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  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Unfortunately, that's a pretty typical side effect. Sometimes every joint and tendon in my body seem to hurt. Fish oil supplements as well as glucosamine/chondroitin seem to help to some extent. What pain remains I treat with ibuprofen.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271

    Thanks, Texas.  I had a heck of a time getting out of bed this morning, but now that I've been up awhile my joints are moving and feeling better.  Do you know if the Femara typically causes digestive problems like gas and bloating?  I have to be extremely careful about what I eat, especially dairy because it makes me feel sick.  These SEs are definitely not fun, but I guess they are worth it.  Some days I wonder.....

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    It can cause constipation, diarrhea and nausea so my assumption is that it definitely can affect your digestive system.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271

    Pepto bismol finally calmed my stomach down yesterday, and whatever was causing the queasies is much better today.  Pain from the Femara was terrible last night and this morning and when I went to pick up a different Rx, the pharmacist told me to try putting my hands in cold, running water for a few minutes.  She said that cold water sometimes "confuses" the pain receptors, so I tried it and it did give me some minor relief.  I would like to find a way to manage this pain because going off the Femara is not a good option for me. 

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271

    Pepto bismol finally calmed my stomach down yesterday, and whatever was causing the queasies is much better today.  Pain from the Femara was terrible last night and this morning and when I went to pick up a different Rx, the pharmacist told me to try putting my hands in cold, running water for a few minutes.  She said that cold water sometimes "confuses" the pain receptors, so I tried it and it did give me some minor relief.  I would like to find a way to manage this pain because going off the Femara is not a good option for me. 

  • crazy4carrots
    crazy4carrots Member Posts: 624

    Bonnie -  It takes a month or two for the AI to fully do its job, but when it does, then you start feeling the effects of estrogen withdrawal.  I think we're all really surprised at how estrogen helps every part of our body, and we only notice it when it's suddenly not there. My suggestion is to give your body some time to adjust.  I've been on Femara for just over two years, and I can honestly say that for about the past year, my joint aches and pains have been decreasing to the point of non-existence, except in my feet (plantar fasciitis).  I found a rub-on product called Voltarin Emulgel to be very helpful in easing the pain in my wrist joints, and fish oil capsules were also a big help.

    Good luck to you!    Linda

  • janeinca
    janeinca Member Posts: 3

    I order Letrozole (generic for Femara) from $270 for 90 day supply (vs about $1,300 for Femara). Xubex has a patient assistance program that provides a free 30-day supply of Femara. Limit one per patient. Script must be faxed by your health care provider. 

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271

    Thanks for the information, Linda.  I suppose all of this pain means that the drug is doing its job and that is definitely what I want.  Now it is just a matter of learning how to control the pain so it doesn't totally ruin too many days.  

    After the most painful weekend I've had in a very long time, I am feeling nearly human again today.  The pain is still with me, but much more manageable.  Last night I used Arnicare (Voltarin will probably work even better) on the most painful joints and on my hands and also took a Darvocet before bed.  Pain woke me a few times, but the improvement today is truly amazing.  I feel so much better that a shopping trip is on the list for this afternoon!  Thanks again! 

  • Monty
    Monty Member Posts: 146

    Hi Bonnie,

     I always find retail therapy works for me no matter what the problem is, you get so engrossed in the shopping it takes your mind off everything else!!!  Go Girl, shop your heart out.


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Gaynor - yup I agree, retail therapy is good medicine for any ailment!! 

    Bonnie - for me too the SEs are easier to deal with because I see them as an indicator that the drug is working but I am lucky in that they are not so terrible that I cannot deal with them.  My joint SEs hit with a bang one morning when I stepped out of bed about 3 months after I had started taking Femara.  Like you, the pain in my feet was excruciating and I had to take painkillers before I could walk that day.  I had read on these boards that glucosamine/Chondroitin capsules and fish oil help with the joint pain so I went out and bought them that day and started taking them and after several weeks they made quite a difference.  Joints (feet, knees, hands, back) still feel stiff and sort of painful but unless I overuse them in a day they are not so painful that I have to take painkillers regularly and I am not usually woken by joint pain at night now.  I have also learned to manage the SEs to avoid making things worse - for example, if I know I am going to play tennis or do a lot of hard work in the garden or something like that, I take anti inflammatory/painkiller (Voltaren is my drug of choice) the day before, the day I play and the day after and that keeps me pain free.

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    I was having horrible insomnia with Femara. I switched to taking it in the morning, and now I wake up feeling rested.

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118

    I have been on femara and lupron for about 15 months.... the se's were worse when I was taking it during the day--- I added glucosomine and vitamin d (2000iu) about 3 months in and did see a great improvement in the hands and feet stiffness... Exercise has helped tremendously---

    So, the things that are still troublesome for me are some "fuzziness" in my head, occasional pain in my hip and more importantly the vaginal dryness and lack of libido..... I am starting to get really frustrated by my lack of desire.....

    I must admit that I think often about getting off these drugs.... just trying to get my body back....but then I worry about the effects of that.....


  • hmh23
    hmh23 Member Posts: 50

    With respect to Melatonin, recent studies have proven that it is beneficial in preventing the recurrence of BC.  My onc has assured me that it is fine to take regularly or otherwise. 


  • jeanieb2
    jeanieb2 Member Posts: 130

    In reference to the Melatonin, my oncologist actually suggested I try taking it for the insomnia.  I tried 3 mg then 6 and then 9, I did not know how much you could actually take so I quit at the 9, if anyone knows how much you can take please let me know.  I can't say that it really helped because I will go for a week or better not being able to get to sleep and then I will have one really good nights sleep.  My oncologist also put me on another 1,000 of Vitamin D for a total of 2,000, I have been exercising regularly and I find I do not have the stiffness or aches and pains I had before, unless I walk 5 miles or more.  I have been on Femara 16 months and the side effects have seemed to get better, whether it is from the Vitamin D and exercise, who knows.  I will have to take Femara for at least the next 15 years or more so I am thankful that some of the side effects seem to be better. 

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Has anyone else had problems with dry hair/skin and sparse lashes? I had chemo, and so lost my hair and lashes, then started on Femara before it had all grown back. My hair and skin used to be very oily and I had very long, thick lashes. Now my hair and skin are bone dry and I can practically count my eyelashes.

    Looking for ideas.

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61

    Hi Texas357,

    I did start taking Biotin to help with my skin and hair and it has helped.  I take one capsule 3600 mcg.  The one I use is called "Healthy Hair Skin & Nails plus EGCG and Bioflavonoids."  Recently my leg skin has gotten drier - but I have been having to shave more often and have turned the heat on in my house....I've putting lots of Eucerin on from knee to ankle to help with that.

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Thanks, I'll get some.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi everyone, just keeping up to date on stories with Femara. Onc. took me off A because of severe s/e's. Still have severe wrist problems as a result. Started Femara Aug. 29 one pill every other day until yesterday. Now every day. My wrists hurt like crazy (even due to bad weather),but otherwise towards end of day a little better.  Will keep reading your posts. I have said before, one of my neighbors has been on F for over 3 1/2 years and not one side effect.

    My wishes to all of you for easy days.

    Hugs, Ronna

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Ronna, have you tried changing the time of day that you take it? If you start to feel better by the end of the day, maybe taking it night makes sense. That way the worst of the side effects would happen as you sleep.

    I only mention that because Femara was keeping me up at night. So I switched to taking it in the morning, and now I'm sleeping significantly better.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    and I was having trouble taking it during the day.  night time is the time for me!

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    Just an update....started femara in January. Got the severe joint pain, numbness starting in fingers, almost to mid palm of each hand..also was on my way to trigger finger in one, and like a clicking in 2 other fingers. Took a month off of femara. Then started back on only a half of tablet. My oncologist wasn't thrilled, but completely understood. I've been on half a tablet a day now since June. All the hand issues have gone away. And the joint pain is very minimal. I may try again at some point to increase....maybe 3/4 of a pill...and see how that goes. But what a pain to cut the little pills!!! For me, I had to make the decision on my own....I felt I was losing alot with the hand issues. Fortunately, my onc agreed, that quality of life was very important. I reminded him the femara trials were done with a dosage of .5 mg. So for me I felt taking 1.25  was sufficient. (I think those numbers are correct). Anyway, doing great for now! I know this isn't right for everyone....we all have to decide.

  • crazy4carrots
    crazy4carrots Member Posts: 624

    jacee -- I went through the hand and wrist pain too.  Even had a trigger finger in each hand.  I can't be sure whether it was time passing or the fish oil capsules and extra Vitamin D I started to take, but the pain did go away, and I've had no problems (crossing fingers here!) with any other joints.  I do have plantar fasciitis, but I had that long before Femara.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    lindasa....I started femara just 2 weeks after finishing taxol x12. Had toe  numbness from that. I have to wonder if maybe getting all the taxol out of my system might have helped me tolerate femara better. I just had recon Stage 1 DIEP and am recuperating from that, but I think soon I will try femara again at full strength. I did start taking fish oil and my friend who's a chiropractor said take gelatin capsules. Maybe that helped some with joint pain. Had Vit D level checked Monday and will get that result tomorrow. Very encouraging to hear your pain did go away. Thanks for the info.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    After a bit more than a year of taking Femara my trigger fingers have gone away too - as has much of the hand and wrist pain. The only thing changed is that I take an extra calcium along with the Vit D and regular multivitamin. I think time has been my friend on this one.

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    If the femara trials only used .5 mg, then why is 2.5 mg considered the standard dose???

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    weety- sorry, didn't mean trials didn't include 2.5mg. The info that I am referring to from the Femara info page that talks about the trials mentions that estrogen suppression was acheived in all participants at levels of .5mg or greater. There are other trials that show a better outcome with 2.5 mg. For me, I was at the point of not taking the drug at all due to se's. So knowing I could achieve suppression at a lower dose was good.  I do hope I can work back up to 2.5 at some point. There's a pdf file you can pull up from the femara website. Click on prescribing information.

    Some of it is a little over my head, but interesting.

  • Becky613
    Becky613 Member Posts: 1

    Where are you in AR?  I'm in Hot Springs Village.  I started Femara in July of this year and feel the SE started at 2 months, hip pain and insomia.  Becky

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    hey Jacee! good to see you.

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    Becky- I am in Rogers. This is Craft Fair weekend in the Ozarks....beautiful here. My diagnosis was 2 weeks after yours.

    Eph3_12-- You look great. Good to see you too. I just had my Stage 1 DIEP, so I'm in recovery mode, but doing well. What a difference a year makes,huh?

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi everyone, does anyone feel that the weather increased the pain in wrists and lower palm and thumbs.

    I have not gone to the beginning of this site, has anyone ever had accupuncture and/or cortisone shots to help.

    Texas: I did not know that you could take the pill at night. It might be a thought to change my routine.

    Wishing everyone a painless hand day.
