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  • kathimdgd
    kathimdgd Member Posts: 84


     I was on Aromasin first,those SE'S were worse for me than the femera.I was dizzy,everything hurt,couldn't keep my balance,blurry visison,nauseated etc.After 4 mos of that i told the onc i couldn't do it anymore because to me that wasn't living.So he took me off for a month,then switched me to femera.Had problems with that as well,but not as bad as aromasin.Last month he put me on effexor said it would help with the neuropathy,and may help with the hot flashes,and the other pains.It's been 3 weeks on it now and i can tell the difference.Praise the LORD!!

    So if my se stay like this i can deal with them.Cardiologist also took me off lasix,said that may be dehydrating me some and causing the dizziness.I also went off the coumadin this week since they took out the port.

    Still healing from the port removal,mostly the rash caused by the tape,the incision is looking pretty good.

    Still losing my hair though,showed my onc a picture of it that i took after just running my hands through it while watching tv.He said he's sure it's from the meds,femera.but he suggested i stay on them,which i didn't feel i even had an option there,and actually i don't if i want to be around to see  my GGK'S grow up,and i certainly want to be around for that.

    I'm learning to deal with things that i never even thought of b4.We do what we have to.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well Girls, the first one is down the hatch!  Count down begins and I hope it goes on for a long, long time before I get any SE's.  Actually I hope for none and I keep saying to myself  'miracles do happen' repeated in a mantra fashion....maybe that will influence my body girl can hope, can't she?

    Kathi, Í have hairloss as well and I was on Arimidex (until today).  The loss of estrogen is the main culprit for it but that is caused by the meds....a nice snake chasing it's tail !

    Love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Hoping for no SEs for you chrissyb!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Hi Ladies. Here is the link for Femara prescription plan.

  • birenegn
    birenegn Member Posts: 4

    Thank you all for help with funding -- I have been on the $10 Femara and it was denied the second time I tried to use it. I'll keep looking

  • Mariana23
    Mariana23 Member Posts: 3

    I was placed on Femara back on 4/27/10 once I completed my chemo and radiation.  I also currently continue with my Herceptin treatment every 3 weeks, this will continue until March, 2011.  Because of the SEs I was experiencing my onc took me off the Femara for about a month.  I resumed taking it 2 1/2 weeks ago.  I am wondering if the pain I am now experiencing in my wrist has to do with the Femara.  Ironically, it started while I was off the Femara and now it is just getting worse.  My onc says we can try another AI but that Femara is the best out there in his opinion and the other AIs have SEs too.  All I know is that I have some sort of pain every day.  I did not have such pain during chemo or radiation.  Sometimes my wrist and middle finger feel like they are popping out of place.  I want to take the course that is best because I want to fight this BC but I also don't want to be in pain all of the time.  @Wblibrary---does the Aleve really work.  I cannot take too much tylenol or motrin because of effect such have on liver and kidneys.  Would appreciate any insight as to taking something to manage the pain.  Thanks to all.  I send my hugs, love and prayers to all of you.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I find "wrist pain" is almost universal with Femara-what's up with that do you suppose?  Seems like a weird joint for almost all of us to have problems with from this itty bitty yellow pill!  

  • Laughjoyfully
    Laughjoyfully Member Posts: 14

    I have bad reactions to Aleve and all NSAIDS due to 1991 - 1997 Tamoxifen doing a number on my stomach among other parts. However this week I could ot bear the increasing pain my my left hip any more, and so I took one Aleve in the morning with a full meal - did not let my stomach empty all day - kinda browsing my daily allowance of food instead of three full meals. It worked very well the first day. So i did the same the next day - amazing! No pain in the stomach - then I took a day off to let my stomach recover - today I took one as the pain/inflammation was building again. I am going to try one - then half then a day of then one then one half then a day off. The inflammation is what gets all the nerves and joints going and Aleve is what I used for years (naprosin prescription in the Uk then 35 years ago) for a back injury until Tamoxifen here in the US for BC. So I am back on it after about 20 years and amazingly, even at the half dose I am taking it is helping. Warning still go easy on the affected joints even though they hurt less and do not take it at night - take it early in the day with a good breakfast.

  • moemom
    moemom Member Posts: 6

    This board is a great resource, for one thing at least I know that I am not the only one experiencing all these problems. My knees are killing me, especially since the weather got colder here in Ohio this week, I just limp along, I usually take Motrin or Aleve, but I do have Viodin for the evenings if the pain is really pain. I have never looked forward to surgery before! Next week I see the radiation oncologist, the medical oncologist, the endocrinologist, and have my pre-op testing for my knee surgery, what fun. I am going to have a serious discussion with them about the Femara, I just don't think I can deal with this for another 4 years and 5 months.  I was talking to a co-worker who is just finishing up her 5 years on Femara and she gets Reclast IV for the bone issues. We just have to continue to be strong and lean on each other! Thanks!

  • Mariana23
    Mariana23 Member Posts: 3

    Yesterday I was diagnosed with a frozen left shoulder and de quervain's tenosynovitis in my left wrist...I will be undergoing physical therapy and possibly need cortisone shot in my shoulder to break the adhesions...My onc said that he has not seen the tenosynovitis as a SE of femara but I swear it is...until taking Femara I never had any problems with my joints, tendons, shoulders, I feel like I am falling apart...oh I Fight On! but this is crazy...while I do not like others having to experience the pains I am at least I know I'm not alone or that I'm going nuts...thank you...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Mariana, definitely not nuts, but we each carry our own bit of craziness after all the bizarre stuff we've been through to get to this point. Welcome.  FYI, my understanding from other friends on BCO is when you 1st sign up to be on the boards, you can only post 5 times in a day until you reach 50 posts, then you're good to go.  You can private message as much as you want.  For instance, you'd click on my name on the left side of this post- it takes you to a screen with info about me & up in the right corner is a header that mentions sending me a private message.  Click on that & you get a screen like e-mail & you can communicate with me directly.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all, well day three, so far so good.  Am feeling a bit more fatigued bo so far the aches and pains I have, have not changed.  Maybe I need to wait a little longer for the Arimidex to leave my system.  I've had to give in and admit that doing floors is now beyond me and I've had to register with the, get this, Paliative Care Services........WTH!......All other services available couldn't help as I'm not 65, I'm 59 next month and so even though I qualify in every other aspect, me age prevents me from recieving the services.  It's a long, long time since someone told me I wasn't 'old'  Have a great day all!

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Chrissyb: Welcome, I was on A for almost 7months. Could not deal with it. Started F every other day on 8-29. Started F full dose on 10-11. Still dealing with the wrist pain from A. So far, so good, but I don't want to jinx myself.

    I wish you better days with Femara.

    Hugs, Ronna 

  • puppers
    puppers Member Posts: 12

    I am so glad I found this thread!  So I am on Femara a little over a month now, after trying Arimidex & Tamoxifen/Effexor with no luck.  The side effects were too difficult for me to handle with the first two meds.  Just this past week I have been experiencing hot flashes, and have had nausea off & on since starting the Femara.  But much, much better than either Arimidex or Tamoxifen.  Even with side effects, etc. I am so thankful I have the meds available to hopefully help prevent a recurrence - I am blessed!  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all, well, day five and the fatigue is still there but I'm coping. The hot flashes are still here but I had them on Arimidex as well but there is a difference in the intensity......that's a good thing.  They seem to be slower rising and a bit less intense and don't last as long. Actually, I'm liking that.  The tip of my right thumb is numb don't know if it's got anything to do with the Femara, I'll wait and see and this morning when I woke, where I have arthritis in my right foot it was hurting like a beach and that never happened before.  Dry mouth city happening not very fond of that but it is handlable.  Ho Hum........another day, another SE.  Maybe they'll all settle down after a while and I won't have any.......Yay!!!!   I wish!!! Have a good day all and welcome Puppers!

    peace, strength, love n hugs.   chrissyb

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    chrissyb-are you popping your pill @ night or in the AM?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Eph, I'm taking it AM when I have breakfast.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Fyi, when I 1st started taking Femara almost a year ago (the 16th of this month) I took it in AM too.  By mid-January I could hardly stay awake thru the day.  I was coming home on my lunch hour, taking naps.  I read on the thread about taking it at night, so I tried it.  Could not believe how quickly I felt more energized.  I've taken it at bedtime since & it helps me sleep & I am not so tired during the day.  This doesn't work for all, but It does for me. Joni 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'll give it a go Eph and see if it makes a difference for me.  Thanks

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    chrissyb - Ho hum alright!  Revved up hot flushes were the first sign Femara was doing its work, then my feet.  One morning about 3 months in I couldn't stand on them when I tried to get out of bed.  I hobbled round all day like a cripple if I had to move - fortunately it was a weekend so I didn't have to miss work - and sent my DH off pronto for glucosamine/chondroitin capsules and lived on Voltaren until it finally eased after a couple of weeks.  Never had arthritis problems before Femara but doc says I have it in some of the small joints of my feet now - great :(  Running 8kms a day is never going to happen again!
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    Rae, I am one of the unfortunates that have arthritis in just about every joint.  It makes life hard at times but I don't usually winge about it as I know I'm not the only one and you just have to keep going.  I have been taking glucosamine/condroiton with fish oil added for many years and for the last twelve months I have been rescribed Panadol Osteo three times a day which does help.  What doesn't help is when you are given medication that as a SE effects the joints Cry......that is so not funny.  I was a dancer and a squash player have been very active all my life untli BC reared its ugly head now I'm on disability pension and can do almost nothing and that is what I really hate about this journey.  I guess it's one way to slow down!
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    sheila - :( Absolutely not funny to have existing conditions exacerbated by drugs!  I think the emotional toll of getting BC and the going through the treatments make my SEs worse or at least harder to deal with.  It all happened so fast - from being probably the fittest I have ever been, because I had just spent the last 3 years losing weight and getting fit and running up to 20 kms if I just felt like it, to four months later just not being able to walk without major pain, was like being dropped into a very deep dark hole with very slippery sides.  I have struggled out of the hole but now life just seems like a never ending circle of pain, reminders of what I can't do anymore and finding a way of coping and it gets tiring.  But you are right - we lift our chin and just keep going, we don't complain (except to our understanding friends on BCO) and we get through the bad days and thank our lucky stars we are still here to see each new day with hope in our hearts.

  • jane59
    jane59 Member Posts: 15

    Sorry it's taken so long to update my results.  It looks like it is Femara that's responsible for my rapid heart rate, oxygen is normal and was only low when I was in ED so probably all part of the whole anxiety thing. After all the tests I know that as far as they can tell my heart, liver, kidney & thyroid are all ok. Cholesterol has gone up a bit still in the high normal range, sugar is ok too. I don't have Cushing's Syndrome or something else which I can't remember the name of but is basically a tumour on the adrenal gland. And no blood clots in lungs.

    When I saw my GP she was going to give me a script to go back on Tamoxifen to see what happens, but I had a lot to ask her about & we both forgot. At that time I was ready to quit Fem for Tam because the hot flushes had become horrendous & were really affecting my QOL. But they lowered the dose of one BP med and upped the one that lowers heart rate and it's worked a treat. I feel like my old self. Mind you the fatigue is worse. I noticed it when I first went on Fem, my body just got used to that then the new BP med did the same thing and again when the dose was upped.

    Right now my hot flushes have decreased both in intensity & quantity to the point where it's better than when I was on Tamoxifen, My hypertension was pre BC but I think the weight gain has made it worse. I did have arthritis in both big toes before Fem but it's worse now. Have been getting some pain in my hands occasionally and sometimes my hips, lower back and thighs ache but none of it is bad enough to need any pain killers.

    I'm going to try taking Fem at night after reading some of the above. I was taking Tamoxifen at night but switched to mornings because of insomnia but now because of the fatigue thing I'm going to swap and see what difference, if any, it makes.

    I also think my hair has got thinner since starting on Fem so because of that and the hot flushes have had it cut super short. It's very comfy Cool

  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77

    i was having terrible pain in my feet also, my GP had given me Voltaren Gel for something else so I thought what the heck I'll try it on my feet WOW what a difference, it is a godsend. Just a suggestion. I suffered so long with my feet hurting, and as you know if your feet hurt you don't want to do anything. This has made such a difference, its amazing!!

  • Katrina292002
    Katrina292002 Member Posts: 2

    Hello all,

    I have now been n Femara for 2 years and just in the last 4 months or so, my hair is getting so thin! I hate it!  Still have hot flashes often.....weight gain.......sore joints and bones......dry skin.....I am seriously thinking of stopping the Femara........This drug has really changed my body and my brain.......isn't quality of life something to consider too?

    Please, any advice or comments needed!  

  • maltomlin
    maltomlin Member Posts: 48

    Hi there

    I thought I'd put a positive post on here for the newbies. I'm 58 and have been taking femara for 2 years. The first week was the worst (felt just like chemo and thought I couldn't do it for 5 years) but then the s/e disappeared. My feet are a bit achy in the morning but that soon goes, and I feel hot during the night (not sweaty) but nothing that I can't cope with. It's been fine.

    I just don't want all those starting on the little pill to think that everyone has the awful side effects because they don't. Those who have no problems don't seem to post. It's just those who have the awful side effects.

    So basically, just give them a try and see how you get on. You could be like me. I'll have no problem with continuing these pills for another 3 years.

    Good luck


  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Member Posts: 66

    I am having breast reduction surgery this week and was told to go off all my "pain" meds for two weeks prior.  I had been taking 2 Aleve tablets daily, along with the usual calcium and glucosamine pills to deal with my Femara side effects.  Well, I stopped the Aleve and have been in total pain ever since.  My knees, ankles, hands ache and feel swollen. I ache all over!  I had no idea how much the Aleve was doing for my joint pain.  I have since stopped the Femara too.  I know from experience with stopping the Arimidex that it does take a while to get out of your system.  I do not plan on recuperating from this surgery AND dealing with this horrible joint pain at the same time.  I have not told my oncologist yet  - I know he will not be happy - but it's my quality of life I'm dealing with here.  I'm having reconstruction surgery in another couple months too.  Haven't decided if once all this is over to go back on the Femara or not, but if I do Aleve will be part of my daily regimen.  If anyone hasn't tried Aleve for their joint pain, I highly recommend it.

  • kathimdgd
    kathimdgd Member Posts: 84

    I've been on the femara for about 15 mos or so.Had all the same problems as the rest of you,foot pain,hands and arm pain,hot flashes again etc.Doc tried a couple different meds neither worked,then he tried effexor 37.5 mgs of it.It took a little while to get in my system,but finally my hot flashes and the pains have subsided quite a bit.He said he will up the dose a little if it works,so maybe i'll have him up it just a little.I don't want to become dependent on it.JMO


  • Mariana23
    Mariana23 Member Posts: 3

    From my experience it is best to take Femara at night before bed...even my onc and nurses said to do that...Hugs to all!

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    I was taking Femara at night but it was giving me terrible insomnia. Once I started taking it in the morning, insomnia went away.

    My skin is so dry that bandaids stick too much and tear the skin, especially because I have to wear one right now on my radiated skin where a spot is being a little slow to heal. Frustrating.

    For pain management before surgery,my PS allowed me to take Tramadol which is by prescription.