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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008


    ONLY ONE MORE AC to GO!!! Yay!!! You go girl!!! Are you having Taxol next? I am a week out from my 2nd Tx of Taxol - achiness but nothing by comparison to AC and NO NAUSEA!!!  (ever!)

    wooo wooo!


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    Colleen - congrats on being done w/ AC!!  Hoping that tumor has SHRUNK!!

    Jane, good luck w/ your BS appt.!

    Heather L - is your port and chemo today?  Hope all goes well and that you have NO (is that possible?) or few SEs!

    Sue and Genia - hope y'all are feeling better asap!

    Got my flu shot today.  Tx 3 is next Mon.  These weeks inbetween treatments seem to fly by.  I guess that is a good thing, but I sure am dreading next week.


  • susan13
    susan13 Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2008


    I have no clue what I am going to be getting after surgery, or if surgeon feels that I need more chemo before surgery.  I assume 4 AC's is the max anyone can get?!?  I sure hope so.

    So you are going ok on the Taxol?  No Nausea sounds good to me! How many weeks inbetween for Taxol treatments?


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited October 2008

    Hi peeps,

    I lost two posts; chemo brain and Decadron  frenzies abound. Off to take the train to my Onc. I need to get my Healthwell Foundation papers signed  for my Neupogen co-pay. Forget about Neulasta.That co-pay is WOW! Wish me luck.  Carrying you in my mind and heart as I make my way over to the doc.

    love  and hugs  to everyone.


  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited October 2008

    Hey all, I've had trouble getting on the site over the weekend so I'm not caught up on all of you - but wanted to check in.  Chemo without Neulasta is awesome - I have a few side effects but not the horrible achiness - I'm amazed every morning when I wake up and feel ok.  I'm hoping my numbers rebound as needed so I won't need it for tx 3 and 4!  I'm planning to fly to Seattle for 2 days on Wednesday for business meetings - and at this point that seems very doable.  Will definitely be doing the purell number. :)

    Hope all is well with everyone...


  • tammyintexas
    tammyintexas Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2008

    I am alive,

    hello everyone, well I can tell you that if it could go bad, it did for me.  I am feeling so much better now, I am actually feeling alive.  I was hospitalized after my first treatment,  no premeds were given and it knocked me for a loop.  this last time i was given tons of premeds and everything was going good until friday, that was day 5 and its like i crashed, achey, sick, mouth sores, and severe diarreah.  but its gone and now i have 6+ days to feel decent before my next treatment on monday.  ohhhh  by the way, I have no insurance so I am billed for everything.  My Nuelesta is 6000.00 a shot in Longview Texas.  I have only had 2 treatments, and 2 shots and with all my tests and scans I am up to 197,300 ohhhhh thats prebilling for all my chemo and shots.  I have never felt so expensive.  lol.  

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    Susan13 - I am on day 11 of my 2nd AC tx and I have horrible mouth and lip sores and still have the metal taste. It feels like my tongue has been burned. I didn't have any of this with my 1st AC.

    Mina - I guess that's why I get Neupogen instead of Neulasta too...the price!

    Ruth - I had trouble with the site too. Good Luck with the business mtgs. There are lots of colds going around it seems.

    Tammy - Good to hear you are alive! I guess you had better live to 100 to pay off those bills! Undecided

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    What is with the PERIOD???  I thought we weren't supposed to have one?  I guess being sicker than a dog all weekend wasn't enough.........then BAAM my period started up this morning.......woohoo.......I'm such a happy happy camper NOW!!!   NOT...........grrrrrr   lol

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited October 2008

    Howdy peeps,

    I'm up thinking about you so I had to say hi. I think Kytril turned my normal BM's into stone...YIKES! It has to be the Kytril because I didn't take it  when I had my September 10th A/C treatment.  T'was Awful. I need prunes/ apricots...something, anything.  I think my side effects are much less with this treatment cycle because I was well hydrated in my doc's office...I hope. He  signed my Neupogen papers and I will mail them in this week. I have to  wait three weeks for my next chemo so my Blood picture will  improve  normally. I would like to do the DD therapy but I'm OK,  so far with my plan of care.

    fingers crossed.



  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008
    Mina - Kytril does the same to me! Yell
  • CanItBeTrueNH
    CanItBeTrueNH Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2008


    I tried fiber tablets,herbal supplement called milk thistle & loaded up on drinking plenty of water a few days before my chemo treatment and it helped quite a bit.   How is the Kytril working for you?   I heard great things about it.  


    They billed my insurance $3k per needle for the Nuelesta injection...$6k per month total.  It was the highest co-pay out of all scripts.  I should have went to college for nuclear medicine...that must be where the money is.

    Glad everyone is doing well.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Julie, sorry to hear about your mouth sores, I have had a few but they are going now. I hear that washing your mouth out 3 times a day with 8oz of water and 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda is supposed to help, might be worth a try. Good luck!

    Genia, You poor thing, what more could you ask for!  Since reading this site about all the people who have their periods back, I have now packed a few necessities in my handbag just in case it happens to me when I am out.  I thought it was a thing of the past.

    My BC talk at the school, went really well today, the girls were really interested and laughted a lot at my funny little stories, (like still putting mascara on the only two eyelashes that didn't fall) I arrived in my wig on, then took it off to show them my "new look" then left in my hat.  My son told me later that he had girls coming up to him saying how inspirational his mum was.  How nice.Kiss

    I have a blood test tomorrow, so will see how I am doing.  I hope my white count is good as I am planning to go away for the weekend with my husband.

    Take care everyone. Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Tammy,

     I forgot to say hi and sorry to hear you have had a hard time.  Hope you are doing better now and that all those awful side effect are going away.

     Singapore Chris

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    My turn for the ER.  I have cellulitis in my mast breast.  They gave me iv Rocephin and I have to call the BS again this AM.  When I got up this morning my temp was 101.5.  I feel like crap.  The temp makes me achy and I have alternating hot flashes and cold chills.  My breast (or should I say what used to be my breast) is hot and tender. It's just a little speed bump.  It could be worse, I suppose. Life would be so boring without speed bumps.

    I still have no appetite.  I force myself to eat because I know I have to.  

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Hey Chris.....glad your BC talk went well for you.  Your son must have been very proud of you...... :)  Hope you get to go away for the need a break from cancer!!! your heart sweet lady!!!  Hope you feel better soon hun.......that cellulitis is some nasty stuff..........sorry you have to go through this.  Is the IV antibiotics all you have to take??? 

    To the rest......hope you have a non eventful day today.....and you feel good!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008


    I had 4 AC every other week, followed immediately by 4 Taxol every other week. I have my second to the last treatment, Taxol, this upcoming Monday, 10/27, then my last one 11/10. After surgery, (in Dec) they will look at pathology and decide if I need more chemo before rads. I PRAY NOT!!!


    I found chemo and antinausea druge in particular = MAJOR CONSTIPATION!!! I would start 3 days prior with stool softener and Mirilax! Then Senekot S as needed (after chemo was over) until things got back to normal!  My poor butt has still not recovered! (I won't go into details!!)

    Hope this helps!  Springtime..

  • ango74
    ango74 Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2008

    I hope everyone's Tuesday is going well.  I had my second tx on Friday and it wasn't nearly as bad as the first tx.  Of course, this is just day 4 so I hope I don't have a delayed reaction. 

    My insurance wouldn't cover the Nuelasta so I have to do the Nuepagan (sp) shots, which I hate! They told me I had reached my max for prescriptions.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2008

    Dang! Is anyone gonna have chemo as long as I am? I still have two FAC's to go, then twelve Taxol treatments before radiation! 

    I think I'll go pout now...



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Jane, you are having such a difficult time, I wish there was something I could do for you. I suppose we just have to be thankful that we are living in countries where the treatment is available, regarless of how bad it is, and that if we are in trouble we can get help.  In this part of the world (Singapoer), a lot of people come into our clinic from the surrounding countries as there is no good health service at home and a lot of them can't afford the treatment and hotel costs when they get here. 

    Springtime, sorry to hear about your butt, we have all been there, not a pleasant experience, slap some of the butt paste on, all will be well in the "END"Smile

    Anglo74, so glad your tx was better than you expected, try not to worry about the shot, it will only make it worse, pretend it will only have a good effect on you! Take Care.

    Robin, I only have 2 FAC's to go, as I did my 6 x Taxol every 3 weeks, to start, how often will you have yours? I am sure there will be a lot of people who will still be having treatment for a while yet, you won't be alone!

    Take care everyone and stay positive, this will all be over before we know it. Singapore Chris

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2008

    Singapore Chris...My Taxol will be once a week for twelve just seems so extreme compared to what everyone else is getting...

    maybe it's just my imagination...(wasn't that a song?)


  • peeps1111
    peeps1111 Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2008


    I hear you.  That was my biggest problem too. The onc gave me yet another prescription laxative but after reading it, I was too scared to take it, maybe next time.  Things are better now.  I am feeling great this week and still have another week to go before my 3rd treatment on 10/30. 


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    Robin - I am right with you g/f... I have 2 more AC, then 12 weekly Taxol before I start rads. We have a long road ahead. I will get weekly Herceptin for a year too.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008

    I might have to have more chemo after my surgery and before radiation! I don't even want to think about it -- it will depend on the pathology after mastectomy in Dec... I think Taxol can be given in 12 smaller doses or fewer larger doses... 

    Singapore Chris & Peeps
    LOL, I am taking the advice on the butt gel/paste! Hoping for some progress in healing, in the END! Peeps - at one point they gave me something that the nurse referred to as "liquid dynamite" - Luckily the Milk of Magnesia kicked in at that point - and then I had diarheah (sp?) for 4-5 days! (I never needed the Liquid Dynamite - I started on Mirilax!)

    Oh the things we have to bear! Constipation, sore butts, nausea, no hair, the thought of eyebrows/lashes falling out, metal mouth, sores, breakouts, I COULD GO ON!! - - - ahhhhhck!! But we will DO IT !!! WE WILL!!!     Surprised


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Girls,

    I had my blood test this morning and my white blood count is only 1.8, not what I wanted to hear, normal is between 4 - 11. So I am glad I booked my weekend away very close by and not in another country like we were planning.  Funny how one minute you can be feeling great and full of energy and the next, a gibbering wreck who will burst into tears at the slightest thing! I will focus on the fact that I have had a booster (which never gives my any trouble) and I also have 8 chemo friends coming round for coffee/juice tomorrow. You are right Springtime, we WILL DO IT and be much stronger for it.

    Take care girls, Singapore Chris

  • 6cooks
    6cooks Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    Haven't posted for awhile. I had a bad week after my first FEC, but then I had 2 good weeks (during which time I  did not look at this web site, was trying to pretend I did not have BC) My next FEC is tommorow and I am dreading it, so I am back to lean on all of you! Darn, my denial did not work! On top of that, I got my gene testing back and with NO family history, I came back positive for BRCA2. Any one else positive? Crap, more surgery, just what I wanted.  I am trying so hard to keep a positive attitude but sometimes it is so hard! Hope you all have a good week.


  • 6cooks
    6cooks Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2008

    Singapore Chris,

    Do they give you the Neulasta shot? It sure helps my WBC.


  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2008


    After my last AC next week, i will start Taxol once a week for 12 weeks too. we can exchange notes then.


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Marci what extra surgery will you need now you know you are BRCA2 positive, do you mean you will have to have your ovaries removed? What made you go for the testing?

    I did get a booster, but I found out today the one I am getting now is not Neulasta, it is something called filgrastim?? seems to do the trick and not give me any side effects.

    Stay strong at least we know we are not alone and there are lots of others going through the same things as us, not nice, but it helps to know.

    Take care, Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Just looked up Neulasta®, it is also know as (pegfilgrastim), so is very similar to my filgrastim, given the price differences, maybe it is cheaper than pegfilgrastim, I will ask my onco next week when I get my next FAC.

    Bye for now. Singapore Chris 

  • lyn1117
    lyn1117 Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2008

    Marci, I am also on FEC, just finished my 3rd treatment.  I found it to be causing all types of secondary issues, infections, rash, etc.  I would ask to change, but I now only have one left.. so I guess I can hold off that long.  Our treatment seem close to the same and our diagosis, except I am Her2pos.

    Take care....suffering together is best!
