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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2008 are a girl after my own heart! I also have a beautiful bottle of Gentleman Jack that whispers sweet nothings into my ear about getting together for a little sip when this is all over! 

    My port has to come out...hurrah? My onc thinks that it might be infected, and since we can't get a draw out of it because it's stuck against the wall of the vein, she wants it out. That'll happen in a week or so. I'm not a candidate for a picc line, so the remainder of my treatments will have to be in my poor arm.

    I have a tenative date for the heart surgery of Jan 5, unless something opens up before then, or I override my medication (which he thinks I will soon), and in that case, I have to call him, and then drive two hours to the ER in Grand Rapids so they can do the ablation as an inpatient.

    I've been talking with my nurses at the cancer center, and they told me that I won't have to take Emend or any nausea meds, that I may feel slightly achey, and that it's doubtful that I'd lose my nails. It's a long infusion, though...3 1/2 hours just for the Taxol, not including the pre-meds.  

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Prettiestmess, I will be thinking of you on 5th Jan as I have my rads marking that day. Just for your information I had 6 rounds of Taxotere every three weeks and I DID get the 3 day Emend and had all the usual anti nausea meds in my IV, so you might light to discuss it with or oncol again. consequently I didn't have any nauseas at all.

    Juli50, I know a few people who have had Taxol weekly for 12 weeks, their side effect were mch less than mine, and I had it every 3 weeks. Unless of course they are doing dose dense.  I hope you keep your nails tool.  Mine are growing back nicely now.

    Donna, Congratulations on finishing Chemo, fantastic news, and I like the new hair look!

    Have a good weekend everyone, Genia you take care, everyone here will be a long long term survivor!

    Singapore Chris

  • Tamm36
    Tamm36 Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    I say it on everypost I may not post alot but I do read daily and the informationand laughs and tears I get from here is such a tremendous help to me so please keep it going Smile  I finished the DD A/C and I had my first of twelve weekly taxol treatments yesterday and I hate to even say or think it, but I am feeling ok.  I no longer have the Emend or the nuelasta shot but I did have decadron, benedryl and tagamet throught the IV and still have to take compazine, zofron and the decadron for the next three days.  So far so good though!  The nutritionist came by yesterday and suggested I stay away from soy products because there is research showing it feeds cancer cells?  Has anyone heard of this?  Also along w that she said I should take vitamin D3, a multi vitamin and the Glucamine.  Has anyone been doing this?  Also I was told no green tea because it protects the good cells along w the cancer cells?  I never thought what I was eating or drinking had such an impact on cancer?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Donna = DONE!!! Yippe!!! Doing the happy dance!

    Genia - here is a virtual tissue:   [  ]      Kiss    Kiss     Kiss

    Juli, I heard that they split the Taxol up in to smaller doses over 12, than 4 taxols (with bigger doses). To me, that feels like the symptoms would be less? But then again, you get it every week. PICK YOUR POISON!!! LOL  I had 4 every 2 weeks and would/do feel somewhat achy/sore nights of day 3 through day 7. But it is not so bad, really, for me. 

    BettysGirl - I will have rads too, it sounds like (all depends on pathology!) in the new year. 

    Trude and all - I have given up on alcohol during treatment, even wine, nada, zip, zero. I was wondering if I should just give it up, period. Has anybody considered this, or am I going overboard? I never drank very much, but did like a nice glass of  wine once in a while. I just wonder, you know what they always say about cancer and alcohol....    Somebody talk me down? Or should I stay up there??



  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2008

    Donna--  Whoohoo!  Isn't it wonderful?  Congrats girl. :)

     Sign me up for a cabana boy as well.... I will love him, and hug him, and pet him... and call him George! ;)

    Genia--  I've been prone to waterworks myself.  {{HUGS}}

    Chris, Juli, and Donna-- love the new pics.

    Here is a question for all of ya'll--    What will you  be doing to celebrate the end of treatment?

    My family and I will be going to Disney. Whoot!

     Much love,


  • Sue508
    Sue508 Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2008

    Hi girls,

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Question - what are your plans for Thanksgiving, especially if that's the time period when your WBC will be low (my case)?  Are you planning on avoiding big family gatherings?  I don't know what I'm going to do yet.  If I feel this time like I did last, it won't even be an option.

    I will miss going shopping on the Friday after.  It's been a tradition w/ my mom, sis and SIL to go.  I think I'll be doing most of my shopping online this year.

    Congrats to those who have finished up and hang in there to those who have more.  My last tx is this Monday and then rads and tamoxifin are in my future.  Don't know yet when I'll start rads.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008

    Wow! I never thought abt what to do to celebrate end of chemo! Now I need t think of a good trip for me and my husband. What are others planning?


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    For the end of chemo we are going to New Orleans for my matectomies and reconstruction!! then RADs when I recover.

    But this is a good thread. One day, even I will be done with all this hoooey! Besides the cabana boy, (he he he) I am thinking a trip is good. .....

    Hmmmm Thinking cap on....

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2008

    Ok, girls... do not laugh at me.....I just set up my Christmas tree.

    I opted for a white tree this year, decked out in bright daughter and I need something fun to look at! My bald head just isn't cutting it anymore! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Wow!!! Christmas!!! Yay!!!

  • rseaw22
    rseaw22 Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2008

    Okay, first and most importantly, cabana boy clarification.  Cabana boy does NOT do housework - he is only available for beach or pool settings and his primary function is to look hot (not smell hot) and to bring tropical beverages.  I cannot share my cabana boy, because he is MINE.  Get your own.  (and if you decide he can do housework, don't let him talk to mine or you'll regret it).  The beach has yet to be identified - I'm working on narrowing that down...too bad Ireland has no good hot beaches, cuz an irish accented cabana boy would be way cool.

    Secondly, regarding Soy - I was told that soy in tofu, edame, etc was fine - but not in concentrated powder type form - which I believe also includes milk.  On the strange front, regarding green tea - the recent news is that pesticides are used heavily in growing it, so the bigger question is does the bad outweigh the good.  I take a multi, vit C, and selenium...

     Third, regarding alcohol - I also drink rarely, and am not drinking now...but don't plan on totally giving it up.  Sugar is a major food for cancer - and mixed drinks are heavier in sugar - (which is why cabana boy makes mine with fresh fruit juice) but life has to have rewards and moments where rules aren't prison bars.  I am trying to improve my habits while still enjoying my life. 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Well HECK I'm DOOMED!!!  Cause sugar is a staple in my diet.....lolol 

    I LOVE sweets......I mean LOVVVVVVVE sweets!  Can't give em up......I've tried.  The way I look at it......I could give them up and get hit by a car the next day........what a waste!!!  lolol

    I have given up the alcohol....for what that's worth now that I am putting my body in sugar overload!  Heck I might as well crack open a cold one and just DO IT RIGHT!

    I suddenly feel my cancer growing in leaps and bounds........UGH

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Genia - me too... it's hard to give up sugar when you're a chocoholic Undecided. And right now the only two things I drink that taste good are chocolate milk and orange smoothies.

    Lei - Thanks, the pic was taken at the adoption ceremony.

    Ruth - Miss stingy! Ok, I'll get my own cabana boy! LOL

    Susan - We celebrate Thanksgiving at my sister's. There will be 10 adults and 3 kids (ages 9, 12 and 15). No one is allowed to come if they have a cold. My mom has had a lung disease called Bronchiactasis for several years, so everyone knows not to show up if they are contagious.

    Since I will be having Herceptin infusions for a year, I won't be able to celebrate till Dec 2009. Frown

    I put up my xmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. I think I will need help from my boys this year.

    Have a good weekend! Hugs to all!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    I am dieing with laughter about Ruth and the Cabana Boy job description, possible location, and list of rules for friends!!!!! LOL LOL  Laughing   OK Ruth, give it up, where are you finding these cabana boys (see, you've now gone to having more than one.... What would a group of cabana boys be called anyway? Pack, no. Flock, no. A cuddle of cabana boys? Hmmm)

    OK, so if I give up processed sugar, (and I mostly have, I mostly just use honey now and "sugar in the raw" if I need it in something) then maybe once in a while I can have a glass of red wine. Maybe, I am thinking... 

    I was drinking green tea, and then realized, maybe it is protecting the cancer? Now pesticides!!! Ahhhck! 

    Ruth, what are the benefits of Selenium? I am taking Multi, 2 Calciums with Vit D. (This is all the onc wanted me to take! no fish oil, no baby asprin, no anything else!!!)

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008

    I was told no Vit C or fish oil, flaxseed, etc until chemo was over. These promote cell growth, all cells, including cancer cells. I have been bad and not taken recommended multi or iron.....

    Maybe my cabana boy can bring my vitamins with my drink. HMMMM........

    My onc said I could have a glass of wine after my mom died. And I did and I enjoyed it!


  • Imasurvivor
    Imasurvivor Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2008

    My Dr. told me no soy because I am ER+.

    I had my radiation appointment yesterday and went back this A.M. and got my marking tattoos done.  I could start as early as Dec. 1 but am going on an end of chemo victory trip to Toronto the day after Thanksgiving to celebrate with one of my closest friends.  I will start rads on 12/8 when I get back.  I am dreading the 45 mile daily roundtrip for TX and the schedule juggling as I am self-employed.  I had someone hired to help me out but she had a melt-down last week and mixed pain pills and alcohol and had to be hospitalized.  I couldn't deal with her drama on top of my illness so even tho she is a good friend I had to step back from the situation.  Now it looks like I will be getting up super early and taking the first rad appointment of the day so I can open shop as close to my normal time as possible.

    I am so thrilled to be done with chemo.  For those of you who have some left, please hang in there.  You, too, will be celebrating soon.

    Hope you all have a great weekend and stay strong and safe.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    I bought a new wig today, I will wear it tonight to a partyKiss.  I will change my photo again soon.

    I have also been told to stay away from soy or at least cut down.

    A christmas tree! what a great thing to look at, that will make you feel good.

    Must go, I am off to another reiki talk.

    Take care everyone.  Singapore Chris

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Help, I am confused about the Soy.

    I switched from cow's milk to Soy milk (Silk) because I thought having less "livestock" hormones in me would be better. Tell me about Soy. Maybe I have goofed this up!!!

    I also just got a cold (my first during chemo!) and was going to take Vitamin C, but am just over chemo. Good grief. I wish there was a guide book on what to do and not to do! 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    I agree Spring......I sure am messing up on sugar!  lol

    We need some kind of instruction manual.  My Dr. never told me I couldn't eat I dunno.....totally lost.......but what else is new for me!  lol

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008


    I KNOW! This is so confusing. I am thinking I should just eat sugar and drink wine and be DONE with it!! 


    Not really...

    OK, let's start talking about Cabana Boys again. There are no rules there! ha! 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    LOL....I'm with ya Spring!!!

    How many are we allowed Ruth???  Tongue out

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    i guess ia m screwed too. Sugar is a good pick me up when you're down. I'd love to be on a beatiful beach with a cabana boy and a good cold (sweet) drink.

    CONGRATULATIONS! to those of you that have completed your chemo!!! Way to go.Keep pulling for us until we can post the same.

    We are experiencing a cool down here this weekend and my body is feeling it. Hormones still can't decide what to do so I am still cold and shivering with this cold front coming through. I posted this question in another place but i wanted to ask you any of you experience tightness in your chest when you get cold??? I had no recon after my MX and my chest is hard and tight but when i get cold it contracts and is down right painful. I dread the rads because of this because i know it will only get harder and tighter...I never thought about ALL the softness going away. if only i could scoot these stupid dog ears over and get them out from under my pits!!! LOL

    Going for first taxotere this coming thursday. Wish me luck. I am nervous again since i am facing the unknown again and know it can be a booger bear!

    Hope you girls have a good weekend and enjoy some special moments!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    I only have a mast on my left side, but I have noticed some pulling recently and I won't start rads until March.  I'm beginning to wonder if my mast site will ever heal. It's been 10 weeks and I feel like I'm no better off now than I was then.

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2008

    It's so interesting all the different nutritional advice we are given. I was told to stay away from soy (hard for me since I don't eat meat) since there are conflicting studies on it's relationship to breast ca. I was told that I could still take fish oil, eat flax seed and drink green tea. I see an integrative medical doctor who has me eating a brazil nut/day for selenium. Selenium boosts your immune system and your natural killer cells that fight cancer cells. I was deficient in Vit. D3 so I take high dose Vit D3...deficiencies in Vit D have been linked to breast and other cancers. My diet recommendation from my integrative MD was no white flour, no sugar, no dairy. Sugar feeds tumors. Like many of you, I like my occasional glass of red wine (yes, red wine is sugar). I feel that we have been through so much that having an occasional glass of red wine or an occasional cookie isn't the end of the world. We still need to LIVE and enjoy life. We have to find our own comfort level here. I'm still trying to figure it out. 

    I'm about a week out from my last treatment. No neulasta shot this time so hoping my white count doesn't plummet before Thanksgiving. I'm so looking forward to being able to taste that meal!! 

    Bettysgirl...Good luck with your first taxotere. The anticipation is the worst.

    Hang in there everyone. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • hopefullady
    hopefullady Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2008

    I have a question for those of you who have finished your treatments.  I have my last one on Monday, and I have an appointment with my oncologist prior to the treatment.  I was trying to make a list of questions for him as he is never really forthcoming with information until asked.  Any suggestions as to what I should ask him about before my last treatment?

    Thanks, Chris 

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008


    Betteysgirl, I know how you feel, it is only natural to be aprehensive before a new treatment, but just be sure whatever happens, you will be alright.  Just assume you won't have any.

    Hopefullady, I have my last treatment in a week and these are some of the questions I have thought of.

    Can I expect any side effect I haven't already had to appear at a later date?

    What treatment will I need next, hormone etc. and how long will it last?

    Willl my blood count return to normal immediately?

    When will I get another blood test or check up?

    How often will I need to see you (oncol) from now on?

    Is there anything I can do to make sure the cancer doesn't come back?

    Do you have any advice about diet, re: soy/dairy/green tea?

    What scan will I have and when will they be?

    How often do I see you and get checkups?

    How often should I have a mamogram?

    As the mamogram didn't show my cancer, I want and MRI, how often should I have one?

    Do you think it will be covered on my insurance (as it is really necessary)?

    Is there anything I shouldn't do in the future?

    Do you have any other advice I should follow?

    That is all I can think of for now, let me know if you think of anything else.

    Bye for now

    Singapore Chris

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited November 2008

    Hopefullady, Singapore chris' list is great. I also asked when should I see my gyn again for my annual pap because they didn't want me having a pap smear during chemo.

    Singapore Chris, my onc wants me to alternate between mammograms and MRI's every 6 months because my mammo didn't pick up this cancer either. 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    I know I am projecting into the future because I still have 1 AC left, but what can I expect with Taxol.  My onc said the SEs are not as bad.  Will I still need the nasty Neulasta shot?  How do the SEs from Taxol compare to the SEs from the AC?  For anybody taking the Neulasta, I forgot to take the Claritin this last time and the pain was immense.  My onc never heard of it and went along with it because he said there was no contraindication.  I plan on telling him that there is a definite difference with and without and you can bet I will never forget again.  Even with the Claritin, there is still some pain, but nowhere near as bad as without. 

    I wear my wig to work, but lately my hot flashes have been coming about every 90 minutes (even during the night)  When I have a hot flash, that wig becomes quite uncomfortable.  Granted, they only last a few minutes, but do any of the rest of you who are working wear a hat or scarf to work?

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008 much we don't know.  I am surprised by how many of our Docs give us such little info. 

    Alcholol   yes or no     Soy  yes or no   Sugar yes or no  ?????   Clariton  yes or no  ???? It just seems odd that this info would not be given to us prior to chemo. Another one was Vitamins and supplements?????

    None of these were discussed at all....Only when asked was this info offered. I really felt this strongly with the first surgeon I went to .  She never offered any options...only surgery.  Lumpectomy  only and I was told mastectomy was too harsh.  This causes so much frustration for us getting treatment.  I go to my Onc with a list every time with questions.  I think the answer to most is moderation.   As with any thing in our lives a little of something wont do much damage.....its the overboard part that gets us.   Most of my questions have been answered by my friends here.....we need to keep helping each other !!!!!   Support is our best bet !!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Jane - I have 4 wigs and have never worn them because of the hot flashes. I only wear scarves to work. I received my Anokhi scarves yesterday...very pretty!