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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Marci, I love the "dead rodent" in your car! LOL (my big dog, Dinah Soar, actually brought a dead rodent [squirrel] into our house the other night - yuck). 

    Rseau66, My hair just started shedding when I run my hand through it. I've got it kind of glued down with Bed Head super glue hairspray (if I had an accident, I might go through the windsheild, but my hair won't budge).  I've got a human hair wig, but have not had to wear it yet - for real that is.  I also bought some sideburns from the American Cancer Society's TLC online store.  They are real hair and can be trimmed to length - you just stick them on - they have an adhesive back(supposed to look more natural when wearing just a scarf). I have no idea what I'll look like bald; but I don't think that it will be a pretty sight!.  I told my younger brother (male pattern baldness) that when my hair falls out we can tell everyone that we are twins!

    Re: Group chemo room: it's always a reality check for me to see others getting treatment.  I had a private room for my tx and hope that I have one for the next one too. I brought my portable DVD player with me and watched movies (good time to get in some movies that the husband would not be interested in).

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2008

    Hi all! Had my counts checked today and my WBC was 1.8, so no Nuelesta/Neupogen shot! My onc only wants it given if necessary, saying whty have more drugs if you do not need them? Everyone has told me how good I look ( I feel normal today). And my son had a cold last week which I have not gotten! One surprise, I hadn't considered. My TRAM surgery was 7/14 and I feel it looks OK. All my docs: onc, PS, BS, NP, Pulmonologist who have examined me are all in awe of how good it looks. I expected it to look like this, not bad. I gues there are many that do not turn out as well. I am not beautiful and am still getting used to looking at my new breasts, but I do not think I look wonderful. I cannot tell if they are saying this to make me feel better or they honestly think my PS did a great job??

    Antioxidants-my onc said I could still drink the pomergrant juice etc., but not take any supplements. Don't think I could swallow them yet!

    SE- If you are prone to diarrhea, you more than likely will get it. I am prone to canker sores and I did get mouth sores. My onc said today that if you get mouth sores, you usually get diarrhea.

    Hope whatever SE's you get are minimal. Good luck!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    I had my mid-back length hair cut at the end of August and picked out my wig a few days before the mastectomy.  My daughter, a friend and I went last Saturday to pick up the wig in the right size and hair color.  We picked out some hats, too.  I am NOT a hat person.  I look DREADFUL in hats. But, I bought a terry cloth one to wear when I get out of the shower and a fleece one to wear when it's cold.  I also got a pink one that I just liked and I got a really cute blue cotton one that has a flower on the side that looks like something out of the roaring 20s.  I am cheap, so I am having my brother who is a barber shave my head when the time comes.  I'm going to have him save some of it so I can make my own halo. 

    I'm afraid I'm going to melt down during my first chemo, too.  We'll see what happens Monday.

    Iowa - you said that if you have a reaction at 80% you're done.  What does that mean?  Does that mean you won't be getting any more chemo?  

    DH and I are going shopping (probably Wal-Mart) on Saturday so I can get some of the "essentials" off the chemo list.  I have really learned a lot from these groups so I don't think I'll feel totally unprepared for what's coming.

  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2008

    That's what my Dr. said when I called and told him I'd been hospitalized locally for neutropenic fever.  He said they would try it again at 80% and if my reaction was bad they would have to quit and move on to radiation.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited September 2008

    Well, I'm hoping and praying everything works out ok this time and that the last time was just a fluke!

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Hi family

    I am starting my chemo tomorrow, ACx4 - right now I am feeling a little overhelmed, just thinking how it is going to be. Decided to come and read some posts and be among my family. Thinking and praying for you all.

    Love Vondie

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2008

    I just finished my 4th AC on Sept 15 and start my first Taxol 9/29. I was scared silly for my first treatment and thought I would explode! I didn't. I did get really constipated so keep that in mind! (Some people's GI's go the OTHER way too!)

    ICE during the Adryamyacin "push" helped me from getting mouth sores on treatments #3 and #4. I didn't know about it for the first two, and did get some mouth sores, not really bad, but it was a pain. So GET ICE before they "push" the A in. (The Cytoxin is a drip, they actually push the red stuff, the A). 

    I had to get my wig "adjusted" twice as apparently, I have a small head compared to standard wigs I guess. But it fits now, my hair has settled (my scalp was sensitive a LOT while it was falling out) - and it didn't ALL fall out, I still have a dusting of hair b/c I didn't buzz mine; both I and my husband are glad I have some hair, funny huh?. My hair came out after AC #2. Only a few days later... in hand fulls. I got it cut short to a cute pixie, then let it just come out.

    I wear a scarf and or caps mostly around the house, but now am glad I have a Wig for going out. I don't want to make a spectacle of myself, I just want my privacy and to blend in when in public around people I don't know. That's just me. 

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2008

    Vondie, I think that the anticipation is much worse than the treatment.  That is what I found anyway.  I think you'll be fine, welcome to the family, and I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Marci, I laughed out loud when I read about your dead rodent in the car!  I got a wig today, as I think the hair will go Sunday or Monday.  

    cjh, where in Minnesota are you?  I'm in South Dakota.

    rseaw22, I got a synthetic hair wig that matches my usual (dyed) color and the haircut I got today.  Guess it will be a while before I'm a long haired girl again.  Like Springtime, I think I'll wear the wig when going out but caps and such around the house, grocery store, etc.

    Food is tasting good again, it's day 10.


  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2008

    I agree the waiting...anticapation... nearly drove me bonkers the hours leading up to my first chemo.  It turned out to be very anti climactic and almost surreal in how calm and relaxed the chemo experience actually was compared to the build up I had in my mind.

    Hopefullady-I am near Rochester MN,  over on the other side of the state from you.

    Today was 7th day out from AC and still doing better than I thought.  The test was tonight when I had to do some public speaking and lecturing...I have felt a little spacey and not quite plugged in mentally (evidenced by  finding my reading glasses in the freezer) so thought I would need to use notes.  Words did not flow as fast as I usually like to talk, but went OK with out using notes (this is good because I forgot to bring my reading glasses).

    Anyone having cravings for certain foods?  I just finished another pound of fresh shrimp and will be meeting the local shrimp delivery truck tomorrow for more?  I am a meat and potatoes gal??

    Vondie,  Good luck tomorrow! I used popsicles during the AC push and had no mouth sores.  Some used push ups and one woman tried keeping ice on her head during the AC push the day I was there.  She said several people swore that an ice cap had preserved their hair...I asked the nurse and she said she did not think anyone had managed to keep the ice caps on for the entire time but many try. 


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2008

    I have read that abt ice caps to prevent hair loss. But all of your head needs to be covered! i don't know if I could do that. I am one wek out from AC and so far, all hair is accounted for. I do beleive in the ice for the Adriamycin. I did not have it the first few minutes and got 2 mouth sores. I will definitely be eating a popscicle next time!

    Good luck everyone! Prayers and thoughts are with you!


  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2008


    I am 70 miles west of Rochester and am having my chemo at Mayo.  Is that where you are having your treatments?

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    Priz- so glad your counts were up. I get ine checked today so cross your fingers for me

    Vondie- best wishes for your first one..will be thinking of you

    cjh- i have craved beef..burgers, roast you name it. That and comfort kind of foods. I find my apetitite likes more than my tummy does though.

    I managed almost a whole day at work today and did okay. I went in at ten. I am feeling better so i am hoping the bloodwork reflects it. I broke down and bought new scales today and I have lost 18 lbs since my surgery for the port 2 1/2 weeks ago. there's a plus to this mess.

    Have a good day everybody!

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2008

    I just figured out I'm totally in denial on the hair issue - I keep putting off getting a hat, scarf, wig...sigh.  Tomorrow morning is the big day...I do normally get mouth sores anytime I go to the dentist - so perhaps I won't be playing with constipation...I guess I'll plan to stick close to home til I figure out which way this will go. :)  Have a great day tomorrow. 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited September 2008

    don't feel bad i am in denial about the hair stuff too..and i know the clock is ticking. Hang in there. I wish you the best of luck with few SE's

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Have changed my old photo to my new hair one, lets hope I keep it, now on day 21. Click on it for a close up. I too love the rodent story, I must admit, when I get home from wearing my wig, I just pull it off as soon as I get in the door and have had quite a fright when I come across it around the house when I'm not expecting to see it. It does look like a small animal without a head! One thing that really helped me is having a cotton cap under my wig, it stops any itching, I got it from, it is designed for the job. I have an expensive synthetic wig, which is easy to wash and keeps it's style regardless of getting wet.  The real hair ones act like real hair and if they get wet you need to blow dry them etc.  I am so happy it only takes 10 seconds to put my wig on, and go out of the door.

    So sorry to hear about you new girls in the family feeling frightened about your first chemo, we have all been there and it's not as bad as we imagine. We will be thinking of your and hoping you get through it easily. 

    Take are everyone, Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Hi Girls,  Just wanted to say that if you want to send a private message to someone, you need to click on their name and then on "send a private message" at the top right of the screen.  I have only just realised how you receive them, I thought they would come into my hotmail account, but you need to click on Private message at the top of this page to open any sent to you. Obviously this is only for the new girls.  Take care Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited September 2008

    Trying another way to get the hair photo in

    Singapore ChrisNew Hair at 10 weeks post TC

  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2008


    went for my second AC today - i got a pump attached to me which I carry in a pouch for 72 hours. and while i was there, i saw this really trendy lady walking by with a hat and a bright orange scarf tied round it and i said "cool! that's what i would like to look like when all my hair is gone!"

    and then i put 2 & 2 together and realised it was our very own Chris (Singapore Chris)!!! would have jumped up to chase after you but i was then being attended to by the nurse with tubes coming out of my catheter! you looked really good today, Chris! glad to have chatted with you on the phone earlier.

    smooth sailing now - day 1 only! all the best to everyone here!


  • shari1232
    shari1232 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2008

    HAHA I thought you were going to say that the person had hair under that hat and scarf!!!!!

    Cool you are hanging with Singapore Chris.

    Best wishes to you all.

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008

    Hi all

    Just looking for a little comfort as I am about to go out the door for my first ...AC- feeling a little daunted. Hope everything goes well. Love you all, thanks for sharing all the good advice.


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2008

    I saw someone yesterday at my onc ofice who had a pink fuzzy hat. Did not look Ok. I decided then, that if someone tells me it doesn't look good, to believe them! I could not wear something like that!


  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2008

    Good luck Vondie!  I had my A/C yesterday and feel fine.  Hope you do also! 

  • Vondie
    Vondie Member Posts: 13
    edited September 2008


    Glad that you are doing fine? How long did it take? will PM you tonight.

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Good luck to Vondie and any other gals starting today (((((((((((()))))))))))). 

    My daughter woke up w/ a fever yesterday.  Dh to her to the doc, she has a bacterial infection and is on antibiotics.  I called my doc and he called me in an antibiotic too (partially b/c I had brochitis before chemo that I don't think every really cleared up - still a cough, etc.  I told him that too).  I had a low-grade temp this morning for a few hours (never got above 99) but now it's gone.  Maybe my antibiotic is kicking in.

    Hair-watch:  everything still attached (Day 11).

    Have a great day, gals!


  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2008


    Thanks. It took about about three hours, but a lot of that time was sitting around before it started.  The red "push" A drug took about 15 minutes.  The actual drip of the C took about an hour.

    Hope to hear good news!

     Susan, sorry to hear about your daughter.  Hopefully all will be well.  I guess that all of us with kids will have to be on the lookout.  I'm thinking of having my kids flu shots.  Has anyone else thought about that?

    Also, Susan, your oncologist sounds a bit like mine.  He was pro-chemo even though my Oncotype score came at 14,  which is right on the cusp of where there is benefit.  He wasn't even the one who ordered it (my breast surgeon did), as he felt that when you are close to 2cm and young and premenopausal it makes sense to attack this and hopefully be done with it.  And, I'm fifty and he called that young! 

  • Ellzig
    Ellzig Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2008

    Hi - I'm new to the site and will be starting chemo Sept. 30th - AC 4 cyles,T 4 cycles. Just want to thank all of you for sharing your experiences. It's helped me post mastectomy, and now being ready for chemo. Just nervous of SE's though. Reading here has helped.


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Singapore Chris - if you figure out how to attach a photo in the text of a message, will you please share directions?  Love the new pic you've posted. 

    Vondi - hope everything goes well with you today.  Make sure that you rest and drink lots of fluids.

    Lisa - my surgeon told me that the onc would treat my cancer very aggressively because I was 45 and young; I had to correct him as I am 50 (do you think he did that on purpose to cheer me up? Well it worked).

    Yuyu - how are you doing; have you had your second tx yet?

    Cut my hair very short this morning, although I realize that it is futile as it is coming out at a fair clip now.  Have all headgear and accoutrements on stand-by.

    Changed my picture, but it is from my first tx session - have not taken a picture since I chopped my hair off this morning.

    Question: I'm developing boils on my legs (4 so far - very painful too), has anyone else experienced this as a SE from chemo? 


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2008

    Welcome EZ - sorry that you had to join us, but I think that you will find a lot of comfort here; it also gives you a good place to vent and sometimes make fun of a situation that sucks.  Wishing you all the best!

  • Ellzig
    Ellzig Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2008

    Thank you, Wink!

    I tend to have a crazy sense of humor, so I think this will help me alot. I've got my chemo bag ready!


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2008

    Bettysgirl, glad work went well.

    Tanzie - where are you? Doing okay?

    Good luck to you Ruth!

    Singapore Chris - you look great! What day of treatment did you start losing hair?

    Lisa, re flu shots - my kids usually get them, so we'll probably do it this year too. I was wondering if WE needed flu shots. Anyone know? And Lisa, fifty is YOUNG!

    EZ - welcome!

    Donna - what day are you on? Did you buzz your hair? Boils?? Ouch!! Have you called your doc? Hope they clear soon! ((((((((()))))))))

