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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Hi, Welcome back Genia and welcome Sherri.

    Happy Valentine's Day! 

    Genia I am v.v.v.happy you are done with Chemo.

    I finally got started on my Taxol yesterday and took my Neulasta with Claritin... TY everyone for that tip. My doc laughed when I told her I'd just begun to feel better...she says it'll happen again...I will feel better again. She and I agree that a 3.5 centimeter tumor  takes a while to grow and I have noticed I have energy again. I lost my energy in 05 but blamed it on my mom's death the previous Thanksgivng Eve.

    She recommended Taxol for me instead of Taxotere, because I have Triple Neg BC which responded  to it much better than to Taxotere in Clinical Studies. I am looped and nutso from the Decadron 60 mgm blast she gave me in one day; 20mgm x 2 doses  at home PM and AM then 20 mgm IV. She gave me Tagamet IV and Anzamet IV?? not sure what I heard but I think that's what she said and Bendaryl infused along with the Taxol. I didn't go to sleep, but I take Benadryl  for sleep switching in and out of Ambien...Fibromyalgia makes it impossible for me to sleep for more than 2 hours. I miss my good sleeping days gone past.

    I am on Zorfran generic  x 3 days q 8 hours; she's promised me a better time with nausea and regurg this time or I can call her. 

    I've taken Nerontin for pain and it's also prescribed for Diabetic neuropathy... 

    My Onc has only seen one care of lost Finger/toenails due to the taxol/taxotere infusions in her practice of more than a few years, so   my fingers and toes and eyes  are crossed for good luck.

    I am MIna Moncur on maiden please friend me if you like and I will friend you back.  That way I can keep up with you if  am not son helped me get on  and will  leave notes from me if that happens and I can keep up with everyone.. I have lost some friends along the way...fear  of real to some. I know BC isn't contagious but it is damned scary. So I will do what I can...I am signed on at Cancer Care for their next  BC group. 

    My  brain hasn't returned from chemo-land yet.:)  

    When I washed my face this morning I noticed reddish colorations  on top of the normally brown skinned  bags  under my eyes...arrgh...Well I have  gone nutso...sitting here with my two favorite Heavenly Hats on.. 

    I think I'll post a pic for a laugh

    I love talking and reading... I'm going to read from Feb 8th cause I think I stopped there and can't remember and will reply as I can and post my nutso pic...I am so jittery...may take off for a while..



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Jane, sorry about the post chemo brain, I mean't Juli.  Juli what a treat and what a man, sounds like you made a good choice in your b/f, hope you have a wonderful brithday party with your son.

    The one thing I have noticed since I finished my chemo, is that my joints ache when I stand up or get out of my chair. After a few minutes I am fine again, but I think my joints have taken a beating from the treatment. Although I didn't get any neuraphy?? my feet hurt a bit when I first stand up too. I am sure all these things will gradually go away and life will return to normal.

    I am pretty involved with the breast cancer foundation here, who call me sometimes to talk to new patients and help them, I also have a lot of local friends who have cancer and there are always new people being diagnoised.  My problem is that I seem to talk about cancer all the time, and have some awful story to tell my dh. I asked him if he minded and he said, "a bit" .  As I finish all my treatment (except tamoxafine) on Thursday, how do I move away from the cancer world and still stay connected with you girls and everyone else. Every night after dinner we talk about what we have done in our day and mine always has caner related stuff.  Any advice girls?

    Singapore Chris x

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Hi Chris I wish I had and  answer but my brain is non-functioning...I am always interested in talking about BC, I want to talk about it more and wish I had a circle of friends. I think your conversation will follow your recovery...and you won't have to think about it at all.  

    I was thinking to work with a help line once I get it together or maybe stick my toe in volunteer work at a hospital...then maybe a few real part-time work days.



  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009


    Love my hats got it...thanks to your photo-posting instructions... I  I hope you have a laugh on how much I love wearing my two favorite hats and  somewhat pink tinged eye-bags.I don't understand why the Taxol added color to that  eye area. In all my 63 years I would never have taken such a pic...Cancer has freed me, though I don't consider it much of a blessing...No eyebrows or lashes or any other of my menopausal chin whiskers/mustache plus pinkish bags under my eyes.

    Juli50, Your bf is wonderful:)

    I know your son will have a wonderful birthday. Now back to  reading from 2/8/09.


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Honestly, I don't know what I did! In my pre-med drip, I got the Benadryl and the decadron, and an IV push of Aloxi for nausea. That was my standard pre-med for my entire chemo workup...FAC and Taxol. My nails are intact, my hair has been growing back since I finished FAC, and my vision hasn't changed, either. My weight has wiggled back and forth with the same five pounds since the beginning, but I have that icky steroid roll beneath my boobs. My caboose have gone down a size and a half, but my waist feels like a flippin' inner tube. I'd rather be a pear than an apple anyday!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    I got no help from any Rx  with my hand and fingers tingling... it just wore off...can't explain nail-beds are 3/4 purplish...ugly ghoulish Halloween colored..just starting to fade a bit. My doc told me to expect some discomfort i 3-4 days after the infusions. 

    I lost weight unintended and wasn't happy about it... fears of more Cancer someplace... but the Decadron 60 will put it back this week. arrgh. 

    I think my feel are swelling so off I go to bed with them on a pillow...



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Mina, you're beautiful.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    mina - good to see you! how much neurontin are you taking. I take 300 mg twice a day, but my onc said I could up it to 3 x a day. what do you think?

     Robin - just a lucky girl, I'd say.

    I "wrote" on the cake, and with the neuropathy, I had a hard time controlling the pressure on the tip of the can. It looks like I was on "something". I need to post it. It is hilarious!!!

    how do I post a picture?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    Kyle's cake" mce_src="" alt="cake" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="797" height="585" align="baseline" />
  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Mina, you look great, I hadn't notice your eyelashes until you said you didn't have any.

    Jane what a great cake! Save me a bit.

    Have a great day girls.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Morning ladies.....Love the cake Juli!!!'s the THOUGHT that counts girl.  You tried......looks fine to me. look great sweetie.  I felt like I could reach through the screen and give you a big hug!!!

    I'm needin some Cabana boys.......a massage.....and nice nap!!!  Just haven't felt good for 3 days now.  This stupid port is drainin again.  I will be SOOOOOOO glad to get it out of there!

    My surgeon's office called Friday and cancelled my appt for tomorrow.  I go on Fri for another MRI....then see him after it is read.  Guess he wants to compare the first one and this one before he sees me.  Makes sense to me!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday....I will prob do what I did yesterday and sleep most of it away!

    love to all

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Chris - Jane and I need to stand in front of you, so you can remember who is who. It's my cake, not hers. LOL I know our names both begin with a "J", so it's easy to confuse.

     We will have plenty of cake, so y'all come over today. Laughing

    Hugs to all! Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Juli, FAX me a piece of that chocolate cake!!! Love the hand writing! All personal from Mom and perfect!

    Mina! I friended you on Facebook! And I see a beautiful soul in those eyes, bigger than the little redish area, or lack of eyelashes/brows! (Those grow back fast, never fear!). Your goodness shines through woman! It was wonderful to see a huge picture of you! 

    Nails: I have/had bruise spots on one side of my big toe nails, and one may be "lifting up" on the side. No pain yet, ONC told me to "tape it down" if it started to bother me. Whatever. Maybe it won't bother me! ha! 

    Jane, my knees were hurting, now they are fine again. Not sure what's up with the joints? We are walking a lot, over 16 miles a week now, so maybe that caused it in the first place? And now my body is just getting used to it? who knows. Hard to know what is chemo/cancer and what is "old age" har har har.

    Genia, I had my port out and it was SOOOO GOOOOD. It came out with the bilateral mastectomy. That was one good thing, beside no more breast tissue (or just traces left) there was NO MORE PORT!!! PTL!!!

    Chris, when do RADs end for you? Soon? I have just 7 to go total, and of those, only 4 include my clavicle (25 total for clavicle and 28 for chest area). I am doing maximum air, and it is helping. Plus a good girl friend of mine has been doing Healing Touch on me, and the last session really helped I think. About the "how do you incorporate this BC experience" - it is a good questions. My husband and I walk an hour nearly every day, and I noticed I was talking a lot about BC, decisions, options, feelings, people. And I wondered "sheesh, can I talk about anything else?" So I have been trying. I don't think he minds it, but I think he is still upset and a bit shaken by this whole thing. Maybe it is harder for them in a way. I am going to try and balance my conversations with him! We need to just have FUN I think... Focus on JOY. 

    Robin, LOL about the icky steroid roll benieth your boobs. I never knew what to call that ! LLOOLL!!!

    Today I am coloring my scant 1/2 - 1 inch of hair!!! A nice semi-permanent blonde, I HOPE. I will let you all know how it turns out!!!

    Spring. (Beverly)

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    I friended you, too, Mina!! Friend us back!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    and I'm staying silver...

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Juli50,  the cake is beautiful...I want a piece. How is everyone tonight? I have been miserable with  joint and flat bone  pain since early AM.. I think I finally met the Neublasta  pain monster.The pain is similar to RA pain but its level is tolerable...on a scale 1-10 with 10 what I felt when RA  had me in its grip, I rate  this pain  at  about a 5.  If I'd never had pain I would be really unhappy today, whining non-stop  and I'd give it a rating  of about 20,000:)

    Genia, NO MORE PORT.... BIG hugs to ya.

    Chris. I'll  friend  you and all my other friends tomorrow. I've been trying to get rid of my pain all day today and hope it'll let up  tomorrow.


    I'm considering a  silver hair  rinse too,  but I'll have to see, Presently, I have a brownish streak  of hair running down the front of my head  right in the midst of my silver-grey hair .:lol:lol  

     Cancer is a bear. Now I know what the phrase  battling Cancer really means. I was thinking today that I  couldn't take another course of chemo/Neublasta, but I know I  have to be  here for my darling son, so I quit thinking about recurrences and chemoblasta.

    I take 200 mgm of  generic Neurontin a day... but I can call my PMD and up it if  needed. The generic  seems less potent, even though my pharmacist says the strength is the same. Maybe, I  get the placebo effect whenever I take generics. 

    Sending  everyone warm soft hugs. I hope radiation ends without more discomfort. I feel as if I have had BC for a year. Yesterday, I saw a picture Patrick Swayze in one of those tabloid magazines  smoking a cigarette.  arrr...Fashion week is on; I'm watching Spring week 2008 on local cable. The  Fall/Winter 2009  show  will air  2/27/09.

    hugs everyone,


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Jane and juli, I do know who you are!! my fingers just seems be be confused, sorry.

    Spring, I have 3 more rads to go, one more on my entire breast and super clavical and 2 more on a focused part of the breast. It will be so good to be over with treatment.

    I went for a blood test this morning as I am seeing my oncol tomorrow for a check up and the nurse told me that my vein in my good arm is hard, I can feel it myself, I will ask if it will repair it's self over time, that nasty AC really damaged me, hope it killed those blasted cancer cells too!

    Feel better soon Genia. By for now.  Singapore Chris

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Hair color update:

    Well, I left the semi-permanent color on for the max time, to cover "difficult gray" and it still looks gray to me! My husband says he can see a difference, it is blonder he says. 

    I will get a pic and post later today. 

    Chris, I have 6 left after today, later this afternoon I will get my 7th zapping. I am ready to be done wiht this too. I will still say rads is much easier than chemo. It's only your skin, not your whole being getting zapped!

    Mina, how many more chemo treatments for you? BTW, my tumor was 3.5 when they took it out AFTER chemo, no telling how big it was prior. Maybe 5 or more? I guess it had been there a long time too, undetectable to all those mammograms! (all that boob squishing for *nothing!*) I also had no nodes positive. It is wierd to me how different it can be between us all, but whatever. It is a BEAR! 

    Ladies and my friends, have a blessed day!!!

    Spring (Beverly)

    PS I never got my peice of chocolate cake FAXed from Julie!!!!!  :-)

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Beverly - Sorry, the cake got stuck in the fax machine! What a mess! LOL But you could swing by for some leftovers. I mean when you're in the neighborhood. Wink

    Mina - I guess if you are only taking 200 mg and I am taking 600 mg of the generic Neurontin...I'll leave my dose alone.

    Chris & Beverly - you are almost done with rads!  woohooo! almost party time!

    Jane - How was your weekend?

    Genia - hope you are feeling better!

    Hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    OOh Juli,

    I  wondered what that brown gunk was clogging my FAX machine! LOL, better get my spoon out! 

    he he.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    Mina - I sent you a friend request on FB last night. Loved your pic!  Sorry that you're having bone pain - does the claritin help?

    Jane - thank you soooo much for the Valentine!  That was so sweet of you; I love the tattoos! 

    Beverly - I do not have to have rads because my 2.9 cm tumor had clear margins, was not vascularized, no lymph node involvement, and I had bi-lat mast.  I still have my port in because my surgeon will not remove it in his office and I can't afford another surgery right now.  My onc wants me to meet with a plastic surgeon to plan my reconstruction - he the plas surg could take out the port when he installed the expanders.....not even sure that I'm ready to think about recon yet Undecided.  Can't wait to see your new blond coiffure!

    Chris - I'm glad that you and Springy are almost done with rads - what are you two going to do with all your extra time?  Hope that you still stay in touch!

    Juli - did the b-day boy have a great one!  I sure was envious of that cake - even love the avant garde decor!  What a lovely family you have.

    Robin - I couldn't take the salt-n-pepper look; my hair is growing fast - it's going to be high maintenance for a

    Genia - that dad-burn port!  Will you have it taken out when you have your surgery?  Mine doesn't bother me so much any more, but then I only have it accessed every 8 weeks for a flush.

    It is sooo busy here at work; I'm here until 12 midnight, and I think it's going to be one of those days.  It's really beautiful outside - why on earth would anyone want to go to the hospital!  Springy - you have snow flurries in Raleigh?

    Just heard from one of the docs that there have been a lot of documented infulenza A cases in NC; it's also mutated and the Tamiflu shot is not working - so be careful GFs and wash your mittens often!

    Luv Y'all

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    OK, I finally got a FB account.....

    Mina - I sent you a friend request....thanks for putting your name....I have such a hard time remembering everyones real names vs web names !!!!  Must be chemo brain. LOL

    Genia - I hate my port !!!!  My surgeon agreed to take it out when I have my mast.  I can't wait !!! It will be nice to sleep with out worrying about pulling.

    Beverly - I am jealous, my hair is just starting to grow.  Some gray (ok I am 53) and some brownish color....not my normal light brown (which I dye to be blonde)  I want my hair back!!

    My fingernails are nasty.....I have 3 that look like they have been banged with a hammer.  I used to have acrylics but had to take them off for chemo.....can't wait to have them back !!!!

    My friends at work during break, we all decided to get pink ribbon tattoos after my body is better.  I have to pick a spot I can hide, since I am just not the tattoo type.  But, this is one time I think I might like to have a permanent reminder that I survived bc !!!

    We are all soooo lucky to be going thru this now.  Medicine has improved for bc so much !!!

    Huggs to all


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    Trude, where exactly are you going to have the tattoo?

    I went for a checkup today and all is well, I finish rads in 2 days, my oncol said my skin looked really good, hardly a sign of anything. He also said I could colour my hair, so immediately afterwards I was sitting in the hairdressers having it coloured.  It took really well, I am a honey blond kind of shade. The hairdresser also cut it a bit to even it out again and put some gel or something on the top so I have a little crazy spiky bit on the top now too! Kiss

    Trude, I had my nails done by a different girls today and although I warned here they looked awful, she kept on questioning me as to what had happened to them.  I told her it was the medication I was on, but she didn't get it and kept asking what had happened to them.  She was lucky, they are much much better than they were, they really took a beating with the chemo.  Never mind they will be fine again soon.

    I told my oncol about my joints and feet aching when I get out of my chair, and he said it was nothing to do with chemo, but an effect of the body being starved of estrogen?? I hope I am not going to stay like this, I know menopause dries you up, but come on. Perhaps the champagne I drink on Thursday for my end of treatment party will help lubricate my joints!

    I have also joined Weightwatchers online, so will be busy getting thin, but don't worry I will still keep in touch with all you lovely ladies.

    Take care, Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Heading back to the Dr. today.  My bones and muscles are hurting so bad and have been for the last 5 days....that I can barely walk.  Not sure what's goin on....but if it weren't for pain pills I'd be in trouble.  I've been sleeping most all the time......just so tired. 

    Soooo hi ho hi's off to the Doc I go!  

    My husband seems to think he will put me in the hospital........sure hoping he doesn't.  Then again........I need to start feeling much better on a constant basis.  The chemo is OVER.....and I thought that meant I would bounce back to a somewhat normal life.  Not happenin here...........

    hugsssssss and love 

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Chris - I am having the same problem.  Didn't even bother with my onc, such a pain to try to get an answer.  I thought it was just left over from chemo.  I am still having hot flashs like crazy !!!

    Genia - Hope all is ok.....soooo worried about you.  Keep your chin up, it will get better.

    I read today on the web that effects from taxol can last 4 to 5 months and peak after you stop the treatment !!!!  Yuck !!! 

    Huggs for Genia !!! 


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Morning everyone.

    I'm having the world's worst pain...Wink the Claritin does Absolutely nothing for this pain. I thought it would stop but it hasn't since Sunday morning. My doc thinks it will get better after today. I'm not going to compare it to anything today: it's awful. I'll  return and friend on FB asap...I  didn't sleep all night. I think I may be dehydrated since I have a low grade temp 99.4...It it goes up I'll call her back. I'm sorry I can't have fun right now...I don't think I can take this Taxol... the pain is so similar to RA pain except my joints aren't radiating heat...though my knee is swelling up a bit...not an unusual occurrence for me.

    Genia, Let me know what your doc likes for this pain...I have pain medication left over from the  bizarre accident last December, when the  back of the chair broke in front of me and fell backwards onto my knee, but it's not helping. OH well...I'll come back soon. When Percocet doesn't help...OMG! I just itch which my doc says is not a reaction. I don't mind itching if it would work.

    Take care everyone...hugs to ya Genia...

    hugs to everyone,



    Wow , Chris....He says your body is Starved of Estrogen...I wonder if that's my problem from years ago. I had a hysterectomy in '93' and wish I hadn't. It seems all my problems started with that hyst. I am seriously going to consider not doing the entire course of Taxol...I can't deal with bone/joint pain anymore...maybe... yet I know I'll  take the Taxol again.

    I threw some polish on my purplish nails last night and had a big laugh, I hate nail polish, but not anymore. :lol

    I need to read more about Taxol...May I have the link please Trudecox.

    Spring I have 3 more Taxol treatments...My tumor was there for at least 2 years I think because I became increasingly more tired each month...though  I blamed my lethargy on my mom's passing and  flareup I had with my  inflammatory arthritis.

    IFourth AC on 11/21/08
    Dx 6/6/2008, IDC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 0/19 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Winkie, Glad you don't need rads!

    Chris, glad yours are almost over! I also desire to go back to honey blondeish color. Sounds like this group has a few blondes, incl Trude! (or at least, blonde wanna be's!)

    Genia and Mina, hang in there girls. Genia, let us know if you end up in the hospital! Good grief! Mina, you ahve three more, are they every week or every other?

    I have two toe nails that look "bruised" on the side. One is the same, the other seems to be "lifting up". So the onc said to tape it down if it bothers, nothing yet. Can't wait for all the signs of this to be long gone. I am ready to move on to as "normal" as I can be.

    I do think the lack of estrogen causes the joint pains. I know when you take an AI, that suppresses the estrogen, that joint pain is a side effect. I have been walking and I think that helps?

    Juli, I ate your choc. Cake that was gooped in my fax! (LOL)

    Spring (Beverly) 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Well, now I have an explanation for my joint pain.  I got a call from rad onc today.  I go tomorrow for my dry run and then actually start the real thing on Monday, the 23rd.

    I'm on the phone with Genia right now.  She's back home with some pain meds.  The doc ordered a bone scan for her for next Tuesday.  I'll let her fill you all in when she's up to getting on the boards.  I just wanted to let you all know she's ok.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    I have the same kind of pain when I get up after sitting - especially the bottom of my feet.  I too thought it was residual chemo effect.  I probably haven't been drinking enough fluids either.

    Chris - I joined weight watchers online about 2.5 weeks ago; as of last Friday, I lost 5 lbs.  I have not been on the discussion boards there; my user name is donnawinks.  I have a friend here at work that goes to the meetings - she's lost almost 40 lbs!  I'll try to remember to raise a glass of wine (only 4 oz) in honor of you finishing rads on Thursday.

    Jane - I know that you will be glad to get started with rads so that you can get them over with.

    Mina & Genia - I'm so sorry that you all are having such a rough time - I'll keep you both in my prayers.

    Beverly & Chris - we're all waiting new pics with your blond do(s). Beverly - is your skin less itchy now?  You don't have many more to go as I recall.  Let me know - I'll have another glass of wine!

    Trude - I'm sorry - chemo brain (we can still use that excuse can't we?) - when are you having surgery?  Did you find an ACS store that has post surgical camisoles?  You can also get one online at the TLC store (but usually the local chapters provide these things for free).

    Juli - how are you doing today - any less pain in the digits?  It's a good thing that your weather is not frightfully cold - that would only complicate the matter.

    Robin - hopefully weight watchers will help me get rid of that icky steroid roll.  To bad I can't just hoist it all up and stuff it in a bra - I'm getting a little tired of the silicone girls.  Which reminds me - when I was on the cruise, I stuffed the girls into my one piece bathing suit (kind of thought that they would stay in place because the suit is tight); when I got out of the hot tube, they were both down around my waist (not the look I was aiming for! LOL

    I've not lost any nails; I have one that has lifted just a little bit.  I do however, have these strange pale lines that run horizontally across my nails .

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009

    I've finished 7 of the 12 weekly taxols, and I'm sleepy almost all the time.  Did anyone else have that symptom?   My nails are very thin and never need clipping, as they break off before they get long enough to be able to be clipped. My fingers and toes are numb most all of the time now.

    Genia - Give us an update whenever you can.  Praying for you!