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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    Slept most of the day yesterday.  Yesterday and today I have NO appetite.  I have had to force myself to eat because I get the shakes if I go too long without eating. I am running a low temp (99.1) so I am keeping my eye on it. I have to go Wednesday to have some bloodwork done and see the surgeon again.  My wound is a little oozy.  It is getting cooler here in the NE, so I will have to start layering to keep up with those hot flashes/cold chills.

  • kimy
    kimy Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2008

    Wow, lots of people either getting or gearing up for their second treatment.

    My second (TCH) is this Thursday. My hair started coming out on Saturday (Day 17). Since then, I've decided to just put some gel in it and toss on a headband. It keeps the hair from falling out until I wash it. Then I get a fistfull.:-(

    I'm just hoping to get through this week, and will probably buzz it this weekend. My hair is very thick, so I think I should be OK for the week. I have a wig, which I do like, but wearing it with all my hair bunched into a stocking under the wig makes the wig ride up in the front and then get poofy in the back at the top. I hope that ceases to be the case when my hair is gone!

    My only worry about this Thursday's treatment is that I have a cold - does anyone know what most doctors do if you have a cold? Will they allow you to go ahead with the treatment? I hope so, I just assume get through this without delays.

    Best of luck to everyone currently dealing with those gross side effects.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    TexasTammy; so sorry for the severe reaction; hopefully they can find something to stave off the vomiting; it's the worst!  OK, projectile diarrhea is no charm school winner either - nor olympic belching, festooning flatus, and of course there is the always entertaining "mad dash" to relieve oneself of these socially unacceptable behaviors.  I say we use the Cancer Card and rip off a fart that actually reverberates...."oops, sorry, it's the chemo don't you know".... "excuse me please, I seem to have rather nastily filled my knickers; it's the chemo" - why do we have to run - just find a tree and go on - I find it ever so much tasteful than the "pee pee" or "poo poo" dance.  Ok, maybe I've gone too far.  It happens - at least we have a pretty doggone good reason for it to be happening.  Hmmm - back to public vomitoriums; was quite the thing during the Roman Empire?

    Juli; I was so surprised when I cut my hair; I should have been smart like you and colored it - then I wouldn't have looked so skunky  lol!  I have one wig that I really like; here's the problem - I washed it (100% human hair) so now it looks like a limp critter and I need to figure out how to style it.  I've got hats and hairpieces too.

    Yuyu; I know what you mean - I always have to do a double-take when I see my self sans hair.  I still have some hair on my arms, underarms,legs, lashes, eyebrows, & pubic area - although a great thinning abounds.

    iowagirl; sounds like a Homecoming that you couldn't wait to come home to!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Kimy, your doc will have to make the call on the cold.

    I wash everything with Burt's Bee Baby Bee Shampoo & body wash.  When I get out of the shower, I use my facial moisturizer  on my face first and then apply some on my scalp ( if you do your head first, you end up with little, tiny, hairs, stuck all over your face - annoying).

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited October 2008

    Hey all, got my 10 day follow up today - numbers are all good.  Bad news is they diagnosed me with lymphodema - start with PT tomorrow...can't say I have a good attitude about this one yet - maybe tomorrow.  I did pick up my wig, bra/prosthesis, and 2 hats today - the bra fits perfectly which really helps.  Wig is fine - I wore it for about 20 minutes in the store and can tell it will take some adjustment, but is necessary....tomorrow will be better.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi girls, 

    Rseaw22, so sorry to hear you have lymphodema, did you notice it yourself and where did it start, I did quite a bit of reseach into it, "just in case". I would be interested to hear about what treatment they will give you.  Just remember is can dissappear as fast as it appears.

    Wink, you make sure you take care of that wet critter and bring it back to life, if you look after it, it could end up being your best friend.

    Had my part 2b of my second chemo today, went well, only 2 left.  Still have some hair hanging on and my eyelashes and brows are still growing, I love the furry face look that I hated before!  I have this little mole on my face and had a horrible thick hair that grew out of it (sorry its's disgusting, but hey we can vent right) I always used to make sure I pulled it out before anyone could see it.  Then of course there wasn't a hair on my body, I can tell you, I was pretty SMOOTH . When my hair has started to grow back I was on the lookout for the little mole hair.  When it appeared I was so happy to see it. I now view it as a sweet little mole with a very STRONG hair. (I will still pull it out as it must really still be ugly to anyone else). Funny how we gain a new perspective on things! Keep smiling girls.Cool

    Singapore Chris

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited October 2008

    I noticed my upper arm felt like heavier and hurt at different times - I'm still only 5 weeks out of axillary node surgery, and had drains for 3 of those weeks so thought it was just extra fluid that wasn't gone measures an inch larger than my other arm.  I'm hopeful that they can get it under control quickly before rads which will cause even more damage....

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    Hi girls,

    Had treatment #2 yesterday. It was rather interesting....I had an allergic reaction to the taxotere about 5 minutes into it. I was having trouble breathing, got super hot and flushed, bp droped, face got numb etc. They stopped the infusion and gave me steroids. Waited for my bp to go back up, gave benedryl and then restarted the T. I didn't have anymore probs after that. It was rather scary though! I'm so glad that I had read that some people have a reaction to tx2 on these message boards, so I wasn't totally unprepared. What's funny is that I asked my nurse before my treatment began about people have reactions to tx2. She said that it was very rare and if most people are going to have a reaction, it is to the first treatment. For tx 3, they will pre-med me w/ benedryl etc. and I have to take a steroid the day before tx. I am feeling pretty good today :)

    Chris, hope yours went more smoothly than mine!!

    D - way to go on doing the Race With the Cure! My daughter did it last year (before I was diagnosed) and it was awesome to see the crowd!

    6cooks - hope you feel better soon!

    Mina - LOL about tossing your hair down the aisle - what a visual!

    Ruth - what a bizarre comment from the Macy's lady. Sometimes I think people should just say nothing!! So sorry to hear about the lymphodema!

    SingChris - glad things went well for you today :)

    Jane - be sure and drink lots of fluids!

    Kimy - not sure about the cold, but I imagine they will check your blood counts and such beforehand. Maybe if those are okay, they'll proceed.

    Wink - your post cracked me up! I've decided that I won't shave my legs anymore - if the hair is falling off my head, I'm gonna wait til it falls off my legs - ha. Kidding, kind of... Does anyone know when eyebrows and eyelashes start to go? I'm really gonna miss those.

    Hope everyone else is doing good!



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    I've lost 4 lbs in 9 days.  If this keeps up, I'll have that bikini body I've always wanted by next summer.  Temp today was 99.3.  I go for bloodwork tomorrow and to see the bs.  I've gotten a few mouth sores and my head hurts (the outside, not the inside).  My daughter and I have been going every two weeks to get our nails done since last spring.  It's a mother/daughter thing.  I think when we go this Friday, it will be my last brow/lip wax. 

    My niece's mother has been battling multiple myeloma since last January.  She told me last night that her mother is in remission.  She had a stem cell transplant and has been completely out of work for the last 9 months.  She is trying to get disability.  The oncologist (we both have the same onc) told her she could go out on disability, but the disability dr says that she is capable of doing some work even if she can't do her job as a nurse.  

    We both work for the State of New York and they have some wierd ideas about how things operate.  We have a leave donation program where, if I use up all my vacation/sick/personal time, other people can donate excess time that they have to me.  The loop-hole is that I have to be out of work for 4 consecutive weeks.  So, if I run out of my own accruals in December, because I am still working part-time, I cannot get time donated to me so I can continue to work part-time.  I would have to stop working altogether and not work for 4 weeks to continue to get paid.  Don't you think it would make more sense to let people donate time to me and let me continue working?  I guess that's government work for you.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008


    I hear that the eyebrows and eyelashes go depending on the cocktail. In my case, I should have them with the AC, but lose them with the Taxol... we'll see. I've also heard that some people never lose them. Crossing fingers! Undecided

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Day 5 from tx#2; still a little queazy, head hurts, tired as all get out (got out of bed to pee - was exhausted, had to rest; ate some breakfast, had to rest; thought about getting ready to work; had to rest some more; etc).  I finally dragged my sorry,soggy, bottom into work; I think that the clock stopped or something, it was the longest four hours in history - all I wanted to do was rest! Fatigue, fatigue, fatigue what did you do with my energy?Cry

    Jane - I'd be up to my eye-balls in debt if I were out of work for four weeks!  I agree, it makes more sense to let people donate time when you need it.  When you mentioned todays temp, I thought that you were talking about the weather - I thought - Wow - NJ's really having some hot weather!  Then of course I realized you were talking about your very own personal body temp. My normal temp runs about 97.8; if I'm up to 99.3 I'm shaking like a leaf! Are you feeling OK?

    Susan - hmmm - I think your nurse is out in left field.  The second tx would make more sense, at least in the world of immunology.  I'm glad that they were able to get your reaction under control.  I would have been scared to pieces!  I only experience a mild & tingly sensation across the front of my face at the end of my treatment.  The nurses told me that it was from the taxotere and to take a benedryl when I got home.  I keep some of the strips that melt on your tongue in my Chemo Bag, so I just use one of those and it stops the sensation.  Glad you are feeling good today!Laughing

    S Chris - well I worked with the critter and it looked reasonably well after I wetted it back down, blew it around, and curled up it's ends.  I just find myself yanking on the bangs to relieve some of the pressure around my scalp.  I do wear the cotton head covers, but it still bothers me.  I got the gel band in the mail today and will see if I can figure out how to use it tomorrow. I too have a hair that grows out of a mole - but it's thick and black!  I don't know if'n I'll be doin the cha cha when it grows back.  I'd like to start out with a clean slate and be able to direct where (or if) the hair grows back...."all you stubborn chin hairs - back up to the eyebrows where you belong! Face fuzz - to the legs with you - any hair that is coarse, unruly, and truly does not deserve to be seen in public - to the pubic area with you!" Don't you think that it would be much easier just having to deal with unwanted hair in just one area of your body?Embarassed

    Ruth - so sorry to hear about the lymphodema.  How did PT go today?  What do they do in PT to help with the swelling?  Glad that you've got a good fitting bra.  One of my straps rubs right over my port and makes it kind of uncomfortable.  You are right, the wig does take some adjustments. Aren't you glad that we're not going to have to be wearing them during the summer? That might have been undoable for me.  Everyone tells me that they love my wig and that it looks really natural; I have to remember that just because it doesn't feel natural that it doesn't look natural.  I just feel self-conscience about it....still.Undecided

    Hope all you girls are doing well out there.  Lots of big hugs to you all!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Susan,

    Sorry to hear about your nasty reaction, Good that they got things back on track and that you were able to take your treatment, one more down.! The pre meds next time sound like a wise idea.

    I lost my eyelashes and eyebrows towards the very last taxotere #6 and actually in the few weeks afterwards, it was a bit of a shock as I thought my hair would start to grow then. I have since read it is not uncommon for the effects of TX to continue to kick in after you finish treatment. (only sometime!) They both started to regrow about 6 weeks later and are now beginning to be visable, I soon as I spotted them in the magnifying part of my mirror I nurtered them with love and attention every day and enhanced them with a eyebrow pencil and I also bought a new mascara with a very short brush.  I tried really hard to make them more visable and even apply the mascara if there were only a couple of hairs. Today is the first time I can seem them properly even though they are short, my eyebrows are doing well and I have too many hairs now to count! It seems that if you are on AC you may get to keep themCool

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008

    Jane_M- Your post scared me abt disability. I have applied for short-termdisability as my onc won't LET me work. I have used up all my vacation, paid time off and my illness bank. If I donot get disability, I don't know what we will do!

    Got the buzz today. It was time, but emotional. I have several scarfs, hats. DH told me the scarfs and hats don't look good. So much for making me feel better! Anxious abt tomorrow...


  • ango74
    ango74 Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2008

    I have a few questions for you ladies.  I had my first treatment TCH plus Avastin (I'm in a study) on the 26th.  I felt absolutly horrrible.  They didn't check my blood levels for a week, is that normal to wait that long after treatment?  Anyways, my white blood cell count was about 200, they said it needed to be 1200.  So I got the Neupagen shots and then felt even worse.  Is that normal?  Today was my last Neupagen and I feel great today.  But I am really scared about next treatment, this one was so dang bad and I've heard they only get worse as they go.  I don't see how it can get worse. 



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Priz47, I know you have had a hard time in the past, but try to stay calm for tomorrow. As the mind has an enormous power over your body, try to visualise everything going well and you staying calm and relaxed, make sure you have someone with you who can distract you during the chemo. Good luck

    Angie, Sorry you have had a horrible time after your first chemo, it is usually the worst, you do have a set of pretty heavy drugs, but I have always been told that the effects do NOT get worse over time and that has also been my experience, but we are all different. Having your blood checked once a week is usual.  When you go back next time, ask your oncol what can be done to stop your wbc droping so low. It is usual for some people to feel bone pain and general tiredness after a Neupagen shot, but I personaly always feel fine, I take 2 paracetamol before I go. I know it is hard, but try to stay positive and it WILL end, make sure you do something you enjoy everyday and try to appreciate the times when you feel good. There are always more good days than bad. Hang in there, we are all here for you. 

    Singapore Chris

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2008

    Adding MCSK, welcome to the club! 

    Sept ChemoGals!

    Sept 01 -   FloridaMom     TAC (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 02 -   Jacuelyn32    TC or TAC

    Sept 02 -   kmg1015    TC x6

    Sept 03 -   2z54    (Port and SNB Aug. 28)

    Sept 03 -   horselover     A/C x4 every two weeks  T x4 every two weeks  (Port placed Aug. 29)

    Sept 03 -   6cooks      FEC x2  in three weeks then again in 6 weeks

    Sept 04 -   SingaporeChris    FAC

    Sept 04 -   Emily2008    A/C x4

    Sept 04 -   paweed      TC

    Sept 04 -   rickster      TC

    Sept 04 -   Rehula       A/C x4

    Sept 05 -   yuyueno    TC x6 every three weeks (Port placed Sept. 29)

    Sept 05 -   BrandonMom     A/C x4 every other week / T x4 every other week

    Sept 05 -   iowagirl       TC

    Sept 07 -   Karenp62       TC

    Sept 08 -   woorus     6 tx every three weeks

    Sept 08 -   Lili46    TC x4

    Sept 08 -   praine     TAC

    Sept 09 -   Tanzie    A/C x4 two weeks between (Picc Line inserted same day)

    Sept 09 -   cjh   

    Sept 09 -   HeatherL      FEC x3 / TC x3

    Sept 09 -   lyn117      EC & F(5FU)

    Sept 10 -   theprettiestmess     FAC & T

    Sept 10 -   bar62        A/C

    Sept 11 -   klfh        TCH   tx x6  three weeks apart 

    Sept 11 -   TheMissingWink      (Port placed 9/08)

    Sept 11 -   oldlady     TC x4 every three weeks -- final treatment something else

    Sept 12 -   MCSK      tx x8

    Sept 15 -   Sue508    TC x4 three weeks between

    Sept 15 -   floridaeyes 

    Sept 15 -   jc135    TCH every three weeks  /   H weekly  

    Sept 15 -   hopefulLady       TC x4  three weeks apart 

    Sept 15 -   softballangel       Blind Trial 

    Sept 17 -   Priz47     A/C (Port placed 8 / 28)

    Sept 17 -   peeps1111      TC x4 every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   kimy      TCH  every three weeks

    Sept 18 -   bettysgirl      FEC x3

    Sept 18 -   Tamm36       A/C x4  /   T x12  (port placed 9/16)

    Sept 19 -   Juli50     A/C x4  every three weeks  T twelve weeks

    Sept 19 -   susan13      CAF  over nine weeks (port placed 9/16)

    Sept 22 -   bunnyrabbit     TC cocktail of choice

    Sept 24 -   LisaF       A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 24 -   Genia        TCH

    Sept 24 -   wyndywy    TCH every three weeks / H x12 every week

    Sept 24 -   dblinch       TC &  H

    Sept 25 -   Vondi       A/C x4

    Sept 25 -   trudecox       A/C x4  /  T x8

    Sept 26 -   rseaw22     T/C x4

    Sept 26 -   ango74       TCH x6 /  H

    Sept 26 -   ppaul54      Gemcitibine

    Sept 26 -   Bethwvu      TCH x6 every three weeks

    Sept 29 -   PEnTE (Pattie)     A/C every 3 weeks

    Sept 29 -   tammyintexas     A/C x4 every two weeks / T x4 every two weeks / Rads x33

    Sept 29 -   ladyleen4          TC x4 three weeks apart

    Sept 29 -   Springtime       T x4 every two weeks /  Just finished A/C x4 every two weeks

    Sept 29 -   Jane_M    A/C x4 every two weeks /  T x4 every two weeks

    Sept 30 -   Ellizig       A/C x4  /  T x4


    You girls please let me know if I need to add, or if I've forgotten anything!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2008

    Hey ladies,

    Monday was A/C number 3 for me.  Sweet nibblets!  I am 3/4 of the way there.  Only one more to go.   If I can just get through these next 4 weeks I'll be shouting sweet sweet freedom.   *sigh* 

    MCSK welcome to the Sept list.  So sorry you had to join us, but I'm glad to meet you just the same.

    Winkster!  Thanks for the laughs.   I've needed em.  :) 

    Priz-- hang in there, hon.  I'm wishing you the best of luck for tomorrow.   And don't worry about the hats and scarves comment.  I'm sure you look fine!   They'll grow on him.   I'm sure it's just that it's such a big change.....

    Jane--  Keep an eye on that temp and let us know how your appointment goes.

    Mina--  I'm feeling you on the wig.   I'm slowly working my tolerance level up for mine.   It's helped a lot that the temps here are starting to drop a bit!

    Sue-- Erk!  On the allergic reaction!    I'm not sure how they do the different treatments-- were you not getting steroids before?   I get one in my drip before they start my A/C.

    S Chris-- That's not a mole!   It's a beauty mark. :)

    Mom came and visited this weekend.     I was glad to see her come,  and glad to see her go.  I love her, but she's smothering me with mothering!   lol  And I don't always want to hear about the ladies she knows (that she's informed all about me) who have had cancer and about their treatments.   And what I should and should not be doing or looking into.    I know she means well, and it's only because she loves me.  But, oy!   I am 37 for mercy's sake!   

    Sorry about venting, ya'll.   I feel guilty even fussing about her.  But I'm just tired of only being able to discuss cancer and my SE's with her.   She wants to know EVERYTHING.    On the other hand-- if it were one of my babys that was sick-- I might be guilty of a little mother henning myself. :(

    Anyway!  Much love,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2008

    tanzie- i appreciate all your work keeping up with us and our treatments. I know it's alot of work. I feel your pain on the mom mom is not with us but my mother in law does the same thing. I think she has talked to every women in town that has had cancer and i have heard all their did i know i was supposed to be drinking lots of water??? So and so didn't have to have and so had her surgery over 30 yrs ago...I finally told her that i knew this lady had surgery 30 yrs ago and i totally belive she is still here today because 30 yrs ago she had a RADICAL...while totally disfiguring those ladies are still with us..hmmm but i have kind of let her know i appreciate her concern but i don't need to hear all the stories.. that's my vent..i just take xanex before we go to see them.

    I go for fec #2 tomorrow so i am in water loving mode today.

    priz- i agree with tanzie, i think he just isn't used to the hats, scarves and he will get used to it. This wig stuff does take some getting used to, they are hot, scratcy and feel so fake! Then of course people tell you it looks so natural??? If it looks sooooo natural why are you telling me???I guess it doesn't look like my real hair huh????

    I hope everybody that's up this week does well with their treatments and manages SE's.

    Hope everybody else does well this week too.

    We have a good group here and while my mind doesn't hold everbody's name while i post i think of all of you, read your stories here and wish you all the best!

    Have a great day girlfriends!

    Lisa (bettysgirl)

  • Tamm36
    Tamm36 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2008
    Just wanted to say thanks for all the heartburn advice I have been managing it unlike last time. My 2nd round of AC seems to be the same as far as SE's just a little more tired so I am very very thankful for that.   Can't thank you all enough You all make me feel like I am not alone in this Laughing helps me get through.  I did have my hubby buzz cut my hair on Friday, it was coming out fast and I needed to get it over with.  As a side note has anyone ever noticed how many flipping shampoo and hair dye commercials there are on tv?  LOL  It's getting on my nerves!
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008's like when you are on a diet.......all those commercials for ooey gooey desserts they have on TV......makes your mouth water!!!!

    I got some wonderful news today!!!  I had a Drs appt this morning......

    My tumor is blood counts were all good and he said my headache was coming from the Taxotere.

    But I am swelling from it too.  I had gained 8 pounds in one week.  So much for the cancer diet I thought I would be

    The next round of chemo I have to take Decadron the day before, plus they will give it to me in my IV and then the day after.  He said that should help with the swelling.  He didn't wanna give me anything for the swelling because of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.  So......I had my jeans on today.......that FIT the last time I wore them.  This time they came off the min I got in the door.  Gonna have to buy new clothes if this keeps up........ugh!  

    I'll take that over the cancer tho!!!!!!!   ANY day......

    I'm so happy the chemo is doing something.  Makes the diarrhea and everything else worth it!!!


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    Hi gals,

    Juli - I am getting TC, so I'm assuming I will lose some (hopefully not all - fingers crossed is right) eyelashes/eyebrows. I swear I thought my brows looked more sparse in some areas this morning, but surely that was my imagination!!!!

    Donna - good idea about the benedryl strips in the chemo bag. Hope you are feeling better and that the fatigue lets up soon!

    D - re the buzz (((((((((())))))))))) I know how you feel! I'm getting really good at tying a bandana! Is your treatment today? Hope everything goes very smoothly!!

    Angie - I don't get my blood checked until the morning of my treatment (3 weeks inbetween). It's so weird how oncs do things so differently.

    Tanz - how do your SEs compare this time w/ #3? I am day 3 of treatment 2 and I feel woozy today, but not nearly as bad as w/ treatment 1. I'm hoping I got all my trauma out on Monday and I'll have an easier time w/ SEs - I can hope, right? Re your question about my treatment - I get a nausea drug and steroids before the chemo drugs, but I guess that wasn't enough to keep the allergic reaction at bay. For tx 3, they gave me a steroid script to take the day before and then they'll give me benedryl in addition to whatever they give me before the T and C. Sorry your mom is driving you bananas. Sound like she's worried about her little girl (I know, despite your age LOL).

    Lisa, good luck w/ your tx!!

    Tamm - I had to LOL at your comment about the shampoo commercials and such. I have been noticing anything on TV that relates to hair - shampoo, conditioner, hair removal stuff etc. And of course, I notice people's hair in general all the time now!

    Genia - excellent news about the tumor shrinkage!! You are right - it is worth the SEs when you are getting the results you need!

    Hope everyone else is having a good day! Waiting to hear an update from Chris, my Sept. 15 and Oct. 6 chemo bud!


  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2008

    Hi everyone,  I'm still here.  

    For my 2nd treatment on Monday I was there at 9:30 for the blood work and then had a 10:00 appointment for a checkup with the nurse practitioner, infusion to follow.   I was still sitting there holding my paperwork when the nurse called me in at 10:12, so she had to do my blood work herself.  I finally sat down for the infusion about 11:15 and the machine kept stopping and giving an error message, and mine wasn't the only one doing it, so things kind of drug on and it ended up taking about 3 hours whereas the first treatment went just a bit over 2 hours.  it seemed that I was there almost all day!

    But, I'm grateful that I didn't have a reaction like Susan cause I would have freaked out.  So sorry for you, but glad it turned out okay.  When I went for my neulasta shot yesterday I mentioned that my face and chest were bright red (which no one had mentioned, but they had to notice) and the nurse said that was from the decadron and would go away.  It's better today, but that did not happen with the first treatment.   Different set of SEs this time too.

    I have heard that sometimes the eyebrows and lashes don't go until after the treatments are all over, and sometimes they come and go two or three times.  Not looking forward to that, but I am more worried about fingernails.  So far, so good there.

    Tamm36, I notice all the hair commercials and it seems there are thousands.  I brought a magazine to read during my treatment and it was full of adds for hair products also.

    Donna, after my treatment I was in a store and saw a woman I worked with a few years ago.  She mentioned my cute new haircut.  I thought everyone could tell it was a wig.  I'm not used to it yet either.  I think it's cute, it just doesn't look like me.  I think it looks like a nice wig. 

    Hope everyone has a good week.  Still not used to being bald.


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008

    Finished treatment #2, halfway through! Didn't feel as good, more anxious today-Icouldn't eat lunch. I think most of it is due to next week going to see my mom. I HAVE to have a Neulesta shot since i willbe traveling, have antibiotics, just in case....But I am halfway done and that is what I need to concentrate on!

    Getting used to scarfs-DH still gives me weird looks. He thinks just a baseball cap would be fine, so maybe when I am with him in the evening that's what I will do.

    Hope everyone is doing well!


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    I had a temp of 99.4 when I went to the onc today.  They did bloodwork and said that everything was good.  He told me to call if it went over 100.5.  BS did a little trimming of the incision today.  She said I can use my left arm more now.  I can FINALLY wash my own hair.  I bought a shower chair today because I get so fatigued I am afraid I'll fall in the tub.  I can load the washing machine (but not unload it) and I can do some of my own housework.  I honestly NEVER thought there would come a day when I would want to clean my own house.

    Genia - YAY on the shrinkage!

    Wink - I live in upstate NY and the last 2 mornings I had frost on my windshield.  At least when my hair falls out next week, my wig may keep my head warm.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    The fatigue and/or lack of energy is getting to me.  It's not a problem when I go to the store or a municipal area, but the parking lot for the building where I work is about 1/2 block away.  I have usually parked at the farthest end of the lot to get the exercise walking to my office, but now even when I park closer, I find that it is a real effort making the walk.  I've given up taking the stairs up/down to my 4th floor office.  Also, my therapist's office uses a parking facility a block away except for their handicapped spaces.  My boss suggested that I get a temporary handicapped parking permit so I can use it if I feel I need to.  If I'm feeling good, I don't have to use it.  Everyone reminds me that the fatigue is only going to get worse and that, once I start the Taxol, I'll also have the neuropathy to deal with.  I also live in the northeast so, not only do I have a long walk, I'll be walking in freezing temperatures.  Have any of you gotten handicapped parking permits?  Do you think I am being selfish if I do?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008


    I don't think you would be selfish at ALL.  We are in a sense handicapped.......until we get better.  To me there's no difference in getting a handicapped parking space.....and getting disability until one is able to work again.  Which is me........I just can't do it.  My job is too stressful and physically demanding to work and do the chemo too!

    Just my. .02's worth!!! 

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Jane, I've actually thought about having one as I'm circling the parking lot where I get my txs and there are only handicapped spaces available - then I have to park in the lower parking lot and trex up 4 sets of stairs!  It might come in handy especially in the winter - Honey, you go out and get one you deserve it!!!  I'm with ya on the fatigue things - I drag myself around all day long - wish I had one of those scooter things, well, not really - that would be way to vivid!

    I'm on Taxotere and Cytoxin; eyebrows are definitely thinning and each time I curl my lashes (I know...I just can't help it) I end up with quite a few stuck to the curler.  I did buy some very cute fake eyelashes; I'm just all thumbs when it comes to applying them.

    I wore my wig to work today and didn't tug on it once!  What's my secret?  I bought one of those gel bands from the TLC store and it works pretty doggone good!  It was kind of flimsy looking in the bag, but once I strapped (well, velcroed) it on, flipped on the wig, it took all the pressure points off my noggin and actually felt cool when I first put it on.  Might be good to stick it in the frig, pop it on your pate if you get a headache. 

    I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.  It will be the first time that all of my family will be together! My dad has reserved the clubhouse where he and my mom live, he's hired a caterer, and even a professional photographer to document the event.  Then he wants me to help him put together a photobook (through one of the online services like Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc) and get a copy of it for everyone.  I'm really excited to have my three children together for the first time in three years!  I feel like bursting just thinking about it. AND, it will be two weeks after my last tx YAY!!!

    It's good to have something to look forward to.

    Love y'all


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Good to hear your wig is workin out for you Donna........what is the TLC store?  

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008


    The TLC store can be found on The American Cancer Society website Smile

    I bought my gel headband thingy on It's called a Comfy Grip.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2008

    i also got my gel headband at TLC. It does make a difference and it does fell nice and cool when you put it on. I also thought about the fridge/freezer thing for cooling you off (especially for hot flashes) It does help the pressure points though.

    TX #2 today- wish me luck!

    The weather has turned here and tonight we got some MUCH needed rain. I love the cooler weather of fall. All too often it skips from too hot to too cold overnight here in GA but this year we have had some truly beautiful fall days. Hope there are more to come.

    Good luck everybody and let's all have a great weekend!