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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009
    14 minutes ago, edited 7 minutes ago by bar62 bar62 wrote:

    Tomorrow, I'll try to coerce my son into hanging out with me  at  one of these restaurants...fat chance. HIs mind is on a new girl he met two weeks agoo. arrrgh. 

    I want some not so goo for me comfort food,  Fried Mac and Cheese with fried Pork Belly, or maybe we'll  stay at home, rain is forecast yuck.. The prices aren't bad  at this restaurant, and I do need a day out, listening to the hum of people, making me wish I had stayed at home,listening to all the honking horns and fire engines.squealing through the streets.

    First choice..

    Second choice

    If I have to go alone, I'll go to the Cowgirl Hall of faame...Prices are great and I can slide right up the bar and have aan Peach Margartia.or a Mojito. Thank God we can take trhe train home here for a while longer; if the fares keep going up that pleasure may leave us soon..

    luv everyone..

    .I think the 60 mgm of Decadron I had to take time 3 days really messed up my sleep cycles...arrrrrgh.

    4th Taxol due March 27th then Rads
    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2- [Edit] [Delete] 4th Taxol due March 27th then Rads
    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-
  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009
    A few seconds ago bar62 wrote: 14 minutes ago, edited 7 minutes ago by bar62 bar62 wrote:

    Tomorrow, I'll try to coerce my son into hanging out with me  at  one of these restaurants...fat chance. HIs mind is on a new girl he met two weeks agoo. arrrgh. 

    I want some not so goo for me comfort food,  Fried Mac and Cheese with fried Pork Belly, or maybe we'll  stay at home, rain is forecast yuck.. The prices aren't bad  at this restaurant, and I do need a day out, listening to the hum of people, making me wish I had stayed at home,listening to all the honking horns and fire engines.squealing through the streets.

    First choice..

    Second choice

    If I have to go alone, I'll go to the Cowgirl Hall of faame...Prices are great and I can slide right up the bar and have aan Peach Margartia.or a Mojito. Thank God we can take trhe train home here for a while longer; if the fares keep going up that pleasure may leave us soon..

    luv everyone..

    .I think the 60 mgm of Decadron I had to take time 3 days really messed up my sleep cycles...arrrrrgh.

    4th Taxol due March 27th then Rads
    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2- [Edit] [Delete] 4th Taxol due March 27th then Rads
    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2- [Edit] [Delete]
  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2009
     A few seconds ago bar62 wrote: 14 minutes ago, edited 7 minutes ago by bar62 bar62 wrote,:

    Tomorrow, I'll try to coerce my son into hanging out with me  at  one of these restaurants...fat chance. HIs mind is on a new girl he met two weeks agoo. arrrgh. 

    I want some not so good for me comfort food,  Fried Mac and Cheese with fried Pork Belly, or maybe we'll  stay at home; rain is forecast... yuck.. The prices aren't bad  at this restaurant, and I do need a day out, listening to the hum of people, making me wish I had stayed at home,listening to all the honking horns and fire engines.squealing through the streets.

    First choice..

    Second choice

    If I have to go alone, I'll go to the Cowgirl Hall of faame...Prices are great and I can slide right up the bar and have a Peach Margartia.or a Mojito. Thank God we can take trhe train home here for a while longer; if the fares keep going up that pleasure may leave us soon..

    luv everyone..

    .I think the 60 mgm of Decadron I had to take time 3 days really messed up my sleep cycles...arrrrrgh.

    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2- [Edit]Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2- [Edit] [Delete] 4th Taxol due March 27th then Rads
    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2- [Edit] [Delete]
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Mina, 12 lb in one week!!! that is the water weight for sure. Did you get your Fried Mac and cheese? Sorry about the hair. :(  But it grew in once, it will come back again. I am sure your sleep is goofed with the Decadron!!!

    Jane, OK!! 0.8 makes more sense!!! I was touched by your flowers for everyone, and yourself! I think this cancer thing has changed everyone. I still hate cancer, but if it changes us in some way for the better then that is a testament to US, that we can even get something positive out of a monster. I can't get to the cancer is a blessing thing, no WAY, at least not yet. I hate it, but I do see the resiliancy of the human spirit, and the love. Those are the good things.

    How is Genia today? 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    I went to visit a 1 month old baby girl today... what a little doll! It was weird going out, doing something other than doctor/cancer related. I haven't done that in a very long time. It's about time!

    Mina - how did dinner go?

    Jane - I love flowers too. My favorite are plumarias (in Hawaii). mmmmm....

    I second what Beverly said - Genia, u ok?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009
  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Juli - She's adorable (and so are you)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009 cute she is.  And of course our cancer model looks stunning too!!!!

    I'm doin a little better today.  Some of the swelling is down in my underarm and side of my boob....or at least where it WAS.  I've just been sooooo exhausted.....I fall asleep everytime I sit down in a chair.  Fairly sure it's normal......just my bodies way of trying to repair and bounce back.

    hugs and love.......Genia

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    WOW.....this is unreal!   A thirteen year old with  BC......sad

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009


    Unfortunately, not so unreal.  Remember my son had leukemia, so I've met lots of kids with cancer as we were getting our treatment.  I know 2 young girls that had breast cancer.  One was 12, the other a little older.  They were both getting a bone marrow transplant as a last effort (remember this would have been about 10 years ago), which is how we met (my son had a bone marrow transplant).  Unfortunately, both passed away.  So when I was diagnosed, my only frame of reference for breast cancer was these young girls.  I never expected that survival was even an option.

    Just another one you wouldn't expect. I knew a 4 year old that had ovarian cancer.  In her case, it was probably detected fairly early as she started going through signs of puberty and got all the doctors attention.  Her story is a happier one, as she survived.

    So, I count my blessings every day, that I was able to grow up, go to college, have a family, etc.  If you are ever wishing you could do something to help kids with cancer (they receive the smallest amount of research of funding), you could donate mylar balloons to the pediatric oncology dept of your hospital.  You;d think these kids would be smothered in gifts, and at holidays that may be true, but it is a long treatment process and people grow weary of supporting the kids.  That means a lot of gifts at diagnosis, but a few months later these kids are likely going through worst of treatment, and not so much attention.  Balloons are a great pick me up for almost any age.  

    No one wants to think about childhood cancer, so it goes largely under reported.  National Childhood cancer month is in September - the month before breast cancer awareness. Did you even know? How many stores had gold ribbons (sign for childhood cancer)?  I'm betting you hardly even noticed.  My eye doctor had a lot of things out for breast cancer awareness and I happened to be there in October.  He said, oh this is "your" anniversary month.  It took a few minutes but then I realized he was talking about breast cancer awareness. I shared with him how I'm glad there is so much attention for breast cancer, but wish that more people did something for childhood cancer awareness the month before.  He just turned away and said "that's different".  Yes, childhood cancer is different. It isn't something we talk about, short of St. Jude's infomercials.  St Jude's does a lot of work, but keep in mind the only thing they say is that "no child is turned away from St. Jude for ability to pay".  They don't say, no child is never turned away.  I've known more than a few families that tried to get them to treat their child, only to be turned down.  In one case, St. Jude's changed their mind months down the line.  At that point, the child's disease was terminal.  Imagine how that family feels when they see the St. Jude's commercials.  Could St. Jude's have made a difference if they would have agreed to accept the child when the disease was still considered curable?  We will never know.

    Childhood cancer is the #1 disease killer of children.  More than more than Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Asthma and AIDS COMBINED.  How often do year about fund raisers for these diseases?  I'm not saying stop those fundraisers, but more needs to be done for the biggest killer - cancer. 

    I'm off the soapbox, but as I go, I'll leave you with a few more childhood cancer facts:

    • Each school day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.

    One in 330 children will develop cancer by age 20.

    Each year in the U.S. over 12,600 children are diagnosed with cancer.

    Although the 5 year survival rate is steadily increasing, one quarter of children diagnosed with cancer will die 5 years from the time of diagnosis.

    Cancer remains the number one disease killer of America's children - more than Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Asthma and AIDS combined.

    80% of children have metastatic disease at time of diagnosis as compared to only 20% of adults.

    There are currently more than 270,000 childhood cancer survivors in the U.S.

    Late effects of childhood cancer treatment are common in survivors, and approximately one-third are moderate to severe.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Oh that hurts my heart and soul. The childhhood cancer. I remember, when going into chemo suite, I would occasionally see a kid hooked up. And I thought to myself, "Beverly Lovelace, don't you dare feel sorry for yourself you 50 year old woman! Look at that child!!" Sort of sunk in how blessed we are. Odd. But yes.

    No for the joy. That baby girl!!! Julie! Did that feel GOOD OR WHAT??? What I would give to hold a baby girl, or boy! I think that must be very healing!!!  And yes, I don't know which baby girl is cuter, the one in the pink cap or the one in the blue! You, as always, are adorable Jules! Who has more hair, you or the baby??? LOL. Yours is really growing in Juli!

    Update on me: I got some Loreal wax/goop to put in my hair and had fun yesterday messing aroudn with it! SUN HERE TODAY. PTL!!

    Genia, sleep sleep sleep. That's what I did, I was sleeping all the time. I say, if your body wants it, let it. I read an article that to heal, we need to: sleep and rest, to eat healthy foods, and to move our body a little, so it remembers what it is designed to do.... I have done this and think it worked for me. 

    Love you girls!


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009

    Hi  everyone, Is it possible I posted the same/similar posts 4 times?...It seems like I did but I can't tell anymore. I removed two similar posts but thought I'd better stop before I removed everyone's posts.

    And when did this happen? Good Lord...see below.

    sorry the above URL is about a Nursing Home shooting in NC or WA state...I can't make the copy/paste function work today. 

    Did  it happen in NC or Alaska?.

    I ate my Fried Mac and cheese while I was sleeping:lol:lol    Maybe Next week.:)

    love ya all,


    Juli you and that precious baby are beautiful....I forgot to mention our other beautiful young girl.

    love all over again..


    How long does the swelling stay in our ankles...and of course now my other ankle is swelling....arrrrrgh.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Mina, I hear fried mac and cheese in your sleep has no calories!!! lol. There was some nursing home shooting here. I don't know the deatils but noticed it on the TV when in the gym. 

    It finally stopped raining in NC!!! It is very sunny but windy, and warm. Must be around 70!!! I bought little herbs and veggies and planted them in pots on my deck! (Basil, tomoatos, thyme, parsley, etc).

    Yay for sun!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    The baby won the battle of the hair! And you should see her wardrobe! This is why I need a granddaughter! I was so deprived having 4 sons! LOL

    Mina - I figured your computer was on decadron with all those posts! Undecided

    Beverly - yay for spring weather and planting! Cool

    I signed up for line dancing classes at our Senior Center (Wednesdays from 7 - 8:30 pm, starting 4/22/09). Wonder if they will card me? LOL. (you have to be 50 yrs old). Hope I'm not too tired from rads, but I need to get off my lazy butt that hasn't excercised since last June!

    I'm off to watch my son's (Kevin) roller hockey game...Laughing 

    Hugs! Kiss

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    Juli- you and the baby are PRECIOUS!! You look Maaaavelous.

    Mina- It's okay the chemo brain made me just think i was reading it over and over!!LOL

    Genia- resting is what you need. Hope you are feeling better every day.

    It's been a long week here. Our 6 yr old lab died Thursday AM. Hubby is real down as she was his buddy. Turns out she was diabetic (of all things) and had severe pancreatic damage.

    I saw the onco Thursday and he seemed less interested this time than he has ever been. Kind of like he was just breezing by..When i told him the Tamoxifen was giving me bad mood swings he just gave the the BS story about the studies that show that women that have SE's seem to be the women that benefit from it. YADA YADA!!! He did refill the zanex for me and I go back in 10 wks. He does not do scans but bloodwork..(have i told you this before?????) anyway i didn't tell him that i skip the tamox every third day or so to lessen the mood swings. Even doing that the farther i get into the meds the irritablilty does not go away as much as it once did. Who knows I may get fired after all!!!  The jury is out as to whether i think i will stay on this stuff long term. I don't want to walk around PO'd every day of my life for the next 5 yrs...

    Work has been a little better but some days i wish i had an appointment to go to or something just to get out of there. Truth be told I loved missing at least half a day of work even if i didn't love WHY i was missing it.

    It rained all day yesterday and the kids have been cooped up and it is showing today. These hormones and toddlers are NOT a good mix. While i love them I want my  life back.

    Sorry to be a wet rag but it has been a sucky weekend!!!!

    Love you girls and I hope all of us have a great week.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Betty's- When did the SE's from Tamoxifen start for you? I just started taking it this past wkend. So far - nothing. (May be to early?)  Did you ask your Dr. about Exeffor (or something like this?) I see it being talked about all over the other threads. Supposed to help with symptoms I think...

    Julie. OK I think you are the first of my girl friends to do something at a Sr. Center!!! The doors are now wide open!!! The trailblazer you are!!! LOL


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    Hey girls... I'm back from housesitting...and I haven't read through the two/three pages of messages, but I did skim through them. I've missed reading your posts. 

    I had my 6th rad tx this morning, as well as another checkup with my rads doctor. Beforehand I meet with her, and after my treatment, I get to step onto what amounts to a cattle scale to see just how much of a heifer I'm turning into, and I'm up another 2 pounds.

    I about blew a gasket, lemme tell ya.

    I told Dr Johnson that me gaining another 30 pounds after completing chemo was completely unacceptable, when everyone states that obesity is a major contributor to breast cancer, and if she doesn't want me (or anyone) going on a diet to prevent gaining those 30 freaking pounds...well too bad. I'm gonna do it anyway.

    I met with their dietician and went over what I eat normally, and guess what? She didn't have any alterations whatsoever to my diet or exercise plan. NOT ONE. I asked her what was up with the weight gain, and she said that it's because the hormone supply has been cut off, and yes, the majority of women, especially those who have had breast cancer, will gain 30 pounds after treatment. BAH!

    I'm NOT gonna be a menopausal, cropped hair, no-eyebrow, half-lashed butterball weighing in at 300 pounds when this damnable thing is overwith!

    When I asked my doctor about the markings and the weight gain, she said that if the gain is enough, the simulation would have to be re-done and the markings re-done. I countered, saying that if that was the case, if I were to start dropping weight, the sim and markings would have to be re-done anyway, so what's the difference? Her response was that the reason they tell rads patients not to lose weight is because there are quite a few women who would go on crash diets, not eat, take stuff like Relacore or Xenadrine, and things like that to get the weight off, and forget about vitamins and minerals.

    That's the reason why they say "Don't Diet."

    30 pounds my ass...well... it had better STAY off my ass..Yell

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    LOL!!!! I am cracking up about the "cattle scale" - we have that too!!! LOL LOL

    I think the chemicals are reeking havoc with you Robin!!!

    "Stay off my ass"... LOL. 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    I wish there was sound to our would hear me laughing hysterically.  Robin.....I'm gonna be in the same boat.  Just when I think......ok.....I can go on a diet now.......they say no.  So I look like the butterball turkey.  All I need is one of those beards hangin

    Mood wise.....I'm doin better.  But WHY am I wanting to sleep so much?  Every time I sit down in my recliner.....I'm out like a light.  I just feel drained.  Top that off with my depressed moods that I was having.....and I'm a MESS!!!  Not theprettiestmess  but a mess.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    Ohh!! Ohh!! I know the answer to that one, Genia!! I SWEAR that the manufacturers put something into the stuffing of every recliner made! I can't NOT fall asleep in mine, and I bought mine at an estate sale!!

    Maybe if I just WATCH FoodTV instead of actually MAKING the recipes from there...

    Make no mistake about it, ladies... I'm dieting. I am NOT starting spring and summer feeling like a beach ball.

    I love you, chickiepies....


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    I was blaming this pudgy round face on steroids, but I haven't had steroids since January.  I've gained about 8 pounds, but even that is unacceptable since I was trying to lose weight before I got this damn disease!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Yea Jane.....we can't keep blamin those steroids.  I do the same thing.....havne't had any since Jan either......lolol........good try tho!!!

    I guess I just expect one day to wake up skinny.....then I can say the ROIDS WORE OFF finally!!!!  lol

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    brb....gonna get a piece of cake.......roflmbo

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009

    OK, here is my plan. I just finished steroids last week, so I can still milk that baby for awhile longer.  Next, I'm planning to do a DIEP flap for reconstruction, so I'm really just making more for the PS to work with :)

    Is anyone else thinking of doing a DIEP recon?  The advantages are a tummy tuck, but then if you have a flat stomach, but large thunder thighs, did your really gain anything?

    Genia, pass the cake!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    spring- the mood swings started for me about a week in. I don't have it every day and the hot flashes are not really worse just having a few more than i did. Now that i am further in i am having more days that i am PO'd and i don't like it. I also have some days where i feel lightly crampy like a period. BUT i tell you with the way I am feeling, hubby being as ILL as me and two toddlers I am really thinking about throwing the whole bottle of them in the trash.

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2009

    Good morning all...I don't post often but follow you ladies daily as I started chemo with you. 

    Juli-You are beautiful!!! That adorable little baby is as beautiful as you are. 

    All those now on Tamoxifen(I started at the end of January)...Ugh!! these hot flashes. I can set my watch to them during the night and I definitely have some lovely mood swings. I'm trying to do yoga to temper both the hot flashes and the moods. 

    Singaporechris (because I remember a while back that you spoke to some young girls about your experience) and anyone else who would like to comment...I am speaking to nursing students at a local college next week about my cancer experience and what nurses did that helped me or failed to do that would have been helpful. It's supposed to instill some empathy in the students. Was there anything that your nurses did or didn't do for you that would have been helpful?  Singaporechris, I welcome any pointers that helped you in speaking to the girls. Thanks ladies.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Li - please comminicate that mammograms don't fnd 15-20% of breast cancer. I am meeting more and more BC women like myself who had clear mammograms and then were dx'd. Women need to know.  How nurses helped me: They held my hand, literally!!! They let me know I was not alone. Sweet souls. 

    Genia and Robin - you are cracking me up!!! 

    Betty's, Do you think the SE's ware off after a time? 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    I've been on steroids for 4 should be my last day, so I can milk that excuse too. I've been eating chocolate like crazy and I can't have any for 24 hours after tomorrow morning, for my Thursday stress test. THAT will stress me out for sure!!! Yell

    Genia - Good to hear you are feeling better. Sleep sounds good to me. Keep it up while you are healing.

    Li - Welcome! and thanks! My suggestion would be to tell the nurses they are not allowed to tell a patient "It's to early for that symptom". Hello? Why would we make it up?

    Robin - If I went to a dietician, she would ream me up and down for my eating and exercise (lack of) habits. But honest, it's the steroids! LOL

    Today, appts with my onc, rad tx, and infectious disease dr.

    Hugs to all! Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009


    Afternoon girls

    I'm on my way to the drugstore and possibly to take a bus ride if I dare...I want to let you know  my latest chemo trick and you may laugh as long as you like; I wake up every morning thinking it's Sunday.

     I just spoke to my PMD...My ONC told me to start with him because of my foot and leg swelling...anyway, I'm sure a Hollywood starlet would bust a gasket at these numbers but I have gained 10 pounds since beginning chemo...I had finally gotten below the terrible twos...200 lbs that is, and now I am 208...As you can see I hadn't gotten that far below the terrible twos but I was so proud to be 198 AND ABLE to squeeze into 18-20 jeans...YUCK!

    Off topic,

    I'm of the opinion, having witnessed this behavior during the last 3-4 years since reality shows took over night time TV, that if you have a precarious or bad marriage... DON'T DO A REALITY TV SHOW. Doing a Reality show will END a Bad marriage. This show is my fav. fav. fav guilty pleasure. I'm divorced x 2; I can't be married but I found that out too late:lol:lol, so I can talk just a little.. I enjoy watching The .Housewives of NYC etc. There is one housewife on the NYC show  married to a count. She's seems nice enough in small doses but I can see how too much of her can make you wonder why this sad long- faced Count ever married her...she's pretentious...wants to be call countess ALL the time... well Huffington post had this bit of news posted just as I got on to tell you how worried I am that every day I wake up it's Sunday and it made me LMBAO:)

    .Her hubby asked for a divorced via e-mail...I'll post the link.....One day last week I think, I woke up and thought it was son passed through on the way to the store and told me it was Sat. HELP ME GIRLS! How will I ever even volunteer on my way back to a paying job if I think everyday is Sunday:lol:lol:lol

    See below for the Countess's story...If you watched her pretentious  behavior for even one episode you would have to have a chuckle. She even made one of her fellow housewives...on the her Countess. OH and I forgot  he is on his way to his 6th marriage if the Countess can't convince him to  stick around for a while...forgive spelling...even with spellcheck my brain is a mushymess:):)

    lov ya all,

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2009

    Juli and Springtime...Thanks. I too had a normal mammogram 5 months prior to my diagnosis. I will definitely stress self-breast exams. If it weren't for me finding a tiny lump that my doctors all assumed was a cyst who knows where my cancer would be now. As far as I'm concerned, it's gone now and I want it to stay that way. I had some wonderful nurses who held my hand, wrapped me in warm blankets and just listened when I needed to vent. "It's too early for that symptom" is definitely not the right thing to say to someone who knows their own body and knows that  "that symptom" isn't normal. Thank you so much ladies. I'll let you know how it goes.
