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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008

    Hi all,

     I had my 1st AC treatment yesterday. I was given Decadron before the AC. My mom went with me. It took less than 1 1/2 hours so that was nice. We went out to lunch because I was feeling fine. But around 6 pm I felt a little queasy and tried to eat a few different things, but nothing helped. So at 6:45 pm, I took a Kytril that I was supoosed to take at 8 pm (every 12 hours for 4 days). I don't get any shots this week, just go back for blood work on Friday. I woke up in the middle of the night with acid reflux so I took a Prilosec and a tums. Woke up feeling fine, although it was at 5 am because I passed out at 8 pm last night!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    I am wondering if anyone with experience with the epirubicin has had the flushing that can be assocaited with it. At least out of the three of the FEC the epi seems to be the culprit. I just look real JOLLY! LOL

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    Maybe I am expecting too much, but since it seems that the day of chemo seems to be the best, I was hoping to be able to go to my bookkeeping job that day after the chemo.  All I have to do is payroll, the rest of the work I am going to do from home.  That leaves the other 4 days of the week to work at my full-time job.  I work for the State of New York and I have a lot of flexibility in that job, plus I have sick time that I can use there.  The dr said that the effects are cumulative so, even if I feel like I can do something week 3, I may not be able to do that week 6.  We'll just have to wait and see.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2008

    Afternoon all,

     Like you Jane the day of my chemo and the second day  were my best days.  That could be the IV Decadron ???. I walked, rode the bus, the train and felt really good. Today  I'm more tired.

     I hope, I'll be back soon.


     I not only flushed  with happy red tinged cheeks-- af/am med brown gal here--  but my  post op breast got hot red and scared me silly. My breast surgeon reassured me Thursday that all is well.

    take care everyone

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Bettysgirl, glad you are back and hanging in there.

    I had the flushed face a couple of days too.  Today is Day 6 for me.  Hanging in there.  SEs haven't been HORRIBLE, but they haven't been any fun either...


  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2008

    Hi Bettysgirl...yes one day at a time or one side effect at a time. I have the flushed face but don't have the same meds as you, except the Neuelestra shot yesterday seemed to make it brighten up more.  My daughter says I look like a oompa loompa, something out of her favorite movie Willy Wonka??

    Day three is still good and I plan on doing some errands.  Did start to get a headache a few hours ago, took ibuprofen and tylenol and 20 minute cat nap and it's nearly gone. Stomach is not nauseated but very picky about what it wants and that seems to change every six hours.

    Jane  Yes I could have worked the last three days at least part time with some scheduled breaks and lots of little snacks and drinks to keep energy up/stomach quiet.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2008

    In regards to driving, I get AC and drive myself to/from.  The doctor indicated this would be fine and I've even been going shopping afterwards.

    I had my second chemo yesterday, and feel really tired today.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    I got a phone call from my aunt (on my father's side) this afternoon.  I thought I was the first woman in my family to have bc, but she informed me that my grandmother died of bc.  I was only 12-13 when she died, but I am surprised that I didn't that this is what she died of.  I knew that my maternal grandmother had colon cancer.  I called my brother who is 9 years older than I am and he didn't remember that our grandmother had breast cancer either.  It doesn't effect my treatment (I don't think), but it is definitely something I will want to share with my oncologist next time I see him.

    I finally had my first real shower today!  I wasn't allowed to shower while I had my drain in.  I still can't lift my left arm over my head, so my husband had to help me wash my hair, etc.  It was the first time he has seen my incision.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I am horrified by the look of my breast.  In my opinion, it is absolutely greusome.  Maybe it will grow on me after time. 

  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2008

    Day 16, and my hair was coming our in clumps, and hair was all over, everywhere!  I couldn't take it anymore, and finally asked my boyfriend to just go ahead and shave it.  I was devastated to see myself bald (and I have such a flat head!)  in a mirror but at the same time I feel relieved.  I put my wig on and went Target this afternoon.  I didn't thin anybody noticed, and got some confidence. 

  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2008

    Had 1st AC on 8 Sep.  Went to see the doctor on Friday and he has accelerated my next AC from 29 to 25 Sep.  The faster the better, I figure.  So i go in again next Thursday. he said that for future AC, he would like to shorten the intervals too.

    I am planning my food now in advance for the first few days of chemo because I have an idea now about how I may feel on the days following.  Thanks to SingaporeChris' suggestion that we make a daily note of how we felt post-chemo and what we ate and what we would have liked to eat/do etc.

    In response to SingaporeChris: What makes my day? Hanging out with my kids, tidying up stuff I have procrastinated about, continually baking cupcakes to thank friends who have helped and are still helping me and my family.

    thank you all for making this journey that much easier to handle.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Yuyu,

    Well done for shaving your head, putting your wig on and going out.  I don't think anyone does notice that we are wearing wigs, Infact I have had so many comments on how good my hair looks that I positively dread anyone saying anything about my hair(wig) now. I don't like to lie, but under these strange circumstances I have found myself saying all sorts of things. On a recent trip away one of the restaurant staff told me how good my hair looked and asked it I had been to the hotel hair salon.  I said no, but that I had been to one in town! A complete lie, but I was so afraid of more questons.  Take care  Singapore Chirs

  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2008

    Singapore Chris,

    I will feel the same way!  If anybody says anything about my hair, I know I will feel strange about going on a conversation pretending this is my hair, then I of course hate to be honest and let them know it's a wig!  Something to prepare for!  Thanks!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    Jane I know the shower was great..don't stress about the scar too much you will be amazed at how much better it will never would have convinced me that mine would look like they do now. Of course it is still different but not near as bad as i thought. I have had a lot o trouble with my incisions healing so FOR ME I have decided that reconstruction is not in my future. BUT that is me. I do like the idea of keeping up with what we eat and how it makes us feel. I didn't wake up as queasy this am but the coffee isn't tasting quite as good as it was either...I hope everybody has a good day today.

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    Yuyueno...I'm following right behind you. I am at day 13 post-TC and am anticipating the fallout. I ordered 2 wigs and sent both back. Hated them. So I am heading to our local cancer center tomorrow to see if they have any good ones in their "wigbank". I have my hats ready but it would be nice to have a wig I like to wear when I need it.

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Good day to you all

    Due to start chemo(ACx4) on Sept 25, a little apprehensive but want to have it started so that I can deal with it.  Getting some good tips from reading this board. Ladies I will keep reading your post for all the strength and help I need.   Will post again after sept 25. Can anyone tell me  the approximate time it will take,( doing IV), do they do both drugs together or one after the other? forgot to ask my onc. Thanks for any advice.


  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2008

    Lili 46,

    I found that having a wig you feel completely comfortable with is improtant for me to feel confident.  Since I plan to go to work everyday, I needed one that is dependable and comfortable.  I purchased one from local wig shop.  I took my friend with me as a critique, tried on many, and got the one I really liked. 

  • Alicia
    Alicia Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2008

    Hi Vondie,

    I've completed my third of four AC treatments doing them two weeks apart, plus I'm doing a clinical trial of another drug. They do the drugs separately. The time it takes will depend on whether they administer any anti-nausea meds through the IV or give them to you orally. I think two hours is a standard timeframe, though the oncology nurses will be able to give you a better idea.

    I was pretty nervous for my first treatment, so the nurse had the oncologist prescribe a low dosage of Adavan. It calms my nerves during the chemo. I guess I shouldn't be nervous. I feel fine during the sessions, and then I take the train home. Part of my anxiety is because I don't have a port, and the needles scare me a bit.  

    The side effects for me have not been that bad. I've been able to keep working full-time, though the fatigue gets to me on the third and fourth days after the treatments (the Decadron they give the two days after treatment perks me up). 

    Hope this helps. Good luck!  

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Hi ladies,

    Today is Day 7 for me and I am feeling sooooo much better - pretty much normal!  Thank you Lord!

    Does it sound weird to say that I would rather feel good and my hair to be coming out than to feel so crappy and have my hair?  Of course, I'll probably change that tune around Day 14...


  • kimy
    kimy Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2008

    Susan - glad you are feeling better at Day 7.

    I'm at day 4 today, and as many of you have echoed, it's not horrible, but it's not a cup of tea either. I was mostly fatigued on day two. Yesterday, the diarrhea started. I've done well with scrambled eggs, saltines, and apple sauce. Anything "tastier" than that sends me running for the bathroom!

    Today I awoke to a yeast infection. I have a slightly sore throat, so now I'm worried about thrush. I don't see any other signs of it though. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

    I got my Neulasta shot yesterday, I have some sternum pain, and a slight headache that feels like my skull is being squeezed every so often.

    One day at a time.....

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited September 2008

    Hehehe...I'm just twisted, I guess... if I choose/chose to wear a wig out in public and someone said that my hair looked great, I'd probably whip my piece off my head and let 'em try it on! It's sorta like wearing huge ass CZ's in your ears and someone asking if they're real...hey.. if you can see 'em, they're real, by gosh! 

    Tomorrow's my last leukine shot until my next round of chemo on Oct 1. My port site is doing well... although I feel like I got slugged in the shoulder because he tried three different spots in the same vicinity before he got the line in!  I'm hangin' tough, though! Oh... and I'm on Day 11!

    Keep the faith girls!Laughing 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008


    I had my first AC on Friday. I was there less than 1 1/2 hrs... IV fluids, IV decadron, push the Adriamycin into the line (about 10 minutes), followed by the IV Cytoxan. That was it and I was outta there! I have a port, do you?

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited September 2008

    Hi Juli50

    I hope this helps.

    My initial therapy took approximately 2-2.5 hrs. My ex-oncologist dripped all my chemo meds in...NO IV pushes. Maybe I will ask for NO pushes  with my next doctor because I think IV Push meds may be too much for me. I did fairly well with the IV meds in saline bags 250cc. each:) ..who knows. I'll need a port soon, then maybe IV push drugs  will work  out OK.

    take care

  • Kinclan
    Kinclan Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2008

    I am a past chemo survivor!  I just finished July 16th this year.  The first set is the toughest, just listen to your body when you are tired sleep!  I did so much of that with AC, taxol was a bit easier and the herceptin seemed like no big deal.  I worked mostly ever day, just shortened hours.  As far as hair lost it about 2 weeks after the start of AC, had my daughters buzz my head, we actually laughed, they gave me a mohawk Laughing.  I did have my hair cut short before hand though. I ordered a wig and everyone loved it. Had friends wanting one too! 

    I think of all of you every day, anyone out there with the fear, you can do it!  Don't forget to reach out to others, which is why you are all here. I am doing my first walk on Oct 19th for breast cancer and I will be doing it for all of you.



  • Emily2008
    Emily2008 Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2008

    Hi girls!  I was away this weekend, but looking forward to reading your posts.

     Kimy, I got a yeast infection, too.  It started about 5 days after my first AC.  Such fun! Tongue out

    Yuyu, good job for getting out there with your wig.  I'm sure you're stylin'!

    Anyone else have the hair south of the border come out first? Mine has come out quite a bit--like a nice wax job, LOL!  Still have hair firmly attached to my head, though.

    Brandonmom, I forgot to tell you that the wig shop my friend went to is in Alexandria and is called King Street Wigs.  She says they had some great choices and had her hairstylist cut it for her.

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Hi Juli50

    No I will not be having a port? How are you feeling now, any side effects as yet?


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    Evening ladies! hope everyone is hanging in all right...ughhhh BONE PAIN!!! kicked in today and tonight it is kicking butt and taking names..all in my neck, back and ribs of all places. You want a rub down you think then NOOOOO that hurts!! Stomach is better but ooo this hurts!

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Hi Bettysgirl

    Ouch, so sorry to hear about your bone pain, I have not started chemo yet, what causes the bone pain? What about meds for it.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008


    I started feeling a little nauseous Friday evening and all through Saturday, but today, nothing but occasional gas pains. My taste buds are shot today, like a metallic taste. Tired yesterday & today, but all manageable stuff. Where are you Vondie? I'm in So Cal.


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited September 2008

    Vondie: I think it's the Neulasta shot that causes the bone pain. I've heard Claritin helps. I did not get that shot though. This is usually given at least 24 hours after chemo to stimulate the growth of new, healthy, white blood cells.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    Yep Neulasta is the culprit. I don't know if the fact that i took it in the arm is why the pain is upper body. I haven't tried a claritan. seems like it couldn't hurt. It just feels like your bones are brittle and are going to break.