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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Aww....Chris I was so hoping you would get to go on your trip.  Bless your heart.......I hate that for you.  I'll let ya borrow some of MY white cells.......I seem to making an abundance of them lately........lolol

    I don't understand the  BRCA2 either......guess I need to go look it up!

    I went to the "Look good feel better" class last night.  Had a very good time......even tho I had to make myself go.  I still didn't feel wonderful........but figured getting out of the house would do me good.  I recommend it to was so informative and I felt like a woman again when I came outta there.

    hugsssss and hope!!!


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Genia - love your new photo; you look sooo pretty.  I'm glad that you went to the LGFB; I was on day 3 after my 1st TX and felt like major do-do; I LOVE makeup, especially good makeup, so I wasn't about to miss it.  I had a good time and met some wonderful women.  I hope that you start feeling better soon.

    I'm feeling great this week - wouldn't ya know - have my 3rd TX tomorrow!

    SingChris - I will look into the shot that you are getting.  I did check with my onc and will be getting my Neulasta shot through his office - $3200 as compared to $9200!  I just don't understand!  I'm on Taxotere and it's $22,000 a dose!  Money mouth  I know that my insurance pays for most of it - but there is a lifetime max and I don't want to meet it in just 4 months.  My total WBC went down to 1.2 and I felt pretty good; it went up to 20 with the Neulasta shot - felt pretty much the same - you'd think for $9200 I'd be feeling like the Chemo Queen (yes I know Genia - we could write a song to the tune of Abba's Dancing [still working on Silicone Girls]).

    I too find myself in denial and have to remember that it's not a river in Egypt!


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2008

    Wow ladies!  Four pages to catch up on in the time I've been MIA.

    Great big hugs to those that need them! {{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}  Whoohoos! On shrinkage!  And *boggles* on med costs!

    I've had 4 neulasta shots so far, but have yet to get any tx cost explanations from my insurance yet. :/      I've spent the morning going through all our insurance stuff.  Out of Network, In Network-- deductible verses total out of pocket.   I'm sick of it all. :/   Still, I shouldn't complain, since we do have insurance and that's a blessing.

    On another note....  *drum roll please*   I had my very last tx Monday!!   I went yesterday and had my final neulasta shot and let them pull my picc-line.   Sweet sweet freedom!   You ladies just don't know how much I have been missing being able to shower!  Dr. B changed up some of my drip nausea meds.  Took me off aloxi and put me on something else.  He also gave me zofran to take instead of the compazine (I know I'm probably spelling those wrong, but can't be bothered to look at the bottles and spell check. :p).  So far so good!   I've had none of the general queasiness I've been having to deal with the last 3 tx's.

    Also got my first 'script for Arimidex. And so begins my next several years of treatment.  :/   Zoladex and Arimidex.   I can feel my ovaries withering away as I type!

    Now that I'm 'finished', I'm finding myself feeling lost.  I've been on the BC train for over half a year. Everything has been so hard and fast!   It's sort of scary having to get off and have things return to normal, yanno?   Just gotta trust that it's all in God's hands and that we've done everything that we needed too.   I don't go back to see my onco for 6 weeks.

    I still have 1, maybe two more surgeries to go through (2 if I want nipples).   

    Even though I'm 'done' I'll still be checking in and posting on this thread, if that's okay.   You ladies are in my prayers and have been.

    Much love!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008

    Sing.Chris -

    My WBC was 1.6 on AC #3 and went down to 1.2 after Ac#4. They gave me prophylactic antibiotics. Seems my whites would dip "out of sync" with when the Neulasta shot kicked in...   I wonder if the "burst into tears" is the steroids? I noticed when on steriods I was an emotional MESS!!! I asked for something to help me with the crying jaggs and they put me on Lexipro, that helped A LOT. FYI. I was sick of bursting into tears, at the drop of a hat. Enough already! 

    Marci, hang in there. Now you know, and you can take action. Imagine if you didn't know? Listen to me, I know this whole thing stinks... But you can do it.  We are all here, too!!


  • peeps1111
    peeps1111 Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2008


    You and I have a lot in common.  I was the same way, bursting into tears, I was sure it was the decadron.  I just can't take any more meds though.  Anti-depressants cause constipation too so watch out!  Liquid dynamite, lol, maybe that's what they gave me. I'm saving it for TC3.  I'll have to look into the butt gel/paste.  Today it's diarrhea.  Went to the drug store and barely made it home. 


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2008


    Why can't I get some Diarrhea? Sheesh with the constipation already! Maybe I should sip the Liquid Dynamite! ......   Surprised     Watch out!


  • ango74
    ango74 Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2008

    What's Liquid Dynamite?  I am thinking I might need some too. lol.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008


    Fantastic news about finishing your treatment! Sounds so good to me to know that you will not be getting any of those awful feelings again.  I did find that a few of my side effect actually kicked in after I had finished on Taxotere, so don't be alarmed if you nails go brown or anything unless you were on AC.  Great that you don't have to do rads. Enjoy your life and make a plan to give you some focus, there is some kind of comfort in knowing we have a treatment plan to follow and it can be kind of scary to out there alone. Keep us posted on how the Arimadex is going as most of us will be on it later.

    I had a great sleep and am feeling good today. Bye for now  Singapore Chris

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008

    Wel, I'm back! What a week I have had! dealing with my mom was awful as she is the most non-compliant patient ever! She wouldn't take her medication as she was supposed to, wouldn't listen..... It was very frustrating! Got a phone call as I was boarding the son had a seizure at school and was being brought to the ER. I worried the entire plane ride, went straight to the hospital and have been there since with my son. Spent the first night in the ICU with him.....And I took my scarf off to lay down and then 2 doctors came in.... I decided who cared! I did not hide my bald head at all, as guess what?!? I HAVE CANCER! Get over it!

    DO NOT wear an abdominal binder when going through airport security!!! They pulled me aside and had 2 women pat me down... I kept offering to take it off.....I guess it has metal in it.  I was taken into a private room. It looks similar to when terrorists wrap themselves with bombs....

    I am premenopausal and had my period during first chemo but nothing since then. I still have supplies, just in case.

    Trying to keep up with everyone, but will need to keep reading posts. Hope everyone is Ok


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008
    FYI - found out today that the hospital was charging me for 7x 80 mg dose of Taxotere when it should have only been 2x; they did this for my first 2 treatments; $22,000 should have been ~$6000.  Make sure that you all get an itemized list from your treatment facility!  I will be having my chemo at my oncologist's office tomorrow instead of the hospital; they charge $3100 for the Taxotere.  Sorry to be boring you all with these details - but I'm angry and feel like I have been "raped" by my employer!Yell
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008 good to hear you are done with your treatments!!!  YAAY for you g/f..........

    D....I hope your son is doing better now......and you soon get a much needed break!

    Donna....just vent away hun.......that's what we are all here for!!!  God knows I've done my share lately........ugh!!!

    My vent???  I have a very SORE MOUTH.......and food tastes like crap!!!  The Dr. called in some rinse made with Maalox, benedryl and xylocaine.  I'm supposed to swallow it......but when I completely numbed my throat........lolol.........I couldn't even feel myself swallowing!!!  So the last dose.......I swished and


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Priz - other than being non-compliant, how is your mother doing?  AND, is your son doing better? How are you feeling?  You certainly have a lot on your plate!

    Tanzie - Yipee!!!!! It does seem like there is this concentrated focus on making it from one treatment to the next, kind of a goal situation.  I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!Laughing

    Springtime - you crack me up!  I agree though - I'd rather have diarrhea than constipation.  I'm armed with plenty of Boudreaux's Butt Paste and PeptoBismol!

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Why does the font change?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Donna.....your font seems to change when you use the emoticons.......not sure why!  I noticed that last time too.....wait......I'll try it!  Cool

    Now let's see what

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008
    Laughingdidn't change on the one's a mystery to me!!!
  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2008

    Genia ~~~ Hot Photo! Love the 'do! 

    I had the worst day today...I was all set to have my 3rd FAC, and my onc didn't like my heart rhythm. (I've been having some anxiety issues since tx #2). I was sent to the ER for an emergency EKG because there were some changes since my last EKG on 10/3. The EKG led to a CT scan, complete with the phlebotomists from HELL, because they had to rule out a pulmonary embolism (I'm clear)...I completely broke down when they pulled the connector out of my port while they were trying to infuse the iodine for the scan. The vampires then set off on my left arm, where they proceeded to stab me four different times in four different places before they got a successful line in. My arm is a mess. I was then sent for an echo, which will be read in the morning, and then I'll see a cardiologist, because my heart is throwing extra beats, as well as dropping them. So I have no idea when my next treatment will be...I'm so flipping frustrated and tired and feeling like my body is just falling apart since chemo started...if it's the chemo that's creating the problem, the whole thing will have to be changed around...

    someone just shoot me now... 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    Hugs to all having a rough time this week Kiss

    Donna - I already re-wrote the words to "Dancing Queen" by Abba... sing along...

    You are the Chemo Queen, bald & weak, makin' a scene
    Chemo Queen, feel the pain from your tingling feet
    You can swear, you can scream, having this crap in your life
    See that pink, hate that scene,
    Dig in the Chemo Queen...

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008

    I learned..don't talk abt NOT having a period, cuz guess what happens??!?!! I started tonight! Im sure it is due to stress (Not sure why I would be stressed....) Was able to take my son home today, no reason known for seizure. he is bummed bcs now he CANNOT drive for 3-4 months...And he just got his license last week! Not a pleasant day after learning that.

    Mom is hanging in there.She was taking her meds on HER schedule and had to have them taken away today. My brother is totally freaking out, wants to know when I'll be back... Have tx #3 on Wed and just need to see. Can't be in 2 places at once. Feel very torn....

    How do you find out abt those makeup classes? I need to look into that.

    Does anyone have itching of skin around port site? Mine always seems to.

    Tanzie-Congrats! It must seem weird, all this constant action and now what?!? Good luck -when are you having surgery? I was excited today- my foob actually jiggled for the first time and felt more real! Have to take the small steps when I can!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited October 2008

    priz47 - I have a lot of itching around my port site. The nurses seem to think it it caused by the Freeze spray. But I think it itched before they ever sprayed it.

     go to and put in your zip code and you will find a program near you.

    Good luck and hugs to you!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2008

    Hi Girls,

    priz, sorry you are having to deal with so much all at once, your brother will just have to deal with your mum for now, you have your son and yourself to look after! What a horrible shock to hear about your son, when you were far away, thank goodness he is alright now. You take care and ask for help if there is anyone close by, especially now your son can't drive for a while.

    Genia, what lovely hair, you look so cute. 

    Wink, so glad we have swapped money stories and that you have found a mistake, what a huge difference! Well done girl! I suggest you stay away from the butt paste as it seems to be making your font change!Laughing

    Theprettiestmess, sounds like you are really having a hard time with all that medical intervention, it stinks doesn it!  I can understand your frustration, sometime it seems we are treated like a science experiment and it's no joke. At least they are keeping a close eye on you,there are many chemo drugs they can use, so maybe they will change yours, keep us posted. I have my 3rd FAC on Tuesday, if my blood count rises before then, fingers crossed.

    Juli50, Dancing Queen is one of my favourite songs, so thanks for the new words, they are great. My brother is going to write a song for me, I wonder what kind of words he has in mind.

    I had fun today with my chemo friends round, including Worus from this site.  We all sat around bald without our wigs and compared stories etc. and I thought it would be fun to swap wigs, Everyone else is local (Singaporean, Malaysian, Indonesian etc) so when I tried on a black hair wig, it was hilarious as I am usually blonde, and they also tried my blonde one on, what a laugh.

    Keep smiling girls and stay strong.  Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited October 2008

    Thanks for the compliments on my "hair" lol

    It's weird when you put on a wig how it changes the way you feel......or at least with me it does.  I never really cared if I had one or not.......but once I wore one and looked in the mirror and felt like I did before cancer hit........I wanted one!!!  Just for those days when you are tired of being sick and bald.........and you want to feel normal again!

    Juli.......LOVE the words to that song......I could sing it on my Karaoke site if we had more work on it g/f.........lolol

    My port site is actually hurting today.....don't know if I slept on it wrong or what the deal is.......but it is botherning me and it hadn't been.  But the last time I had my tx they had to try 5 times to get bloodwork from it and then ended up sticking my hand.  Sure hope they didn't get it infected messing around with it that day.........grrr

    hugs to you all......and hope you have a very good day today!!!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited October 2008

    Priz -  Me too, my port itches almost all the time.

    Genia - I have problems sleeping on my port just feels like it is pulling.  I hate this thing, but I hate needles more.  They can never get my veins as they are so deep

    Well I have AC #3 today, I am now beginning to dread chemo day.  It seemed ok before, but I guess looking at the long road ahead is a little overwhelming.  One more AC to go then 10 TX

    wow  seems like such a long time.

    To all have a great nausea free day !!!!!    Thank God for Zofran !!!!

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2008

    I had some itching around my port site for the first couple of weeks.  The nurse practitioner said it was from the incision healing.  It hasn't itched since.  I don't get a freeze spray or anything, they just have me take a deep breath when they access it.


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2008

    tanzie- Congrats on your last treatment!!!! I wish you a world of blessings!!!!

    Priz- I hope you son is better and my thoughts are with you

    I was so surprised to see all the posts i had missed also. My port incision itches some but is getting better as it heals more. I go for my 3rd FEC next thursday. I have caught the cold my grandkids had and am on antibiotics for the bronchitis to try to break it up before next week. The chemopause hasn't been as bad this week..(probably shouldn't have said that)

    Singapore Chris- I'm glad the talk went well. I knew you would do great!!

    Have a great week ladies!

  • HeatherL
    HeatherL Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2008

    Got my port in yesterday am and had my 3rd FEC in the afternoon, what a long day but survived.  No nausea or vomiting yeah.  I'm a little more worried about the T next in jhearing that I have to take so much more Decadron.  I hated the wirey feeling although they did say to use my ativan liberally so go with it.  It means half way there except for still the year of Herceptin.  My port site is very itchy which I am hoping is just healing power and nothing like allergic stuff happening.

    Priz- I hope everything is alright with your son, how scary for you to be on  aplane and not being there right away.

    Tanzie-Congrats on your last treatment and yes please stay around an continue to give us support and humor.

    Good luck to everybody having treatments this week.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2008

    juli50- thanks for the website. I signed up for a clas in November at a local hospital. I hope that it is fun!

    Took my son to a few classes today. Spent the morning on the phone complaining-school for not following my phone emergency for not doing more during the ER visit which would have hopefully put off being sent to ICU...It was good to get it off my chest.

    I think the stress has caught up, as i feel very tired today. I have been in constant go-mode for the last 1 1/2 weeks. Today I went grocery shopping and was exhausted after putting them away! Trying to stay healthy and away from those who are sick. I feel like a hermit!

    And I feel like I JUST did chemo! Can I cancel or delay this one??!! Ok just joking, but wouldn't it be nice to say, not this week, maybe next week?

    Hope everyone is feeling OK.


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2008

    Looks like my Taxol will be delayed.  Break from chemo to do surgery!  Something I had been thinking of, but my oncologist said as well, I would like to have some chemo happening after the tumor has been taken out, just in case there was some residual disease there.  We will have to see if the surgeon agrees.

  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2008

    I am so behind on posts! 6cooks - I haven't had the gene test done, but was thinking I didn't need to since I don't have any family history of bc. Maybe I should rethink that - I'll ask my onco.

    Tanzie - I can't believe you're done! Congrats! Please do check in and let us know how things are going (and when that hair starts growing back!!) :)

    Love the Chemo Queen song!

    prettiest - keep us posted on the heart tests. So sorry to hear about the problems.

    Hugs to everyone who is feeling puny! Hang in there!



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2008

    Just an update: I have an appointment with a cardiologist tomorrow at 2PM for another EKG and another we'll see what he's got to say. 

    My 3rd FAC has a tenative date of next Wednesday, depending on what the cardiologist says.

    Thanks for all of the good wishes and prayers...


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited October 2008

    Juli - I guess I'll have to work on the bridge or the second verse - great job with the first!  Here's another - How about The Chemo Game as song to the tune of The Crying Game?  I think that there are some possibilities there!

    Priz, Juli, HeatherL - I don't have any itching with my port - sometime it's uncomfortable when I lay on the port side (as opposed to the starboard  Before they access my port, I get an injection of lidocaine through a very fine gauged needle - stings a little bit, I just don't want to be feeling the manipulations with the port needle.  My port is planted pretty deep; I think I'm going to ask for a 1.25 in port needle next time.

    BrandonMom - when will you be having your surgery?  I hope that everything goes well - please keep us informed.

    Genia - not only do I have chemo brain, am follicularly challenged, not-so-young-and-breastless, fuzzy minded as all get out, am one sandwich short of a picnic, but now I'm fontly challenged as well Cry oh yea, I have a bump on my butt that reminds me of it's unfortunate location every time I sit down on the toilet seatEmbarassed.  Juli - take note - these are some good subjects for the 2nd verse.

    Susan - I did not have the gene test either - is it the BRCA?  My surgeon said that because I was not of Mediterranean or Eastern European ancestry, and that there was no breast cancer in my family history - that I should not worry about having the test done.  I think that I will ask my oncologist about this.

     Priz- Honey, you need to concentrate on you and your son.  I do know that you feel torn, but there is only so much of you to go around - delegate brother as mom's caregiver - he doesn't have  BC does he?  Be honest and tell him that you desperately need him to take care of mom. You have to take care of yourownpreciousself and yourownson'spreciousself!  You'll enjoy the LGFB class.

    Trudex - I had tx #3 today of TC.  Had my treatment in the doctor's office this time and they do not have private rooms, so I sat with 4 other receiving TX - we all liked to gab, so it was fun.  There was a young man (age ~16 - 22?) that had some type of leukemia.  He was diagnosed after losing 45 lb for no reason (I would have liked to drop 45 lb prior to dx - but noooo, I have to gain 7.5 lb after starting chemo - so I forgot to add "getting poly roly, rotund, rubenesque, adipostly prospering, beached whale, wallowing hippo, Pink Elephants on Parade, fodder for the Chemo Queen song). All kidding aside, my heart really went out to this young man; his coloring looked awful, he'd been bit by a dog on his right index finger - it look swollen and bruised, and towards the end of his tx he started crying because his knees hurt badly.  I really wanted to give him a big hug be able to help him, but he was in reverse isolation, so all I could do was give him a fresh packet of tissues.  He has nine more txs to go through - God Bless him - I will be saying a prayer for him.

    Ok, just got an idea - we could start a chapter of the Sweet Potato Queens and call our veryownselfs the Sweet Chemo Tater Queens (or the Sweet Chemer Queens)!  Would be fun to dress up as such (tiara's and big red wigs and toss them around whenever the mood strike - hey, we need wigs anyway - they may as well be red).  Something to think on.  What color dresses or gowns should we sport?  How about Aqua - it kind of plays down the nice chemo flush.

    SingChris - wow, I envy you and your friends - how free it must feel to be around others going commando and laughing it up.  Love the wig exchange thing - sounds like you had a regular extravaganza - wish we all could have been there!

    Here's to everyone feeling good, well, getting better, not so bad, or not so crappy.


    Donna Wink