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  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Not that this will "cure" anything, but we purchased one of those exercise balls (the blow-up kind that you can sit on) and I sit and rotate on that every morning.  It really helps with stiffness.  Also, after many years of a truly touchy back, I've found that a VERY good mattress means everything.  We've got a latex mattress right now, and it was perfect when we purchased it, but even a little indentation will cause my back to hurt - so next mattress is going to be one of those kind that is adjustable to each person - I think it's called a sleep number bed.  I have a couple friends who share my hurty back thing, and they swear by them, so even though they are expensive, it's going to be an investment in lowered pain, I hope.  (The latex wasn't cheap my any means, and was supposed to last forever without developing a dip - not so)

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Thank you take Ca and Vit D3 and Mg but I will start taking back pain is much better tonight, so who knows what all that was about.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    One word in regard to vit k, it helps blood coagulate, so if you have elvated risk for blood clots, be cautious.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Thank you Gardengumby, I am an ex dietitian so was aware of that. My husband has issues with blood clots so I'm always researching things for him.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Calling all ladies who are experiencing hair thinning and/or's a miracle!!!!!!

    I started losing my hair almost immediately upon starting L 8 months ago. Was getting ready to go shopping for a wig!!!! About 3 weeks ago I started to see a big difference and everyone else is noticing it also. It's getting thicker day by day...soooooo happy

    AND my nails are now in great shape, growing long with no more ridges. Hang in there ladies.....patience.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Thank you Day.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Thanks, Day!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    Hi all,

    Back to 'back' pain. I've had it before BC and I have it worse now. I have 6 month left on Letrozole thank God. It has gotten soo much worse in the last month. Right low back, around that hip and into the right groin area. I'm so sick of pain. I went to get a massage this week and she got all the pressure points in that area. Felt good. Comes and goes. I don't like to take any pills for pain because that raises my liver enzymes. So I'm between a rock and a hard place.

    I also go to yoga and try to do the stretches at home. It seems the day after my class I feel worse. I think maybe it needs to be an every day commitment. I take all the vitamins I should be taking and hoping that they are doing a little good for the bones. On top of everything I have osteoporosis which is not on a good 'scale' as far as numbers go. Sigh.............................

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • Cher56
    Cher56 Member Posts: 140

    Hi all! well, I'm again not happy with my long time GP grr. had a bit of physical yesterday. was saying, yes am a tad nervous about going on Femara in a month, as 2 MO's have told me due to my underlyinig RA/OA/FM ect.. I'll have significant increase in pain! GP said basically, hogwash! he has many patients on Tamox & Femara, and no biggy for them! hmmph! I said, well, also the osteoporosis that will increase, he said (bang him over the head), well, your not high risk.? huh? oh, well, yes your on prednisone... duh Dr. been on it 5.5 yrs, my grandfather, mother & aunty all has OP very severe, yes mainly due to prednisone for COPD (which i have also) but... he sluff's thing off too easy. I've had him for 12 yrs, so difficult to find a new dr. 

    so bottom line I have to stop borrowing trouble & stop worrying about what may or may not happen.

    have a great day!!!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Thanks for the info about K2, Day.  :)  I may add it to my repertoire of supplements....  (which I just realized I forgot to take this morning....  )

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790

    Day, my local health food store carries it.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    I do have an apt. with my Gyne on Monday.

  • dkerler
    dkerler Member Posts: 41

    Artsee you gave me a good idea with having a massage. I gave myself a present and bought 3 one hour massages and got one free, a special for the holidays.

    I hurt my knee doing Zumba 10 weeks ago and am still having pain after doing PT for 3 weeks. I thought a massage might help and let's face it, it won't hurt.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    dkerler....just noticed we have the same DX. You will love those massages. I'm in my own little wonderful world when I get them. I too got three specials at a Holiday open house. I think we need to all get the insurance companies to pay for them don't you? They are so good for every-ones well being.

    Let me know how your body reacts to your next hour of 'bliss'.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519


  • Howdy all -- I begin Day #1 of Letrozole tomorrow -- see the oncologist again in 6 weeks to report any side effects (hopefully I will be lucky and there won't be any!)

    Any words of wisdom for a newbie? 

    Do you perfer taking morning or night, and with or without food... (?)

    Thanks for any input.

    Also, my insurance does not cover meds. Anyone have a cheap source of Letrozole? My doc's office sent me the forms to fill out for Rx Outreach (which offers L for $30 if I qualify) -- but I paid $300 for my first 44 pills (Sam's Culb supposedly "discounted price for upgraded members) -- and I about had a heart attack.

    I called Costco in Albuquerque, and they said $25 for a 90-day supply -- but when I went on their online site, they had no Letrozole -- only Femara for about $1500 for 90 days... so I don't think I can trust that $25 quote. My local pharmacy (usually extremely high out here in the middle-of-nowhere) said $69 for 90 days -- but I am just beginning to wonder if there has been some very recent spike in price of Letrozole, since the pricing seems to be all over the place... anyone know of some reason for this?

    Thursday I got all bent out of shape and spiraled into a depression about the price disparity -- ranted on here a little -- and then just got too exhausted -- had to let the anger go and think new thoughts. But in 44 days I need more pills and I sure am not getting them at Sam's Club in Santa Fe ever again! 

    Anyway, thanks for any insights you may have for a first-timer.


  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Hi Linda  - I've been on letrozole for 8 months.  I get mine at Dillons pharmacy (grocery store).  I asked my pharmacist about this, because I was wanting my generic letrozole from Roxanne laboratories.  It has only 6 fillers, whereas, the breckenridge I have now has 11.  He said pharmacists do not order directly from the generic company, but contract with wholesalers for their generic drugs.  So by the time we get them the cost goes up, depending on the company, the wholesaler, and the pharmacy.  I was on the one from mylan first and once my insurance wasn't going to pay, because it was too soon.  So I asked how much it would be if I just paid for it since I was already there.  $600.00 for 1 months supply.  Yikes!  So I waited another week to get it paid for.  The breckenridge one I'm on now, I was just noticing on my receipt was $69.00 for 30 day supply.  So the price varies greatly depending on how many hands it passed through and who it's passed through.  I called Roxanne laboratories and they told me the same thing, so I asked them for the names of some wholesalers who sell  their product to pharmacies close to me and they were happy to give me 3 wholesalers and their phone numbers.  I haven't called them, yet, but plan to on Monday.  I'm sure the Brand name is probably off the scale in price.

    With regard to when to take it is really a personal decision.  I take mine at bedtime, because it's easier to remember to take it.

  • kdeit
    kdeit Member Posts: 20

    Hi Cher,

    I also have COPD and am on meds that contain a steroid.   Before my breast cancer, I already had lousy bone density, and was on FORTEO for 24 months (the maximum allowed).  It was helping to actually build new bone.  But, once I had to start taking an AI (I started on Arimidex and then switched to Femara due to side effects), my T-score started to get pretty bad again.  So now I'm on yearly infusions of Reclast.  It's kept me from losing any more bone density.  You might want to talk to your doctor about one or the other of those, if it turns out that the Femara is causing you to lose more bone density.

    I'm also a little concerned - do you have an oncologist?  And a pulmonologist?  With your history of breast cancer and COPD, it's important for you to be going to specialists.  And another thing - I'm not sure if anyone else in your family has COPD, but if they do, have you been tested for the Alpha-1 genetic form of COPD?  It's really important.

    I wish you the best of luck with Femara - for me, it was so much better than Arimiex!!



  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Linda, I just refilled my letrozole at Costco 3 days ago. I paid 18.00 for a 90 day supply.

    I take it at night about 1/2 hour before I go to bed.

  • Gardengumby - Thanks so much -- and that Costco price isn't because your insurance pays the rest, right? That is the full amount? This is just so crazy that some pharmacies would charge up to $1300 when Costco charges $18. Flabbergasting -- and disgusting to think that so many companies (Sams, Walgreens, CVS -- the big names in pharmacy) are making so much profit off cancer patients who need this stuff to fight the big C.

    I think this is all about the drug companies inflating the price to get more from the insurance companies.

    And who gets hurt? All of us as the cost of insurance skyrockets, and some of us simply can't afford our meds.

    Anyway -- thanks for your input. I wonder why Costco doesn't have Letrozole available through their online site (?) I am 5 hours from the nearest Costco (out here in the boonies).


  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Yeah, I don't use me insurance as then I can only get a 30 day supply - plus it costs more. Go figure.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Gosh Gardengumby - I might become a Costco patron. I pay $15.00 for 30 day supply but that is with insurance. Insurance pays $203 for 30 days supply. My Femara is Sun Pharma. The insurance part went down recently from $400 something. Don't have a clue why since manuf. didn't change. Wow, I guess if I could save the insurance co some I would and certainly!!! if I didn't have insurance. This is thru local grocery chain.

    Does Costco change manufacturers on you? I have had very few SEs on the Sun Pharma and it's been the same manuf. since I started it in June this year. Usual morning stiffness, knees little stiff. Am 60 so expect some for sure. Cognitively maybe more decline but just quit job Friday so hopefully stress reduction will help that. Thanks for the info.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    It's funny that I pay $18.00 for one month of Letrozole. I got to Costco too and my insurance company will only let me have 30 days at a time. They pay after my detectable is met which is pretty high.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Costco has changed manufacturers on me once.  My first 3 month supply was Mylan (pink).  Since then it's been Cara (a mustard color).  This refill was my cheapest.  It used to be $36 for three months, I asked her to double check when I got this refill, as I wanted to make sure that it was really three months worth and that she didn't have the price wrong.  She verified all was correct - so we'll see what it is when I refill again.

    When I had them check with insurance, it was $10/mo, and I could only get a one month supply.  I hate the fuss of refilling, so preferred to always get three months, even when it was slightly more expensive to do so.  Of course, if it was over $200 a month, I'd be doing the one month at a time thing for sure!!!

    But I need to be clear...  I do not get the brand name Femara, I get the generic letrozole.  I'm sure if I was getting the brand name prices would be different.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hi, I take my little pill at night.  When I took it in the AM I had major fatigue throughout the day.

    I pay $10.16 at Costco for 30 days at a time.  That's without insurance.  I'd call Costco & ask about the availablity on on-line.

    It's Dec 2!!!! Can you believe it?