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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008


    I was told to take one Senekot-S the day before, day of, and day after Chemo. I am on day 14 and have taken it a few times this week when "things" get hard, with no diarhea at all. Target has a generic version, which I use.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008


    I was told to take one Senekot-S the day before, day of, and day after Chemo. I am on day 14 and have taken it a few times this week when "things" get hard, with no diarhea at all. Target has a generic version, which I use.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    So nice to read I'm not alone with the anger thing.......I've been battling that for days now!!!   All the petty crap that take up so much of people's lives.......and I feel like glad you don't have cancer and all the side effects that graciously come with the chemo.  And diarrhea SO bad that you have pooped yourself two times........once in your sleep!!!!  WHAT a way to wake up!!!

    Tanzie.....reading your post made me laugh!!!  Cause I have said for Halloween I could dress up like Uncle sons said WHO'S THAT???   Apparently they haven't watched the rerun's of  The Adams Family!!!!

    hugssss to you all.........

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited October 2008

    Wow, now I feel really out of touch - I thought Uncle Fester was from Gunsmoke...sigh.  So much for my TV trivia.  So I haven't made it to bra shopping yet - thought I'd do that when I pick up my wig on Monday.  My pleasant surprise of the evening - I started what hopefully is my last EVER period - which I suspected might be coming - only to discover my daughter took every last tampon to college with her.  Excuse me - Really?  Sometimes it is the little things that just send me over the edge - like, I can deal with the mast, but no tampons is ridiculous....

    On the other side - I think as women we spend the majority of our lives making everything ok for everyone and cancer is teaching me to just let other people not be ok.  Deal with their book surplus crisis by themselves - or let the world slow to an end due to the overage...sigh.  It is wonderful to have a place to post where it can be whatever it needs to be.  I think it will take every range of emotion we have to make it out of this. 

    Hope tomorrow is a better day. 

  • Tamm36
    Tamm36 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2008

     Heartburn Help Please!

    I had my 2nd round of AC yesterday and I'm doing ok but has anyone had major heartburn from treatments?  I'm not sure what to take other than eating an entire bottle of tums?  It's really really bothersome especially while trying to sleepFrown  Any advice would be awesome!  Thanks

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2008

    reseaw22  I can emapthasize with ya.    I had my last visit ever (i hope and have been told) from Mr. Red a few weeks ago.  Fun times, fun times...   Also,  my paperwork and onco told me no tampons because of thinning vaginal walls, infection ect.   Not good news for me, since I hate pads.   I was good though....

    Tamm36--  My onco gave me nexium for the reflux and heartburn!   It helps lots! Call your doc and ask if they can call you something in.  Hope things get better quick!

    Much love,


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2008

    Tamm36, YES!! I have major heartburn, and I take a Prilosec like a charm! truthfully, I'd rather have heartburn and the burps than nausea ANYDAY! 

    My MUGA and EKG are today.. I'm hoping that the adriamycin hasn't damaged my valve like they're afraid it has! We'll see...resting heartrate this morning was 145...again. Oy. If only it was due to some awesome sex! Sealed 

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Tamm36 - I had my 2nd tx of T/C yesterday and I experienced horrible heartburn too.  I had an appointment with my onc in the afternoon; he wrote a prescription for Protonix and said for me to continue taking until my chemo is over.

    Juli - I think that I saw you on the Ellen Show - watched it last night.  Where you on the left isle seat towards the top - and was it when Ellen first danced up the isle? I really enjoyed the show but would have liked to hear more about Suzanne Summers' book; I think that I remember that she opted out of chemo and seeing her all over the magazines in the grocery store.  The woman that was dunked seemed to be having a hard time getting out of the water tank - something must have happened because on the show that aired on the 2nd, they had a man escort the dunkee to the tank and he rolled up a stepladder and helped her out of the tank immediately.  What a great fundraiser - 10,000 a dunk!

    Wasn't it Uncle Festus (sp?) in the Adams Family?  Do you remember his girlfriends Flora & Fauna, they were conjoined twins, lol.  We'll probably all look like Cousin It when our hair comes back!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2008

    I don't know about the Festus, Fester thing.  I know one of them was on GunSmoke and the other the Adam's Family.   I think we all know which one I'm thinking I look like though.  I'll have to google it.  lol   I do remember his girlfriends.  All I am missing is the black eye paint and a lightbulb! Laughing

    Hope everything goes okay with you today, PrettiestMess!   I already hate the RedStuff.  :( Hate even more to think about it working to hurt your heart that quickly. :/    Good Luck!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2008

    Good Ole Wikipedia says that it is Uncle Fester in the Adam's Family.   And Festus is from GunSmoke!  My mystery solved!

    I go for a fill with my expanders today.   Another 100 ccs per side for me.  I am so ready to get done with this....

    Much Love,


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    I was thinking it was a sore festers....that's where his name came from! that I've made myself sick for the morning.......lolol


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008


    Yes, that was me! I wore green because I knew most would be in pink, so I would be easy to spot. The dunk tank girl couldn't find her way in and then couldn't get out! It was so funny!

    OTC Prilosec worked wonders for my heartburn!

    My hair was so long in high school, that for Halloween, I dressed up as Cousin Itt. Soon I will be Uncle Fester! I'm getting buzzed this afternoon.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008

    Juli, -"Sub reports" on Suzanne Sommers book ok!! My whites once went to 2.4 (cycle #3 AC) and then1.6 (cycle #4 AC) and both times, yep, but on preventative antibiotics and told "stay away from crowds" so I stayed in the house mostly.I thought normal range started at 4.0... The neulasa shot will kick it up in a few days. (Mine always worked WONDERS). 

    Resaw - Not seeing a nutritionist, but lookat at all sorts of books about Macrobiotic diet (can I do this?) PH/Acid imbalance in body, "Breast Cancer" diet book. I dunno. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Seems like more veggies and grains and lower fat and overall callories would be good. Still "assimilating" it all! ahhhhhck! 

    Jane - Yes sometimes you want to blow!!! The whining and moaning about insignificant things. I am screaming in my head, "Who Cares!!! IT DOESN'T matter! Do you have CANCER? NO? Did your hair fall out? NO? Do you feel like you're going to HURL all the time? what? NO?? Then, shut up already!" Luckily, this has not yet come out of my mouth. But boy, .... I HEAR YOU!!!

    Taxol #1, Day #5 Report:  Achiness all gone (or I can't feel it if it's there) last night was very tired and crashed and had to nap before the VP debate, then slept all night until 8AM! So maybe that was fatigue? (Felt fine all day). I did have a work out at the PT place (the theory that walking and doing weights and exercises will be LESS fatiguing!) so maybe that was it. She introduced some butt kicking (well, belly kicking?) Abs work. Felt so good though...


  • Ellzig
    Ellzig Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2008

    Tamm36 - Pepcid seems to work for me, too for the heartburn.

    Genia, sometimes I get annoyed when I hear people complain about their hair. I tell them "any hair is good". Sometimes my husband acts like this is inconvenitent to him, then I have to explain it really does suck more for me than you, believe me.

    Actually, I've been too tired to yell at anybody yet - that's a good thing!

  • tammyintexas
    tammyintexas Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2008

    just wanted to check in,  apparently i had a very bad reaction to my chemo and have been in the hospital since wednesday morning.  14 hours of vomiting and finally got it stopped.   I am home now, and feeling better.  doctor said we will change up some pre-meds  and will infuse slower.  i had a migraine so bad and then the vomiting.  Ladies i really didnt think i was going to make it.  and its hard to believe but I am a pretty tough cookie.  lol.  Well hopefully the changes will make next time easier.  has anyone else had a premed called kilk? or kike?  something like that?

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008

    tammyintexas-So sorry to hear you did not do well with chemo! How long were you in the hospital? I had Kytril as a premed and it worked well. Plus I took my Emend, the one thtbegins with A and Compazine. I hope they can come up with a better pan for you.Hang in there!


  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2008


    Thanks for being so frank about the diarrhea.  I went for a walk on Monday and about 9 blocks from home it hit.  By the time I got to my lawn it was too late and I had a bout of total fecal incontinence outside my door.  I hope this is the lowest point in my cancer ordeal because I can't think of anything worse.  Whatever is in the chemo actually ate the color out of the yarn on the rug by my bathoom stool.  Can't imagine what it's doing to  my body.  Hope I didn't make anyone throw up. :(  I laugh inside when people tell me how great I look (and I think to myself, you should have seen me on Monday after my "accident").  The thing is that I am bound and determined to keep my sense of humor during this fight and now I am actually laughing about what a "crappy"day Monday was.

  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2008

    Tammy in Texas,

     So sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I am on my second day of second ac chemo and have had no nausea or headache so will share the list of meds I am getting as they seem to be really working for me:

     Kytril 1mg tab and dexamethazone 4 mg x5 tab. They give me the AC with a popsicle which is the only time I go without drinking fluids.  I try to drink at least 5 pints of fluid during the ac chemo in order to clear my kidneys, liver and urine of the red devil. I think that this really can help with side effects plus I add a little "guided imagery" into the water...I also have been given a script for compazine but have not needed it. I am tapered from the steroids over a 4 day period after chemo which also may help with avoiding fatigue, nausea and headache.

    Hopefully they find the right combo of pre meds for you!  There are so many out there.

    Good luck. Hope the weekend goes better!

  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2008

    I am glad I am not the only one dealing with "anger" issues lately.  I have been snappy and feeling like my friends and family don't quite understand what it means to have cancer and go through chemo.  I get really sarcastic sometimes.  I also get into self-pitty mode a lot with "why me" lately.  Maybe it is natural to go through this after denial?  Or maybe being on chemo-induced menopause has something to do with it?  What do you do to snap out of this mode?

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    Got the buzz cute today - not a pretty site!  I'm glad it's done though.

    Tammy in Tx (((((((()))))))) sorry you had such a hard time!!!  That's very scary!  I hope your docs can figure out a better plan.

    Have a great weekend ladies,


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008


    What day are you on? My hair is coming out in clumps and I'm trying to wait til Monday, but maybe should do it sooner?? I'va always hated having stray hairs fall on me. This is driving me crazy! My son and his friends have a plan, so they've told me. My son has long hair- we told himwhen his hair grew back after chemo, he could wear it like he wanted!


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    Hey D - I'm on day 19.  It really started coming out on Wednesday, yesterday much worse, so I got it buzzed today.  What day are you on?


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008


    I don't care at all to be frank........I feel like we are all in this together.....and we should be able to discuss this "crap" if we need   My husband had gotten to where he was following me to the bathroom.....because I was trying to hide how many times I was going......

    The Dr. said if I wasn't better by Friday.....I needed to go into the hospital. is better today.  I hate being in the hospital!!!

    Tammy....I hate that you had such a horrible experience with your chemo sweetie.......hope your next round goes better for you! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    Just got back from getting feels good. LOL

     Now I need help with the pain from my Neupogen shots. Any suggestions?

  • HeatherL
    HeatherL Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2008

    Well I'm back after treatment #2.  No nausea or vomiting this time just plain antsy.  Couldn't sit, stand lie down sleep, concentrate.  I cut my decadron in half thinking it was that but didn't sleep for over 24 hrs.  Had to get some ativan and am much much better.  I thought I was going insane.  Buzzed my hair right off and trying to wear wig some and bandana's.  I'm actually all right with the buzz.  No problems from the neulasta shot this time so far either. 

    Take care everybody.

  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2008

    Juli, love the new pic & hair cut!  Did you do it yourself or have someone do it for you?  I get terrible joint pain after Neulasta shot.  I heard taking claritin beforehand can help a bit.  I take claritin daily now and it did help with pain somewhat this time.   

  • yuyueno
    yuyueno Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2008

    Iowagirl - Please don't feel bad about talking about it here, I was this close many times, too!  As Genia said, we do need to talk about crap issues here! 

    As for hair, I am on Day 29 from my first chemo, and 85% of my hair is gone.  What's left on my head are white hair, how wonderful.  When I pass by my bathroom mirror, I often scare myself!  I still wear my wig everytime I see my boyfriend.  I once wore a cap when he came over but I felt very uncomfortable.   

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    Thanks Yuyu! I went to my mom's hairdresser and took 3 wigs with me. The wigs were so hot to wear. Don't know how often I'll wear them. Maybe when the weather cools down. The hairdresser wouldn't take any payment either. Now that made me cry!

    I tried the Claritin, but it didn't help. So I took 1/2 a Darvocet. The pain isn't so bad if I don't move around much. LOL

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Tammy, so sorry you have had a hard time, you will be alright, keep fighting.

    Juli, you look great, it can feel liberating when the hair has finally gone and you can just get used to the new you, that is when you are not feeling sad because you don't have any hair. Cancer can be very confusing.

    Genia, so glad you recovered in time and didn't have to go into hospital.

    I also have had muscle ticks around my body, nothing serious but definately something moving without my say so, I haven't worried about it, as this chemo is responsible for a lot.

    Iowagirl, glad you are set on keeping your sense of humour, its the only way to go.

    Take care girls.

    Singapore Chris

  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2008

    Today was the Homecoming parade here in town.  I was wearing my wig and 3 different women came up and whispered to me that "it looks really natural".  I thought, "if it looks so freaking natural, how did you know it was a wig????"   GRR.  Then I went out for supper with friends, couldn't eat my food because my mouth hurt so bad and got diarrhea on the 40 mile trip home.  Thankfully this day is almost over.  I know tomorrow will be better.  Hope you all have a good weekend.