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  • chelev
    chelev Posts: 417


  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Posts: 131

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a question for all the femara ladies- Ive been on femara since the end of January and have the "what seems normal" bone aches and stiffness. Recently I have noticed more of the stiffness and achiness on my normal side as opposed to the mastectomy side- wondering if all the chemo pokes, nuclear med pokes, blood draws etc on this side are making a difference in the degree of stiffness and whether anyone else has noticed a difference between the mastectomy side and the non-surgical side.


  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    it's with greatest pleasure that i can announce that i am starting Femara..

    i expected to go on yet another chemo, but femara it is.  i had my last chemo yesterday and she said i could start any day... maybe tomorrow.

    i'm excited.  i know the side effects can be nasty but i would really enjoy a bit of hair even if it is funky.

  • beergirl
    beergirl Posts: 83

    I have been taking femara since May '08. I have had almost no side effects, or so I thought. I found out about 2 weeks ago that femara has put me in the severe osteoporosis category. I have also been taking calcium supplements, Vitamin D, and Aredia, then switched to Zometa infusions. Now my onc may have me stop the femara and start taking tamoxifen. I had the blood test last week to see if my body can metabolize the tamoxifen. BTW, I am post menopausal, have an active life. When my onc warned me to not but that bicycle I want and to not lift more than 10 lbs. I felt a bit of panic. The lifting I do everyday. I have also not hesitated to climb ladders and other things. OMG, I guess I will have to get help changing lightbulbs now.

    Anyone here have any ideas? I'm not ready for the rocking chair!

  • beergirl
    beergirl Posts: 83

    KristyAnn, I had a bilat March '08. The cancer was only in my left breast. I have more muscle stiffness on my right side. I have wondered why this is, but have not asked. My surgeon also left a blob of fat on that side about 5 inches below my armpit. Also, I am right handed, so  I do use that arm more anyway, so that side should really not feel tight.  Any other joint/stiffness/aches I have blamed on arthritis since it tends to go away as the day moves on and I keep moving around. I do have a port on my right side, but it does not bother me.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Posts: 2,701

    Beergirl ~  I'm not a doctor, but looking at your stats -- especially the Grade 1 -- I would seriously question whether you truly need Femara.  Although that's partly my natural-thinking, take as few drugs as possible mentality, from the stats you have showing, your bc appears to be one of those with an exceedingly slim likelihood of recurring.  If I was in your situation, I would consider getting a second opinion about Femara in view of what it's doing to your bones.  You can also check this website to see your chances of reoccurance with and without an A/I: 

    My other suggestion is that you check into a drug called Evista.  I recently had it RX'd for my osteopenia, with the added hope that it will give me some bc protection, since I've declined Femara after a bad experience with it.  In truth, I haven't started taking the Evista yet (that anti-drug thing in me), but I've read enough about it to think you might want to look into it.    Deanna

  • beergirl
    beergirl Posts: 83

    Thanks Deanna, The Zometa is to build bone density. I will continue getting it every 4 weeks. also did not add that I have been on thyroid medication since I was 10 years old when my thyroid was removed due to toxic goiter. The thyroid meds also deplete the bones of calcium. I had been wondering if I should continue. I think my stats are wrong on here. I will have to pull the last path report. I know some things on it changed.

  • ajlive
    ajlive Posts: 14

    dlb823:  I had been on Evista for two years when I found out I had breast cancer.  My surgeon and Med Onc said to immediately quit taking it since I am ER+.  Med Onc has me on Actonel now along with Femara.  I also take Calcium and D3 daily. 

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Posts: 2,701

    ajlive ~  That's very interesting, although I'm sorry it happened to you.  You know, I have been really leery of starting Evista, even though my PCP RX'd it and my onc acted like it was a great choice since I'm not doing Femara.  But I have just had this unsettled feeling about it that I can't overcome -- a fear of possible stroke because my Mom had one, as well as a concern that it hasn't been on the market long enough to really know its long term affects. 

    I guess Evista is supposed to help your bones while possibly preventing future bone mets (not approved yet for the latter, but the word on the street seems to be that that approval will be forthcoming).  But the fact that you developed bc while on it isn't reassuring at all!  Thank you so much for telling me about your experience.  If you know anything else about it, I'd be very interested,  I guess I don't quite get why it would be contradicted for ER+ bc; do you?      Deanna

  • ajlive
    ajlive Posts: 14

    dlb823:  Read patient information on this website:  Noted on this website "EVISTA has not been fully studied in women who have a history of breast cancer" . 

    I have early stage osteopena.  I tried Fosomax before taking Evista and had to stop taking it due to it causing jaw joint pain.  After taking Evasta for over a year I had a bone density test.  No improvement whatsoever.  Was really disappointed.  I now take 1200mg of Calcium twice a day and 2000iu of Vitamin D3 a day.  D3 helps your body absorb calcium.   I also take multiple vitamins and CoQ-10 daily along with Actonel which my med onc put me on.

    Reference for CoQ-10: and

    Wont have another bone density test until next year to see if there has been damage from radiation treatment or if there is signs of improvement.  My insurance will only pay every two years for bone density test.

    I have been on Actonel for two months now along with Femara and have had no SE's from either.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Posts: 2,701

    ajlive ~ It's good you were aware of the jaw issues with Fosomax and nipped that problem ASAP.  In thinking about your developing bc while on Evista, I'm curious to know, were you also on either HRT or birth control at the time?    Deanna 

  • ajlive
    ajlive Posts: 14

    dlb823: Had a hysterectomy in 91.  Was taken off HRT after the big scare several years ago.  I also questioned getting bc with taking Evista.  My med onc and surgeon wasn't familiar with Evista.  My gynecologist that put me on Evista didn't have an answer.

  • chelev
    chelev Posts: 417

    I was on Evista from around 1991-1997 or so, following my hysterectomy.  When I had my remaining ovary out in 1997, my gyn tried a few other things, including HRT by either premarin or something else (chemo brain, can't remember anything!) by shot, but I started having issues with . . . my breasts!  Lots of fibrous cysts and then one really large fluid filled cyst.  We stopped all HRT and I started taking black cohosh and multi vitamins.  Bone density scans over the years indicated minor loss, but not too bad, though I did get a stress crack in a rib a few years ago from a really big sneeze!  I had a bone density last year, while on Estratest, and it was much better.  My insurance won't cover another one either until next year, so I am boosting the calcium / vitamin D intake.  My dairy intake has always been really good - I love milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.  It would be interesting to see if the Evista has any causes of bc - because with my tumor, it was a slow grower from about 10 years ago, about the times I started having other problems with the breasts.

  • nanna
    nanna Posts: 138

    I havebeen dealing with depression for the past 2 wks . I use to take zoloft several years ago. Does anyone take zoloft and femara?

  • Monty
    Monty Posts: 146

    Nanna, I'm sorry to hear you have been feeling depressed for the last couple of weeks!  I too am having a difficult period in my life right now but I'm not sure that medication is always the way to treat things.  Perhaps you need to fill up any spare time you have with activities you enjoy so that you take your mind away to somewhere more enjoyable.  I have found that gardening is my therapy.  I hated gardening as a child but now I find it therapeutic, I think because it's my time, I don't have to share it with anyone else and it gives me time to think about something other than life's traumas.  Maybe I'm kidding myself too, I just hate taking the meds we already have to take without taking more.

    I do hope you start to feel better and brighter in spirits soon.


  • carol1949
    carol1949 Posts: 48

    I started taking Femara and had immediate hair loss in the first 2 weeks.  Onc says to expect it!

    I ache, and I don't think it is worth it.  I am taking Lugol's iodine which also negates the estrogen in the breast, so encourage you to research that possibility.

    Also have talked to a local former MD who got tired of the "system" and is now treating holistically and says brocolli will do almost the same thing as femara! 

    As for the costs...... fortunately, I have insurance and only pay $25. but the balance says it all in how corrupt our pharmaceutical companies are!  My husband also used to work for a MAJOR insurance co. and witnessed more corruption, than you would want to know!

    It's all about the almighty buck.

  • chelev
    chelev Posts: 417

    My hair is too new to tell, but it doesn't seem to be growing as fast as it was before I started taking it - and now I can add nausea after every meal (looked it up and yes, it's a se) and a raging headache every night.  Aches are getting more constant, especially in my hip.  I am going to try to stick it out for a few more months, but the way my body reacts to drugs tells me that I won't be a long termer on this.  And with my insurance, it's over $58 a month (we're on a part-time status now and pay cuts, which add to the hurt!)

    Did you stop taking Femara, Carol? 

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    (i can buy Femara from my insurance's mail order company..50 for three months.

    maybe you have that benefit. CHELEV

    (i am really happy to be on this drug and not in active chemo.. it sure kicks butt tho)

  • Mom_of_boys
    Mom_of_boys Posts: 101

    Ok... finished rads July 8.  Was supposed to start Femara immediately.  Then, I told myself I would start that following Monday.  Now, I've told myself that today is the day.  BLAH! 

    What is the consensus of what time of the day I should take Femara?

  • chelev
    chelev Posts: 417

    Apple, no, my insurance won't do mail order.  I'm still waiting to hear back from my onc's office - the nausea came back and was with me all day today, despite taking compazine.  Am also starting to get some real strong pain not only in the hips, but shoulder and wrists, and am feeling really crappy.  It sure is kicking my butt.  I'm thinking after only 2 weeks, this is going to be like chemo and yet another drug I can't take.  I am also working full time, and it's been hell trying to get things done with the avalanche of se's kicking in.

    Mom-of-boys - I have been taking mine in the morning. 

  • DottieW
    DottieW Posts: 7

    First time posting here but am grateful for all your info! I've been on Femara two months, taking it at bedtime, but I wake up after about 2-3 hours with pretty bad neck and other joint pain -- all areas that have had prior injuries years ago. I'm just beginning to figure out that Femara "attacks" or "settles" in joints that have had trama in the past. I'm switching to mornings, so hope pain will lessen with activity and I'll sleep better too. Good night to all!

  • chelev
    chelev Posts: 417

    I did not take my Femara pill this morning and surprise, I'm not nauseaous!

    I had a bad night last night - DottieW, it was just as you were saying - I was in such horrible pain, it was attacking random joints - back, hips, neck, elbow, knee, foot, and when I tried to get up and walk, I was hobbling.  We took a very gentle bike ride around after dinner to try to loosen up my hips and I could hardly pedal, and when I finally was able to loosen up and ride, getting off the bike took me forever.  I don't think I am going to do this anymore - after two weeks my QOL is horrible, and I ache so bad I can't do my job well.

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    it's pretty overwhelming isn't .. getting up and sitting, trying to stretch, attempting to walk, expecting to be normal.

    yet, i find that the pain responds pretty well to my hydrocodone pills, i can move normally after testing my range of motion for every limb in every direction... i sure could take a lot more of them but won't for now.

    I read an excellent post from a woman on this forum suggesting keeping well hydrated, avoiding caffeine and alchohol, stretching, taking it easy, lots of fruit and vegetables, taking it easy on yourself while taking Femara.  I wish I could find it.  it was so calm and encouraging,.

     if only my hair could grow long enough for a hairdo, i'd be happy.  the thought of raising my children i find appealing.  i'm so happy not to be on chemo and to not be saddled with the incessant worry of mortality at least for now.

  • chelev
    chelev Posts: 417

    Just heard from my doctor and he told me to stop taking Femara if I'm getting these kind of reactions, and to let him know how I'm feeling and that there are other options out there we can look at and I'm also looking at natural alternatives. 

  • EWB
    EWB Posts: 592

    I have been on Femara for the past 2 1/2 years...I know that Femara (and AIs) can really be difficult but hang in there - it really works.  Trick is to try alternative and complementary things to help with SEs, also look at them as low/no estrogen problems and what would help get thru that (other than hormone replacement)

    Exercise, yoga, stretching, mediation, music, hot/warm tubs or baths, keeping joints warm (try layers, silk long johns, cuddleduds etc) diet (have lots of ideas if anyone is interested let me know), juicing and/or blending.

    Nothing will be perfect but you can feel better. Its important to put yourself first on the list (I wasn't even ON the list when I started),  make these complimentary things as important as your formal treatment. Hang in ladies--one step at a time, one day at a time.


  • kathimdgd
    kathimdgd Posts: 84


    I'm on Femera also and the first day or so i was nauseaus as well,but it only lasted a couple days.

    I was on aromasin before the femera and i couldn't tolerate it at all.Not only was i nauseaus,i was weak,every bone joint,and muscle in my body was hurting,i couldn't do anything. My feet felt like they had been burned and then i walked thru glass shards,they still feel that way even on femera.I almost fell a couple of times,once in the shower,and i was constantly walking into walls.I called my onc.and told him i couldn't live like this,as it wasn't living!! He told me to go off it til i saw him in 3 weeks,and i did.When i saw him ,he said most women tolerate aromasin better than the other meds,but i must be the exception to that rule.He put me on Femera that day,so i've been on it since june 3rd this year.

    Most all the other symptoms passed but not the feet or the hot flashes,but i've been dealing ok with those.Funny(not) but when i'm standing/walking my feet feel ok,when i sit or lay down is when they give me problems.Also they are always freezing,while the rest of me is saturated with sweat---------------go figure!! They were always freezing even before the BC,and the dr's havn't been able to figure it out.Always something!!!


  • ajlive
    ajlive Posts: 14

    Elaine: Thanks for the suggestions. I will sure try them.  After being on Femara & Actonel going on three months I am beginning to get the sore muscles and achy joints.  That is one of Actonel's SE's also.  I have been doing some exercising to so not for sure which is causing it.  Don't think it's the exercising.  Would love to hear your ideas on diet juicing/blending.

    Chelev:  Sorry the Femara SE's were so bad.  Let us know what alternative you went to. 

  • Monty
    Monty Posts: 146

    Hi Ladies,

     Haven't posted in a little while, looks like lots of new names have joined.  I was doing really well and then some major stressful life trauma hit and BANG back came the aches, pains etc. with avengance.  I think the SEs with Femara feed from any anxiety we feel.  Also, I found that a the most stressful point I also had swelling of legs, arms etc - my onc said again this is a side effect of Femara and is brought on by stress.  If only we could all lead stress free lives may be that would be our answer.

    For you newbies (I've been taking it since February) I found the first month or so the worst then it settled down, or maybe it's just that we get accustomed to having the side efffects to the point where we forget about them.  I have had continued problems with finger and hand joint pain particularly but right now it's my knees that hurt the most.  Maybe once I resolved the stress in my  life right now I'll get back on an even keel.


  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    i sure wish some of you Femara girls would tell me you do have hair.   I had a little bit.. a nice bit of super thin hair that is now falling out from the femara i've been taking since July 9th... (big bummer).  I quit the taxol chemo July 5th... i sure hope some comes back in.  I'm thinking it will, but who knows.

  • ajlive
    ajlive Posts: 14

    Femara girls with bone, joint and muscle SE's:  I have been on Fermara going on three months.  I was not having any SE's until this last weekend.  Felt like I had been hit by a truck.  After reading several comments on other forums about using Glucosamine with Chondroitin and MSM for bone, joint & muscle SE's I decided to try it.  You can get it in pill or liquid form.  The liquid form gets into your system faster.  I found it at Walgreens and is made by Wellesse.  I started taking the pill form Monday night.  Got a good nights rest and no pain the next day until in the evening.  I have got it down to taking it every 12 hours and have no more pain.  I just found the liquid for today so will try it this weekend.