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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Ruth - so glad that your port area was not infected - I'm always fearful that something will cause a delay in my treatment - not that I'm so looking forward to them - just want to get them over with!  I'm with ya regarding the weather Sister!  Give me some air that's cold (sung to tune of "Hair"). My daughter Noelle sent me some pumpkin patch photos; brought back some wonderful memories of taking her up to Greenbluff for the apple festival and pumpkin picking. I hope that you have managable post chemo days - yay for the WBC count!  BTW did your water taste better in a champagne glass (or was it a cocktail glass - chemobrain Undecided).

    SingChris - that is sooo cool that you got to meet worrus!  I read on another topic where some of the women from Chem ??? actually selected a central place and met.  I nominate Singapore!  Seriously, it would be wonderful.  Maybe we all could do a web-cam visit?

    Colleen - your son sounds like a real sweetheart; what a blessing!

    Genia - I know how you feel regarding missing your mother; mine passed 3 years ago.  I'm very blessed though, as God sent me my birth mother (and father) back in April and they've been wonderfully supportive.  How are you feeling today? 

    Jane - I think that I would fire my dentist - is there anyone else you can see?  I had to have a crown and a filling between my surgery and my first tx - bye bye $$$$$ ouch (mouth & pocketbook).  You definitely do not want to be getting an infection in that tooth (I know, I'm preaching to the choir) - good for you, stopping pymt on the check.  I think that Dr's should guarantee their work - at least for a year.

    The Prettiest - I was amazed at the makeup that was in our goody bag - what a treat!  I was kind of like Chris in that it was only four days after my first tx and I was feeling pretty queazy Frown.  Milk Duds - man, I haven't thought of those in a long time.  Probably a good thing - might end up pulling out some fillings and then I'd be fighten with my dentist like Jane.

    Tanz - I'm so proud of you; you've got spunk Girlfriend!  Can't wait to hear about your next adventure - I'm living vicariously through you!

    Susan - shiny bald?  I've got a few shiny patches - but I swear, some of it is growing back already - what's up with that.  Should be a good thing, but it makes me wonder if I've not become resistant to the T/C.

    Juli - thanks for asking about the metal mouth - it's interesting to see what others are able to tolerate.

    Love y'all XXOO


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008


    Chemopause!!! I love it! I must be in that too. I've had 6/8 treatments and no "flow" whatsoever so far. I am also 50... 


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    Day falling out in fistfuls today.  I made a "date" with my brother (the barber) to shave me on Sunday after church - I hope I'm not completely bald by then!

    My onc arranged for me to go to his office tomorrow morning to get some blood work and if my WBC is ok, the dentist is SUPPOSED to pull the tooth tomorrow.  I'll believe it when I see it.  For some reason, I think the dentist's office was just giving my onc nurse lip service.  Someone, somewhere will pull this tooth ASAP, even if I have to get my husband to pull it!

    I think I am getting another yeast infection, so they are going to give me a Rx for Diflucan.  They also said that they would give me an Rx for an antibiotic to go with the tooth pulling.

    I don't know what the trigger is, but I've gone from a perky little optomist to a tearful, meltdown wimp.  I hope I snap back out of it soon.  I've wanted to do nothing but cry since Tuesday (A/C #2)

    Once again, I am so glad that this group is here.

  • peeps1111
    peeps1111 Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2008


    Sorry you're having such a rough time.  I cried when I got off the decadron and sometimes tear up for no reason.  I'm on Diflucan too now.  So many meds I can't keep track of them.  Had a good day, just minor stomach trouble, went to get my wig styled, got my ears pierced, cooked, walked the dog on the beach.

    Feel better ladies!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Hi all.....

    I had a very good day today.  My sister came down to see me and we went shopping and she went with me to get my Neulasta shot.   I made them give it to me in my I will see if it makes a difference in the soreness.  Took my Claritan this morning too.....

    I also got a wig sister bought it.  Bless her heart she is so good to me.  I don't know what I would do without her.  So now I can at least wear my wig when I go someplace nice and want to feel womanly........I got 2 compliments on it today.........they wanted to know who cut my hair.  lol

    One lady was there to get her chemo and she said I thought it was YOUR looks so real.  After I told her it was a

    So today is my day of feeling goes downhill from here.  Or at least it did last time!  Hope this time is just may be!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Oh I wanted to ask........and any of you having problems with your B/P???  Mine was 150/102 today........I bout freaked!  It has been creeping it's way up for a few months now.  He doesn't want to put me on blood pressure meds unless it keeps staying up there.  That is a little scary.......and I'm wondering if it could be one of the chemo drugs.

    Jane.....I really hope you get straightened out sweetie.........I have a few teeth that need to be worked on.......but I'm trying to hold out until I get done with all this chemo.  

    I tell ya.......I hit 40 and my body just went to pot!!!!!!!!!!   lol

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2008

    Springtime, don't get to excited about the chemopause.  I am 51 and not yet in menopause.  My onc told me that the chemo would put me into menopause, but it may be just temporary and there is no way to know until after all the treatments are over.   


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    I never had a hot flash till I started chemo...boy, does my head get hot!!! Yell It's been 36 days since my last period... crossing fingers it's the last for awhile.

    No pain from my 2nd Neupogen shot this week. Hoping tomorrow's goes as well.

    I did get mouth sores this time. Frown

    it's almost the weekend...Smile

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Hey Peeps - sounds like you had a very productive day - got your ears pierced - what about that!

    Juli - at least it's easier to cool off your head isn't it?  I had one mouth sore too, but it went away in one day.  I'm on a ten day stretch at work so that I can have four days off starting next Thursday (3rd tx day), so the weekend is just another workday for me (waa waa waa).

    Jane - here's to a good tooth-pullin!  Hope it goes well; cry your eyes out and make your dentist feel guilty - lol.

    Genia - great news about the wig - you'll have to update your picture so that we can all see it.  Glad that you're feeling good today - maybe it will lastLaughing.  I haven't had any changes with my blood pressure, but considering the stress that comes with having BC and going through chemo, radiation, and trying to pay for it all, it's a wonder that we all haven't blown our stacks!  Take a walk, look at all the fall colors, listen to some nice calming music, heck, I'm no expert, maybe you need to punch the crap out of some pillows to release your stress. Hope you find a fix.

    Springtime - I thought that Chemopause was supposed to be one of the "perks" of chemo.  It would be a bummer to go through it now and then go through it again later!  Give us a break already!

    Y'all have a good night!

    XXOO and hopefully some good ZZZZZZZZZZs

    Donna Wink 

    PS I have no idea why the font changed halfway in the middle of my post - what's up with that? 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    LOL...Donna I thought you did that on purpose with the fonts.....kinda cool!!!! 

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi girls,

    All is well with me, I don't have chemo for another 9 days, so I am really happy and feeling good.  Just got back from flower club, so I even have lots of lovely flowers to look at.

    I have volunteered to give a talk to the 6th form girls at the British School (18 yr olds) next Tuesday about BC awarness. I am going to give them 3 messges, one: early detection saves lives, two: if you hear of anyone who has BC, assume they are going to LIVE, not die. Three: sometimes things go wrong in life, but whatever you do, Stay positive and keep chasing your dreams!  I am then going to share my story with them. I am really looking forward to it, but do you think I should wear my hat or my wig?

    Singapore Chris

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    Wow Chris! That is great! I think you should wear whichever you are most comfortable in.

    I went to visit my Thursday night tap class tonight... I haven't been able to dance since my lumpectomy on 8/12. I just wanted back a part of my life that didn't involve cancer, even if it was only for hour. Smile

  • cjh
    cjh Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2008

    Heads up girls, keep those "feminine supplies" in reach. I had chemopause for seven weeks between my surgery and then starting chemo. The doctor said I was put into menopause by both the bi lateral breast removal and chemo. Surprise, last week I got my period for eight long days.  I am 51 and really thought I was done!

    Had third AC today, feel a little tired tonight with a slight headache and craving shrimp. I think the steroids are not tweaking me out so much, have no desire this round to clean the garage and closets at 5 AM.

    Celebrating blue skies, the freedom of baldness, and all things benign this weekend.

    I like the idea of getting together virtually or really sometime in the Spring when we are finishing up treatments.  Anybody know of a really big boat we could use for a cruise? Just an idea, please share yours...distraction can be good for side effects and mood! 

  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2008

    Singapore Chris - I had a wonderful time with you yesterday. We must meet again soon. Next chemo for me on 30th Oct - you may be at the hospital then too right? Will message you before that.  You looked great in your hat. For the talk at the British school, just wear whatever you feel like wearing that morning!  Any which way, your message will reach out to the girls.

    Thanks for being so positive and full of great advice!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2008

    chis i am sure you will do great in that talk and give the girls lots of great information. I agree with the others that you just wear whatever feels right when  you get ready to go. They will feed off of you. If you wear your hat, they now that treatments are hard and have SE's but you deal and go on. They are luck to have you there to talk to them!

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2008

    Wow, I haven't checked in in a few days and there have been so many posts. Great to hear from everyone. I am glad "chemopause" was mentioned. I am 47 and got my last period before my first treatment and haven't had it since. I have had many hot flashes however. I can set my clock by them...3:30 am and I wake up in a sweat. On and off throughout the day it's either hot flashes or a chill. Ugh!!

    I have treatment #3 on Monday(TC). #2 wasn't bad. If any of you can take advantage of some complementary medicine techniques I highly recommend it. I had a reiki session during my last chemo and my side effects this past time were much less...just some overwhelming fatigue on days 3-5. I haven't tried accupuncture but would love to to see how that effects the side effects. Exercise helps too. I workout with 5 very fun women during the week. I don't know if it's the exercise or the company or the combination of the two that makes me feel better. Forgetting about cancer for an hour of the day with 5 healthy woman is very healing to me.

    My husband took me to my first treatment. He gets a little antsy so my sister took me the last time. We had such a nice time catching up with each other that she is taking me again for #3. We both look at it as forced relaxation. For those of you who go it alone because you don't want to put anyone out, think of it as a great time to catch up with someone that you haven't had time to visit with in a while. People want to help and it's something that they can do for you that makes you both feel good. Don't stress about taking up their day. They wouldn't have offered if they didn't want to do it.

    Singapore Chris...Your messages to the girls are right on. Good luck. You'll do great. Let us know how it goes.

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    I actually got up and walked yesterday morning - thanks Pottergal :)  It's raining today...

    Robin - I'm going to the Look Good class in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it. It is the same afternoon as my next tx, so I hope that works. I usually feel okay the first day or so. Can you bring someone with you, do you know? That's very cool about the applause :):)

    Tanzie - way to go commando!

    CJ, Ruth and Jane - hope you are feeling good :) Jane - your tooth! Ouch! Any update? Who else had treatments this week? Hope you all have few SEs!!

    Chris - so glad to hear from you! Sorry about your tummy. Is it feeling better?

    Sing Chris - very neat that you and Woorus met up! Speaking of side effects, has anyone had twitching eyes? Not the worst SE by far, just irritating! Good luck on your talk!

    Tamm - hope you are doing good and that your treatment went smoothly!

    Genia - how are you?

    Peeps - how's the thrush? I had that last go round and they gave me nystantin (sp?). You had to swish and then swallow. Some of the nastiest stuff I've ever had. I did the baking soda and salt rinse and used Prevention this time and didn't get it, thank God! And walking the dog on the beach sounds great! I want a beach!!

    Wink - pizza mouth is a great description. I just feel like I've burned my tongue on something. I can taste very sweet or very salty stuff, everything else is just bland tasting. And yes, shiny bald. Yesterday, as I was rubbing oil of olay on my bald head, I was thinking that someone has really missed a great marketing opportunity! There should be bald head oil of olay (to reduce wrinkles on your scalp), or a special SPF for bald heads or maybe a bald head bronzer!! You know, there probably is stuff out there on the internet, just not at my local Walmart. I'll have to google it to see :)

    Well, gotta run. Sorry for who I've missed, but you all take care and have a great day!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2008

    sue, my right eye has been twitching for two days now. I usually get this when i am stressed or overly tired so i haven't thought much about it. it will go away- eventually

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    I get the twitching eye stupid but I just deal with it and it goes away eventually.

    Sue....I'm doin ok.  Had my 2nd tx on Weds.......Neulasta yesterday.....feeling decent so far today.  Can't run any hurdles.......but I think it may be better than last time.....SE's wise anyway.  Crossing my fingers.

    I gotta tell you ladies what I woke up to at 4 in the morning!  Hubby couldn't he got back up around 2.  At 4......I woke up to go to the bathroom.......and he was sitting at his computer with his back to me.  He had SHAVED his head.......except for the hair on the crown of his head that he couldn't reach.  So there he sat......looking like one of the Harry Khrishna family (sp ck cause I know that ain't right).  He had a wad of hair on the crown of his head and the rest was bald.  I laughed SO hard I was about to pee the bed.  He just said "I DID IT FOR YOU BABY"  lmbo.  Bless his today we finished it.  He looks good.......I was surprised!!!

    Made my day......and laughing was just what I needed!

    Hope you all are doin ok.......I think my B/P is still running high today.......I have a slight headache.



  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2008

    Yeah, I just finished my last AC treatment.  Now I'm battening down the hatches as the next couple days have been getting harder each go around. 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    I HATE DENTISTS!!! I went to onc today to get cbc done b4 going to dentist.  Onc gave AOK, but dentist insists the tooth can be saved, so he will not pull it.  He told me I needed a crown.  I know that, but now is not the time for me to be getting major dental work done.  I told him I wanted it pulled.  He said that if I was leaning toward pulling it, he wanted to try to put another filling in first.  If this filling falls out, then he'll pull it.  Well, I have news for him.  If this filling falls out, he will not be pulling it - someone else will.  Then, to add insult to injury, they wanted me to pay another $76 for today's visit!  I have been so down in the dumps this week, that I didn't have the energy to argue with the girl.  I told her I would send it in next week on pay day.  I didn't tell her I already stopped payment on the first check. 

    My husband has been itching to scrap with someone, so I'm sicking him on the bookkeeper.  He can call her on Monday and tell her that we have no intention of paying one cent above what they are already being paid by the insurance company.  

    CJ - I LOVE the idea of a cruise.  I had started planning a cruise with my kids for next spring, but then I got this dx and those plans were scrapped.  We've been talking about rescheduling, but haven't gotten very far.  I think it would be absolutely AWESOME to get together for something like that.

    Last night was crash night for me.  I went to bed early.  The Neulasta pain started last night, too and is continuing today.  No appetite, which is ok, since my mouth has been numb for the last 7 hours.  I think the dentist gave me a little extra novacaine just out of spite.  

    Hope you all have a quiet weekend.

  • pottergal
    pottergal Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2008

    i had my second FEC on tuesday followed by neulasta on wed.  thanks to all for the tip about claritin. i'm not sure it helped but i did not get muscle pains.  just today i feel real lousy. slept 9 hours last night and then took a 3 hour afternoon nap. i was supposed to go out for a walk among the great fall foliage but my stomach was queasy and my gut felt lousy.  so i just stayed at home and veged out.  and yes, the mouth feels lousy-even water tastes blah.  i have found that homemade applesauce is soothing and also forzen low fat yogurt.  not very nutritious but it stays down and makes e feel as tho i am eating.  i was supposed to go out to diner tomorow night but i think that i will have to cancel.  no sense sitting down to a dinner if the food tastes like nothing.  even the company of good friends can't get over that.

    so all of you gals sleep well and have a good night's rest.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2008

    Just had my head shaved last night as it was ridiculously thin and not much left. How long does your scalp hurt - it feels like sandpaper or electric shocks on parts of it. Is that where the folicles are still dying or what? (I just made that up) anyway, it is painful and I want it to stop. I bought cute caps and scarves, but just touching my head is terrible and so I dont even want to try them on. Let me know if you xperienced the same! and how long did it last? 

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Keryl - I used a cotton hat liner that was not too offensive feeling.  I also rubbed my head with moisturizer after my bath to soothe my tender scalp.  I bought some solarcaine in thinking that I might spray it on my head to numb it if it was bothering me too much, but never used it.  I also rolled my head with a sticky tape lint roller to remove as much of the stray hair as possible.  I found that rubbing my head was soothing and it actually felt good.  Hope you find something that works for you! 

    Head tenderness started ~ day 14 post 1st tx and continued for about two weeks for me.  I still has a tendency to be tender if I wear my wig to long. 

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2008

    Susan, a lady brought her granddaughter along to the Look Good, Feel Better class here.  She didn't get a bag of makeup, but no one seemed to mind that she was there.

    I love the idea of a bald head bronzer!  My bald head is even whiter than the rest of my terribly white body.  Makes it even more scary looking. 

    My stomach has been much better the past two days.  I'm just going to continue with those anti-ulcer pills full time until this is all over.


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    Sure enough - I googled products for bald heads and found products like Bald Head Shine and Headlube.  I think these are for men though.  There was also a t-shirt site that popped up with t-shirts like 'Bald Babe', 'Don't Stare - say a prayer' etc.  My fave is 'Like a Trainwreck, thanks for Asking' LOLOL.

    Found one for chemo girls - - lotions and stuff.

    I'm up because I'm running a slight temp and am monitoring.  I'm on day 13 so I imagine my blood count is low.  I don't get the N shot, so I'm supposed to call if I get a temp


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Girls,

    I havda twitching eye for a long time before my chemo, (stress), so  I wasn't sure if it was a side effect or not. It has stopped now on FAC, so it must have been TX if anything.

    Sorry to hear that so many of you have been feeling low after you 2nd and 3rd treatments, we have to expect some SE I suppose.

    Jane, hope your tooth feels better soon whatever they decide to do to it.

    Genia, what a lovely man you have in your life, how sweet of him to shave his head.  We should count our blessings.

    I have a lovely labrador to keep me company and I just look at him and think, Gods that dogs got a lot of hair it doesn't seem fair!

    We went out to a company dinner last night, it felt a bit strange to sit talking to people who obviously had no idea I was ill, I had to tell one lady, as she was pressing me as to how many hours I spent on my coaching business. She was a bit shocked and then didn't know what to say, but I wasn't comfortable pretending I am working when I'm not. We are off to an Indian Wedding this evening, so I am looking forward to that.

    I am determined to enjoy every minute I can when I am on a rest week and feeling good.

    Take care everyone, Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Thanks Chris.......I feel very blessed to have him.

    My neulasta shot kicked my BUTT yesterday evening.  OMG it was even worse than last time.......and that is with Claritan.  I was aching and hurting so bad I wanted to cry.  I had one Loretab left from when I had my biopsy I took it and it helped so much.  I did get to sleep last night.......and so far I am feeling a little better this morning.

    Just in case no one has said this lately...........CANCER SUCKS!!!!!!!

    I just have to keep telling myself all these SE'S beat the alternative.  And with me......there was NO alternative other than death.  But it sure is HELL sometimes...........

    Love ya gals!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited October 2008

    Hi there peeps,

    I'm rolling on the floor with laughter after reading your post Tanzie..My first big laugh of the day...TY TY TY. I can't believe how much you've cheered me up today.

    My chemo office is not just  Breast Cancer patients. The patient in the chair next to me has Pancreatic Cancer and looks very sick. Her hubby was with her which made me feel better for her.  I am divorced with an ex who could give a big fat rat's butt about us, which makes me  sad for my son more than for me, and  it makes me whine a bit. I am sorry for that. NO more whines.

    I tried to post  a hello to everyone  and to post about my chemo reactions last night,  but I sent it into cyberspace:(:(

    My port was place in Radiology by a Radiation  Diagnostic MD   in Outpatient OR Wednesday morning and went beautifully. I have a Power Port. It's very small and hardly noticeable. I have trouble today with my finger placement, especially since I'm a fast partially trained to keyboard person:)  I think it's the Decadron IV drip making me jumpy. 

     The links for my port are posted below,  because I was concerned when I read that some of us were uncomfortable with our ports. I had no choice in my ports either, but I'm glad the hospital put this one in. I can sleep on my L side, my favorite sleeping side, since last night.


    I am a RN and know absolutely nothing about  Brest Cancer especially since I was an ICU/ER/Burn/HIV unit nurse and  I've been off for a while with my Rheumatoid arthritis. However, I  did get Chemo brain from Methotrexate given me for RA.  I didn't understand what happened to me when my brain left the building. My rheumy didn't know either, I think.

    Oh well, my  new Neurologist here did help me. He diagnosed me when I made my first visit. I think docs in large cities just plain see more illness. He put me on Ritalin 5 mgm twice a day to help me organize my thoughts and enable me to read  again.  I'm still not up to reading at my previous reading levels--I can't read any nursing-medical books anymore:)-- but I can read some chick lit and magazines. NO more good books for now, though I still buy   some  at the Strand or check them out from the library in hopes I will enjoy them in the future.

     He diagnosed me with Executive Brain Dysfunction related to Methotrexate. So,  NO, I am not happy at all about Chemo, but I have to do this and  I will. Besides my doc tells me  that with Triple Neg BC, I have to take everything...period. Plus, my son has Aspergers. He's off to a Sports bar tonight to watch a fight with a friend for much less than home PPV.

    I'm terrified, but dare not let him know because this is what I want for him. A  real social life with regular kids. I Thank God for his chances coming through for a social life with friends and I pray for his safety.

    I think Decadron 10 mgm IV drip over time yesterday has me on hyper-drive, so enough  of me and family for now.

    My treatment took 3.5 hours yesterday evening.

    I was hydrated with 1000 cc of fluid  prior to treatment. It was done for hydration andto check the port's patency. I feel so much better today because of that initial hydration. I could never drink a liter of anything. I think my doc hydrates his partients  because so many of his patients  look really sick and  are unable to drink period . Plus, he has a lab in his office and  monitors their blood work for dehydration.  Today one day post treatment, my post-op breast didn't turn bright red,  as it did when I left my former Oncologist--the one who complained during my entire first treatment about my Medicare plan--nor do I have an overwhelming thirst,  and  no  stomach queasiness, so far.  God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform... and it's all good.

    After the initial 1000cc of fluid I received...

    Decadron 10 mgm in a 250cc bag of fluid.

    Kytril 1 mgm in a 250cc bag of fluid.

    Cytoxan 1200 mgm in  a 500cc bag of Fluid.

    Doxarubicin 110 mgm in 250cc of fluid.

    Hope the SE remain manageable.

    hugs and more hugs and love to everyone.


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2008

    My AC takes about 3 hours.  Does anyone know how long the taxol is?