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Chemo in Sept 08



  • peeps1111
    peeps1111 Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2008


    Congratulations on being done!  One more for me, I haven't had a bad time at all, #3 was the easiest so far. 

    NP312:  I didn't have TAC, just TC and only 4x every 3 weeks so I refused a port.  I used to give blood all the time so I don't mind being stuck.  My sister had a port and I just didn't want one.  Tell your mom to take Claritin if she has to have a Neulasta shot on the day after the chemo.  It prevents bone pain.  I ate popsicles during my chemo but like I say, I didn't have the A.

    Good luck to your mom, kudos to you for being so supportive.


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2008

    Spring, I sooo hope you are right about tx 4, although I still haven't bounced back from 3 (like I did from 1 and 2). 

    Happy belated birthday, Tanzie!


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited November 2008

    Evening   everyone,

    Happy Birthday belated Tanzie. Please forgive my brain if I just repeated my Happy Birthday wishes. I can't remember my name  this time.

     Of course I took my Neupogen last night and forgot the Claritin. NOT good:) TY all  for the advice. I need Zorfran generic for nausea; the Kytril is not working as well this time. I called my  doctor tonight and left a message with his service. My fingers are going  really numb...Yuck. I  look forward to my last AC November 21:)

    You're all in my thoughts and prayers,


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    NP312 - Find the thread under Chemo called "Tips for getting through chemotherapy". Print it out and go shopping! It was a great help to me. Also has great eyelet scarves.

    My last AC is on 11/21, with you, Mina. I can't wait for that to be over. I haven't been able to taste for a month! It will come back, right??? Cry

    Hugs to Genia and everyone who could use one. Kiss

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Hi all,

    Had my last AC last Thurs.....boy did it kick my butt !!!  This weekend was the pits....I was so wiped out I got nothing done.  I am sooooo glad this part is done.  Three weeks off then Taxol x10

    I hope it is better than the AC.  I did the chemo pre surgery ....and my tumor is gone.  Even the Doc can't find it.  Mri is Monday, it will tell the rest of the story.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Mina - For numb fingers (Neuropathy) I got L-Glutamin from local GNC and took 10mg 3x a day, and it worked for me. I asked my Doctor, and they said there was no proof that it would work, but it was also not "contra-indicated" (would not cause harm). I figured nothing to loose. I mixed with Grape Juice (which apparently has the same good benefits as red wine, but no alcohol! )

    Trude - YAY for being done with AC. it is a butt kicker...

    Minda and Julie, NOT LONG NOW to be DONE with AC! Yay!

    Susan, I sprang back from AC 1 and 2, and three kicked my butt. 4 was better, maybe i was so excited it was OVER???  :)

    Peeps, YOU ARE WONDER WOMAN!!! You go girl. Rule it for AC 4 too!

    Genia, HUGS to you girl.... hang in there. 


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008


     If they cannot find your tumor cuz the chemo is working, do you still have to have surgery??? Just wondering!

    My doc delayed my last tx for Thanksgiving, so I will have it the week after.

    Just got my new scarfs from A... The cotton ones that I forgot their name! I went to the Look Good, Feel Good class today. It was fun! I was the guinea pig for wigs, but I think they alll looked awful on me. I did get a hand-made beanie to keep me warm!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    I had a lot of reading to catch up with everyone. Happy Birthday Tanzie! Congratulations to everyone who is finishing chemo, wonderful news! I have my last on 2nd Dec. I haven't posted for a few days as I am in my "two week, feeling great period", so can rush around (slowlySmile) and gets lots done, shop, visit with friends, go out to dinner etc.

    I had an appointment with the radiologist today to get set for that in January. It seems that there are different methods, equipment, ways of marking you, more comfortable ways to lay etc. so I check out two radiologist and choose the one that suited me best. At this point I am not interest in ANY pain, heavy markings etc.  I am looking for the best, easiest, most humane way of getting though the last phase of treatment. Studies show that the pushiest of people live longer!  Get out there and question everything girls!

    I too am feeling a bit tired, but not really surprising as I am doing quite a lot in the mornings and then resting in the afternoons. I said to my family, "who would believe I have been through 9 rounds of chemo!Kiss", and then added "oh yeah, apart from having no hair"Laughing

    I am feeling good and wishing that all of you are too, and if your not, that you will be soon.

    Take Care, Singapore Chris

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2008

    Hi All,

    I finished my last TC treatment yesterday. Yeah!!! I also haven't posted in a while since I have been feeling very good and have taken advantage of that by traveling to visit kids and visiting with friends. I'm hoping this one doesn't kick me in the butt. For some reason the doctor doesn't think I need the neulasta shot this time. My first go round I didn't have it and my white count/neutrophils plummeted I ended up on antibiotics and quarantined at home and I had horrible mouth sores and thrush. The last two I had the shot and had no bone or joint pain from the neulasta  either. I have to decide if I want to push for this some more or just be super careful next week. I am noticing some new fuzz on my head. A woman I ran into at the hospital yesterday recommended nioxin shampoo. She was 6 months out from chemo and already had had 2 haircuts. I'm off to the store to get it today. Anybody else try this?

    I know many people have posted about what scarves they like. I live in my Anokhi scarves, the square ones. They are very reasonably priced and are beautiful. I have a wig but honestly I have only worn it 4 times. The scarves are more in my comfort range.

    I also had the numbness/tingling in my fingers and soles of my feet after my 3rd treatment. I started taking vitamin B6...good for neuropathy...and don't know if it's in my head or the vitamin but it has resolved. 

    Congratulations on all who are finishing up this week and good luck to those having a treatment this week. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    GOOD FOR YOUR SPRING!!!  YAAAAY doin the happy dance........LaughingLaughingLaughing

    Congrats on your last tx!!!!  I'm so happy for you.......big hugs!  

    Np312....if I had it to do over again I would rather have a pic line.  I hate this port......I love it when it's time for tx......but it has been a pain in the butt for me.  Been infected 3 different times......on anitibiotics again for an infection in it.  The Dr. agrees my body has never accepted it being there.......but I only have 3 more tx's to I need to try and keep it in there for a little while longer!   It has been a blessing when it comes to my tx.  But trying to put up with it the rest of the time is hard.

    Hugsss and love to you all.....I'm feeling a lot better today!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Congrats to you too Lili......we must have been typing at the same time!!!!  ANYONE who makes it through their tx's deserve a big round of applause! 

    So if I missed anyone.........WOOHOO.....YAAAAAY.......YIPPIE!!!!!  Glad you are finished!

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2008

    np312, you might want to take a look at the thread about Ports, Piccs, or Pokes.  There's a pretty good discussion on there about what different people prefer.  

    I have a port, and have had no trouble with it at all.  It does take a small surgery to put it in, and another later to remove it, but the surgery is not bad and the scar very small.  But, it's all under the skin and no restrictions or care of it needed.  

    Along with the headcovers site, tlc has some nice hats and things.  Our local cancer center has a Bloom shop also with very nice things.


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2008

    Lili - how many mg of B6 are you taking? 



  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2008

    Lili - if you are going to push for the Nulasta remember that it has to be given between 24 - 48 hrs after tx.

    priz - how do you like your Anokhi scarves? I love mine, although I've been using them to wrap around my neck for warmth along with a coat.

    Question to all:  My last treatment is this Thursday and I see my onc also.  I want to ask him about a steriod taper hoping to not have a severe crash two days post chemo.  Has anyone tried this?  Is it decadron?  Do you notice a difference?


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Donna.......I would be curious to know if the steroid taper works better!   I have an rx of decadron and I could do that.....if it worked!

    That crashin is for the birds........and I think that's why the majority of us get soooo sick!  

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2008
    Genia - that's what my onc's nurse told me last time - it was the IV decadron wearing off that caused the crash.  It bothers me that they did not offer me a steroid taper.  Why suffer when you don't have to! Yell
  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2008

    Several of the women on the topic "Anyone Just on Taxotere & Cytoxan" have talked about the dosage of the taper, I'll have to go back and see what they say.

    Here's what Lani posted "I asked for a taper after tx 2 because I had such a total crash after stopping the steroids. It really helped a lot. I had 2 mg twice a day the day after (with decadron in the infusion of day 1), then 2 mg in the morning for the next 3 days, then a half pill (1 mg) the next 3 days. Much much better. People seem to vary quite a bit in their response to decadron, but the taper sure helped me and a few other people on this thread."

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008


    I have a whole rx of decadron......and I am willing to try anything to not feel like I do on day 3 of my chemo.  They are 2mg pills.  I'll be the guinea   He put me on them last time the day before my chemo.....and the day after.  For swelling.......but I forgot to take them this time.  So I still have them and I didn't swell.  

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited November 2008


    Claritin did help me last night! YEAH!

     I'm  much  more nauseous since I took  the Neupogen Sunday night. Here's hoping I get help  with that  situation before tomorrow. TY so much Springtime and Lilli for the neuropathy hints:) I'm going to pick up one of them at CVS in a minute:)

     Thanks to  Wink and Genia and everyone who mentioned  Decadron taper. I have taken Decadron with  taper   and Prednisone with taper as prescribed:  I will ask my MD if   a taper is feasible with chemotherapy. I'm worried about Decadron's influence on my blood sugars, but he assured me that intermittent IV  pushes are not as problematic as every day administration.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Priz -I  had a friend who had a "complete response" to chemo, that is, they did the MRI after and saw NOTHING! She did have a "lumpectomy" though, and will follow with RADs. I don't know how they know where to cut out the "lump" since it is gone??? Maybe they use an old MRI? no idea!

    Chris - Good for you on RADs shopping!!! YOU Go Girl! 

    Genia, glad you are back. I hate my port too, it just bugs the heck out of me, but no infections even. I'll have it out with surgery 12/2. That is one good thing, this thing will be OUT OF MY BODY! Yay!  I even asked them if I could have it out and just use my veins. Ugh.

    Lili, push for the Neulasta stuff. It was a real paing for me to be house-bound and on antibiotics!  

    I am STILL DOING THE HAPPY DANCE! Still so HAPPY to be done with chemo, and the SE's from yesterday's treatment have not kicked in yet.  Laughing   Laughing   Laughing   Laughing 
    That will happen tomorrow - Sunday. But oh well, then it will be OVER.


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008

    It is so good to see many of us finishing up! I can't wait! I did hear abt the Nioxin shampoo and plan to try it AFTER my LAST chemo on Dec. 3rd. I figure it can't hurt!  I do like my new scarfs. Today I went commando at the airport to pick my Dad up. I wanted to get him at the gate, so I figured it was time to take advantage of my cancer! They let me through with no problem!

    I also like my port and have had no problems except the initial colapsed lung. I am glad to have it especially for blood draws as they always have problems drawing my blood. I see my BS in Jan and will have it out then.

    I am nervous abt then starting tamoxifen and whatever else. Heard of bad SE. Any one else nervous??


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    I had my Neulasta shot yesterday and I feel like crap today.  It started at 4 AM this morning; it hit out of the blue.  Dd and I went to LGFB today.  I liked it.  The makeup was very nice. I was the only one willing to take my wig off, so I got to be the model.  I liked the way she did the t-shirt turban; I'm going to have to try it.  Then dd and I did a little shopping, had lunch and came home.  I'm whupped.  I forgot to take the Claritin yesterday before the Neulasta and I took one this am, but I don't think it worked. 

    This too shall pass, right?

  • PEnTE
    PEnTE Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2008


    I'm Patti's (PEnTE) husband, first of all I wanted to apologize for posting on here with all of you ladies but I wanted to find out about the Neulasta shot symptoms my wife is having.  She had her first Neulasta shot after her 2nd AC treatment and it really took a toll on her with the body aches for approximately 2 and a half days and then the body aches moved to the head.  She will be going back in tomorrow for her 2nd Neulasta shot tomorrow and was advised to take 1 claritan and 2 tylenol prior to coming in for the shot.  Is there any other medication that has helped you with the aches and pains associated with the shot?  Thank you in advance for your help!    

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008

    Make sure she takes Claritan the day of and for 3 days after. If she skips, whoa! I learned the hard way. It hurt to have my shirt touch my shoulders! I took Ibuprofen and Tylenol and that helped. i made sure to take the tylenol every 4 hours and the ibuproen every 6 hours. i also soaked in the hot tub and that helped.


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2008

    Hey Patti's husband. :) 

    Please don't apologize.  You are obviously a husband that loves his wife, is concerned, and looking for answers.  I had Neulasta after every AC and suffered through some rough aches myself.  Mostly the base of my spine and the base of my skull!    The only advice I have heard on here is exactly what you have mentioned.  Claritin seems to be your best bet.  It seems to have really helped some of the ladies here with SE's.   Sorry I can't offer anything different.

    Girls--  I got the best surprise today!   My mom drove up on her day off and along with my hubby, who also took the day-- totally helped clean my house!   It is so wonderful to have everything shining and smelling so good!    Since my double mast and then chemo,  I had been doing what I could when I could, but things just slowly started piling up, yanno?   Now I am back at square one!  Floors scrubbed, tiles scrubbed, all the baseboards wiped down, windows cleaned inside and out!     It's amazing how good 'clean' can make you feel. :)

    Much love to ya all!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Lei - What a great surprise! Lucky you!

    my 2 cents on my port... I am greatful for my port. I have terrible veins. My port itched at the beginning, but not any more. It's a good thing I like it, because I will have it for a year for the Herceptin!

    On Neulasta... I've never had it. I get Neupogen instead. I take Claritin and tylenol and have very little discomfort.

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2008

    Susan-I'm taking 200 mg. B6 once a day. It seems to be helping. No tingling or numbness lately.

    Springtime-I've been giving myself the neulasta shot and for some reason it didn't arrive yesterday. Not sure if it's an insurance issue or what but will call in the morning and run to the doctor's office inside my 48 hour window if I can. If not, I'll just have to chill out with some movies and books next week. CONGRATULATIONS to you on your last treatment! I'm doing the happy dance with you. 

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Priz, not sure yet, I will have an Mri on Monday, then see my surgeon.  We decided to flip the order and do chemo first, then surger, but now that it's gone, not sure what she will say.  Since I am basically a triple neg, I may still have a mastectomy.  The surgeon I am seeing is well written and from Stanford.  She works closely with the Susan Love Foundation and research project.  So I will see what she says.  I am excited to meet with her next week .....Will let you know

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2008


    Well, I'm going on 3 and a half weeks out from my last tx,and I'm noticing that my eyebrows have started going!  Big time-- my lashes are thinning too.  :/   I've got this sickly catepillar fuzz on my head, (probably leftovers from before treatment)  but I thought my brows and lashes had escaped unscathed!

    I guess I was wrong. :/   *sigh*  Cancer sucks.

    Much love,


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2008

    Lei, that does suck!  My eyebrows/lashes have thinned, but I still have something to work with.  My last tx is tomorrow; I'll have to keep a look out for falling brows/lashes.