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  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77

    ronqt1, My pain in thumbs and knees did increase in the cold. I did have a cortisone shot in my thumb, hurt for a few days after but now much better.

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    Ronna, yes I get pains in my wrists and thumbs. One day, it felt like my thumb had dislocated (it hadn't, but it felt like it had).

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271

    I have pain and stiffness in my hands too, especially at the base of my thumbs.  Some of it is related to the Femara and the rest is osteoarthritis.  My hips, knees, feet, ankles and lower back are always sore and stiff when I first get up, but things loosen up with more movement.  The doc has offered me steroid injections, but I've decided not to go that route quite yet.

  • DIZZINESS.  I have been taking Femara now for 3 months and have been experiencing increasing pain in almost every joint, and am also developing carpel tunnel syndrome and a Baker's cyst. I have just recently started with dizziness.  Getting up in the morning, leaning over, turning my head, etc. etc.  In my reading the literature, it doesn't seem like too many people experience that side effect.  How many of you are experiencing dizziness?

    DIURETICS.  I have read two articles stating that MRIs of the joints in patients suffering arthralgia caused by Femara show fluid in the synovia.  Apparently, some doctors are treating their patients with diuretics.  Have any of you had experience with diuretics helping the joint pain?

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi Sistershelpingsisters. When I saw onc last, that is exactly what he called my problems with my wrists and joints around there (arthralgia). Just keeping tabs on my ability to cope with F.

    However what you write is very informative.


  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44

    Hi sistershelpingsisters- absolute "yes" to the DIZZINESS question. Horrible last week. Started during yoga and went on and off for the week. Yuck!

  • What have your onc said about the dizziness?  I have an appointment in a couple of weeks and will find out what mine thinks then.  I know it says not to drive, etc. until you know how the Femara will affect you, but the dizziness seems to come and go.  I never quite know when I will be dizzy.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    I was already taking a diuretic for BP before I started Femara so I can't say whether it helps ease the arthralgia or not but I would hate to think what my joints would be like if diuretics do help arthralgia!

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    I take diuretic for BP also but going ask onc about it next month.

  • moemom
    moemom Member Posts: 6

    I have been taking Femara for 7 months now, the SEs started shortly after starting it, first the hot flashes, then the body aches. I had carpal tunnel surgery 2 weeks ago, I have had bilateral carpal tunnel for several years but it was manageable. I was to the point that I nearly couldn't write. The joint pain seemed to settle in my right knee, after suffering with the pain for over 2 months I went to my doctor who ordered an x-ray which should moderate to severe arthritis, she sent me to an orthopedic surgeon, he ordered an MRI which showed a torn meniscus, bone spurs and almost total loss of cartilage. I am scheduled for arthroscopic surgery on December 3rd. I have had arthritis in my knees for decades, but after taking the femara it seemed to have advanced rapidly. My oncologist won't even consider taking me off the femara! I have had some relief from the hot flashes and the joint pain with accupuncture and pain meds, but this is so frustrating. My oncologist keeps telling me to lose weight, how can I exercise when I can hardly walk! I really hate this drug!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Moemon, I started Femara full dosage on Oct. 11, had my first night sweat last night.

    Was on Arimidex for 7 months which caused me excruciating hand wrist pain, which I am also dealing with.

    My sincere wishes that you have a "painless" day.

    I feel so bad for you.


  • kathimdgd
    kathimdgd Member Posts: 84

    I've been on femera for a little over a year.Still have all the pains the rest of you have as well as hot flashes.I went thru menopause in my 50's and here i am going thru it again in my 70's.I also have neuropathy in my feet,legs,can hardly do anything with my hands.fingers hurt,hands hurt,have a cyst on the left wrist,and these last few weeks i've been suffering with back pain,and at times some bad pain in my stomach.

    I was at the oncologist on the 14th of this month and he said the blood test all came back ok.amd he didn't seem too concerned about the back pain,but it is getting progressivly worse.

    Saw the cardiologist yesterday,and he cut my lasix in half for a week,then told me to stop it all together.He thinks that may be the cause of the dizziness,that i'm getting dehydrated a little.I drink a lot of water all day,but again i pee it all back out,so i guess that's possible.

    My heart itself is good though,i never had a problem with it that i knew of,but b4 chemo they ran a muga scan and said the left ventricle was a bit sluggish,so they were'nt able to give me one of the chemo meds and since then they check my heart every 6 mos.I don't mind that,rather be safe than sorry,especially since heart disease is #1 killer in my family.

    Had my port taken out last thursday,that in itself wasn't bad,but i had an allergic reaction to the tape and the cleaning solution they used.Gave me a lot of itchiness,red rash and water blisters.I pulled the tape off the next day and washed off all the solution,but i still have some of the rash and itchiness and a couple blisters.Have to go have it checked tomorrow.Always something,right???

    Wishing you all pain free days and nights.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Wishing us all pain free days and nights.


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    (((Kathi))) - it seems hard to believe that hot flashes would return having gone through menopause but that just shows how much estrogen we must have in our systems naturally even after meno.  I was right in the middle of hot flashes and they intensified for about the first 18 months but have eased off quite a bit now thank goodness.  With summer on the way I hope they stay away!  Another milestone passed with your port being removed.  And you are right - there is always seems to be something lurking in the wings ready to 'get' us - and sometimes I get to the end of my endurance and just think 'enough' but in the morning I still take the little pill and prepare to deal with the SEs again.

    (((Ronna)))  (((moemom)))

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi Raennz: Wow, your summer is starting and we just started fall going and then Winter in the USA.

    I hope my "hot flashes" come when I am out in the freezing cold when I have to walk the dog. However, the same freezing cold makes my "new girl" do her own thing.

    You are right, what's next.

    Wishing all a good night.


  • Laurie_R
    Laurie_R Member Posts: 54

    I saw my Onc today and he switched me from Femara to Exemestane (Aromasin).  Anyone ever been on this drug that can tell me about SE.  I also saw my BS and I told him about this pain that I've been having in my collar bones.  He told me that it could be from the Femara, or possibly arthritis because there is a joint there.  Who knew, certainly not me.  So I learned something new today. lol

  • kac
    kac Member Posts: 43

    I've been on Femara just about a year now.  went to onc yesterday for 3 month check and she is taking me off it for 3 weeks to see if joint pains subside.  she thinks that body should be used to drug by now and I should not still have these issues.  My wbc is a bit low and my bp is high, more bloodwork done.  I have asked her if the wbc and bp could be from Femara and she says no.  I wonder...I'm just glad to be able to take a break from it!

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271

    I've been on Femara since May (switched from Arimidex after just over a year because of SEs) and SEs from Femara were truly awful for the first 3-4 months.  SEs have been subsiding recently -- less joint pain, fewer and less harsh hot flashes, etc.  I hope this same thing happens for others, but know this drug acts different for everyone.

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Member Posts: 66

    I have been on Femara for well over a year and have been taking Glucosamine and 2 Aleve every day to help with the joint pains.  Well, I am now scheduled for reduction surgery and was told to stay off all pain medications for 2 weeks prior to the surgery.  I have been off of the Aleve now for 5 days and every day my joint pain is getting worse.  I can't believe the difference in such a short time.  I thought I'd be okay with just the Glocosamine - but NO!  The Aleve was really helping me more than I knew.  I feel like I have arthritis all over my body and my ankles are swelling.  I think I will be going off the Femara until I have healed from the surgery.  There is no way I can deal with both the surgical pain and recovery AND this horrible debilitaing joint pain.  Now comes the fun part - how do I tell my oncologist?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well hello ladies.  As of tomorrow, I'm joining the Femara club.....ugh!  My BS has switched me from Arimidex because of SE's but by the sounds of things, I'm swapping the witch for the bitch!  Oh NO!!!!!   I just hope it gives me an easier  Take it easy all.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Member Posts: 66

    @chrissyb - been there done that!  Can't say you will see much change with Femara from the Arimidex, but I wish you the best of luck!

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    My onc says she doesn't know why, but some people really do tolerate one AI better than the other.  Good Luck--hopefully you're one of them!

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    KAC -- if you look at the listed side effects for Femara, one is leukocytopenia which is fewer white blood cells. My white blood cell count is also below normal and I am pretty sure Femara plays a role.  

  • kac
    kac Member Posts: 43

    Texas, Thanks, I sometimes wonder if the Dr.'s don't pay attention to the side effects listed and think we are crazy when we have issues.  She did seem to get more concerned about the low wbc whe she realized I did not have chemo.  I think the high BP is from it as well, as it says it can cause heart issues.  I've been off it since Thurs. and I don't feel a difference yet in anything, hope soon, though. good luck to all.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hey crissyb-welcome to the wagon train!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Eph, just getting them ol' hosses hitched for a long slow

  • mavrikt
    mavrikt Member Posts: 2

    And I thought I was the only one!  I called it a "bloated" feeling.  It's odd, and it started about 2 months into Femara.  Other SE's much the same for me as on Arimidex.  Hot flashes faded to nothing, but guess what?  After 4 1/2 yrs with no period, it's baaack.  Are you kidding me?

    Called Onc & am going for bloodwork in next day or so.  OK, so am I going up the rollercoaster hill, or coming down??  Just hanging on for the ride!  Take care y'all.  Mav

  • birenegn
    birenegn Member Posts: 4

    Hi all.

     I started on Femara but have run out of funds to pay for it. I've reached the gap in my prescription insurance. Have not taken Femara since August. Has anyone else run into a financial problem? Has anyone NOT taken Femara for the recommended 5 years?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164


    Go on to the Novartis website and see if they still have the coupon for Femara.  For the past couple of months I have paid $10 a month for it with the coupon.  When I pick up the prescription I have to tell them there is a coupon on file and they reduce the price.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Birenegn-I get samples from my onc