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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009


    I'm still alive.  Feeling better...thank God.  Physically anyway.......mentally and emotionally, I'm not!  Crying at the drop of a hat.  Gotta be hormone crap goin on cause it comes from nowhere!!! 

    Chris....that's such good news hun.  I know it has to be a huge relief for you.  

    Hope you're having a blast Spring....wish I was there.....   Cool

    Hey Trude....good to see you sweetie.  I haven't had the dry skin.....I'm surprised  

    Jules....Sure glad to hear you are feeling good.  Bout time....bless your heart

    Yaaay Robin......2 pounds.  I had lost 5 pounds when I went to the Onco last week.  Gotta be fluid....cause I'm eatin like a it can't be weight!  I'll still take it tho.

    Love you all...

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    Spring - I am so jealous!

    I hate to admit it, but, I am afraid to give away my prosthesis, wigs, hats, etc.  I told my husband I'd donate them and joked, "unless you want me to save them for next time." He said, no.  I wasn't really joking, though.  I really am afraid it will come back and I will need them again.  I'm not going to live my life like I already have mets, but I'm not going to hold my hands over my ears and say, "la la la" and pretend it can never come back.  I'll deal with what I have to deal with when the time comes.  For now, I plan on enjoying every single day as much as I can.  I don't ever want to feel that I've wasted a day.

    Tomorrow, yes, I said, TOMORROW, is my LAST radiation.  My techs feel terrible about still radiating me.  They thought it should have been stopped, but the doctor wants me to finish it out.  They apologize every day, but I'd rather get it done and over with.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited April 2009

    Karenp62: YEAH!!! Pack that crap AWAY!!! We're gonna be HEALTHY and WHOLE when we're done!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, I hope they sort out the rads office out soon, so you can get out of there faster. 

    Genia, glad to see you are hanging in there.  When do you start radiation and tamoxafine? I really hope that you feel better soon.

    Jane, you poor thing, it will be so good to finish rads tomorrow.

    Spring, yum, yum, I love pancakes! sounds like you are having a great time.

    Theprettiestmess, well done on the two pounds, I am struggeling, there seems to be so many things to celebrate, it's hard to be good!

    Take care everyone.  Singapore Chris

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Jane - one more!!! I'm so jealous! :)

    Spring - Didn't you know calories don't count on vacation???

    Genia - Good to hear from you! Hang in there!

    Trude - My skin has been dry all along. :(

    Karen - I'm going to donate my stuff too, I have 4 wigs and only wore 1 once.

     I'm not wearing scarves anymore, just ball caps.

    I have several finger nails starting to lift... NOW? I can't believe Taxol is the gift that keeps on giving! Yell

    Gotta get ready for work. See y'all later.

    Hugs Kiss

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2009

    Morning everyone,

    I like that,Taxol, the gift that keeps on giving. I have all my mammograms and thoracic spine x-rays scheduled...It seems like it takes forever to schedule a test in this town... course 8 million people live here..

    THEN I had a great time at the new Juia Robert's movie. I didn't understand most of the jumps in time but I loved it anyway...chemo brain...who knows :lol.. I think I'll rent it later or stream it in; Julia looks damned good.

    Genia,  I Cried at the drop of a hat when I was on one told me to expect that SE. I'm sure what I just posted helped you a lot.  NOT...forgive me if I say the wrong thing everyone please. I didn't even remember posting about my retesting until I got on just now to tell you all about it...WOW!

    Rob Lowe is on The VIEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't he ever age? he says he's going to be 45 next week.....he is yummy to me...

    love you all


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    I'm DONE, DONE, DONE!!!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited April 2009

    Mina - you are sooo funny.  I watched part of The View today - you are right - Rob Lowe is yummy!  Julia Roberts doesn't seem to be aging either.

    Jane - YIPEEE!!!!!!!!! Now it's time to heal. I feel like I'll jinx myself if I pack everything up - but I'm going to make it a goal to do so before the months end.

    Spring - you picked a most excellent time to go to the beach; it snowed half of Monday and all day Tuesday here in the mountains (was very pretty).  Hope you're having a wonderful vacation.

    Juli - glad to hear that you're mending.  I have a feeling that we will see residual SEs for a while - my eyebrows are falling out again (been there, done that in Jan); I hope my eyelashes don't fall out again :~(

    Chris - wonderful news - so wonderful when "negative" is a positive thing!  I loved your garden analogy quote - I'm going to have to page back to read it again.  I too have been having pain in my legs and the bottoms of my feet, especially when I stand up after sitting for a while.  Was told by my onc's nurse that this is a classic sign of arthritis - more adventures in aging!

    Robin - if I could lose 2lbs a week, I'd be at my perfect weight in about 20 weeks!  I've lost 15 lbs since Jan (before the 10 day cruise); but lately the Cookie Monster has been attacking me after dark!  I have a horrible sweet tooth (probably because I'm so sour).

    Trude - I have dry patches of skin and really oily patches, and my scalp gets red blotches around my my hairline.

    Genia - 5 lbs is 5 lbs - you go girl!  Has your onc said anything about the bisphosphonate trial; they are a class of bone strengthening drugs that are showing great success in reducing bone mets & even soft tissue mets.  I'm in the Boniva arm of the trial and take one a day (and will for 3 years).  Spring mentioned Zometa and it's one of the drugs in the trial - couldn't hurt to ask and the drugs are free to the participants.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Hey Winky.....good to see you girl. 

    No my Dr. hasn't mentioned that to me about the trial.  Maybe I should mention it to HIM!  Thanks for the info...... I told you on FB.....I couldn't be happier if it were me!!!  You do deserve it to be over with sunshine!!!

    Mina....I think it is definately hormone related.  I'm fine one minute and falling apart the next.  Makes no sense to me......altho I did find a website this evening about grieving and the stages of grieving.  There are 5 of them.  It was talking about grieving a death....but when I started reading was ME.....and all of us......grieving the loss of our breast and the life we once had.  Right now....I'm in the depression stage.  And it's different for different people.....the next stage is the acceptance stage.  I know I'm not close to that yet.  If any of you want the website link I will post it for you.  Very good reading.

    Juli.....sorry about your far none of mine have shown any signs of doing that.  

    Chris....I see the Onco tomorrow.  I would say he will start the tamoxifen tomorrow and maybe the Herceptin.  The radiation.....I'm not sure about.  I have a feeling he will make the appt for my simulation.  I just want it ALL over steps......gotta keep tellin myself that!!!

    I'm not getting rid of any of my stuff.  Mainly because I plan on wearing my wig when I'm havin a bad hair day or don't have time to fix my hair.  And the bandana's that I have....are cute and I can wear them in the summer to hold my hair back outta my face.  I'm also a pack rat....lolol.....I keep everything!

    Hugs....and as you can see it's another night of not sleeping.  I did manage to get some sleep today tho......thank God.

    love you all

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Jane, congratulations, you have finished your long journey, Hurray! Hurray! Just relax now and let that poor skin heal.

    Juli, my finger nails started to lift too, but never quite came off, all after chemo too, just when you think it is all over, it continues. My nails never actually came off, I just painted then and they looked great. They have almost grown out now, just a tiny bit of one dead one left. That 3 months after chemo. My hair is growning nicely and my eyebrows seem to be intact.

    Mina, keep on posting, and telling us your funny little stories. Hope you are feeling good and that you get all the tests sorted out soon.

    Wink, great to hear from you, and Like Juli said, what you eat on holiday doesn't count.

    All is good with me, I went for a healing session today with a lady I have heard about, what fun, she did some yoga, meditation and guided imagery. Watch this space for the younger, healthier and thinner (I hope) me.

    My oncol called me into to the clinic today to support a newly diagnosed lady, she had her first chemo, AC today, and was so frightened, I was glad to be able to tell her it is doable (for most of us), and passes very quickly.  I feel so full of cancer information and it seems important to me to share it.

    Quote for today: "I am at peace with the process of life. Today is a good day"

    Take Care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Chris - So good to hear my nails might not come comepletely off! Laughing

    Genia - I'm sure it helps to know that what you are goig through emotionally is a process that will end. We love you too!

    Jane - Doin' the happy dance for ya!!!

    Hugs! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Had my visit with my Onco this morning.  I start my herceptin on Weds.  I also have to see the rads Dr. that same day.  So the ball is finally rolling......and that gives my poor incision another week to heal up before getting

    He gave me Ambien to help me sleep.  He also made me an appt to see a Psychiatrist....but the soonest they could get me in was in July.  Heck I may not need them by  There's only one of them in this city......hard to believe.

    The tamoxifen can't start until I'm done with the RADS.  He told me I could start my period again.......that just because I would be taking tamoxifen....didn't mean I couldn't have a period.  Woohoo......that made me happy.  I talked to him about having my ovaries out.  He said it was up to me.....but the ovaries produced hormones that helped the bones......but it was my decision if I wanted it done.  I know right now......I don't want any more surgeries any time soon.  Need the last surgery all healed up and feeling normal.

    I also talked to him about the Zometa or Boniva......he said we could def do that if that's what I wanted to do.  I mentioned the trial to him.....but I don't think he heard me......cause after I got home I was thinking about what he said and I'm pretty sure he didn't.  He said the insurance wouldn't cover it unless I had METS or Osteo arthritis and that I would have to have a bone density test to see if I had that.  So I'll talk to him more about the trial next week.

    love n hugs

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited April 2009

    Genia - here is the website for the bisphosphonate trial

    If the link doesn't work, just google bisphosphonate trial and you should be able to find it.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    Thanks Donna.....I will call them tomorrow.  He said today....that my insurance won't cover it unless I have Mets or osteo arthritis.  So I will see what they say......he will do what he can to help me get into the trial I'm sure.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009
    Where IS everyone???  Awfully quiet in here ladies......Wink
  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi Genia,

    I am here, hope you are having a good Easter. All is well with me, I made some hot cross buns today, very tasty. What are you up to?

    How are you feeling?

    Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Here I am! I've been busy working...typing reports every night. The way appraisals are ordered changes on May 1st, so I think the mortgage brokers are trying to get in all the orders they can before that date.

    Jane - your card was hilarious! Thanks for the card and the good laugh!

     Genia - How ya feelin' sweetie?

    Chris - Save a bun for me...sounds yummy!

    I get test results from the cardiologist on Monday. Undecided

    We are spending Easter at my sister's with lots of family and friends.

    Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend.

    Hugs Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited April 2009

    I took my grandson (2 1/2) for his first haircut today.  He didn't cry or anything; he loved it.  I think it helped that my brother was the barber.  The rads burns are getting better in some spots and worse in others. 

    DH is at church right now setting up for the Easter breakfast we have after Sunrise Service.  He volunteered to help with the breakfast, so he has to be there at 5 AM tomorrow.  Sunrise service starts at 6 AM, but it doesn't make sense for me to try to sleep for another hour after he leaves, so I'll probably be there at 5 AM, too.  After the breakfast, we have our regular Easter Service.  After that, I have to go work my second job and do payroll.

    I worked 2 full days at my regular job last Thursday and Friday.  They were the first 8 hour days I've worked for 7 weeks.  I was pretty tired (still am) at the end of the day, though.  It'll be interesting to see how it goes next week when I have to work a full week.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Good Morning everyone,

    Happy Easter, we are just off to the beach with the dog, (not a very nice one as the sea is full of tankers but still looks good).

    Jane, I remember when my boys had their first haircuts, such sweet little heads sticking out of the large gown. What a hero your little grandson is. Make sure you eat healthy food and go to bed early every night if you are working a full week, it sounds really tiring. Enjoy your Easter breakfast and I hope those other burn spots heal fast.

    Juli, all that typing willl be good for your fingers! Have a great time with your sisters family, sounds like fun. good luck with the results next week, keep us posted.

    I will fax you over a hot cross bun!

    Take Care everyone. Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2009

    Happy Easter to everyone...I'm  so happy this Easter;  our  Sea Captain is free  and ready to come home to his family,.

    I have a mammogram  due Tuesday.... Please think of me and send up lots of prayers whatever the outcome....boy oh boy do  I hate doing this again so soon.

    SQUISsssssssssssssssH......SQUEeeeeeeeeeezzE.......How was that Ms Jensen? I'm so sorry said to me with   a sad face looking  right at me for at least 4 to 8 views. YIKES!!

     I think the doc is nervous but she  told me she felt a lump and she did feel me up--:lol:lol--one month after my lumpectomy. Since I have the dreaded Triple Neg if  they find  another cancer both these boobies are gone.gone.gone...GONE

    Going to see my brother and sister-in-law...having dinner, talk and dessert:):)

    love you all and think about you all the time even when I miss a day or two.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    HAPPY EASTER everyone......gettin in here under the wire!!!  lol   I came to visit my sister this weekend.........just to get away for a few days!   It has been such a welcome break from all the dispair and thinking about cancer!!! 

    Love you all.....and Mina I'll say a prayer for you sweetheart!!!  

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Mina, I will be thinking about you and sending enormous positive vibes your way for Tuesday,  Remember even if your doctor is right and there is a lump, it doesn't mean it is cancer, it could be a cyst. It is horrible waiting for these things to pass, I hope the time goes quickly for you.

    After my test last week I ended up with diahoriaah and a red eye, I think it was just post stress, even though I knew there wasn't really much chance of the cancer being there again, it was still a horrible time. I was stage 3c and I am sure being triple neg, gives you the same type of worry.

    Genia, so glad you had a nice break from cancer with your sister.  I found that changing my furniture around and sitting in a different seat at home made me feel better. I couldn't help feeling weak in my "chemo chair". Not really a chemo chair, but the one I sat in for a year of treatment.

    I am off to sit with a freind who is on her last AC today, then the poor thing has 12 taxols to go.  thank god we are all finished. Although it sometimes seems it never ends.

    The Spring is here and I am sure we will all be well and happy. I am not a religious person, but I will be praying for Mina Tuesday.

    Take Care girls, Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Hope you all had a nice Easter. I did, but everyone called me "Gilligan"! LOL

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    LOLOL.....Juli no wonder!!!   How CUTE........I would have been callin you Gilligan too!!!

    love ya

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited April 2009

    Genia - how ya feelin' today? Laughing

     Last week with my b/f here...He goes back to Canada on Sunday. Cry (BTW, Genia, he is a Barnette, but with an "e" at the end! So I would be Juli Barnette if we could get married. LOL)

    Hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    Hi wonderful, beautiful women!

    I missed you!!! We are back, I am back at work, and we had a fantastic holiday at the beach, and Easter yesterday. Wonderful sunny weather! 

    Genia, I am getting the bone scan as well, (a couple of weeks out).so see if I can get me on Zometa. (preventing bone mets). Plus, I had bone scans before (2 and 4 years ago) and they wanted me on Fosomax then, but I declined due to the dead jaw scare. However, bone mets, is a whole other thing!!!  July for a shrink? What is wrong with this picture?????

    Gilligan, you, as always are cute as a button girl!!!

    Janie girl! YOU BE DONE WOMAN!!!!!!! Wooooo! Congratulations! 

    Hey Winkie!!! and Karen!!! Snow gone yet??? Cool today in Raleigh, no sun either!!!! :(

    Lisa Franklin!!! You are too nice sending me a card!!!! Thank you BettysGirl!!!

    Jane, I hear you about not living in fear of a reoccurrance.... I am just not thinking about a reocurrance. It may happen, it may not, and who knows when. Not a pleasant feeling if you focus on it. But I am choosing to focus on LIFE and now. I am so different. I don't worry as much. It's all about now, much more than it ever was. It is sort of freeing actaully....

    Love you girls!!!!

    Springie (back from the beach!!)  Will post pics, Still in camera!!!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited April 2009

    Finished rad #8 today and I'm definitely seeing deep red squiggles.  Perhaps one benefit of losing a lot of feeling after the mast is that I don't feel a darn thing!

    Tomorrow is "doctor day", so I'll ask the rad onc what she thinks.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    How many total BrandonMom? (colleen, right?) I think? oiy.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2009

    LOL....Colleen....sometimes no feeling is a wonderful thing!!!

    Juli....I am a Barnette with an E......we would be the same girl!!!  That would be so ironic and funny.  I'm feeling pretty good today.......yaaaaay!!!

    Springie....glad you had a good time me I thought about you on that beach a lot...lolol

    I'm STILL at my sisters......think I may just's not so gloomy here.  I have had such a good time.  She is 13 years older than I am so in a sense it's like have a second mother.  Which I need right now.  So this has been a very good thing for me to do.  I think I may just visit about once a spoils me!

    Hope everyone is having a good  you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    Genia, I say that is a great idea! You need to be spoiled by a big sister/mommie!!!!