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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008 least you have a place to insert your ugh.....I just insert it!!!!  lol

    I think I am gonna leave it alone.  Gotta call the Dr's Monday and tell them.  I have to have my breast surgery after the chemo so if I need another one.......I'll have them put it in then for my Herceptin!

    hugssss and thanks for tryin to help me figure out what to do.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    Does anybody else have skin so dry, it hurts?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Genia, Good deal.There, you are decided!!!!   :)  

    Jane, my skin is much drier than before but no hurting yet!

    I think my eyelashes are falling out, I still have some eyebrows left, but not too many. I heard this might happen at the end of chemo. This is just adding insult to injury, I tell you!!!  And I got a cold! Whine whine, moan moan....

    Ugh. I am not my cheery self!


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2008

    I am also losing my eyelashes. Don't bother with make-up any more!

    Genia- I am glad you have decided to wait. It is very aggrevating when doctors do not agree! Is your port functional? ( Sorry, I can't remember waht you said!) It won't hurt to wait as long as their is no infection.

    Is anyone else irritated with their DH? Mine seems to have moved on already and I still have one more chemo to go, plus hormones! How can they act so casual and non-chalant (sp?) when everytime I look in the mirror or go somewhere, I know I am not who I was?! I ran into old neighbor today and she looked down, wouldn't make eye contact or acknolwdge me!!!! Where is that bitch and moan site? maybe I need that today.....


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008
    I am losing my eyelashes too! Must be an epidemic! LOL Undecided
  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    Priz - Just follow me; I spend lots of time over there.  Well meaning or not, I just don't think DHs get it, nor will they ever.  It's beginning to seem to me that the only people who get what I am going through are you ladies here on this site.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    I am trying to stay positive, but maybe I need to go to the bitch and moan list and just get it out.I think I am getting scared of the "big surgery" on Dec 2nd too. We leave next Sat for New Orleans. I know it is the right thing, but I wish I could SKIP IT too!

    I know that makes NO SENSE!!! 


    I hate my port, (it will be out soon), I have a cold, my eyelashes and eyebrows are coming out, my wig is not as comfortable as my own hair (!!), I'll have to take hormones, my tumor may not have shrunk, I am getting peripheral neuropathy.

    See? I could totally be on the bitcha and moan list!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Awww........big GROUP HUG.........cause I'ma thinkin we all need one!!! 

    Yes port still works.  Which helped me make up my mind to NOT do this.......I think it is unnecessary right now.  And since it is my body.....guess I get to make that call!!!  lol

    Spring......I think I need to be President of the bitch and moan

    Don't worry bout it.......bitch and moan all ya want!!!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    i'm in for a group hug and a spot in the B&M club!! This taxotere kicked my butt. I have been wiped out!!! I don't know if it's coming off the roids, the nuelasta combined but i have slept more in the past 24 hrs than i have in a LONG time. My legs and hips and the offenders this time and i can't taste anything..I do have a tad of thrush so i'm glad i called the onco's office before closing yesterday and got a script. I am blessed that taxotere doesn't make you sick and I haven't had too much heartburn i just am looking forward to the bone pain leaving tomorrow.

    Genia- i know this port issue hs been a biggie and if it is still working and not infected i think leaving it may be the thing. Just keep an eye on it.

    Spring- we're here to listen to each other bitch and moan..that's what girlfriends are for. We have a right to be ill from time to time and fed up and all that comes with it. No need to let it fester...we understand!!

    Hey everybody, have a great Sunday and if i crash some more and don't post alot I hope everybody has a SUPER Thanksgiving!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Sounds like a few of the group are feeling a little down, I loved the group hug, what a great idea Genia. I am going to have a little moan to:

    I am fed up that my hair is growing sooooo slowly, I know that I am lucky to have any at all, but it doesn't help when everyone else has lots! We were out today and came across a head massage thing in a shopping centre, the lady asked me if I wanted to try it out, and my husband said yes, go on have a go.  All I could think was "if I take my hat off, I don't have any hair". I don't think it is possible for people however close to us to understand on a 24hr a day basis how we feel.

    I have more chemo on Monday and am worried about my arm.  I have my chemo via a drip and the last two FAC cycles, the all along the top of my arm where my viens run has been quite painful and bruised.  I know it is a common side effect of AC (read it on the AC drug site), I don't think I will be able to use the same vein that has lasted my since April.  This is very dissapointing as I only have two more to go.  I am afraid of trying a new vein, just in case it doesn't work, but know I must.

    I also have pretty bad nails, and although they look really good with nail varnish on, a couple of them have come away from the nail bed and one is hurting.  Living in Singapore I can wear open sandles all the time so it helps, but when I put my trainers on one toe really hurts. I am worried that when I go home for Christmas and have to wear closed in shoes I will have trouble.  I won't really have an opportunity to see a specialist as I have my chemo Tuesday and leave for the UK in 3 weeks.  I am fed up of having a blood test every time I want to do anything.  Even though I am very near the end of 9 months of chemo, I am still fed up with it.

    On the eyebrow and eyelash front, don't worry girls, they grow back really fast. I have become very good with the eyebrow pencil, and now have a strange fasination with all eyebrows and find myself examining all I see, in person and on the television. My eyelashes are also now looking good and growing fast, just remember that generally they replace themselves fully in 30 days.

    Anyway there you are, just venting, thanks for listening girls.

    Good luck to you all, take care.

    Singapore Chris

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    Chris- I  love the picture- maybe i am behind in noticing but it is very good. I wish you the best finding that vein. I know it has to be frustrating. Most days i feel bad in griping because i know i have 6 txs when so many have so much more to have to go through.

    I absolutly feel like crap this am. I didn't expect all the SE's to kick in so quick. My mouth hurts, my feet are horribly painful, it hurts to type as my nails hurt..legs, back just feel like i have been run over and can hardly move. If this is Taxotere the FEC is going to be the cake walk for me! Maybe it's just too early on to judge but i haven't felt this bad with any of the FEC. Maybe this afternoon the pain will let up. I think i am going to have to get moving as i have slept so much that may be why i am so stiff! I have been wiped out this time.

    Sorry to gripe ladies but for the first time in a long time i could just sit in the floor and cry! This STINKS!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008


    Chemo for 9 months. You deserve to be QUEEN of the B&M thread if you ask me!!! Let us know what happens with the vein. Only TWO MORE TO GO!!!  I agree with BettysGirl, you look Fab in the pic!!

    Betty'sGirl, IT DOES STINK!  I know my first AC I had horrible reaction initially, then the last 3 just kicked my butt with the blood counts later. We can hope your body is going "ahhhhhh" to the tax. now, and then maybe it will be OVER the shock the next Tx. Hang in there girl!!! They should have someone "on call" at the Dr. office - maybe give them a call?


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Chris - Beautiful pic of you!!! Good luck on Monday. Laughing

    Day 3 of 4th AC... so far feeling ok, just sleepy during the day and not sleeping too much at night because of the hot flashes.

    Group hug to all too! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Chris and your new pictures.  Beautiful ladies.......!!!

    I'm having Thanksgiving for my family today.  There will be 13 here all together.  So excited.....  :)   I have chemo I'm having it early!  I figure turkey won't taste very good on

    Have a healthy, feel good day ya'll!!!!


  • HeatherL
    HeatherL Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2008

    Bettysgirl  We are almost right on, my first taxatere kicked my butt too.  Aches and bone pain galore across my back, hips and one leg.  I still can't taste a darn thing and it will be 2 weeks on Wed.  I slept a whole lot too.  So far my nails are ok and at present still have my eyelashes and brows.  I am really glad there's no nausea but other than that FEC was a walk in the park so far.  Did you have your fingers in ice during the treatment? 

    Hugs to everybody else.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Thanks for your kind words, beautiful is not a thing I have been called lately so it's good to hear, it is amazing what a wig and some make up can do!

    Bettysgirl, hope you feel better soon, it is tough going through this, but it will pass and we will all look back and wonder if it really ever happened.

    Nice pic Juli50, there is nothing wrong with hibernating in the winter!

    Genia, have a wonderful time with your family and let us know how you get on on Wed. good luck

    I haven't heard of anyone having their fingers on ice during the treatment, but give it a go, who knows what might help.

    I find if I see my refelection in the mirror and it is all made up and looking good, I feel better, so don't give up on the glamour look girls. (not on really bad days of course).

    Take care everyone and a BIG GROUP HUG FOR EVERYONE!

    Singapore Chris

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008

    Hi all you beautiful ladies! 

    FYI, red me getting "peripheral neuropathy" post cheo...I started up on L-Glutamin again, and the peripheral neuropathy symptoms seem to be lessening, and this is just three doses. Remember this if any of you experience this! It is not contraindicated, though my ONC said there is no "proof" it works. 

    But hey, if it works for you, it works...

    Chris, Your pic is georgous! It is freezing here right now, that sun and sea (if that's what it is?) look great.... You are glowing!!!


  • woorus
    woorus Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2008

    Dear Ladies

    Thank you for the support. I have not been posting much but i do check in to read and feel the group hugs.

    Just had my first TX today.

    singapore Chris - Thank you for popping by at the hospital today - sorry i was so drowsy - one of the drugs really caused my eyelids to close.  I will be praying and thinking about you and your veins as you do part (a) of your last AC.  We should meet up again before you leave for your holiday. I am in again on the 1st.

    take care everyone and big big hug.


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Hi Ladies,

    I start my first Taxol on Wed (yest the day before thanksgiving).....Where do you get the L Glutamin and how do you take it ????   Is there anything else that helps with SE's ????

    I am scared, just like I was with the first AC....hope it's better.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited November 2008

    Chris.....hope your veins hold up for the last of your treatments sweetie!!!

    Trude good luck with your Taxol sweetie........I think you will do just fine!!!

    To everyone else.......hope the ones having their TX this week pull it off without many SE's!

    I go for round 4 Weds.  I have decided to leave my port alone.  It's I don't wanna go through a surgery and chemo all in one week.  I called the Dr. and told him.  I will let him switch it out when he does my breast surgery.  Much simplier!!!!

    Have a great day today ladies.......and lots of hugs and love

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2008


    You may want to ask about a PICC line.  They are quick/easy to pt in, and can save your veins.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008


    You get L-Glutamin at GNC or any other Vitamin or health food type store. It is an amino acid. You take 1 TBSP 3x a day for 5-7 days after chemo. Clear it with your onc. Mine does not belive there is proof that it works, but it is also not "contra indicated" (and it works for me, is all I can say).You can google "l-glutamine peripheral neuropathy" and see the results. Here's one below...


    In this particular study patients were given either 10 grams of l-glutamine three times a day or a placebo starting a day after taking the drug. "For patients who received glutamine, there was a statistically significant reduction in the severity of peripheral neuropathy as measured by development of severe dysthesias and numbness in the fingers and toes." Motor weakness was reduced from 56% to 25%, comparing the patients who got the placebo against the patients who took glutamine. Gait deterioration was reduced from 85% to 45%. Interference with daily living decreased from 85% to 27% and severe paresthesias down from 55 to 42%. [i]

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Spring - Do you mix the L-Glutamine in something?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2008


    I mix the L-Glutamine with Grape Juice. Some sort of juice I heard was best. And apparently, grape juice has the same benefits as red wine! (with out the "fun" factor!) ha. ....

    I went to the chiropractor today. My first since before "all this". He looked it up and the last adjustment I had was July 9 -  the day prior to getting the news that the biopsy showed BC. It seems like another world ago...

    Life before BC, now life after. It makes me wonder -- will life will ever feel normal like that again? hmmm....


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    Spring, sounds like the Claritin for Neulesta shot.  My onc said she never heard of it...but

    no contra go for it.  I take Zyrtec every day for allergies....and realized it was

    helping with the neublasta SE.....I will get to the store tomorrow before I start taxol.  Happy

    Thanksgiving to all....hope everyone can enjoy the food !!!!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2008

    I forgot to add, my boss had ankle surgery then fell and broke her leg bone in two places.....needless to say she is where we are as far as DH having to pull more weight.  It was so funny to hear some with out cancer complaining like us.....that hubby just doesn't get it, doesn't do stuff the same....and gets very upset if corrected !!!!   She was a hoot. 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2008

    Well DH got very concerned when he came in for lunch and i was out of it again due to percoset and still hurting. Called the oncos office who said "come on down" They ran fluids and roids and he gave me another iv for the thrush. We closed the place down tonight. The white counts were up pretyy high so the thinking is that maybe marrow was in overdrive and taxotere didn't dent it as bad as FEC therefore more pain. She suggested i try to ask him to forego the neulasta next time.  I told her that was a plan for me. Also told me if pain came back and i got down again to come back earlier tomorrow and they would do more fluids. I am trying to be better about drinking and eating even though nothing has taste and my tongue is sooo thick. We kind of had a laugh because she said" i bet he told you the taxotere would be easy after FEC didn't he?" I told her he had and she just shook her head. She said i got a pretty good dose and it could be very hard on some people's systems. I guess mine is one of those.

    Anyway i feel better tonight. Thanks for the good wishes.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Bettysgirl - yikes, so glad you are feeling a little better. I had thrush with my last tx... nasty stuff!

     I am achy from my Neupogen and bloated from the AC. ugh. Yell

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2008

    Trude - Please keep me posted on the Taxol.  I had my last AC today (yippee!) and I'm off to Taxol next.  I, too, am nervous.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited November 2008

    Jane_M - me too! When and how often are you having Taxol? I have it weekly starting 12/14. Undecided