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  • Survivor07
    Survivor07 Member Posts: 7 feet are still sore and icky from the Neropathy caused by my Taxol.

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Does anyone take Zoloft > If so does it help?

  • Lisa-Lisa
    Lisa-Lisa Member Posts: 10

     Had a Double Mastectomy/Reconstruction in Oct 09, finished Chemo in March, started Femara in August.  My side effects are bone pain in the lower back, insomnia, fatigue, a little stomachache.  I call it my mini-chemo pill.  If I get a walk in it sometimes helps. I have been taking Ambien to help with the sleeping and still only getting 4hrs a night.  Nanna- I have been on Zoloft for 7weeks.  I can say it has helped me calm down and focus better.  I hope this is helpful. Sending smiles to all 


  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Thanks Lisa-Lisa. I have heard that it will also help with the bone pain. Has it helped yours yet. just started taking mine 1 wk ago

  • Lisa-Lisa
    Lisa-Lisa Member Posts: 10

    I'm going to give it the old college try and give it at least 3months or more to see the effects, may need to increase the dosage to see any results. Will keep in touch......I was wondering if anyone has had any follow-up with a dermatologist or phychologist, this should be a part of our journey of care but have not seen any comments on this kind of stuff????  It just seems to fit with all that we do pre, where is all the post, not that I really want more appointments but I think I need this stuff and not sure it exists.  Smiles to all  :)

  • dkerler
    dkerler Member Posts: 41

    Hi ladies,

    I've been on Femara since June 22nd. I take it in the morning and so far am not having any major se's. I do get minor joint pain but nothing that a Tylenol for arthritis doesn't get rid of. I have noticed this past week that the pain has been worst but I think it is because of all the rain we've had in SE PA.

    I just saw my dermatologist and have an appointment with my gynocologist and my eye doctor. I am trying to get back to regular visits along with visits to my medical oncologist.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • algw
    algw Member Posts: 37

    Artsee, I remember you from the 2008 T&C thread, good to see you doing well. Me too!

    Long time since I have checked in here, but I'm on Femara now (after 6 months on Tamoxifen and confirmation that I am indeed menopausal - damn chemo) and looking for some kinship/commiseration on the joint pain!  On Arimidex initially (also caused joint issues), So my onc switched me to Femara,  but it looks as though my body just doesn't like the AI's and I guess I'll live with feeling like I'm 90! I have pain mostly in my feet, knees and hips and am trying to maintain my exercise schedule, but it's tough. I think I may try glucosamine as many have suggested.


  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118


    I have been on femara since July-- and I have the feet pain, along with wrist pain  and some pain along my shoulders--- I find it subsides as the day goes on and exercise really helps-I swim, lift weights and walk-- really makes a difference.  I also take the glucosamine--it seems to help alot as well. I am going to stay on it until dec-- onc says you need 6 months to see if the se's settle down--- then re-evaluate at the new year.  I am also on lupron shots (I was pre-menopausal) so I think that contributes as well.....

    In the morning, I feel like I am 90--- and I am in my 40s!


  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    I went to my med dr i told him I could not sleep and about being depressed. He gave a prec. The name is  Trazodone.I take 100 mg at nite It is for depression and help helps you sleep. I took my 1st pill last nite and did sleep well.  He also said it will help with my acks and pain. Hope he is right Has anyone took the med and did it help you?

  • mama1050
    mama1050 Member Posts: 2

    I have been on Femara since August 2008.  Second BC, first one in 1991.  Had mastectomy at 40 yrs. old.  6 months chemo and  years tamoxifin with NO side effects.  With femara, my hand tingles continuosly and the pain in the upper part of my feet is terrible.  Joined a gym two years ago ad since femara, have gained almost 30 pounds, all in the belly.  Tumor markers have been normal and all scans up till last week said tumor was shrinking significantly.  It is in my upper chest near lung and clavical.  Scans last week showed tumor grew from 6 millimeters to 9, not much, but wondering if femara is still working.  Go to dr. for more blood tests early October.  Am scared to death.  They said they would change meds if necessary or start chemo if all else fails.  Has anyone else had the tumor enlarge while they were on femara? 

  • Monty
    Monty Member Posts: 146

    Hi Girls,

    Haven't been around in a litle while but thought I'd just po pin and check out who's around.

    I finished a month vacation from Femara, saw a little improvement for approx 1 week then BANG the pain came back with avengance.  I was doing so good for the one week I even considered stopping taken the Femara altogether but I guess it wasn't meant to be.  Since starting back on the Femara the pains are worst, all over not just the joints.  It feels like growing pains, it's my bones not the muscles.  It gets worse throughout the day, by night time I feel like my bones want to crumble and exercise doesn't seem to make a difference.  This was why the onc took me off for a month, and the fact that stress makes the side effects worse.  Teenage sons and Femara don't mix!!!!

     Just waiting for a biopsy, my mammogram showed OK but the ultrasound sees a 7mm abnormality which they want to check out.  The onc called me almost 2 weeks ago to tell me but I haven't received a date for the biopsy yet, guess if I don't hear today then maybe I should call and  check in case they forgot.  Not sure how I feel about this.  They say the "thing" is an enlarged lymph node on the same side as I was treated last year - mastectomy, chemo, radiation and herceptin plus tamoxifen then femara - did anyone else have a recurrence on the same side after all that treatment?

    Please let me have your thoughts.



  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Bumping for Pam

  • aris
    aris Member Posts: 5

    I dont' know if this has been asked before, but I thought I'd try here. 

    I started on Femara last Thursday (the day after my first lupron shot) and have had headaches each day ever since. I hadn't realized the connection until another one popped up just now. Has anyone had these side effects? Will it go away? Help!

    I was really hoping not to have se's from Femara, and honestly I find it so hard to function with a headache.

    Any advice for me?

    Thanks so much


  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Member Posts: 131

    I have been on femara since the end of January and had moderate joint/bone pain. Someone had suggested Omega 3 oils and it ook me months to find one that was not dissolved in soy oil- which I avoid. I FINALLY found a source or Omega 3 capsules in lemon oil and started using them about 6 weeks ago and have felt tremendous improvement- I take 2 a day- morning and night.

    I also walk/swim/water exercise about 4-5 times a week- and it is a lot easier since adding the Omega 3 to my supplements.

    Might not work for everyone but has been great for me!


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I have been on Femara since March 2006 and I was doing fine no SE.

    These last 4 weeks I had pain more like a constant ache and sometimes shooting pain in my right breast when you touch the skin and the nipples it aches. My BS is on vacation until October 6.

    Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I was loosing my mind. The fear took over. I took myself to ER. Blood work was fine no infection. They also did an US which it showed nothing was in my breast.

    I should be happy right?. No I want someone to tell me where the achy pain is coming from.

    Its 3:15 AM in NY. I goggled Femara side effects and it says Breast pain.

    I really need help. Does anybody have Breast pain (it feels so sensitive) as SE or did you hear anything about it. Please help me with any info you have.

    Thank you very much

    Smile Sheila

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611


  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Just wanted to know if anyone else when you  go to see onc . That her assistant sees you and not your reg onc .I have only saw my onc one time in over a year .When make appt they always make it with her.  Should I request to see my onc?  I am still on femara still have some pain. only 4 yrs to go. Then will be femara free (I HOPE)

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79


    I have been taken off of Femara  (2.5 mg ) due to blood pressure problems. Knowing how expensive it is  I hate to see the 60 pills go to waste when it is so expensive. Does anyone know if tthere is a charity that takes RX.  

    dx april 2009  lumpectomy followed by a partial mastectomy andSNB   radiation and boosts

  • aug242007
    aug242007 Member Posts: 186

    Yes, I take Femara and I have shooting pain in the breast area.  It comes and goes which is a SE listed with Femara and with Arimidex.  Arimidex SE's states bone and muscle pain. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Aug242007... Thanks for responding, its been 3 days now, achy feeling no longer there.

    I even had a US it was all clear. I was very nervous because all these years I was on Femara had practically no SE, I thought My cancer was back. I really panicked. You can understand that Right? 

    Good luck to you

    Smile Sheila

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Has anyone had recurance of cancer  while on femara. I found a large knot on the outside of my thigh. I am scared it is cancer.I just had  stage 1 breast cancer 15months ago and have been on femara .I also had chemo  4 treatments. My therapist thinks it is just fatty tumor.I pray that is all it is I go see my onc Monday. just pray that it is not cancer.

  • debisongbird
    debisongbird Member Posts: 26

    I was told the difference was that Arimidex and Femara reduces estrogen, but Aromasin makes it so your body cannot even produce any estrogen. But they all are similiar in what they do. I'm thinking of switching from Aromasin to  Femara, mostly because I have constant sinus pain and infections. The sinus thing is a side effect of the Aromasin. If it weren't for that I would stay on it. What about Femara...has anyone had any sinus trouble with this med? Thanks.

  • arnie2two
    arnie2two Member Posts: 374

    Don't know about the sinus infection with Femara...I had one before I started the Femara last week...ugh!  I was told I couldn't take Arimidex because I had a partial hysterectomy...

  • caroleb
    caroleb Member Posts: 14

    I am 72 years old and diagnosed with my second stage I BC.  First one 2007 - ER Neg; Second one in March ER+.  Tried arimidex and stopped it after 11 days.  Started Femara on 9/21.  Is there anyone out there in my age category?  Also, I have had anxiety/depression/insonmia (in the past) and for the last few months over having to take these hormones so can't figure out what are ses.  My sleep is iffy.  I feel very fatigued; have some muscle pain and bone aches but those aren't too bad.  Have been doing stretches and walking almost every day. I have felt not so "different" reading your comments but most of you are quite young.  I only started feeling "old" when taking these meds.  Any input from anyone will be helpful but especially if you are in my age category.  I want to hang in there "one day at a time" with all of you.


  • Lisa-Lisa
    Lisa-Lisa Member Posts: 10


    Sounds like we have alot in common but I am 41.  Started Femara in August, side effects include: fatigue, insomnia, deep bone pain in lower back.  I suffer from anxiety too.  Have been taking an all natural gaba pill, zoloft, ambien, vit b-  It has helped me be calm.  Will start seeing a psychologist next month.  I have to get it together and am willing to explore any options for getting to a good place, it is going to be very very hard but I do not have a choice, I must do this and see where it can take me.  Much healing to all, I hope this will help.......  :)  :)  :)

  • caroleb
    caroleb Member Posts: 14


    Thank you for your reply. Perhaps we are sisters under the skin (or mother/daughter).  I started seeing a psychiatrist in July because I could feel myself needing additional help.  I have been taking an antidepressant for a long time.  He encouraged me to just take the antidepressant, gave me a mild sleeping aid (not a sleeping pill) and not to worry about the lack of sleep.  A lot of nights its just 2 to 4 hours.  Its important to me too to stay on the femara and not let my anxiety/depression keep me from doing the mature thing. Your response has given me an added boost today. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    caroleb..... I'm 58, and also on anti-dep & anti-anxiety medicine for almost 20 years now. I'm thinking maybe thats why didn't have SE from Femara. Recently my lumpectomy breast started to hurt after 4 weeks now I'm okay. They were telling me it was a bruise but who wants to believe it. Then I thought it was from Femara but after 3.5 years taking it?????

    Drop by and post as many times you need to. We understand you.


    Smile Sheila

  • Lisa-Lisa
    Lisa-Lisa Member Posts: 10


    Enjoy sharing information will keep you posted on any updates!  FYI-  we were just out this summer visiting San Fran.  We have some good friends that use to live in the city and we lived in a town called Concord (outside of Walnut Creek) 20 so minutes from San Fran (no traffic time included) HA HA HA- like that could happen..... Peaceful healing to all :)  :)  :)

  • caroleb
    caroleb Member Posts: 14
    Lisa - Thanks for sharing.  Actually, I live in Millbrae - adjacent to the San Francisco Airport.  Was born in SF.  Lots of people who lived in the city moved to Concord; Hayward etc.  Traffic out here everywhere is terrible.  Had a good nights sleep last night.  My worse time seems to come an hour or so after I take the Femara.  Hits my system hard.  Am hoping this will impove soon. Day 10 today - but who's counting.  Laughing
  • caroleb
    caroleb Member Posts: 14

    Lisa - Thanks for sharing.  Actually, I live in Millbrae - adjacent to the San Francisco Airport.  Was born in SF.  Lots of people have moved to Concord and other outlying areas.  Traffic everywhere is terrible.  Had a good night's sleep last night.  My worse time seems to occur about an hour or so after taking the Femara.  Am hoping this will improve soon.  Day 10 today but who's counting.  Yes, please let send me updates.
