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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2009

    My "Anniversary" is July 29...but I'm not really gonna celebrate until my scans come back clear in August....:D

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    Got 11 more rads to go now......5 boosts and 6 regular ones at the end. 

    My anniversary is July 24.......been a LONNNNNNG year!!!  

    I've been extremely tired the last 3 days.  Came home yesterday and slept for almost 3 hours.  Then went to bed around 11 or so and slept all night long.  No much longer.....I can stand on my head if I have

    love you all

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    My skin is red but no more blistering at this point and my neck is healing, Bev.  Hopefully it won't do it again.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    genia- start getting reay for the countdown girl..i better take plenty of advils so i'll be ready to do the happy dance for ya!!LOL

    I don't know about the rest of you but it kind of seems surreal that it has been almost a whole year since we all started this "journey" and met each other. Some days the year seems to have been so long and sometimes i wonder where it went...

    I agree with others...I am so glad we all found each other through this thread. We have been good for each other. I miss hearing from some of the others...Tanzie, wink..where are ya???

    Trude- hope you are doing well.

    Mina- HUGS dear friend. Hope you are keeping that cool rag on and soon we will be happy dancing for you too!!!

    They haven't posted on Callie's caring bridge ince tuesday...I am hoping it is because family is beginning to come in for the wedding. I will let you all know when I hear. Just continue to pray for her strength to recover for the wedding on the 20th.

    HUGS to all


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    I guess I'm one of he babies here - my anniversary isn't until August.  I was diagnosed a week before my natal birthday.  DD is having a party for me this year.  I'll be 45.....not positive I'll make the BIG 5-0.  It's sort of a dual celebration - 1 year "cancerversary" and BD in one.  I have another anniversary coming up, too.  On July 1, I will be 4 years sober from prescription drugs and alcohol.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2009

    Completely awesome, Jane...being clean! I've only "known" you for a year, and I'm so proud of you, I could bust!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2009

    My BC anniversary is July 25th - what a year!

    Congrats Jane - I'm proud of you too!  The big 5-0 will be here before you know it!

    BC has been in the background lately; I've been suffering from adoption grief & loss (even went to a support group).  Apparently this is a very common reaction for adoptees post reunion.  Seems like it just hit me out of the blue and I was crying 24/7.  So the thing is - I know that I can't change the past, but the experts say that the separation of mother & child at birth is a profound loss (like a death); so, fifty years later I'm grieving the loss of my natural mother, natural family, heritage, and identity.  It's been hard on my natural parents as they buried their loss and never grieved and now I'm kind of forcing them to come to terms with it all (not on purpose). It's such a strange thing to experience ;-/

    I have decided to start reconstruction and will have expanders installed on July 6th.  Yipee!

    Love y'all,


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    I'm so proud of you too you lots!!!  And  you WILL make it to the big 5-0.  We will be fine.  Trying to convince YOU and ME......

    Hey Donna....good to hear from you sweetie.  Sorry you have been so down and out.  Big hugsssss

    love you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Happy weekend girlies!!! love you all!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Jane, so sorry that you are feeling nervous, don't worry about being stage 3, I am 3c and am very thankful that I am not IV, there is clear evidence to say that they can CURE stage 3, so don't feel bad. All will be well, you have us here to keep your chin up.  Take care girlfriend! Jane I am positive you will make the big 50, but it does make you think.  Congratulations for staying off the meds etc for so long, you truly are a strong lady.

    Bar, you take care and be sure to plaster the aloe vera on you boob. Only 10 more days to go and it will all be over, I am thinking of you.

    Springtime, I will be thinking of your poor church friend, it's always hard to hear of someone being diagnosed or who has a reoccurrence.  I am sure with good treatment Jackie will be fine, but we know what a hard journey she will have. My oncologist has asked me to help a local lady who has just had a reoccurrence after 15 years; actually it's a new cancer. She had her mastectomy a few days ago.  She has high spirits, but it's always easier to have support around you.

    Spring you are an inspiration; I would love to see your powerpoint.

    Genia, 11 to go, almost done, hang in there.

    Robin, sorry you are having so much blood, I didn't get any, I suppose we are all different. At least you know that there isn't anything to worry about.

    Juli, I really hope it's nothing too, cancer doesn't usually hurt so sounds like cyst to me.  Take care.

    Wink, you poor thing, it's alright to be sad, at least you know why and that means you are coming to terms with it all. You must have had a lot of suppressed feelings knowing you were adopted even though I am sure you have had a very happy life with your other parents. You will recover, but sounds like you need to grieve first. Take Care. Congratulations on the expander plan, will be thinking of you.

    I have had a busy week, the spa I am going to work for opened Friday, so had a big party, lets hope there are people that want coaching. My husband and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary yesterday and I said I was just so happy to be alive. I will be happy with every other year I get and I fully expect it to be at least another 50. If we take care of ourselves, deal with stress, meditate or something and watch our diets we will be just fine.  Watching my diet has been the hard thing for me, I am going up, not down!  Must take some strong action.

    Oh yes, and my hair is totally carzy, had it cut again to tame those curls. Love to you all. Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2009

    Morning  to ya,

    Taking off cool rag, applying more cream, coming over  to say hi and hope  everyone is having a great weekend. My GF told me about her friend who has is 2 years post-op and treatment...sounds like she's Triple negative. Anyway, she revealed to me for the first time ever, that she is on hormone replacement therapy post hysterectomy. Naturally I told her to stop taking it  and about my history of taking it for many years...she's adamant...NO WAY..she on Estrogen replacement only and doesn't want to go through menopause. Now  I know why she has seemed so frightened when talking to me about my decisions.  She's so scared...and so patronizing. I told her to back off  being so judgemental about women with Breast Cancer and the decisions they make....she thinks I should have had a  mastectomy and should not agonize over my hair....arrrrgh...

    Friends are so friends anyway...I cried  last week in Radiology...course my boob hurt but I was sad. Being older--63--and here in NYC for 5 years, away from all my close friends isn't too awful, because we talk, but Wow do I get sad some days. I have one close...I thought she was close...friend who has almost disappeared from my life.

    We  were so close when we were  younger and going out  together while divorced. Our children are  2 years apart, but now I have to call her  or I hear nothing from her for days at a time. My radiation tech told me last week to wipe up the tears and look forward to meeting new people.

    I think I changed my mind about  this illness... it is a blessing in a weird way...TY God. I know who my real true friends  are and I've been given a new life to enjoy. As I've said before I believe my cancer was growing for at least 2-3 years  before I found it last June, because whenever I have a break between treatments, I feel GREAT. I feel almost as happy and up as I did  when I moved back home in 04 to take care of my mom.

    Genia, speaking of money; I realize now why my  oncologists  went nutso crazy when they found out what my Medicare Advantage plan was paying them and I don't blame them now. When I was working I wanted my pay too. I just wish I had known how bad it can get financially for them. Sometimes, I wonder when they take on Medicare patients,  if they give the meds as ordered...just saying.

     My last  advantage Oncologist told me that Prescriptions Solutions, my Pharmacy  company, wouldn't allow me have Taxol.Taxol is supposed to be better for 3Ns according to stats and my present Oncologist. When I called my pharmacy company and asked them why they wouldn't allow me to take Taxol, they told me; the doctor gets what the doctor wants.. That doc would have to pay a lot more for Taxol than Taxotere so he lied to me. Cancer is hard  enough without  all that BS. Just glad I was able to get a Medicare supplement this year. Everyone with insurance...good insurance... is lucky and I'm glad I could get good care.

    Robin, so glad  you're back  and back to work. Sorry you couldn't do the interviews...:(

    Spring, I had an anniversary June 6 2008 I was diagnosed, but I want to wait until I finish my rads. I am alive and kicking here so I'm a happy camper. Always  thinking about  and praying for your friend Jackie for Callie and  Hallie.

    Bettys...Maybe I'll  celebrate June 20th with ya. I should be finished. I was told I may get some boosts by my tech but my doctor hasn't told me yet.

    Genia, I just read you have 5 boosts so I may have 5 more days  added on to my schedule this Tuesday when I see my doc in treatment. arrgh. My tech  told me about the boosts but looked upset when she told me after I  told her  the doc hadn't told me. Robin I'm with you...why not tell us what to expect. My arms and shoulder joints are moved by staff very well now, the steroids worked and I'm just as enthusiastic as I was when I showed up in mapping this past April.

    Spring, thanks for the information on the neuropathy meds. I'll ask my neurologist about it  just in case. I still have partial numbness in my big toe and I couldn't insert IVs   very well with my numb finger tips. Good thing...I know what I'm capable of post Breast Cancer... and can make myself useful as a volunteer and perhaps get another desk job if my  memory does not put patients in danger; one of my biggest fears.

    My last desk job was as an ask a nurse for the military and I had a pretty keen memory. I fear I would give bad or wrong advice. Hopefully, I will find something, whatever God has in the works for me. I  miss my career so much. I  didn't renew my license in 07  but I may in November/09 just in case. I know I can make up some money and not lose my Medicare Insurance. 

    I read the Chambers Of Commerce and whoever are prepared to spend 100 million dollars to advertise agains any public health coverage. Fifty  percent of all bankruptcies are caused by medical debt...something has to give. Forget about pre-existing conditions if you can't work and can't sustain your insurance through're dead.  

    Genia, I slept three hours when I got in from  Radiation and had an awful time going to sleep again...not until 3 AM.. Oh well. Happy to hear you're healing. My skin feels like leather  under the I have to keep cool and well lubricated. I've even started getting more red  at the front of the boob. The scar is being hit hard and looks it. Thank God. Maybe I'll have two more weeks to go if my doc adds the boosts this Tuesday...supposedly my last day...HAH!

    Jane, I'm an August baby...the 18th. Congratulations on being clean:) Kisses to you and big big hugs.

    {{{{{{Wink}}}}}}} sorry to hear about your pain...Please take care of you.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend girls!



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Wow, lots here.

    Chris, my husband and I will be married 25 years two weeks from tomorrow! (June 29th)!! It's a Monday, so I've decided to take the day off! Life is special, so why work on your 25th anniversary, I say!

    Janie, you are one tough broad and I agree with Chris, tougher than this "C" beast! We'll all be here with you celebrating the big 5-OH in 5 years, just you watch and see... Genia, you too chickie!!!

    Wink, Wow, that is really something about the adoption grief. But you know, I think you are doing the right thing by "going through it" and not avoiding it. I had a pastor who advised that when you were going through grief, to "schedule 15 minutes a day" to really cry, and then move on with your day. He said, find a quiet place, take out all your old letters/pictures whatever, and cry. Then stop. He said trying not to cry would catch up with you, but still the same, that it is good to let it wash over and through you, then stop, and move on. I have found this to be good advice. Just a thought to share! We have all been through so much...

    So Winkie, good for you on the recon girlie!!! You must be excited. You didn't have RADs, right? Hey, let us know how you do! That is less than a month away now!!

    Oh Mina, my heart goes out to you crying at RADs from the pain. It will be over soon. Maybe you won't need boosts? I didn't, let us know what happens. Hang in there.... You are almost through the dark tunnel, and the light is ahead woman! The light is ahead!!

    Jules, how are you doll? Haven't heard from you this wkend!!


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2009

    Howdy Springie, Congratulations to you and your hubby!

    Hey Chris, Congratulation to you and your hubby!

    I wish I had known what you just posted when my mom passed in November 04. I didn't cry for a while...busy. Then March of the next year I started crying and didn't stop for two months and really couldn't stop until I went back on Effexor...I wanted to get off it...not yet.I didn't want to scare my son so I took it. He just looked at me  and I knew I had to get it together. If I had know about the 15 minutes it wouldn't have built up to two months of crying.

    Wink, I should have told you congrats on your upcoming reconstruction. The young...young to me... 38 year old woman I met last week, is having radiation post reconstruction. Her tumor was large and I think she had lymph nodes involvement. She's happy though to have her "D's" back...her language. She told me she will not cry anymore  when she sees other young women with boobs that looked like her breasts  pre-mastectomy, She's tripleN and has the gene. Her mom passed at 38 so she's involving her other female family members in the awareness program. She's a sweetheart smart and beautiful.

    I also have to learn to button my lip. I met another women who asked me about my hair  and chemo. I asked her what she was going through. She is not having surgery or post medication treatment just radiation. I felt horrified that I mentioned post medication to her because I think she may be inoperable...who knows and she looked scared when I mentioned medications. No more asking general questions for me.

    Her doctor has not scheduled her  for  pre or post operative chemotherapy or removal surgery , nor told her about any of the  drugs.   She's still talking to me so I guess all is well and she told me she would ask him about what's next in her treatment plan...

    Mina bangs her head against the X-ray machine and will  ask no more questions.

    Chris, I wish I had curls to cut...lov to ya. My white hair is gradually being replaced by black straight hair:) not the mixed  grey hair  curly/wavy hair I had prior to chemo... and I have a white streak of hair coming in from the right side of my head and ending  dead in the center  of my forehead. I made my GF laugh this morning when I described my skunk like hair regrowth. I laughed too; God knows  it is funny to look at.

    I'll be back soon... going out to exercise...ride the bus:) and get off at Central Park for  a bit of walking,.. maybe. The Puerto Rican Day Parade is  going on now and the East side is a mess for buses. I may take the train.

    love and hugs to everyone,


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    More blisters here........woke up with 3 new ones inside my purple markers for my boosts.  They are very itchy and sore....and big.  I will be so glad when this is all over with. 

    Hey Mina, Spring, and Chris......good to see you all.  Keep hangin in there Mina....we will make it g/f!

    Love ya'll

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    Must be a lot of June brides - DH and I had 26 years on the 11th.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2009

    Happy Monday you cuties! Genia, laws, you hang in there. Try not to get those popped blisters infected!!! This is just a tough road. Over soon, I hope??

    Juli is not on this entire page!!! This makes me worry because last time we did not hear from her she ended up in hospital!

    Jules, say HI if you are there!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    H! BEV! LOL  - I am here! Sorry to worry you...just wasn't up to posting. Too tired, I guess.

    My mammo went fine (I think). They even did an ultrasound on the area I am worried about, but saw nothing. The doc said if I am stll worried that I should tell my onc and have her order an MRI. I meet my new onc tomorrow afternoon. They sent my mammo results to her. They raved about her, so I am hopeful I will like her.

    This afternoon I see my cardiologist. I'm sure he will say "I told you wasn't the Coreg causing the stinging pain". Sigh...The weatherman said it's going to warm up here starting Wednesday. Just the thought makes me want to cry.

    On a lighter note...I took my mom to see Dirty Dancing at the Pantages in Hollywood last night. It was so good! Earlier in the day we celebrated my youngest son's 16th birthday at a pizza place. His actual birthday is the 18th.

    Another June bride... yesterday would have been my 29th anniversary, but I've been divorced for 7 years. We used to tell the kids that everyone put flags out in honor of our anniversary and called it "Anniversary Flag Day!" LOL They believed us till they got older and wised up!

    Wink - So good to hear from you. Take care, Sweetie.

    Robin - Glad the bleeding was normal. How scary that must have been!

    Jane - Congrats to you! You are a strong woman. You will survive!

    Genia - So sorry about the blisters. Hope they heal up fast!

    Mina - You crack me up! Would like to see a pic of the skunk hairdo! Remember when Jay Leno had that going on? LOL

    Chris - When word gets around about what a wonderful coach you are, you will get lots of business!!!

    Big hugs to all! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited June 2009

    Hey Juli....good to see you and know you are ok.   I do worry bout you too......

    I'm off rads today and tomorrow.  More blistering....different place.  She told me to use cortisone and bacitracin on it.  Guess I'll see what Weds holds when I get there.

    love you all

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Sounds like everyone is struggeling on, Jules, hope your appointment with the new oncol today goes well.  Congratulations on your sons birthday.

    Genia hope those nasty blisters go soon, not long now.

    I am off to a support group meeting where I will be sharing my story today, and all of you girls will feature in it as fantastic support even though we have never met. Technology is amazing!

    Have a good day everyone.

    Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    genia- so sorry bout the blisters...take care of them and I am sending you very gentle hugs..

    Jane- You are a woman of great strength and I am proud of you. You have been given much on your plate and you have survived it. Don't get too caught up in the 3's..we can overcome being 3's.

    To all of you with June wedding anniversaries...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.

    Juli- I know this is NO comfort to you but sometimes...(i say SOMETIMES) when i am in my kitchen cooking and it's 95 outside...I DO get that stinging in my arms and hands. kind of feels like pins sticking you. Once i step aside, cool a little it gets better. I know that is no consolation to you as I do not have it on a regular basis but heat does make it appear...With me it could be BP meds, tamox, menopause,,,past chemo who knows but I've never had it before.

    Wink- Good to hear from you.

    Calli- update- she is now home from her third straight week of chemo. She is very tired and has been quite sick this past week. She is trying to rest up for the wedding this weekend. Her grandmother has arrived in Ga from SD and the rest of the family will be coming in around Thursday. Please continue to pray that her counts are good when she has her bloodwork this week and that her strength will come back enough to allow her to celebrate this happy time with her family. She as well as many in our community are heartbroken as a dear Pastor in our community died suddenly this weekend. He had been a big support to Calli texting her and calling and she was hit pretty hard by his loss. It is a HUGE loss for our little town as he was faithful in his outreach, was very involved with the youth and with the community as a whole and he will be sorely missed.

    I haven't hear much new from Hannah. Now many updates on her webpage. I pray that she is tolerating the chemo as well as can be expected.

    I talked to Calli's mom in the grocery store last night and she said she has seen enough sick children to last her a lifetime. WE NEED TO FIND A CURE!!! Adults are bad enough but to see our children suffer is more than I can understand.

    HUGS to all


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    My DH doesn't understand why I am making a big deal out of the Race for the Cure this Friday.  He wants this whole thing to go away.  But there are Callies and Hannahs and the women I've met who need to find a way out.  Maybe a cure is too far away to think of, but what about a new treatment or some other way to make this less of a load to bear.  The American Cancer Society does that.  They helped me and they help people with ALL types of cancer.  He's a 3X survivor (2 melanomas and kidney cancer), but they were all stage 0 and required nothing more than surgery and close follow up.  I would think he would want to help me raise funds so his children and grandchildren don't have to suffer.

    OK, I'll get off my soapbox, now.  Sorry.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Bettys girl, it is very upsetting when someone dies and it does affect us all.  We have recently had one of our teachers at school who taught all my boys over the years die suddenly. His memorial was today.  We also lost an ex student in the same year as my younger son in the plane crash from South America to France. We will be praying for Callie, you are right it is such an awful thing for children to go through.

    Jane, we must do what we can and what you are doing is very important, don't worry that it's not as important to your husband, it's your goal to bring awareness to the community and not his. He may want to move away from cancer, most husband do. If it's important to us we should carry on and make our mark.

    Take care girls, and healing vibes for you poor rads girlfriends.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    Lisa - Thanks for telling me you get the stinging. I was beginning to think I was a freak of nature.

    I met the new onc today and she is amazing! She said she would have given me different chemo drugs because the ones I had cause more heart damage and neuropathy than the other kidding! She ordered a bone scan and breast MRI too, and explained everything that I questioned her about. She feels the stinging is from the neuropathy and wants me back on gabapentin. I feel so much better about my follow up care now.

    Genia - how are those blisters doing?

    Chris - How was your support group meeting?

    Mina - How's your skin? Getting any better?

    Jane - Any test results?

    Beverly - How are you? Did you have a fun anniversary?

    Colleen? Robin? How are you gals doing?

     Laughing hugs Kiss

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited June 2009

    juli- i am so glad you feel better about your care now. I am crossing all my fingers and toes that this new Dr. will fix you right up!!!

    Genia and Mina- HANG in there.

    We had a BBQ dinner tonight with the Gideons and one of the men there has struggled on chemo and treatments. He had to take tamoxifen for two years and we were discussing the fact that you can COUNT on having a hot flash as soon as your head hits the pillow if you don't have one all day. It drives me crazy cause i freeze at work,(actaully wearing long sleeves to work) then go out in those long sleeves and it's 98 outside with 10000% humidity no flashes...lay in the bed at night with the air on....FLASHES!!!! Ain't it crazy how these things work. I have to keep reminding myself that it's good that i am taking this stuff....anyway he laughs cause he now has great empathy for women in the 'pause.

    Gotta get into packing mode soon...we are leaving out Friday for a week of what i hope will be fun and a little R&R I will miss all of you while I am gone. I don't know if i will be able to keep up with all the posts...

    Have a great Wednesday ladies...


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited June 2009

    Hi everyone,

    I can't  post too much, but I had to tell everyone about a horrible situation I watched on CSPAN3 last evening.

    This woman giving her  statements  in front  of the Congressional Committee was diagnosed with Her2+ breast cancer. She had Blue Shield/Blue Cross and was dropped by the insurance a day or two before her surgery. Talk about TERROR! She is a RN... I think. She did contact her TX congressman, who worked with his office and the office of the President of Blue Cross/Blue Shield to help get her insurance reinstated. It took a few months.

     When she was finally able to have surgery her tumor was 2.2 cms  but it  had gone to 7 cms during the time she was being bounced around by her company.

    The problem for her with BCross/BShield  was that she had a dermatological report suggesting her doc  had  examined her for skin cancer.She was found negative. But, the insurance companies used those exam results to drop her. This was her first claim. yet they drop her from that insurance. She had never  entered a claim with the company until her Cancer diagnoses.. 

     She testified with her brave voice and her chemo head...Some fighter she thanks God she got her insurance back with the help of her Congressman..She says she knows of women  in her BC group who were dropped from insurances when they are diagnosed with cancer. Unbelievable.

    Genia, I hope your blisters are healing. I finished 26 days this Friday...I thought I had 28 day but I ain't fussing. The I have off until next Tuesday to rest my skin and it needs some rest.. . The I go back on   Tuesday to get mapped for my 7 boosts. My Onc told me if the Cancer is going to return it will return in the scar so she is going to give the seven boosts to that scar.

    bettysgirl, Please enjoy you trip...I'm with you girl. I want to vicariously swim with you and have loads of fun. See ya next week.

    Juli, thank goodness you have a better doctor. I feel so much better for you because I can tell she knows what she's talking about. I'm upping my Neurontin  per docs orders: I've developed a continual irritating itch on my right lower thigh same place every time;..YIKES!! I have to scratch way too much in public if you know what I mean.  OMG! STOP!   It makes sense though that Chemo would remain in our body and alter our chemistry for a time.

    Jane, I respect and love what you're doing and  I really hope to participate one day ASAP.



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited June 2009

    Hi girls,

    Juli, so glad you like your new oncol, she sounds wonderful, thank god for that.

    Mina, there are always people a lot worse off than ourselves and it's so sad to hear their stories.  I head tody of one of our ladies in the local breast cancer foundation who has had 4 or more reoccurances, that she has been told she has one month to live.  She is in her thirties with small children, so very sad, maybe she will prove all the doctors wrong and go on for a very long time yet.

    Bettys, sorry about the hot flashes, hope you have a wonderful trip and come back all rested and feeling good.

    Our support meeting was good, I told my story and gave hope to a few others maybe. One of my very close friends here finished her herceptin today after 14 months of treatment, so we had a party at the clinic and afterwards. What brave ladies we all are.

    I am not sure if I was instrumental or not, but last week I mention to the clinic manager that the staff may have forgotton or not know how it feels to have an iv inserted for chemo and that I think they should all have it done so that they can empathise with the patients.  Today when I was in, they had all done it to each other and showed me the baby holes.  Great stuff, they will be much more gentle now!! but they are all lovely ladies.

    Take care girls. Singapore Chris x

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    I've been trying for three days to get my PCP to call me back.  Today they said they didn't have the reports yet.  Being the anal patient I am, I already have the reports.  So, I told them that and offered to fax them over, which I did.  Still no call back.  But, here's a synopsis...

    OK - DEXA - "...Bone mineral density of the lumbar spine from L1-L4 measured 1.028 gm/cm2 with an abnormal T-score of -1.3.  This is consistent with osteopenia.  There has been a 7.3% decrease compared to the patient's prior examination dated 8/17/2005...Bone mineral density of the left femoral neck measured 0.896 gm/cm2 with a normal T-score of -0.7.  Bone mineral density of the right femoral neck measured 0.852 gm/cm2 with an abnormal T-score of -1.1.  This is consistent with osteopenia."

    This is one of those good news/bad news things.  It's bad to have osteopenia when you're 44, but it does make me a candidate for Zometa.

    Thyroid Ulstrasound:   There is symmetric mild thyromegaly with the right lobe measuring 5.1 x1.8 x 1.5 cm.  and the left lobe measuring 4.1 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm.  The thyroid is diffusely heterogeneous with no discrete solid nodule or cyst detected.  The isthmus measures 3 mm.  Impression:  Heterogeneous, symmetric thyromegaly without a discrete lesion.

    I'm still waiting for the results of the Pulmonary Function test.

    I'll post the echo in a second...too much for one post.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited June 2009

    My echocardiogram shows:  "Color flow and Doppler across the aortic valve demonstrates 1+ aortic insufficiency....Estimated ejection fraction of 76% was noted...Color flow Doppler across the mitral valve demonstrates a central jet of 1+ to 2+ mitral regurgitation...Color flow and Doppler across the tricuspid valve demonstrates 1+ tricusipd regurgitation...CONCLUSION:  Mild aortic insufficiency.  Mild mitral regurgitation.  Mild tricuspid regurgitation and top-normal pulmonary artery pressures.  Hyperdynamic LV."

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited June 2009

    Jane, you sound like me!  The number I recognize is the ejection fraction and 76% is good.  That's what they look at to determine damage from chemo.  So my doc says I have cardiac issues, but not from chemo.  Not sure I believe him, but I have an appt with the cardiologist at the end of the month.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2009

    Jane - I was told normal ejection fraction is over 50%. Mine was 35%, thus, congestive heart failure. I'm still waiting for the results of my Dexa. I guess my gyno forgot about me. He ordered it. I had it 6/5.

    My bone scan is tomorrow and MRI next Thursday. At least my pap was normal. Laughing

    hugs Kiss