Karenp62 Member Posts: 68
    edited April 2009

    the prettiestmess: You go girl!!!! Two pounds is two pounds. Right??? I feel the same way about the bulk being in the past. Over the weekend I packed prostesis' (that's not spelled right) head covings, wigs, boob pillows etc in a box to be donated. I don't plan on going throught this "journey" again. It felt good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
