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Chemo in Sept 08



  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    YES! I am so incredibly tired on Taxol! I'll be so glad when I'm done with chemo TOMORROW!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    I went to the Dr. today.  He thinks it's neuropathy or the remnents of the chemo.  But he's sending me for a bone scan a week from today. 

    My blood counts were that's a good thing.  I guess I don't really know anything to report other than that.  

    My bones are killing me and I'm exhausted all the time......guess we will see.

    Thanks for the concern and you all      

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    Genia, what are we going to do with you.  Glad you are back home, let's just hope you recover soon. The worst has to be over.  Juli, fax her over some chocolate cake, it will make her feel better.

    Bandonmon, make sure you tell your oncol about our numbness, he may stop the taxol early, as you don't want your fingers and toes to get any worse. some of the girls have said, the oncols are happy if you have 8 out of 12, but check anyway. Hope you feel less tired soon. I did feel pretty tired on taxotere and rested a lot of the time, but mine was every 3 weeks.

    Winky, well done with the 5 lbs, I have just had a brownie !!! can't see to get in the mood, I kind of need to celebrate my end of treatment first, tomorrow. I had to join the Australian/New Zealand online group as it was the closest. I will be back on track after tomorrow. We should try to encourage each other, anyone else want to join us?

    Jane M, good luck with your dry run, hope all goes well for you Monday with rads.

    Love to all you girls. Singapore Chris

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    brandonmom - Please  be sure to tell your onc how bad the numbness is.  It is soooo important that they understand.  I would hate for this to become permanent!!!   I was told at the beginning that many people can't do the whole 12.....but even getting 4-6 it good.  They can reduce the dose or add some more pre-meds....not sure what you are getting, but it may just be time to stop.  We all care about you and want to see you get well !!!!



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Genia, Girl, rest and hang on. Healing will start any time now. I know it. Your body will not give up. God designed it!

                                         5!!!!!!!     <my rads countdown>    5!!!!!!

    My news: This is my last Wednesday of being irradiated! 4 more after today! No skin breakdown yet, though red dotted and rashy looking in three spots.... I may have started the "fatigue" last night! Fell asleep in front of TV and then slept until 9AM!!! (not like me). Late for work and everything. Just need to hang in there a few more days... Rad onc says skin will be back to normal around mid march. I can't wait.

    It will be Springtime then too. The world will hopefully have more equalibrium! 

    Brandonmom, Ditto what trude and Chris say. Are you taking L-Glutamin? (sorry If I sound like a broken record, it worked for me...)

    OUR PRETTIEST MESS:   WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Last chemo TOMORROW!!! I still remember that feeeeeeeeeeeeeling, like Thank you JEEEEEEEEEEEESUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!  Hang on girl, almost done now...

    Springie, red dotted-ee, itchy, Springtime (who is nearly done being fried and toasted). wooooo!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009

    My onc said the best thing for chemo fatigue is to push through it as long as I'm getting good sleep, which I am. 

    I did ask about the Glutamin, and he said it helps more with the muscle/bone pain. I don't have pain, just more like numbness.  It isn't interfering with my ability to type or walk so, for now, that is another push through it kind of thing.

    I'm really don't want them to consider changing the dose, skipping doses, or stopping early. I only have 4 more to go, and to be honest, I'm stage 3 with a multi-focal tumor and extensive vascular invasion.  I want to through as much chemo at this baby as we can.  I'd be willing to take supplements/drugs to combat the symptoms, as long as they didn't bring their own associated side-effects to the party, but at this point, it doesn't seem to be worth it.

    I also had my second fill yesterday for my expander.  no pain from that either.  Perhaps a blessing of the numb chest.

    Spring - How did your implant handle the radiation so far?  At first I thought the DIEP flap was the way to go for radiated skin, but now I'm worried about the included tummy tuck.  It really does pull skin down, so I'm starting to have reservations about that.  I'm sure there are "Housewives in OC" that are laughing at me for not wanting the tummy tuck :)

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009


    Can everyone hear me??


    Those sweet, wonderful nurses at the cancer center gave me a standing ovation when the huber needle was pulled, they gave be a huge box of chocolates, a gift certificate to one of the best restaurants in town, and a certificate of achievement for completing every single round of chemo on schedule! I cried, they was wonderful. Truly. I wish everyone could have a chemo experience like I've had.

    I still go back Fri & Sat for my leukine shots, and return once a month for exams for the next five years. I don't care...


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Yay for Prettiest!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! Have one of those chocolates!!!

    BrandonMom - I do have implants now, but it is sort of a temporary deal. I went to NOLA in Dec for a stacked DIEP on the "cancer" side. But, once he saw my fat, or lack thereof, (which was surprising to me, but my fat is in the wrong place, they like low down belly fat!) he thought the safest thing would be for me to go through radiation with an implant. Radiation shrinks the tissue, etc. He thought I did not have enough fat to go through "shrinkage" of the tissue and still have a good boob? Something like this. He wanted to save my fat from radiation, so "threw an implant in there". Also, he felt doing things this way left the most options open for later. 

    So, he would say it is likely that this implant will fail, with rads, and then I will do natural tissue. It is fine right now. Perhaps the effects of the radiation come after a time. 

    4 more rads to go!!!!! Prettiest is doing a happy dance. I am going to do a major happy dance too when this is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited February 2009


    It is such a good feeling to be done huh?

    I have 9 rads left..counting them down and will be so glad. I am sooo toasty. Unfer my arm is really red and the creams they are approving are not helping with that. I guess it's a good thing that i have nerve damage under there or it would hurt a lot worse. ANYYWAY we are closing in on being done.

    I have an appointment with the onco tomorrow also so we will see what he has in store for me. I am sure he will be discussing starting the tamoxifen soon.

    Can't stay on long as we are having rough weather tonight but wanted to give prettiest the congrats and say that i have been reading and keeping up with you just not posting.

    Genia hang in there. Glad to see all you girls are enjoying your FB accounts. I am too slow to do all that stuff. Things are getting hectic here as the girls get older. The 1 1/2 yr old in into EVERYTHING!!! UGH Some days i think she has 25 hands...our TV seems to always have barney or Mickey Mouse on it too.

    Just know I think of you ladies everyday even when i don't post here. HANG IN THERE!!!

    Lisa (Bettysgirl)

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Lisa... are you on Facebook? We're having a great time there...and we'd love to see everyone join up!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Hi all - I was slammed with typing appraisal reports every night for the last 6 nights. Luckily, tonight is my monthly support group meeting (pizza and bingo!) so I got the night off from typing. But i've been warned I'll be typing every night again through the weekend. Doesn't give my poor numb fingers much of a rest, eh?

     Hugs Kiss

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Wooooooo Hoooooo !!!!!  Prettiest.....It feels good to be done!!  Such a huge accomplishment.  Only those who have done it can really appreciate the dedication and suffering.   YEAH!!!!!!   I am so proud to know many brave ladies


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Juli - How are your fingers ?????  Numb from chemo or numb from working too hard !!!  LOL


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2009

    Holy Moly--  Just finished catching up with you girls from the beginning of the month!

    Congrats to theprettiestmess and all those that finished chemo in my absence!  You girls Rock!

    I've been busy with babies.  I had two nephews born this month.  My sis-in-law had her baby boy first and they live near here, so I've been over breathing in baby smell as often as she'll let me. lol  And my sister had her little on two weeks ago today.  My mom and other sister-in-law drove down (13 hours one way) to Miami to visit and see the baby.  We were gone a week. It was really nice, since I haven't seen my sister in over a year.

    Oh  yeah, and for Valentine's day my hubby and I drove to the other side of Georgia to pick up an old 67 Fairlane that he bought online. Fun, fun.. It rained on us the whole way there and the whole way back. 9 hours one way.  I'm done with road trips for a while.

    I'm on facebook too-- I tried to find you all... I'm listed as Lei Allday Walters there.  Friend me plz. :)

    Juli, how're your fingers?

    Genia, how're you feeling?

    Minia, your pic is beautiful.

    Spring and Bettysgirl-- hang tough with the rads!

    Everyone else *hugs* so glad to be back!

    much love,


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    Prettiest, congratulations, I am soooo happy for you, well done, thank god it is over! No one knows like we do, how glad we are to have this behind us. 

    No many chemo girls left now, don't worry we are all still here for you!

    I had my last rads today!!!! I am now out of treatment after almost a whole year. My party start in a couple of hours, I might just have a glass of champagne in a minute to warm things up.

    Jane, thanks so much for the card, I have just come home and there were flowers waiting from a friends who can't make it tonight and your lovely card, I feel like wearning the little tattoo doggies on my face!

    Nice to hear from you Tanzie, glad you have been having fun with babies, how wonderful.

    spring, almost there, hang on in there girl.  Take care everyone, Singapore Chris x

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Congratulations, Chris! What a great feeling it must be to be done with everything but the hormone therapy! Any thoughts on how that's going to go?

    It's great to see you posting again, Lei! I friended you on FB, too. Babies are so much fun and relaxing, too...all that rocking....yes ma'am...I do love babies!

    I'm definitely doing a happy dance... I'll admit though, that it feels sort of weird to not see the oncology staff as often as usual. Sort of sad. Happy though...being done with chemo. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Prettiest, normal feelings. But so goooood to be done...

    4 more zzzzaps for me!!! My skin is very unhappy. My skin and I can't wait for rads to be over!

    Lei, good to hear from you!!!!!

    Juli, I wonder if the typing is good or bad for the numb digits????? At least you are gainfully employed! (Nothing to take for granted at this point in the economy!)

    Thinking of you all....

    Getting Toasty!!! Like Lisa! Lisa, sounds like we're both almost done!!!

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2009

    Girls-- I've started going commando. :)  I've slowly come to hate my hats, scarves and the wig I've only worn a handful of times.  My hair is about an inch long everywhere and somewhat shaggy aroudn the ears.  It's fine though and soft as a babies... and not as thick as I'd like on top.  Still-- it's very freeing not to have to worry about keeping my head covered!

    I sucked it up and went to church last night with no hat.  I got tons of hugs and lots of  encouragement.

    much love!


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    That's great, Lei! It's empowering, yanno... heading out in public without a hat or everyone that glances or stares at you a megawatt smile and just moving on! I'd rather them look at my silver head than my boobs ANY DAY! LOL

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Congratulations Pretties! U R DONE!  Your cancer center is  great. I am on a dose dense Taxol regimen; I wish It were finished yesterday:) I feel as if I've been in a fight or something like it...all my  joints hurt and the bottom of feet as well, YUCK!

    I'll come over to FB tomorrow and play if I can. I have all the invites in my mail  box waiting for a day when I can sit for a moment and do more than one posting at a time.

    Commando is where I'm live sometimes,  especially when I have a sweaty hot head. I'm falling in love with my silver hair.

    My Cancer  office is efficient and  cold. I take my  3 plus hour treatment on a hard vinyl  examination table. YIKES!!!

    I asked for a chair last week  but the chair was not comfy. I had a idea of what her office might be like since she's on Park Avenue. arrr:)

    I didn't  complain  to my doctor but I  did tell  her nurse that my 63 year old bum would love to get my 3 hour treatment  in a soft comfy chair. The nurse looked a little  sheepish; she knows what is appropriate for patient comfort.

    Anyway, I can't wait to finish.

    love and hugs everyone,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited February 2009

    spring- i can feel myself toasting by the second. My skin is sooo angry red and i finally broke down and put tons of aloe on it tonight. I am so sore and when those girls put that bolus on again today i let them know i knew i was going to be well done by the time they were through with me.

    Saw the onco this am also..he wouldn't commit but did agree i was awfully red to have 8 more treatments left. He gave me a script for the tamoxifen, said to wait until rads were done and "expect the hotflashes to get worse" OH YEAH!!! I go back in 6 wks to see him again to let him know how i tolerate it.

    Anyway girls i have had a long day of traveling and am whooped...(that's southern for whipped and wrung out like a dish rag) so i am going to call it a night.

    Take care

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Hi everyone.....dragging in here on the tail end....but here anyway. 

    I'm still achy......bones and muscles......still sleeping a lot.  I think I will feel lots better when I get the bone scan done.  He says it's the lasting effects of the chemo......I just don't know.  It's been a month since the last tx and I'm no better.  The only thing that is better is my taster.  I can taste food better.  But I still have the weakness......the tiredness.....and the achiness.

    Robin I'm so happy for you to be finished........YAAAAY

    Chris.....congrats on your last  RADS.

    Beverly....only 4 more.....good for you!

    Lei.....sooo good to have you back sweetie.

    Mina....lotsa hugs and love to you sweet lady

    Hi Lisa and Juli.....Juli don't over work those fingers. 

    I think I'm going back to bed.....can hardly keep my eyes open.

    hugssssss and love to you all 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Lei - I had to laugh out loud when I read about your Valentine's trip.  That SO sounds like my husband.  We live in NY and I have been to both Georgia and Tennessee to pick up cars and/or parts.  Last year, for our 25th wedding anniversary, we went to the Ford Carlisle car show and swap meet in Pennsylvania.  And I thought I was the only one....

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    Just wanted to say I had a great end of treatment party and at midnight, i jumped into the pool fully clothed.  Always wanted to do that!  what fun we had.

     Bettysgirl and Spring, hang in there, keep airing and putting the cream on, it will be over very soon.

    Tanzie, commando is where we live, it's pretty liberating when you get used to it.  People will think you are a hip young thing, which you are!

    Bar, that table sounds uncomfortable, not too long now and it will be over.

    Genia, I really hope you pick up soon, take care!  Singapore Chris

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2009

    Jane-- Yes!  The car is now sitting in our shop...and he's been pouring over car part mags for the last few days...

    Mina-- how are you listed on Facebook? I'd love to 'friend' you. :)

    I went to a quilter's meeting tonight at church.  Does anyone else here quilt?

    Ya'll have a great night!


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Lei  -  I am a quilter too !!!!  How fun...we will have to post a couple pics of our quilts ...My hubby would do the same to me. 
    We have a 66 VW in the daughter and him rebuilt it.  It finally got painted.....pepto bismo pink and white....really cute.  I feel your pain...we go to Sacramento every year on Memorial day for a VW swap meet. 


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    Mina - I couldn't find you on FB either?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Bingo was so much fun, even my 2 oncs were there with their families. I won 3 times! A lady sitting near me said she finished chemo 9 months ago and her hair is not growing back! Yikes!. The onc said it will...give it a year! He asked me how I was doing and when I told him, he said to up the Neurontin to 4 x a day. I told him "No More Chemo, PLEASE!" So we'll see what happens when I go in tomorrow.

    Even with all this typing, it's my feet that hurt the most. I can barely walk by the time I go to bed.

    Hugs to's way past my bedtime! Kiss

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2009

    Juli-- Bingo with your docs and other patients? Cool!  It sounds like a really caring/closeknit group.  Hopefully the extra Neurontin will work wonders for you.

    Trude-- There wouldn't be much for me to show.  The only thing I've ever finished is a baby quilt of sampler blocks.   I'm currently working on a whack'n stack kaleidoscope quilt..   I'm still a beginner!  I do love it though.

    much love,


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    3 more to go, and my Clavicle is DONE! So the skin on my collar bone and back now get a break from the last three.

    Betty's, my skin is very unhappy and grouchy. However, three more. I didn't get the bolus thing... The skin on my back is just starting to ever so lightly flake a bit, nothing bad. 

    Tanzie, I am going comando, well no wig, but a ball cap, around the house. It will not be long till I ditch the wig. I think with more hair, it is just getting hotter and itchier! I did fine when I was mostly bald, lol. 

    Chris, jumping in a pool fully clothed shoudl excellent! I need to think up something to mark the end for me....

    Spring (three more, three more, three more...)