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Chemo in Sept 08



  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2008

    Hey all - I'm back to feeling human again.  The weekend was rough - ok, and Monday too - but then Tuesday I woke up at 3:30 am and felt amazing.  I got up and worked for 2 hours - took a nap - then was up with crazy energy til 11pm - had to take a ambien to get some sleep.  It was the weirdest thing, and totally different from the other 2 tx.  I would have sworn someone had slipped me an upper.  Typically I feel a little better each day and the fatigue slowly goes I'm a little more normal on the energy level.  Chemo does make you appreciate the bad days.  On the mental front - I play a lot of free cell when I'm working and am fairly consistent on my stats.  This past weekend all stats plummeted - clearly the brain function wasn't going so seems a little better...sigh. 

    Lei, that is awesome that they came and cleaned - I love it when people figure out the perfect surprise! 

    As to the port - it is a love hate relationship.  Lately mine has irritated me - I only have one more tx and I'm ready not to feel a little box in my boob everytime I roll over.  It doesn't hurt and makes the tx easy.  On an odd note, they don't use it to draw blood - only for chemo.  If I had it to do over, I probably wouldn't have gotten it since I only had 4x.  I was concerned that with one arm on the taboo list for any shots/blood draws due to concerns of lymphodema - if chemo damaged the veins in my one good arm, I would be in a lifetime of frustration.  They used an old biopsy scar for the insert, so that part didn't matter. 

    My 87 yr old mother has decided to fly out for my last tx and help.  It will be dh will have 2 people shuffling around muttering - I kind of feel sorry for him.  I'm planning to hide the video camera so he can't blackmail me later.

    Chris - I didn't realize the rads had so many choices...I meet with my doc in early December and am ready to get on to that phase. 

    I love the commando in the airport...I don't know if any of you watch amazing race, but it reminds me of the ever-present pair of bimbos who use their looks to get what they want...yes, call me a cancer bimbo....

    best to all,


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Hi all,

    My eyebrows and lashes are getting sparse too. I have purchased one of those eye brow "drawer innner" things, where you place this like plastic outline of a brow where your eyebrow should be and pat on some powder type stuff with a brush. I started using it so I would not forget where my brows are! ha! It actually looks pretty good. But I still have some brows left...

    Wink! Tanzie! Maybe we will be browless and without lashes, but at least not alone!!  

    Lili - let us know what you find out about your shot! There is some "window" thing for that... (you are a brave woman!!!) Well I guess we all are to make it through all this!!

    Lei, WOW!!!! We are glad ! A clean tidy house can make for a clear and serene mind and spirit!

    I am still okay from last Chemo Monday. Tonight I should get wiped out, then I'll be achy and sore through Sunday. OH WELL. Still dong the happy dance!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Sounds like I'm gonna be all alone with my chemo.......cause you all are gonna be finshed.  :(

    I still have 3 more to least I'm to the top of the mountain........and will be goin down the other side my nex tx!    Gotta keep tellin myself this........or I would park my big behind at home and not finish them!   I swear it's like mystery chemo.........ya never know how you're gonna feel!!! 

    Or was that LIFE and something about

    Glad everyone is doin ok right now......big hugs!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008


    Genia is quoting Forset Gump for chemo!!!  LOL. You're coming down the mountain now, Genia!

    (OR was that - she'll be comin' round the mountain, when she comes?)

    Spring...   Laughing

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2008

    Aww don't feel abandoned, Genia!   I know that I for one- plan on keeping this thread active for a while to come.   I've noticed that there are several 'older' "Chemo in __" threads that are still kicking fairly strongly.    They are probably using their threads to keep in touch, ect-- not just to discuss treatments per se.

    BTW:  Love me some Forrest. :)



  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2008

    JUST want to THANK all of you for help and tips/suggestions.

    My mom will be taking Neupogen shots starting day 3 & will continue for 8 days. Are there any SE's from Neupogen?????    Is there anything we can do to lessen it???

    I will check out the thread for ports, picc, or pokes.

  • np312
    np312 Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2008
    Where is the thread for ports, picc or pokes - i cannot find itFrown
  • HeatherL
    HeatherL Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2008

    I am not finished yet either.  I know I don't post very often but I read every day and enjoy all your stories, and comments and suggestions.  Just finished #4 today, first one of the new drug Taxatere and so far so good.  I hear that days 2-4 when your coming down from Decadron can be really rough with body and bone aches and pains but we'll see.  Then next treatment I also start Herceptin drug for the year, so sometimes I feel like this is never going to be over.  But they say Herceptin in nothing compared to chemo.  I'm so glad some of you guys are finished but do please keep this thread going and all the funny stories for us who have more to go.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Heather - I will be here a looooooong time. LOL  - I have one more AC, then 12 weekly Taxol + Herceptin for 1 year.

    np312 - I looked for that port thread... couldn't find it either. Frown Neupogen shots aren't too bad for me. Just make sure she takes a Claritin and tylenol every day for the week she is having them.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2008

    Genia, honey.. you're so not alone... I have twelve treatments left... I got word today from my onc that she's eliminating my last FAC and I get to head straight into Taxol on Wednesday. I'm still here with you!

    I'm still dealing with cardiac issues, and now it looks like I'll have to have my port removed because when the tail was shortened, it was shortened just enough to make it suck up to the side of my vein, rendering it useless for blood draws. It's imperative that they get a draw from it because I've been dealing with fevers since I left the hospital, and they can't tell if the port is infected. I'm on Levaquin for the next five days, and I'm heading downstate tomorrow for an electrophysiological consult to find out what's making my heart go haywire.

    I swear... all I want to do is to get back to the simple things.. like ONLY having cancer and going through chemo.


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    Genia (and all)

    I'm still here, too.  I still have 1 more AC to go before I go on to the Taxol and then rads.  We'll be together all through the holidays!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Robin I'm sorry you have to go through all this sweetie........hope they don't find anything wrong with your heart!

    Thanks for reminding me I'm not's hard to remember where everyone is with their tx!!!  

    It might not be a bad idea to include that in our signature.   With chemo brain I can't remember nothin anymore........ :(

    love to all......genia

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Well, I had the best surpise today.....when I got to work, there was a coupon on my desk telling me I had won a free afternoon of house cleaning !!!!   A couple of girls from my office took my key and left at 1:00....when I got home, they were mopping, dusting and vacuming !!!  What a blessing.  Every time I start the pity party, I need to remember how many people care about me. 

    A great day !!!  Still have my 10 TX treatments.....but I will get thru it.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2008

    np312, I just bumped the Ports, Piccs or Pokes thread to the top of the list.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    I think we should take this group into Rads (for those who will have it) and hormones (if any body will have those drugs!)

    And Hair growing BACK? 

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi girls,

    I am doing well and partying all week, (but resting in the afternoons) I am off to have lunch with 6 other chemo friends here in Singapore including Woorus, we are all experimenting with alternative therapies at the moment. I went to a Reiki talk last night, which was very good and they said Reiki help boost white blood cells and helps with chemo side effects in general.  Will let you know if it works when I have my next round of FAC and some Reiki. I have already heard about music therapy and will get more info today.

    I have a makeover two days ago at Clarins and had to take off my hat, but as I have 1/2 inch of hair I felt O.K.  I also plucked up the courage to have a manicure and pedicure, this was a big deal as I stopped having them in July due to the state of my toes and finger nails. Anyway despite having some seriously dead and ugly nails, I managed to go and felt fine, I warned the girls doing it that I was on some very strong medication that was killing the nails, but they are growing out so well, it will only be a month or so and they will be back to normal.

    I almost went out for dinner commando, but can't quite do it.  Any day now, if only this hair would grow faster! 

    Has anyone had a very sore arm along the veins where the IV goes in?  The last round really was quite painful for two weeks. I am worried that my veins will not hold out for the last treatment, part A and B.  I am also going to be on Tamoxafine and have heard some stories about bad side effects, but have also heard lots of good ones too.  Let's worry about that when it comes along.  First I have rads to go. I am in favour of staying in the group while we go through that too, what do you ladies think?  If we stay in this thread, we can let you girls know what might be coming, and still support everyone who is continue on chemo and keep in touch.

    Good luck to everyone who might loose their eyebrows/lashes after the chemo! It stinks, but it happened to me and they grew back really fast!

    Take care everyone. Singapore Chris

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008

    I want someone to come clean my house! My energy is just non-existant! I went to the GYN today and then grocery shopping and came home exhausted! My doc ordered a mamo for my good breast as their is a lump. I am hoping it is scar tissue from my reduction and am trying not to worry. I vote to stay together and continue our group!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Ya'll better not leave me.........I have my address list and I'll hunt ya down........bwahahahahaha!!!! 


    I've gotten so used to you all being here......don't wanna lose any of you.  How bout we stick together til the last one is finished........???  I don't have anyplace else to go.....and if I can help anyone out.......I'm there!!!!

    nite hugssssss

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008
    I went to the Look Good, Feel Better class tonight. Only one other girl there and she has brain cancer. Made me appreciate where my cancer is. Undecided
  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2008

    FYI  I thought about 2/3's of my eyebrows had fallen out and was trying pencils and powders.  I bought an Allmay product that is like a brow mascara.  Lo and Behold, most of my eyebrows are still intact but are sort of clear.  I lightly brush on the brow-scara and they reappear like magic.  Very easy and not messy at all, doesn't get on the skin.

    I had my first fingernail lift today and looks like several more are going to follow.  I just bought some flesh colored tape that my pharmacist recommended and I'm going to tape them down so they don't tear off.

     Amazingly, I had some thinning of my eyelashes after treatment 2 or 3  but I just finished #4 last week and I seem to have gotten most of them back.

    My hair is so funny.  I have a short dark stubble and about 1% of the hairs are white and about an inch long, apparently leftover from the originial shave in September. 

    My pharmacist recommended something for my nails but I'm too lazy to get up and look at the box.  I think it was called Biotin.  Must be some kind of vitamin or supplement.

    I hate how chemo has aged my face.  Anybody notice these changes?  I know my skin is much drier but it has really lost it's elasticity and wrinkles are way more predominant.  Now that's just not fair!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Iowagirl, don't worry about your skin, it will return to normal, when the treatment is over.  I have been moisturing mine like crazy since March and it is dry, but no added wrinkles.

    Genia, I am with you, let's stay together until the last of us is over our treatment, we will then have a virtual party.  Everyone could have a glass of champagne at the same time all over the world and then post a picture the next day! You are very welcome to come and hunt me down, but it's a long way!

    I will also be toasting you all on Christmas and New Year's day, and sending you all good vibes for the new year, so make sure you collect them!

    Priz47, I wish I could come and clean your house, and don't worry about the mamogram I am sure all will be well, no point in worrying about something that probably doesn't exist! If the thought tries to get into your head, be ready with a wonderful memory to replace it!

    Juli, Brain cancer, very scary!

    I have just found another way to feel good, eat some chocolate buttons!Kiss

    Take care girls, Singapore Chris

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Genia, you crack me up with the "bwahahahahaha"!!!!

    Julie, brain cancer, Yep, thanks for reminding us. I have thought similar things when seeing children in the treatment center getting chemo.... 

    I am feeling achy and sore from my last Taxol, but I know this will be over by next Monday. My "hair" has like peach fuzz coming in, but it looks transparent, like white! But at least it's somethng! My nail beds still look good, I think I dodged that bullet...

    OK, confession: I hired somebody to clean my house! (every other week!)  :O

    I am also taking free Yoga classes at the treatment center, and it feels SO SO SO SO so good. (I should compare to Chris' bon bon idea, yoga, bonbons, yoga, bonbons....)


  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2008

    This is definitely a good type of cancer - comparative to having to choose one...ok, I hate cancer and it's horrid gnarly tentacles that creep all over our lives, but when I look at the choices, this is good.  When I was having some of my harder days (especially during the diagnosis phase) I would play the "this is better than" game - and losing a limb, wheel chair bound, losing my sight - somehow it helped me get to the "I'm so blessed" game - I have double insurance coverage, great husband, fabulous work support, 3 dogs that demand excercise....

    Definitely will be drinking a glass to all of us at the end - and maybe posting a new pic from some fabulous beach with a cabana boy waiting with a refill. 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Juli I agree.....this could be far worse.......I feel blessed at times to just have breast cancer!!!  Sad......but true!

    Ruth.....the cabano boy made me laugh hysterically.  I'll have one too......lolol

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008
    1. I want a cabana boy too! I love that idea! We will always have each other! Going through this together has been such a help! And yes, things could be worse (some days its hard to remember that!)


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2008

    I want a Cabana Boy to clean, cook, wash, & iron...too much to wish for?  Hey, that would be a great gift to help me celebrate my finishing chemo today!  YAY ME!!!!  HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY Doing the Happy Dance (webcams off girls - I dance like Elaine on Seinfeld).  I'm in this for the long haul with the rest of y'all.  I'm still working on additional verses to Juli's Chemo Queen (got 2 so far).



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    LOLOL....Donna you are hilarious woman!!!!  Webcam

    CONGRATULATIONS sweetie.......I'm so happy for you!   I swear I almost get as excited when one of you are done with your treatments as if it were ME.....I sit here with tears in my eyes when I read it!!!! they are rolling down my cheeks!  

    Not sure what I would do if something happened to any of you.......ok........gotta change the subject now!!!!!!!!  I'm in a full fledged cry.......lolol

    hugssssssss and love to you all

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Genia    Don't worry I have 10 TX treatments.  I won't be done untill end of Feb.....if nothing slows it down.  I feel soooooo happy when another one of us is done.....just wait till we all finish and are all cancer free !!!!!   Party time then.....I am holding on to a bottle of Gentleman Jack (yes, whiskey)   for after I am done.   I also have one really good bottle of wine.  I told my hubby, I want to go for a good lobster dinner when I am done, and my taste buds get back to normal...As my doc said, just chalk it up to a bad will be over before you know it

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    genia i'm still here for a while too. I have three taxotere txs left, first one next Thursday. Will be first of the year before i have to start the rads..

    I also am glad to have a port- i have some discomfort from time to time but am so glad when it comes time for treatment. No problem to access it and no pain at all.

    Heather- good to see you post. Hope the taxotere is good to ya. I am waiting to see how it goes for me next week.

    Hope everybody has a good weekend.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Donna - Way to go! Congrats on finishing chemooooooooo!

    Springtime - me too... my boss was cutting back her housecleaner to every other week, so I asked her to come to my house and clean (just the downstairs, but that is better than nothing!).

    ok, let's all meet at the beach with the cabana boy...where exactly would that be, Ruth?

    Anyone here know if 12 weekly Taxols have less SE's than 4 Taxols every 3 weeks?