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  • artsee
    artsee Posts: 701

    I was on Femara for 6 month with no major problems. Then my onco told me to go off just to see if it was causing my acid reflux. I went back on Femara after 4 weeks off. It's been 2 weeks that i'm back on, and this time  I am having major hair loss. Has anyone experienced hair loss and how much did you loose? It's pretty freaky because it didn't do this before.

     Thanks, artsee

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Posts: 932

    I haven't had hair loss, per se, a couple here and there, but what I did have growing in has come pretty much to a standstill.  I am 7 months out of chemo, and still only have about 2 inches of hair.

  • BMD
    BMD Posts: 215

    artsee-My hair is very fine and thin now. If I don't style it you can see my scalp. Before bc my hair was thick and wavy. After bc it came in pretty much the way it was before. Since Femara and ooph 2 1/2 years ago it has really thinned out. I also have a hypothyroid now so I am sure that is why it was so dry. Meds seem to be helping with that.

  • Cathy123
    Cathy123 Posts: 10

    Did all of you experiencing hair loss have chemo prior to starting Femara?  I am due to start in early September, however, Femara is all I am chemo, no rads.  My onc says he believes the hair loss on Femara is related to previous chemo.



  • Hi Cathy, I have been taking Femara for a month and haven't noticed any thinning or hair loss.  Don't know if this helps at all.  Best wishes to you -

  • Cathy,

    I started Femara on Sunday (3 days ago) having had no chemo or radiation prior. I've had a bilateral mastectomy March 20 with reconstruction. I had circulation problems in the skin and was unable to keep the implants. My chance of any recurrence of cancer is about 3 to 5% but my onc thinks that I should take it "to cover myself." I have not felt any side effects as yet and hope to avoid them altogether. My sister-in-law took Femara for 5 years with no ill effects after coming off of Tamoxifen with lots of se. If I do experience the side effects my onc also told me that he would not have a problem stopping the Femara since my % is so low.

    I hope that you continue with no ill effects.

  • Cathy123
    Cathy123 Posts: 10

    Virginia and ewambold,

    Thanks for your responses.  I hope I can avoid side effects, but if need be, I will go off the Femara.  My chance of recurrence is only about 3%, but my onc also thinks it is a good idea "to cover myself".  My biggest concern is osteoporosis since I already take meds for it, I don't want it to get any worse.

    Thanks again.


  • It has been so helpful to read your comments.  I had early stage bc dx in Oct 08-- had a lumpectomy, 4 rounds of A/C and radiation.  I am on Lupron and femara (I was pre-menopausal but could not take tamoxifen due to an earlier blood clot).  I was in excellent health. 

     I have been on the femara for about a month.  I got through chemo and radiation with very little difficulty, managed to work full-time all through it.   I thought some of the se's I was feeling (joint stiffness) was from the lupron, but onc says it is the femara.  I just today started replens and glucosomine-onc says that that is first line of defense, when I see her in Sept we can evaluate... they do sometimes a low level estrogen replacement, but I want to try to avoid it...My potential recurrence rate is low, and I want to keep it that way.  I have found exercise does help---- stretching, walking, and swimming, although I do miss my running.  

     As for hair, didn't lose all of it in chemo, but eventually shaved it all off-- grew back in with a vengance and is short, curly and thick, so I don't know if femara has affected my hair or will in the future.  Right now, the se's are ok- I can live with them, although I do look like I am about 90 years old when I get out of the car--- and I am in my 40's!  At this point, I figure it is doing it's job and I feel fortunate to live in a time when they have these drugs, but the joint stiffness and the v-dryness is annoying.  I have not had hot flashes so much, which is funny, because that was the thing I most dreaded.... it sounds like for some the se's decrease over time-- or maybe we just adapt.  I feel it most in the am when I am getting out of bed, but as the day goes on, it subsides, but I am always aware of my joints and muscles---- in ways I never noticed them before--if you know what I mean..... 

    I feel like I have been through it all--- my onc calls everything after the surgery "insurance" and I know she is right--- I certainly want to do everything available-that was one reason I did the chemo even though there was some thought that I might be able to get by without it.... and I had some of these muscle aches with chemo, but they went away right afterwards.... I have very strong bones and am taking calcium and vit d as well.... so I feel like I am doing everything I am supposed to and have to just work with the challenge of these side effects--I am just hoping that they don't intensify..... but I guess I will just cross that bridge when I get to it...

    hope you are all well


  • Carole - maybe change the time of day or night you take the femara  then you can sort of adjust ses.

    For the dryness (I don't have it severely) I have just used a dab of Palmers Coacoa butter oil each morning, and it seems to work on the basis of things don't stay dry if you use a little ouikl of some description.

    hope this helps and encourages!!   

       I gather some people find accupuncture helpful overall. 

    anyway, best wishes to all -

  • Cathy,

    I also take medication (Boniva, once a month) for Osteopenia. Hopefully the Femara won't make my condition worse either. You and I seem to have the same health issues......wonder if we are related? LOL

    Hope you continue to do well.


  • Texas357
    Texas357 Posts: 332

    I started taking Femara a couple of months ago. At first, every prior injury hurt and my fingers were killing me. But those side effects have eased up. I believe that the fish oil I'm taking really helps. I was worried about thinning hair but that hasn't happened.

    I have osteopenia, and I refused any drugs for that until I saw how well I did on the Femara. I didn't want to start 2 different drugs that both caused joint aches because I wouldn't know which one was causing it!

  • London-virginia-

    did you use the Palmer stuff for vaginal dryness?  that is what I am struggling with.... which type did you use?  also, I am thinking about accupunture--- anyone have some success there????

    thanks for all the info.... 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Posts: 932

    My onc gave my Lyrica for some unrelated pain I've been having.  It has made a lot of difference in my foot pain, too.  My legs still hurt, but my feet are pretty good.

  • I stopped taking Femara about 4 weeks ago.  My hair has started to thicken almost immediately.

    Between losing insurance and not liking the s/e's...... I decided to heck with it.  I take Lugol's iodine which also negates the estrogen in the breast.  I also use Reiki therapy and also essential oils which have anti tumoral effects.

    I am in a local support  group and am amazed at the number of women who choose not to take it for various reasons from cost - s'e's.... and many of them are several years out of tx.

    One local physician,  ( YES MD)  who is more holistic minded told my friend that eating broccoli will do the same thing!

    I encourage anyone who is uncomfortable with it to do your research and see that there are alternatives with much fewer side effects.

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    post deleted

    Dx 5/10/2008, IDC, 5cm, Stage IIIc, Grade 3, 4/9 nodes, ER+

  • ajlive
    ajlive Posts: 14

    Femara Ladies: I got blood test results back today on my Estradiol Levels. Per my med onc post menopausal woman are usually 27. Mine was 47 which means the ovary that was left when I had my hysterectomy 18 years ago is still producing estrogen. Med Onc said to quit taking the Femara immediately since I am more like pre menopausal instead of post menopausal. He suggested I talk to my gynecologist about having the ovary removed (insurance may not pay). So he is now putting me on Tamoxifen until either the ovary is removed or quits producing.

    So, if you have had a hysterectomy and still have an ovary you may want to have your Estradiol level checked to see if Femara is working for your. Sure would have been nice if he would have ran this test before I started taking Femara which I have been on for about five months.Frown

  • Be careful with the hydrocodone.  It is highly addictive.  The longer you are on it, the more you need, then, you get the shakes when you try to get off of it! 

    I wish you well and certainly hope that you don't have problems with it.

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    wow... excellent point Carol.. I deleted my post.. not wishing to add any burdens to any other ladies. 

    I discussed the use of hydrocodone as a maintenance drug with my onc.  I've always been the disciplined sort.

    I'll read what other ladies do for pain relief.  (thank goodness for the excellent search function at this forum).

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Posts: 932

    My onc put me on Lyrica for arm pain and it has helped tremendously with my foot pain as well.  My knees and hips still hurt like crap, but at least my feet don't feel like they are on fire all the time.

  • nanna
    nanna Posts: 138


  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466

    I've thought alot about this Femara pain and how to reduce it the last several days.  I can't figure out exactly how it is caused (and welcome any explanations).

     I've figured out that stretching and pumping the joint (or spine bones) 5 to 10 repetitions of a movement gets that sore area nonhurting and functional.  The first thing I do in the morning, before even stepping onto the floor is test all the joints that bend.. pulling my legs and feet up into a tuck several times, pointing my toes, stretching my arms up above my head, testing the torque of my spine and neck.. then i slowly stand up and start moving on my feet.  I stretch my hamstrings while brushing me teeth and waiting for the kids to wake up.  a couple pain pills first thing in the morning and then maybe 1 or 2 later thruout the day keep me functional and nonhurting.  I'd like to reduce that to one pill a day.  just one.  I don't like the idea of maintenance pain meds.  It has to impact one's body sooner or later.

    I'm a very very active worker and pianist and really don't like the idea of my body  being in pain or having restricted movement.  At the piano I've particularly found that warmups and simple exercises to get the juices flowing really works. When I start, I find that my fingers feel so brittle - but they do get back to normal with beginning  exercises.  I've tried to apply that to all movements.  The worst I think is standing up after sitting. It takes more than a few moments to overcome that stiffness - like i try not to even sit if I can avoid it.  (as I type ha ha)..

  • This isn't really a reply, more of a What in the world is happening to my body? I was diagnosed in Dec.'04 with breast cancer , had a lumpectomy next mon. They said it was invasive lobular , so I had a double mastectomy in June of '05. Was on Tamoxifen for a year , but little sleep & hot flashes lowered my immune functions and made me miserable. My oncologist said I could stop.Fast forward thru 4 recon. operations & they found a miniature tumor in left over tissue . Now I've been on Femara for nearly 2 years.I have severe side effects . Pain in my hips , bottom of my feet , shins, migraines , heart palpitations , only brief intervals of sleep ( maybe 2 or 3 hours a night) hot flashes, forgetfulness . My brain , once a highly trained organ ,  seems  to be running on 2 cylinders . My body is sluggish & I'm exhausted all the time. On the rare days I get a nap I feel years younger. I take supplements, hate drugs , but can't seem to get any rest . I'm supposed to be on Femara another 3 years.At this point , I'm almost willing to go off it & risk cancer. At least I could sleep then. When my oncologist told me to take this , he only mentioned the bone loss & hot flashes. Now my heart races when I'm sitting still. Any suggestions?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611

    Hi ray_of_light, I am on Femara over 3 years now except some bone loss I don't have any Side effect. Do you think it might be anxiety?. I was on anti-anxiety medicine before even i was DX.

    Ask your doctor it could be that all the symptoms you are experiencing it might not be related to Femara. Good Luck. Hoping you get some relief.

    Smile Sheila Smile

  • Ray of Light - would it be poss to switch to a different AI?  Some people find that works.

    I read a thread on here the other day with someone with a lot of your SEs.  She was tested and found greatly lacking in magnesium - particularly bad for fatigue,  (this was her MD, not  a complementary clinic) and apparently her MD sorted her out - would it be worth loooking into this?

    very best of luck -

  • nanna
    nanna Posts: 138

    I am going to ask my onc about taking anti-anxiety med. I use to take it a few years back before b.c. It seemed to help me

  • DottieW
    DottieW Posts: 7

    Ray of light --- it's good you found this site...there are lots of conversations on lots of side effects (SE's) you can find on lots of the discussions... I've been on Femara just three months following 2+ years on tamoxifen... my joints are achin' and I don't sleep much either, but it has to be a combination of lots of factors... You will learn MUCH from reading the threads on this is sooooo much more than you will learn from your Onc.... hang in there and keep your chin up... we will all get through this!!!!! hugzzz, Dottie

    PS: to all the others on this site --- thank you for all your wisdom and sharing! I've been reading this thread for a few months and learn lots from all of you!!! Bless you all!

  • nanna
    nanna Posts: 138

    Has anyone took or taking melotonia to help sleep.Should i check with my onc before i take it.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Posts: 932

    I take it and it helps but I didn't check with my oncologist.

  • I've been on Femara now for about 2 months.  When I get in the sun or in a really hot shower, it feels like ants are crawling on my arms--anybody else experienced that? So far, I've not lost any hair, but it's VERY thick and between 1-2" long (since I've been off chemo). I did notice, though, that my eyelashes are falling out again--they're about half gone.  So far, knock on wood, I haven't lost any hair.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Posts: 932

    The ants crawl on my feet, not my arms.