Stop Smoking Support Thread
Lisamarie - Sorry you have to deal with such idiots. You are much better person than they are so for today you will not smoke. Keep up the good work. (((HUGS)))
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Ok I feel better , I took a walk out in the garden here at work to check on the onions we planted .. took a few deep breaths and well asked God to take this stress foor a bit ,.. and I did not smoke ,... I am better than that .. noone can make me smoke ...
Thank you to Karen and JO.... (hugs back )
Just for today I will not smoke
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Lisamarie, you are doing great!! Just stopped by to say hi and to say that YOU CAN do this!! If I can you can! I smoked from age 16 theorugh 58. Wow, that's a lot! But I did it!
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Hooray for you Lisamarie!
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A friend of mine used to have a bumper sticker that said "Mean People Suck!" and boy it's the truth!!! Glad you decided to take a walk and that it helped! If you had broken down and smoked, it would have let those people have faaaaaaar more power over you than they truly have or deserve!
Just remember... you are not alone as long as we all have a say here.... Never be afraid to come here to vent!
You are right... You ARE better than that! Just for today, we will ALL not smoke!
So proud of you!0 -
You ladies are the best ever .. sometimes I just wanna shed a tear because I have such support here . I am off today . I think I am going to treat myself to getting my hair done and eyebrows ..
I gotta say WE ARE ALL AMAZING !!!!
Just for Today WE will not SMOKE !!!
Love and HUGS to u all
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lisamarie, you deserve a treat today, you are just doing a ferocious job, YAY LISAMARIE, hugs, Karen
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Hi Girlies,
I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend. Lisamarie, I am delighted you didn't smoke while under such stress from inconsiderate and unkind people. Remember what I have always said, all we have IS today so Just for today we will not smoke. Emotional stress can trigger such strong compulsions to reach for a cigarette but we must all remember the "Bigger Picture" at all times as to why we chose to stop smoking. NOBODY CAN MAKE YOU FEEL INFERIOR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT, SO NEVER CONSENT TO IT! Much love and hugs to you Lisamarie and you are doing so well.
For me, it's been three weeks since Sunday that I quit. I don't use patches but I do carry around the E cigarette as a safety net. I could go days without it and it's great to know that if I ever get tempted I have the electronic cigarette to chew on!!
It's great to be able to lean not on our own understanding and allow God to work in our lives in situations. Let go and let God is a very powerful statement and it's even better when it's put into practice.
Well done everyone on their efforts to remain off tobacco.
Blessings to you all
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All: I got a good report today, scans all clear and bloodwork all normal, woo hoo!!! I'm ready to go on that Mediterranean cruise!
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woooo hoooo bama ... great news .... so happy for you HUGS back at you
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WaaaaaaaaaaHoooooooo on the good scans and bloodwork!! That is always such a relief! The Mediterranean cruise would be perfect... Then you can find a hot ltalian and, when you tire of him, you can move onto a hot Greek!!
Seriously though.... So happy that things went well!0 -
Bama - Big Congrats on the good scans and bloodwork.
Had my mammo today - got the all clear. Yea! Already have my surgical clearance done. Just one step away from being able to schedule my recon surgery. I now have to wait for my MO to get the results and he faxes it to my PS. I really do hate this waiting. I am getting so excited - I want to just get it done and over with.
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Glad to hear from you!! Are you back at home from your visit with your sister? Congrats on OVER 3 WEEKS.... For me that 3 week mark was a big turning point where I noticed things began to get easier.... Then the 3 month mark seemed to be another one...
I liked your quote that " No one can make you feel inferior....." I copied that and will repeat it to myself when I am around a couple of people in my life that make me feel very much 'less than I know I am'....
Hope you enjoyed your day off!!! Sometimes after a particularly bad day a little bit of 'taking care of me time' does wonders!
If I remember I saw you had a MO appointment today... Hope all went well there!! I really can't believe this weather we're having!! I have lived in NY for most of my life and don't recall a winter season like this one ever! I was outside today getting my deck railing ready for staining tomorrow since, it is warm and the forecast isn't calling for rain for the next few days.... Hard to believe it's March.....
Galsal and Karina...
Hope you both are hanging in there!!!
Hi Barbara, Jo and MinusTwo..... Hope you all are having a good night!!0 -
LOL.... We must have been typing at the same time!!
Super news on the good mammo!!! And getting your surgical clearance.... I know the waiting is hard but, it will be worth it!! One more hurdle and you're THERE!!!
April will be here before you know it!0 -
Hooray for all with the good news they've shared! For my own self, another day down. I'm anxious and nervous at seeing the Oncologist tomorrow, but I've not smoked. Although for a minute or two I felt quite tempted to hunt down an e-cig of zero nicotine. My anti-depressant was changed from Wellbutrin to Celexa and I'm on the first week of the switch so am working without the big net, just the smaller one.
Looks like I'll have to go in and be seen my my primary doc,who in turn will send me for xrays and emg. Since the surgery, have had a problem with a pinched nerve that affects the right outer and now front thigh. Two days in a row, when waking from sleeping layed out flat, entire thigh has been numb. At least it's not something to tempt me to smoke!
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HIP HIP HOORAY ... Jo that is wonderful big hugs to you too.... Galsal .. hang in there ... ur doing great .. I know the anxiety though ... I think I have 21 days or so maybe .. but I think im like 5 to 6 days patch free .. so im hanging .. My finances did not allow for me to have my hair done today .. but I got the basic stuff like laundry and it was a beautiful day out here on Long Island ... sunny .. woo hoo
Hugs and love to you alll
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These appointments really are just SO nerve-wracking and the anticipation before and the waiting after are almost cruel but we all have to go through it and the best we can do is to be there and hold each other's hands...
Hope your MO appointment goes well.... Will be holding your hand tomorrow!
My Mom went through a pinched nerve episode a couple of years back and it was VERY painful... She was almost bed-ridden for several weeks... Adequate pain control combined with physical therapy helped tremendously! Hoping your doc gets to the bottom of the cause for your numbness and a solution to it! thinking of you!0 -
A 'Taking care of me day' can take many forms.... Sometimes grand and sometimes as simple as enjoying the sunshine on a day that you weren't expecting it! It's all good!0 -
Wow, today was a busy day, Jo, so glad you've passed all the hurdles, all ready for April. Lisamarie and Maria, you are both doing so well, a lot of temptations but holding firm to the "I will not smoke today", great slogan!! Galsal, I was anxious for my MO visit today too, as you are for tomorrows. Seems like it has been a busy few weeks for appts., scans and mammos. The MO switched me back to the trademark Arimidex to see if that would lessen the pain in my knees. We made use of that $40 a mo. site I had seen in the Arimidex thread since it was $409. at the pharmacy. The clinic is sending me sample packs so I can make the change sooner, since the Arimidex will be coming directly from the company after all enrollment forms in and Doctor's script are in. The Social Worker was impressed with the new Arimidex Direct site since none of the drug salesmen had informed her of it. Oh the things you find out about from! Cannot wait to make the switch, hope it does the trick. hugs to all, Karen Seaside, you constantly amaze me with all you remember, especially since there are so many of us right now. Took a major nap after my appt., thought I'd just close my eyes for a minute, ha.
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((((((((Galsal)))))))), big hugs for that pinched nerve, hoping they can get a handle on controling the pain and numbness.
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Hello Ladies it's almost 3 and I am working and feeding myself all day .. but it's like 6 or 7 now without a patch .. wooo hoo nicotine free ... my PS is gonna be proud of me ... Hell I am proud of me .. and I am Super proud of all of you as well ...
Karen, Jo , Glasal, Seaside,Bama, Maria ....xoxo and I prob 4get lots of u and I am sorry
Just For Today We will not Smoke !!!!
Hugs to y ou all
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lisamarie, I so admire your spunk, you had a terrible time at work , then went to the garden to walk, very tempted to smoke but you resisted, that PS better be impressed with you, without the patch and you are as full of vim and vigor as if nothing untoward is going on. You are a non-smoker, no small feat to accomplish, and doing it cold turkey. YAY for you!!! Karen
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Seeing my Primary Dr tomorrow about the numb thigh. Just for today, I did not smoke!
Drum roll please.....
The score on the Oncotype was a 12!!! Onc even pulled up the other program they use, Adjuvant, to show she'd compared them too. While it showed a 20+ score, it did show a breakdown that brought it back down to a 5-8. I do NOT need Chemo, although will be on Tamoxifen! Without the Chemo my risk is 8% of getting Breast Cancer again. With it, the risk would be 3%. Oh yeah...doing the HAPPY DANCE over here!
This lady was on her game, had already read my file and knew quite a few specifics. She'd gotten her hands on the test score the day before when it hadn't yet been received by her yet.
She asked the questions needed. However, a shocked look showed on her face when said Mom had to stop Tamoxifen due to blood clots in her lungs. I explained that I'd had the blood tests to see if I had inheirited the factors about the blood clotting and they'd been negative. See, out of Five that are important, Mom had THREE which is quite unusual. She wants me to find that information to show her at the next appt, to see which ones were the problem for her. Her concern is that if Mom's were positive and mine were negative, that some thing is off the mark and not right. Also, she has recommended to the Breast Clinic that I have Brca 1 and 2 testing because of Mine and Mom's BC, her Sister's Colon Cancer, and their Father's Prostate Cancer. I didn't realize there is a connection through the Brca2 gene about Prostate and Uterine Cancer.
She's leaving cyst to Gyn.
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ROOOLLLIINGGG THHHHEEE DRRRRUMMMMMM .... Yeah Galsal ... hope everything else turns out good 4 u ... I am Doing the Happpyyyyy Dance with you ....
Karen , I am trying...not to think about anything now .... except work can still be crazy at times but I will not let the creep thats here ruin anymore days 4 me .. .. I am just happy i have the support and love of u all .. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Where is JO ????
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lisamarie - Here I am!!! Had the day off from work and went to lunch and shopping with a dear friend. The weather was absolutely beautiful - 83 with a very light breeze. We call that Chamber of Commerce weather. Oh girlfriend!!! You are so doing this and cold turkey no less. I am so very proud of you and that PS of yours better be as well. If not, I will come there and punch his lights out LOL!
galsal - Hope you get some answers on the numb thumb - that has got to be frustrating.
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any time they send me for an emg, it takes so long to get one that by then (month or two later) the problem is gone. sigh
first day on tamoxifen.
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Galsal.... Hope u have a beautiful day ... and remember JUST FOR TODAY WE WILL NOT SMOKE ... Love ya ....
JO glad to see u , happy u had a day off .....
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Galsal - If you have not found it already, there is a thread called Bottle O' Tamoxifen. Jump over there and get on the Tammi train. The gals over there are absolutely wonderful and have lots of really good information as well as lots of support. Hope to see you there.
Good Mornng Lisamarie - Another day at work and another day I will not smoke!!!
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Jo, I joined over on the Tamoxifen thread. Thanks for the heads up.
All, have a lovely Friday and for another day we will not smoke!
Had hip and femur xrays and am being referred to PT. If that doesn't help, am to call Dr's RN and will get referred to Neuro. Seems, so far at least, I have Meralgia Paresthetica.
You know, it drives me up a frigging wall that all the time they say "lose weight". I even said to the Dr, when does that stop losing it's effectiveness. I walk, eat properly and lose nothing. She didn't have much to say, other than keep with it. Well sure since it keeps my Lipids and Glucose in line. But seriously, Cholesterol and Borderline Diabetes did not cause me to gain 30-40 lbs in less than one year...not when I was doing the same things I am now. Hell, even more in terms of physical activity. Still gets glossed over that since at least last Summer have had a low-grade of 99-100 at least once or twice a day. Standard blood tests show nothing wrong, both at the VA and with a private Dr. sigh Dr yesterday said well if it becomes over 100 then we'll look closer. WTF!
Okay, done venting.
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Morning all my non smoking friends ! another day I will not smoke ...:) At work with a not so nice someone once again . I wished there was a way to not feel sooo damm inferior to a jack ass!!!! I hate it when people can hold your job over your head it is most uncomfortable !!!!! anyway I guess I gotta let that shit go to ... I mean I have no control over anyone but Me ! Today I will not Smoke ..
Hugs and love to you alll