Stop Smoking Support Thread
My MO has had my mammo results now since Wed and has not called me yet. That is the only thing that is holding me up from getting a surgery date. I swear the stress is building and the mind is going to those dark places - this morning I had the thought that someting must be wrong and they haven't told me yet. I don't know what to think at this point. I had to take a long walk last night - with all this stress I so wanted to smoke but didn't. Thought of all you lovely non smoking ladies.
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Hi Lisamarie,
Big breath in.....hold....and slowly out!!! You will not allow another human being make you feel inferior. You will not consent to it and if they continue to do so say out loud....."You are making me feel uncomfortable because.....(insert reason) ......... and I don't like to be made feel uncomfortable",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,They will BACK OFF then!!!
You are doing well....we will be a month off the ciggies this weekend!........Keep up the good work!
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You hold on girl!!!I know it can be hard not to think dark thoughts at times. Sure only earlier this week I had myself dead and buried and my deposit paid to the funeral directors!!!!!!LOLHahahahahaahahahaha................ALL WE HAVE IS TODAY...........
Now you go and enjoy the E ciggie, I'll have a drag for you!
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Jo, we can go to those dark places so easily can't we, I had me at bone cancer earlier in the week. Call the Dr'.s office and tell them how anxious this makes you and you do not want to spend your weekend in this state, it is totally unnecessary and cruel. Those you squeek the most get results. I'll puff my e cig with you and Maria, ahhhh that is good! Sending up a prayer for you and sending &%#@ to Dr. for making you wait!!!!!!!!!! lots of hugs, Karen
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Jo , I cannot go like that waiting for answers ! I would call them and tell them how you are feeling ...{{HUGS}}}
I am much better now thank you Maria , I did say okay I am uncomfortable with no communication and I liked it much better when we got along .. so now things at work have lightend up !!! Jeeze sometimes shit can be so easy yet I choose to complicate it thanks again
Oh then I decided to see where I am at and Wooo Hooo I am 26 days smoke free and 8 days Nicotine free .. this is crazy ... I know it must be a mind thing now .. I hate the cravings and hope that it goes away soon
{{HUGS }}} I wish everyone happy thoughts and hapy vibes and a great non smoking day
Just For Today I will not Smoke !!!!
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lisamarie, YAY for you, 26 days smoke free and 8 with no nicotine, you are truly moving like a house afire!!!!!!!!!!! That means Maria is at 26 also or is she at 34, either way we a re talking in terms of months now - what a great achievement. I can remember when you were at 1 and 2 days. Supreme effort of willpower for both of you. Galsal, I can't remember where you are on the continuum? refresh my addled brain. Hope the P.T. helps your leg, lord that diagnosis is a long one, my grandson was having horrible back pain, went to PCP, his pelvis was tilted quite a bit, presumably from football tackle, although football has been over since November, also P.T. thinks because he had such a growth spurt. He went 6 times and now has exercises to do at home, mostly stretches, hope your's goes just as smoothly. hugs to all. Karen
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Yipee! Finally got my surgery date - April 18th. Have to go in and see the PS on the 11th to sign the consent forms and meet with the PS again. I do have a few more questions. Glad I was able to get this done before the weekend. I won't have that on my mind while DH and I are laying a new laminate floor in our living room.
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Jo, so happy you got the results, April 18th is right around the corner, Yippee for you. Weekend sounds like alot of fun, definitely glad you didn't have to wait till Monday!!!!!! hugs to you, Karen
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Karen - My e ciggie has sure come in handy this week. I may keep it around for a while longer.
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yeah Jo ... glad all is good now and u have ur surgery date ... {{HUGS}} u are doing amazing and dont work too hard on that floor .. lol I love working on stuff around the house . I got the keys to my new apt yesterday and I cannot wait to start moving and decorating .. My boss said she will help me out ..:)
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Jo, I always keep it in a really handy place too.
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I really want to get the living room finished so I can get my sewing room organized. I am hoping to do some sewing while I am recouping. I also have several books on my Nook. I will have to do something - it is going to drive me crazy being home and not at work.
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Karen, it's been since 1/13/12. I've not counted the days. Thanks!
Jo - surgery date, hooray! Sadly, my PS appt of next week has been rescheduled by them until 4/11. He's filling in for another with surgery on the Weds in-between. The specialty clinics only see patients on Weds.
Feeling more down or blue than normal. I'm thinking it's because of the switch phase between Wellbutrin and Celexa. Not even one full week yet on Celexa. It doesn't help that the Arthritis or Fibro has kicked in and feeling it lovely in the hands. But the mood things - it's screwing around with the class I'm taking. I'm about to withdraw, sadly. Have no interest in it and it's a very interesting topic. Tracking and profiling hackers, pedophiles and stalkers. Computer crime investigations.
For just today I have not smoked!
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Galsal - Bummer on the change in the schedule. On 4/11 I go to the PS for my preop stuff.
Sending you hugs and hope you can get to feeling better soon.
Do glad I quit smoking so I can have this surgery.
For just today i have not smoked!!
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I'll be so jealous of you that day, Jo! Happy for you though too.
A new day to embrace the "just for today I will not smoke" mantra!
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Galsal - We can keep each other company with pocket parties - LOL! It will be a time when we can really support and encourage each other. You will get a date real soon I just know it.
What a great new day! Just for today I will not smoke!
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Jo and Galsal, you two will be within weeks of each other's procedure, the rest of us will go along for the ride, so be sure to wear something with pockets when you go to the hospital. Big pockets, we are quite the group now! Seaside, temps dropped 20 degrees here, there two? Although it felt good to open the window and snuggle down with the comforter to sleep. I woke up with my DD's cat on the other pillow and both my cats on either side of the bed down near the end of the bed. Bama - no football on ch. 227 today, must have been a fluke. Stopped taking the Arimidex generic on Thursday and the burning in my knees is already less. Dr's office sent me 2 sample bottles of brand name Arimidex, started those yesterday so far - so good. I'm not walking like my grandma today! Maria and lisamarie choosing not to smoke today, go girls go. Hi o2b, thiking of you. hugs Karen
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Where is o2b anyway? Haven't seen her around lately.
Karen - We have grown into quite the group. Not only will I wear big pockets, I will also make room in the bed for everyone. I have not been an inpatient since 1981 - in some ways that is kinda scary. I will make it through though knowing you gals are with me even if it is in spirit.
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It feels strange that I could have a date in the not too near future. The roomie I had in the hospital, she too had bmx without rads or chemo and she'd been made to wait a year for recon. I can't imagine they'd be having me consulting with PS merely to say, okay here's the decisions and oh you can wait a year. HA
Pockets! I'll wear some BDU pants for extra pockets!
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Galsal - I happen to know what BDUs are. I was in the Air Force for 20 years and owned several sets of them. They were so comfy - the boots could get hot on the feet though. I could dig mine out - I actually saved a pair.
I will keep my fingers crossed you will not have to wait too long. I can't see the point in having a consultation with a PS just to wait a year. It sounds like there was a scheduling/doctor coverage problem.
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OK Air Force ladies, what is a BDU? fatigues?
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Karen - BDU is short for Battle Dress Uniform. They are usually camoflauge looking. In other words it is a fancy term for fatigues. You will see them in different colors depending on the location and terrain. Some are green, blue (water), tan ( desert).
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The meals have a set of initials too, MRE's or is that something else? My ex-husband was in the Air Force but I don't hold it agaist the Air Force, LOL. hugs to you, Karen
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Karen - MRE are Meals Ready to Eat. Each one is about 1500 calories but when you are out in the field, you need them plus you will burn it all off and then some. They are not the best but one tends to eat just about anything when you are hungry. I have had more than my share of them.
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Sorry about that. Yes, the older style of OD Green fatigue patns would work too. Or at least the Female ones had side-leg pockets along with waist pockets too.
Some of the MREs are better than others. The fav dessert of mine was the Cherry Nut Cake. I'd SO trade to get that. Unless my memory fails me, MREs are better than the old C-Rats we used to get. LOL Except for those John Wayne Bars.
Of course, you know where the Air Force came from. TeeHee
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Hi Karen! Hi Jo! Hi Seadside! Hi Bama! Hi all the newbies! Still around, just not on-line as much with working two jobs :-(
Love reading all the posts, you are all so great with encouraging each other and I Love the new motto 'Just for today, I will not smoke!!!" It is a daily comment and you are all doing GREAT!!!!
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Another day of "Just for today I will not smoke"! All the best to each of you!
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Hi Ladies and Happy Monday ... yes Galsal "Just for today I will not smoke " hanging in there strong .. the urges are driving me nuts at times .. but still Nicotine free .. 11 days no patch .. 29 days smoke free wow ...
I am sorry I have not been here .. I am busy trying to get packed .. moving this week .. then my kids coming to visit for easter ...
JO hope all is well .. seaside , maria , bama .. Karen ..I know I missed some ... WE are all AMAZING ! Have a beautiful day all
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Hi All! Just checking in. Been busy for two days laying laminate flooring and painting my living room. Almost done. Have some things to hang on the walls but have to wait for the paint to dry some more - don't want stuff to stick.
Almost have my sewing room put back together. All the crap from the living room was in there. I am also going to get a few quilt projects together that I can work on once I am home from the hospital. I know I still have a little over 3 weeks but with my job I don't have a lot of time.
Hope everyone had a great Monday. As lisamarie said - WE ARE ALL AMAZING!!
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Hi all, just checking in to see how everyone is doing, we are all amazing in our pursuit of being non-smokers, I am 16 mos. now, each A.M. when I can smell my DD's first cigarette of the day, I have renewed respect for you Jo. It is only that first one that gets to me that badly, the rest of the day I am fine, no cravings. Had our monthly WNY er's luncheon this past Sat., it is always good to be with your friends who have walked the same path as you, we talk so much we are always asking the waitress for a few more minutes to place our orders! We did not miss a single month due to bad weather, definitely couldn't say that last year. hugs to all, Karen