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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Wink: LOL!! I bubble wrapped y'all on FB so you wn't get hurt or bumped or damaged anymore! I'd be bubblewrapping Genia, if I could!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Genia NEEDS bubblewrapped!!!   Good thing I got Angels watchin over me.......I'd be in big trouble!

    Thanks for the laugh

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Glad everyone is doing well and counting down in lots of ways. Good luck Trude with the surgery, everyone I know has got over is pretty fast.

    I only have 5 more rads to go, I thought I was getting red and sore a few days ago, but all that topless sunbathing in bed has done wonders. I agree with Spring that it can get a little cold now and then, but with the hot flashes to warm me up I am doing pretty well, flipping the covers on and off whenever necessary. Some pinkness, no soreness and no pain Kiss.

    Hope all you girls have something special lined up for Valentines Day, even if you are on your own, make sure you do something special for yourself, like buying some flowers or eating some naughty chocolates!

    On the hair front, have any of you dyed your hair?  I am impatiently waiting for it to grow and the white/grey to come in another colour. It has occurred to me that it might stay grey at the side and that is just not acceptable!  So I almost had it dyed yesterday on impulse, but the thought of it all dropping out again due to nasty chemicals doesn't appeals to me at all.  Any comments?

    Bye for now, take care girls. Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Chris - I read on another thread that they are using Clairol Natural Instincts Loving Care. No peroxide, no ammonia. I don't have enough hair yet, so I haven't tried it. What products did you use on your skin while going through rads?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Winkie pooh! We are on like the same schedule!

     I agree. LET's BUBBLE WRAP GENIA!!!! (And Jane!!!)

    Chris, about color, I bought was Juli mentioned, a semi-permanent that will wash out. I haven't used it yet (Natural Instincts) but will soon. I have colored my hair for so long. It is a sort of silver blonde it seems for real, I had no idea!!! I've been coloring blonde for so long!

    Yesterday my Rads Onc told me I could use a steroid creme that I had when AC gave my back an itchy break out. That is helping. Plus, sleeping with only PJ bottoms, no top, and getting max air. I work at home in no bra and a very loose airy top with a huge V neck so my clavicle is always hanging out. Soon I am gong to rip off this top and be topless during the day too!!!!! ahhhhck!

    Juli - for rads, I used Maiderm cream (got offline) nice and light, not greasy, I had Aquaphor and Eucerine for when it got bad. BUt they both make me itch, (greesy I think?) I am red dotted and itcy!

    BFN Gorgeous Women!!!

    Itchy, Springie, Springtime...

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    Chris & Juli - I have colored my hair twice now. I most recently used Clairol's Balsam Color (it's cheap & my hair is growing so fast I figured that I'd have to be touching it up quite often) - and only need to use half a bottle...I color my eyebrows too.  Like Beverly, I've been coloring my hair for so many years that I was not sure what my true color was - well now I know - salt & pepper...ick!  It looks great on some folks, but not me!

    Beverly - I think that we were diagnosed about the same time too - July 25th for me.  You and Chris are just regular Commando Kittens!  Y'all need to move to Eugene,OR - I hear that it's not against the law for women to walk around topless.

    Robin - thanks for the bubble-wrap; what a sweet gesture, I definitely need it.  Last Friday I collided with the foot-board of our bed (in the dark) and whacked the heck out of my knee Yell; I couldn't believe how bad it hurt as I lay in bed writhing in pain. As soon as I stood up - I could see it swell - looked like I had a baseball right under my patella!  It's still sore - slightly swollen, and my skin has a real nice hepatitis yellow-green hue.  Heck, maybe you should throw in some packing peanuts along with the bubble-wrap!

    Genia - good to hear you LOLing (not to be confused with lolling around - which just so happens to be one of my favorite pass times).  It sounds like you are feeling better GF.

    Jane - how's that tooth-hole doing (that sounds sort of gross doesn't it Embarassed).  I remember when I had a tooth pulled, it felt like I had the Grand Canyon in my mouth.  I agree with you - aspirin really works well for me too - I just make sure that I take the enteric coated kind to protect my stomach.  I can't take it right now because my surgeon has me on coumadin for as long as I have my port in.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Ok ya'll.......I remembered I had a FB account so I went and FINALLY remembered my email and password.  I sent out invites to those of you who were on Juli's list.....she's the only one I could remember her last

    Now you can BUBBLE WRAP me the heck that is!!!


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009

    I've officially lost my mind! My Ds had a doctor's appointment which I put on the calendar for 3pm. It was really 5pm. Nice lady who was there switched with us. Have searched for hours for my crock pot. How can you lose a crock pot?!!?? Had a class this am where the instructor did not show up. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight.


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    I bubblewrapped you Genia!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    LOL...I saw that Robin!!!  Thanks.....

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Jane - Thanks for the Valentines and "tattoos". So sweet of you! Kiss I did not think to send any out, sorry. Hope you have a happy one on Saturday!  (I'll ask the rad techs to use your tattoos instead Wink LOL)

    Chris - I've asked you twice and either I missed your answer or you missed my question... what did you use during rads on your skin? I'm hoping you didn't get the "itchies" like Beverly.

     Genia - Yay, on Facebook! Hope you're feeling better these days.

    I have to go type an appraisal report with my achy, numb fingers now. Talk to y'all later.

    Hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Denise....I've done the same thing.  Anymore I can't think of anything.  I hope in time....this goes away.  I feel like I live in the twighlight zone half the time.  lol

    I've been tired today......almost wiped out feeling.  I feel good pain.......just tired.  Guess my counts need to climb back up to feel halfway normal again.

    hugsssss....hope you all have a great night!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Are you still eating those bananas, Genia?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    I'm out....I ate em all.  But I'm still taking my potassium pills.  He didn't say how long to take them.......but I feel sure I still need them.

    How ya feelin sweet Jane?

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    I feel like I'm getting some energy back.  Just about the time I start feeling normal, I'll be starting radiation.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Yea that's the pits Jane. 

    I'll be getting surgery bout the time I start feeling lots better......but hey.....we will be one step closer to the end of this nightmare!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    Juli, sorry I didn't answer your question, I think I did on the rads site, sorry.  I am only using exactly what the rads oncol gave me, 100% Aloe vera gel.  I get up in the morning, have a shower, don't put any soap in my rads area, then go off to rads, go through the day, then at night just before I go to bed, I put my Aloe vera on and lay on top of the covers until it dries, then repeat the whole cycle every day. I have been told you can apply the gel as many as 3 times a day, but I have only been doing one, as I am out and about most days.

    How are you doing Springy poohs?

    Jane, you may get away lightly and not have any tiredness with rads, keep your fingers crossed and tell yourself this is going to be the easiest part.

    Priz, I am sure you haven't lost your mind, it is just hiding, it will be back soon.

    Genia, glad you have no pain, one step closer to the end of your nightmare!

    Winky, thanks for the hair colour info, I might give it a try, I am a bit scared of it all dropping out! not a pretty sight. where are you in your treatment stage, why do you still have your port?

    Must go, I have a brownie and a movie waiting and it's only 1pm in the afternoon, felt like a quiet day.

    4 more rads to go and still no trouble.  Take care everyone.Singapore Chris x

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Chris - Thanks for the info... hope it works for me... whenever I finally get to rads. Undecided

    Really hoping I don't get Taxotere tomorrow. I just wanna be done with chemo. Cry

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Jules, I hope you don't get taxotere either. Let us know.

    My itchies are better, a little. And , I am still not "fatigued" and I only have 7 to go after today. I do sleep a long while at night (8-9 hours) but this seems to do it. However, we are walking an hour a day, maybe that is helping with my stamina?

    Chris, I am airing and cooling as much as possible, and it helps. I think it really does not want to be hot. Cooler water is shower, and I strip as soon as we're done walking - during the walks the red spots get all angry and pissed off!!! I rinse with cool water and fan myself. It calms down. OH, a little fan has helped too.

    Genia is on FB!!! We shoudl all bubblewrap her daily! LOL

    Jane, maybe you won't get fatigue in Rads. Chris and I have not. I don't think it happens for everyone. (Praise the Lord).

    Denise, I feel like my brain is toast. I don't know if this is chemo or the induced menopause chemo seems to have caused!!!! I am hoping my brain sharpens up. I sometimes can't remember words that I know I know! Do you know what I mean??? Like the synapses are not firing right. Makes me crazeeee!!

    Prettiest Robin, you are so cute on FB!!!

    Winkie!!!! I was dx'd July 10. You are right. we are living the date business the same.  No rads for you though?

    Girls this wkend I will color my silvery blonde hair. (Well, what hair I have LOL!!!) I will let you know how it comes out!

    Love, Springie (itchiest mess)  LOL

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    I actually feeel human today!  I even did a load of dishes and made tuna noodle casserole for dinner, and I don't feel exhausted.  Maybe there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Good for you Jane......I was feeling really I have another case of the dizzies!!!  Feel like I'm

    Don't like this feelin at ALL!!!!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Maybe if you have a drink, you'll feel sober.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Jane - Too funny!

    Another week off of chemo for me! Only got Herceptin today. Still a possibility of Taxotere next Friday. I guess it depends on how bad the neuropathy is by then. My onc said I could up the dose of the Neurontin to 3x a day, but it makes me off balance (like Genia?). So I'll think about it.

    Denise - Beautiful pic of Colorado  on your card. Glad the chillow is helping! Laughing

    ok, I gotta go type another appraisal report. Frown

    Hugs Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    Jane, glad you got a break from taxotere, I am wishing you will be over your treatment really fast.

    Happy Valentines Day, dear friends.

    Singapore Chris x

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    This coming Wednesday will be my final Taxol...I will have completed all 12 neuropathy whatsoever... then I'll get to take a two week break before ANYTHING related to radiation starts!

    Happy Valentine's Day pretty friends!

    Anyone heard from Ruth or Tanzie yet? 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Chris - Juli's on the taxotere...I'm just waiting for the rad onc to finish planning my radiation program.

    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Hi all,

    well I am 2 weeks past the taxol (only did 10) but I think I know why I had problems.  On my #9 treatment I remember asking the nurse why I only 2 pre meds....decadron and nausea stuff (starts with an A) benedryl....she said no order from the doc, but she never asked the doc.  This is when I started having the the time of infusion.  I also remember all you telling me you got decadron the day before and the day after.  I never had that.  I think maybe a few mistakes were made.  I had some other problems with refills being wrong at this office too. 

    The good news, the neuropathy is getting better now that I'm off the Taxol nails also dont seem to be hurting or getting any worse.  I am less tired and finally feeling some what normal...what ever that is. 

    Juli - I think the neurontin only helps with the symptoms....not stopping the nerve damage.  Be sure to ask your onc.....keep up the glutimine !!!  I think that is what saved me.

    Genia - glad you're feeling can only be uphill from here. 

    It seems we all are getting closer to the end.  Surgery for me March 4....but that may be it. 



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Does the glutamine help once the neuropathy has started?  I have it in my right wrist and three fingers on my right hand.  I never took the glutamine during treatment, so I don't know if it will work now.

    I also mentioned to the lymphedema specialist at my apt the other day that the onc said it was unusual to only have neuropathy on one side (good side).  We wondered if maybe it was because I wear a lymphedema sleeve and gauntlet on the bad side and she also works on it 2X a week?  The other thing I wondered is that my op report said that the surgeon had to cut some nerves, so maybe that could be why.  Doesn't side's better than 2.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009


    I had a friend who started the L-Glutamin after and it helped her. I'd do it, there is no risk, you have nothing to lose! 

    7 more rads for me, and only 4 left of the clavicle area! YAY


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Robin - What did you do to NOT get any neuropathy???

    At least I didn't lose any fingernails or toenails. Laughing

    My b/f baked a huge double-layer chocolate cake for my son's 24th b-day party tomorrow. yummmm Tongue out